كيف سبقت دول أميركا اللاتينية الدول المتقدمة في الانتصار بالحرب ضد التضخم؟

  • last year


00:00 Latin American countries are classified as third world countries, but they were able to outperform the first world countries and win in their war on smog.
00:11 We start with Brazil, which was able to raise the interest rates to 14.1% during the year from 2.1%,
00:20 but it recently lowered the interest rates by 25.1% to 13.25%.
00:27 Chile was the first big economy in the region to lower interest rates after the pandemic,
00:34 and it lowered interest rates in July by a full 100% to 10.25%.
00:42 Brazil outperformed the US Federal Reserve in the smog fight and the US Federal Decree to raise interest rates,
00:49 which was raised in March 2021, while the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates in March 2022.
00:57 Chile also outperformed the European Central Bank and raised interest rates in July 2021,
01:04 while the European Central Bank started raising interest rates in July 2022.
01:10 Brazil was able to slow down the growth of smog in the country to 3.2%, which is less than the target levels for this year.
01:20 The Citibank expected the overall local product growth for Brazil to be 2.3% this year.
01:27 Chile was able to slow down the growth of smog to 7.6%, which is half of August 2022 when the smog reached 14%.
01:38 Mexico followed the same approach, but maintained strong economic relations with the US,
01:48 and was able to slow down the growth of smog to 5% and the interest rates to 11%.
01:56 Argentina, however, is an exceptional case and is out of the smog.
02:01 Due to the currency printing, government spending led to a double in local currency,
02:08 which rose by 115% despite the rise in interest rates to very high levels, approaching 100%.
