• last year


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00:01:59 Grab your last look at Precide, kid.
00:02:02 [train sounds]
00:02:15 Hi, Emma.
00:02:16 Hi.
00:02:17 Shut up.
00:02:18 [footsteps]
00:02:31 Line up by twos.
00:02:33 Take them to the receiving room, Kathy.
00:02:35 You know the way blindfolded.
00:02:37 [footsteps]
00:02:47 [shower running]
00:02:55 Heard you was falling back in.
00:02:57 Still got your scrubbing made up.
00:02:59 Give me some skin.
00:03:03 Ah, no guy's given me a tumble in months.
00:03:06 Shut up.
00:03:08 The lists are alphabetical.
00:03:10 Marie Allen.
00:03:19 [typing]
00:03:26 Court says you're married. Legitimate?
00:03:32 All valuables must be turned over to us until you hit Precide.
00:03:41 Wedding ring, too.
00:03:53 [typing]
00:03:59 This is a college jail. Gum hills must have been here first.
00:04:02 Do they still soak your fiber for a phone call or a visitor?
00:04:06 Sign this. I'll fill it in later.
00:04:10 Mother living? Father? Any brothers, sisters?
00:04:14 No, there's just my mother.
00:04:17 She got married again.
00:04:20 Nothing like this has ever happened to anybody in the family.
00:04:23 No previous criminal records.
00:04:28 Case of death, what do we notify?
00:04:30 Death? Oh, Mom, I guess.
00:04:35 Belong to any church?
00:04:38 We used to go. It's a church on State Street.
00:04:42 I forget its name. I think...
00:04:47 Armed robbery for one to 15 years.
00:04:50 The judge called me an accessory.
00:04:52 I've got to get your version of the crime, so shoot.
00:04:56 Well, we'd only been married a couple of months.
00:05:00 We tried to find a place to live, but everything cost so much, so...
00:05:03 So Mom let us move in with her and my stepfather.
00:05:08 Well, Tom was always fighting with Gus.
00:05:11 That's my stepfather.
00:05:14 He tried to find a better job, and then he got fired.
00:05:17 Get to the crime.
00:05:19 When Tom drove into that gas station, I stayed in the car a while, while he...
00:05:25 Then the attendant hit Tom over the head, and I went out to help him.
00:05:30 I guess that's why they called me an accessory.
00:05:33 They took back the $40.
00:05:35 Five bucks less, and it wouldn't be a felony.
00:05:38 Don't try to kid me. How old are you, really?
00:05:41 I'm 18.
00:05:44 Sorry, miss, I'll skip the medical test. You look normal enough.
00:05:48 Lots of them having all their marbles.
00:05:52 You can take your physical.
00:05:54 Where?
00:05:55 The infirmary. Your number's 93850.
00:05:59 9-8-3-5-0.
00:06:00 No, 9-3-8-5-0. Remember it.
00:06:03 The infirmary's at the end of the corridor. Follow your nose.
00:06:07 Don't be a barber. Snap into it.
00:06:12 Say, you got real skinny, didn't you?
00:06:20 I hope your batch is cleaner than the last lot.
00:06:23 I had to scrub them with brooms.
00:06:31 Eyes okay.
00:06:42 No drugs in the ears. Open your mouth wide.
00:06:47 I said wide.
00:06:53 No drugs in the mouth.
00:06:55 Teeth sound.
00:06:58 Lung tap sound.
00:07:01 Heart excited but strong enough.
00:07:10 What's the matter?
00:07:12 I feel a little sick.
00:07:14 You get that way often?
00:07:16 Yes, the last week or so.
00:07:19 Say, you expecting company?
00:07:25 I don't know.
00:07:27 Another pregnant one.
00:07:29 Get up.
00:07:34 You know who the father is?
00:07:37 My husband.
00:07:38 Well, ain't we getting respectable?
00:07:42 Got any help with the expenses?
00:07:44 He's dead.
00:07:46 Another bill for the state.
00:07:48 Get dressed.
00:07:49 Shall I put down pregnant?
00:07:51 No, better wait, see what the doc says.
00:07:55 That train seal sure can ask a lot of questions.
00:07:58 Who is this Pearl Harbor anyway? Is she an inmate?
00:08:00 Shut up, Emma, and strip.
00:08:02 Oh, goody.
00:08:08 Never mind the glamour, Puss.
00:08:11 Couldn't I have a comb?
00:08:13 What's the difference? There's no men in here.
00:08:38 Can I write a letter to my mother?
00:08:40 No, not while you're in isolation.
00:08:42 You're going to stay here until your blood test comes back.
00:08:45 So for two weeks, there'll be no mail, no visitors, no nothing.
00:08:50 Welcome to Lysol Lane.
00:09:16 Did you just get in today?
00:09:19 I'm on the last lap.
00:09:22 Ten to twenty, they had to put me in here, no beds in the infirmary.
00:09:28 I'm sick.
00:09:31 I got it bad.
00:09:34 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:09:37 You better not stay too close to the beds, sister.
00:10:03 It's just the break you get.
00:10:23 Sometimes you get a matron who's a louse, sometimes you get a good egg.
00:10:29 I'd walk a mile for a cigarette, if they'd let me.
00:10:34 I was just thinking.
00:10:35 Quit bragging.
00:10:36 It's all the judge's fault I'm here.
00:10:39 When Joe first beats me up, I grab his gun and just wing him in the shoulder.
00:10:42 Do they arrest me? No.
00:10:44 Then a year later, I fire at Joe again and miss.
00:10:47 Do they give me a rap for attempted assault? No.
00:10:50 Then last year, I defend myself again with a gun, and the police still treats me like I was poison ivy.
00:10:56 And then finally, I finish Joe off for good.
00:10:59 But it's that judge.
00:11:01 If he didn't have me the first three times while I was just practicing, I wouldn't be here now for murder.
00:11:07 It's all the judge's fault.
00:11:09 Ha, ha.
00:11:11 Read it and weep.
00:11:18 Rubbing it in because we're behind the iron.
00:11:35 Heads or tails, you loons.
00:11:39 You girls are moving along today.
00:11:42 Marie Allen, I've got news for you from the infirmary.
00:11:45 Your blood came back okay. No treatment.
00:11:48 Now the superintendent will see you first.
00:11:51 And, uh, doc says you're two months on the way.
00:12:03 This swell, honey.
00:12:05 I got a grown-up son.
00:12:07 Older than you.
00:12:08 It's funny. You get a baby from a guy and then 20 years later, you finish him off.
00:12:13 Hello, Ann.
00:12:15 Well, it's good to see you.
00:12:17 How are things up front?
00:12:18 Busy.
00:12:19 Who's first?
00:12:20 Marie Allen.
00:12:24 Good luck, kid.
00:12:26 Be seeing you.
00:12:29 It's tough at first. I know. I've been through the mill.
00:12:32 Been here eight years.
00:12:34 Kept my nose clean and Mrs. Benton let me help her in the office.
00:12:38 Having a regular job like that certainly makes you feel good after working in the bakery for five years.
00:12:44 What are you in for?
00:12:48 Murder.
00:13:00 Come in. Sit down here, please.
00:13:13 Don't be frightened.
00:13:16 I want you to know that we're all here to help you.
00:13:19 I want you to believe that I'd like to be your friend, if you'll let me.
00:13:25 What is it?
00:13:27 What's troubling you, Marie?
00:13:48 I've been so lonely the last two weeks.
00:13:52 Those other women, the way they talked to me, the awful things they said.
00:13:58 And those matrons always watching, never leaving you alone.
00:14:02 You'll find all kinds of women in here, just as you would outside.
00:14:07 But every large institution must have rules.
00:14:10 And the matrons are here to see that the rules are obeyed.
00:14:15 You weren't sent here to be punished. Just being here is the punishment, that's all.
00:14:24 You know, first offenders like you, Marie, are our greatest concern.
00:14:30 Unfortunately, they have to be crowded in with more experienced women simply because we haven't more space.
00:14:35 And you'll be with such women.
00:14:39 Of course, I want you to have friends. All of us need an outlet for affection.
00:14:44 But no prison is a normal place.
00:14:48 How soon can I go home?
00:14:51 If your record is good, you can come up for parole in ten months.
00:14:57 But I'm going to have a baby. Do I have to have it in here?
00:15:03 I know how you feel, Marie.
00:15:06 But the inmates aren't allowed to go home to have their babies.
00:15:12 Don't worry. Any blood relative can take care of your child until you get out.
00:15:19 My mother will take care of it.
00:15:22 But they wouldn't let me ride her. Can I ride her now?
00:15:25 Of course, now that we're sure that your relatives actually exist.
00:15:29 That's because some of the inmates change their criminal contacts into kind-hearted uncles and cousins,
00:15:35 and sometimes even sick grandmothers.
00:15:40 I know how strange all this is to you.
00:15:43 But you were sent here because you were involved in a serious crime.
00:15:48 We want to help you so that when you go home you can start a new life.
00:15:53 I want to do the right thing.
00:15:56 You're an intelligent girl. You know good from bad.
00:16:00 Try to keep busy. It's important.
00:16:04 Now as to your work.
00:16:08 I'll bet you helped your mother with your father's shirts, didn't you?
00:16:12 Yes.
00:16:13 Now we'll put you in the laundry. As a checker, it'll be easier for you because of the baby.
00:16:18 You can see me any time.
00:16:22 (Sigh)
00:16:47 Hi, Ann.
00:16:48 Hello, Harper.
00:16:50 Since you went fancy working upstairs for Benton, I kind of missed you.
00:16:54 This is Marie Allen. Mrs. Benton says to put her in laundry.
00:16:58 Marie's going to have a baby.
00:17:00 A baby, huh?
00:17:02 Well, you're just a kid yourself.
00:17:06 So long, Marie.
00:17:07 Goodbye, Ann.
00:17:08 Thank you.
00:17:10 Let's you and me get acquainted, honey.
00:17:14 You may be a number to the others, but not to me.
00:17:18 Sit down in this chair. It's kind of roomy.
00:17:26 You like the stuff in here, huh?
00:17:29 Just little presents for my girls. We're taking good care of them.
00:17:35 Caramel?
00:17:36 No, thank you.
00:17:37 Cigarette?
00:17:40 You know, you're going to find out that a lot of things are tough to get in here.
00:17:45 This is just a little personal service of my own.
00:17:49 On the side, sort of. Understand?
00:17:54 I like to do a good turn for my girls.
00:17:57 Why, sometimes on my night off, I drop in on their relatives.
00:18:02 I could get real news to your husband.
00:18:06 He's dead.
00:18:08 What about your people? What do they do?
00:18:11 My stepfather's a mechanic, but he's not working.
00:18:17 Well, I guess they saved up for her any day.
00:18:19 Like me, investing in real estate for my old age.
00:18:24 Well, you think how much easier I could make it for you.
00:18:27 You being in a delicate condition, so to speak.
00:18:30 The little comforts.
00:18:32 Maybe you got a habit that's hard to break.
00:18:35 Cigarettes or something?
00:18:37 I know how it is.
00:18:39 I could get you whatever you wanted.
00:18:43 Time's money to me. I can't favor every one of 60 girls.
00:18:47 Well, Mom would be glad to help if she could.
00:18:50 No, don't, will you?
00:18:55 Follow me.
00:19:07 Home, sweet home.
00:19:09 Just like the big cage in the zoo, only you clean it up instead of the keeper.
00:19:13 Bucket and brush is in the corner closet.
00:19:16 Mrs. Benton said I was going to work in the laundry.
00:19:19 I'm the boss here. Start scrubbing.
00:19:22 But Mrs. Benton told me...
00:19:25 Where do I begin, Miss Harper?
00:19:30 Now you're getting hip.
00:19:33 (clattering)
00:19:35 Use this line. Soap's low.
00:20:02 Okay, get going.
00:20:04 Didn't you ever scrub a floor before?
00:20:14 Put your shoulder in it.
00:20:16 Now you're doing okay.
00:20:21 Keep that up and you and me are going to get along just fine.
00:20:30 Pipe the new fish.
00:20:33 Millie, the old dame in the bed, says you're loud-talked to, Harper.
00:20:37 That took guts.
00:20:39 How much time you pulling?
00:20:41 One to 15 years.
00:20:43 But I come up for parole in 10 months.
00:20:45 Just a hot minute. Watch your rap.
00:20:48 Robbery. Hmm? Society.
00:20:51 Licensed don't talk to CPs.
00:20:54 CPs? Are you kidding?
00:20:57 CP, common prostitute.
00:20:59 Why, you been living the moon?
00:21:01 Her name's Smoochie.
00:21:03 Glad to meet you.
00:21:07 Got news for you. She's all right.
00:21:18 I'm Kitty Stark and that's Claire. What's your name?
00:21:21 Marie Allen.
00:21:23 Stop scrubbing. Chew the fat.
00:21:27 Hey, Lottie, chock us.
00:21:30 Maybe you need bifocals.
00:21:44 Dish is poison. Harper's pet knows.
00:21:47 - I'll tell Evelyn. - Evelyn?
00:21:49 Don't kid me. Harper's first name is Filth.
00:21:54 (train whistle)
00:21:56 (train whistle)
00:21:59 (train whistle)
00:22:01 (train whistle)
00:22:15 (train whistle)
00:22:17 Kitty. Kitty.
00:22:30 Oh, Kitty.
00:22:32 - What's the beef? - The bait's in.
00:22:34 Said if I broke another dish, she'd report me.
00:22:36 She refuses to believe I've never worked in the kitchen.
00:22:39 Yeah, I know, but ain't I told you not to go shooting your mouth off about yourself
00:22:42 all about the servants you had and your governesses and the yacht your old man bought?
00:22:47 Oh, why won't anyone understand?
00:22:50 It's always been like that.
00:22:54 Even as a child, I had no one to go to when I was in trouble.
00:22:58 My parents were always away.
00:23:01 Even after I was married, I...
00:23:04 You're new here, aren't you?
00:23:12 I'm Georgia Harrison.
00:23:15 I'm not supposed to be here. I didn't forge those checks. It was all a mistake.
00:23:19 Wait until my appeal comes through. Then I'll get out of here.
00:23:23 My father's waiting for me.
00:23:27 And he knows I'm not guilty.
00:23:30 We have a rose garden out in back, and in the summer it's beautiful.
00:23:34 All day I'll sit and watch the roses.
00:23:38 And in the evening...
00:23:41 She's a real lady, Georgia.
00:23:44 Only she married some guy who likes spending other people's dough,
00:23:47 so he got her to write out a bunch of bounces.
00:23:50 I got news for you. Georgia gives this place class.
00:23:54 She ain't the only one. I had two real mink coats,
00:23:57 and a closet full of black lace nighties,
00:23:59 and a shelf full of real French perfumes that my girls lifted right out of one of the swankiest stores in town.
00:24:04 Go rub it in. All I ever had was a different pair of shoes for every night.
00:24:09 - Child line! - Nanny!
00:24:14 - Millie! - What?
00:24:15 Nanny, look it! Did you read all about me in the papers?
00:24:18 They even had my picture.
00:24:21 Get those things out of here.
00:24:23 Next time I'll get somebody to show you how to scrub a floor.
00:24:27 In line!
00:24:32 (thunder rumbling)
00:24:36 (thunder rumbling)
00:24:39 (clattering)
00:24:43 (clattering)
00:24:46 (clattering)
00:24:49 (clattering)
00:24:52 (clattering)
00:24:55 (clattering)
00:24:59 (clattering)
00:25:02 (clattering)
00:25:05 (clattering)
00:25:33 Get back to the bullpen.
00:25:36 Wheeler, how did you get word to Benton?
00:25:45 I didn't.
00:25:47 You're a liar.
00:25:50 You're right in a phony, Hopper.
00:25:53 It was me got word to Benton.
00:25:56 I'm a tall weed in the grass and the grapevines blooming.
00:26:01 (laughing)
00:26:03 You old buzzard.
00:26:06 Lay a hand on me and I'll put your lights out.
00:26:09 I'm in for life.
00:26:11 One more like you is just so much velvet.
00:26:15 Ain't got no time to argue.
00:26:20 Line up for count.
00:26:29 (clattering)
00:26:32 (counting)
00:26:36 (counting)
00:26:40 (counting)
00:26:43 (counting)
00:26:47 (counting)
00:26:51 (counting)
00:26:55 (counting)
00:26:59 (counting)
00:27:02 (counting)
00:27:05 (counting)
00:27:08 (counting)
00:27:11 (counting)
00:27:14 (counting)
00:27:17 (counting)
00:27:20 (counting)
00:27:23 (counting)
00:27:26 (counting)
00:27:29 (counting)
00:27:32 (counting)
00:27:35 (counting)
00:27:38 (counting)
00:27:41 You're a star simple if you think you made more dough playing the con game than I did in my racket.
00:27:46 Who you calling star simple, you cheap crook?
00:27:48 Oh, quit bragging about how much dough you used to make both of you. Give me a pain.
00:27:52 I made double what any of you made and I'm not bragging.
00:27:55 There wasn't a crooked jeweler in town who didn't come to me.
00:27:58 Once I stashed a load of hot ice worth 50,000 bucks.
00:28:02 What a sweet racket we had. Six suckers a day bit the hook.
00:28:06 Huh, then we'd line 'em out of town before the coppers caught up.
00:28:09 Joe and me lived high.
00:28:11 Gee, you girls are lucky. I always fall in love with a guy that won't work.
00:28:15 Last one beat me up, then beat out of town.
00:28:18 But I got news for you. Men are important.
00:28:21 Personally, I'd hate to see them abolished.
00:28:23 If it wasn't for men, we wouldn't be in here.
00:28:25 You said it. I've been married five times.
00:28:28 What's wrong with that?
00:28:30 Nothing. You're not married to them all at the same time, like I was.
00:28:35 I bet you got some story too, eh, Kitty?
00:28:39 Your husband in stirrer?
00:28:44 He was killed in the hood.
00:28:46 If he was alive, he'd have another day when he got out anyway.
00:28:49 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:28:52 Night, night.
00:28:54 How many jobs did you pull before they nabbed you?
00:28:59 I don't want to talk about it. Please.
00:29:03 You will.
00:29:06 (telephone ringing)
00:29:09 (telephone ringing)
00:29:11 (telephone ringing)
00:29:27 (telephone ringing)
00:29:29 (telephone ringing)
00:29:31 (telephone ringing)
00:29:33 (telephone ringing)
00:29:35 (telephone ringing)
00:30:02 (woman humming)
00:30:05 ♪ Bird in a cage, my ♪
00:30:20 ♪ Bird in a cage ♪
00:30:23 ♪ Waiting for wings ♪
00:30:26 ♪ Waiting for wings ♪
00:30:31 (coughing)
00:30:33 I want to go home.
00:30:46 I want to get out of here.
00:30:49 Do you hear that train?
00:30:55 People are going home on that train.
00:30:59 (screaming)
00:31:01 Conductor, wait for me.
00:31:06 Let me on that train.
00:31:08 (glass shattering)
00:31:10 Let me out of here.
00:31:12 I don't belong in here.
00:31:15 I'm Georgia Harrison.
00:31:18 Father.
00:31:21 (whistle blowing)
00:31:22 Father.
00:31:24 Father.
00:31:27 Father.
00:31:28 Oh, Father.
00:31:31 Grab her.
00:31:35 She's bleeding like a stuck pig.
00:31:37 A cold hose will quiet her down.
00:31:41 No, Harper, the infirmary.
00:31:43 She's got an artery.
00:31:44 (crying)
00:31:46 (crying)
00:31:48 (telephone ringing)
00:32:05 Fire out here, Tramp.
00:32:12 (telephone ringing)
00:32:14 Richardson, Velma.
00:32:20 Kofsky, Jada.
00:32:21 O'Connor, Mary.
00:32:22 Allen, Marie.
00:32:24 (telephone ringing)
00:32:41 (telephone ringing)
00:33:09 That old lady of mine, the things she writes.
00:33:12 And I know you'll be a good girl and keep out of trouble.
00:33:16 How much more trouble can I get into?
00:33:19 Get lost.
00:33:22 You ain't deep.
00:33:24 I've been watching you.
00:33:27 You're no squealer, so I'm gonna give you a break.
00:33:30 What are you gonna do when you flop out of stir?
00:33:32 Ever figure on boosting?
00:33:34 This kid wouldn't know a booster from a hustler.
00:33:36 Boosting, shoplifting, the department store circuit.
00:33:39 None of your five and dime stuff like your first rat.
00:33:42 We operate on a big scale.
00:33:44 The boys will protect you just like your own mother.
00:33:47 If they protect you, why are you in here?
00:33:50 I knocked a guy off.
00:33:52 (bell ringing)
00:33:53 The syndicate pays me for recruitment
00:33:55 so I can take care of Harper.
00:33:57 Live easy.
00:33:59 You just leave it to me and I'll see that you get your parole quick.
00:34:04 You see these guys I'm working with,
00:34:07 they got dragged.
00:34:09 Time to flop out and they'll fake a legit job for you.
00:34:14 With the soft dough you can make shoplifting,
00:34:16 you can get the things a girl likes.
00:34:19 I know what's going through her head.
00:34:24 She's been listening to Benton.
00:34:26 Rehabilitation, taking cold showers,
00:34:28 working for good behavior.
00:34:31 When I get out, I'm not coming back.
00:34:33 - After I'm paroled. - Paroled?
00:34:35 Didn't the parole board okay me?
00:34:37 I've been packed a solid year pulling dead time.
00:34:40 You're a repeater.
00:34:41 They don't let any con out of stir
00:34:43 until the parole officer gets her a job and a place to live.
00:34:46 We think we're flopping out, then wham.
00:34:48 They can't find us a job,
00:34:50 and we're packed in here pulling dead time.
00:34:52 You see, kid, in this cage,
00:34:54 you get tough or you get killed.
00:34:57 Better wise up before it's too late.
00:35:00 Now, how about it?
00:35:03 Don't think I'm not grateful,
00:35:05 but I don't want to get mixed up in anything.
00:35:08 I don't think boosting's the only way to get along
00:35:11 when I get out of here.
00:35:13 I've got to do it my own way.
00:35:17 ( dramatic theme playing )
00:35:21 ( dramatic theme playing )
00:35:25 ( dramatic theme playing )
00:35:53 ( sighs )
00:35:55 You was a nurse in the free side.
00:35:59 What's the matter with her?
00:36:01 Nothing that vitamins and calcium wouldn't help.
00:36:03 They got them pills in the pogie?
00:36:05 They never heard of anything but aspirin.
00:36:07 Tell the nurse I said she should go out
00:36:09 and get you whatever stuff you need.
00:36:11 That slob will do it. She owes me plenty.
00:36:13 - I'm all right now. - Marie knows we're taking favors from you, Willander.
00:36:16 - Ain't you learned nothing? - Quit needling her.
00:36:18 The only thing important is my baby.
00:36:20 If you're old enough to have a kid, you don't need this big sister
00:36:23 sticking her nose where it don't belong.
00:36:25 Ha-ha.
00:36:26 Tomorrow's parole board day.
00:36:34 Would you find out if my name's on the list?
00:36:37 - Mrs. Benton promised at the moment-- - You're on the list.
00:36:40 3.30 tomorrow. Benton's office. Be there.
00:36:44 ( panting )
00:36:46 Nice work, kid.
00:36:51 I got a new bra you can have.
00:36:53 - I got some slick new perfume you can have. - Let me iron your dress out.
00:36:55 - Put your hair up and come. - I'll do it.
00:36:57 Do they fit?
00:37:00 They pinch a little, but they look better than mine.
00:37:03 Thanks.
00:37:05 - Well, how do I look? - Oh, fine.
00:37:13 3 o'clock.
00:37:15 Three hours away.
00:37:17 I'd have gone crazy if I had to pull another year.
00:37:21 I'll be 30 soon.
00:37:25 After you got out the first time, what made you fall back in?
00:37:28 Same thing that got me in the first time.
00:37:31 A guy.
00:37:40 When I met him, I was wet behind the ears.
00:37:43 Sex and love and marriage all mixed up.
00:37:46 When I got out of school, he hired me.
00:37:49 I didn't know until it was too late what kind of a...
00:37:53 dirty racket he was in.
00:37:55 I loved him too much to walk out on him.
00:37:59 You're lucky your man's dead.
00:38:03 - Don't say that. - Your man's dead.
00:38:06 He can't turn you into a two-time loser like mine did.
00:38:10 Even after I got out the first time,
00:38:13 Larry was waiting for me.
00:38:16 But that's all over with.
00:38:19 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:22 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:24 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:26 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:29 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:31 I'm starting from scratch.
00:38:59 They flopped me back.
00:39:01 They flopped me back.
00:39:05 Quit cheating, you dirty crook.
00:39:24 Who are you calling a dirty crook?
00:39:26 Shut up, the both of you, and play cards.
00:39:28 - You call me a dirty crook. - It's true, isn't it?
00:39:30 Yes, but I have a right to be sensitive about it, don't I?
00:39:33 I'll call you an up-two.
00:39:36 You're loaded with nothing.
00:39:39 There's your two and three more.
00:39:41 You and this pot, June.
00:39:49 The twister and the slammer.
00:39:51 365 more nights and days.
00:39:57 Wake up.
00:39:58 Get a load of the new look.
00:40:25 By the time we get out of here, it'll be the old look.
00:40:28 I got news for you.
00:40:30 That's what Dames are wearing now. I'm glad I'm in here.
00:40:33 The guy outside likes the way I look.
00:40:43 He must have bought himself a brand new car.
00:40:47 Must be a truck.
00:40:49 He's taking me to a show.
00:40:53 Tough they flopped you back in.
00:40:55 We could have double-dated with his friend.
00:40:58 After the show, he's taking me to his place.
00:41:03 Let's get a room up over the bar where he works.
00:41:07 Real comfortable, if you know what I mean.
00:41:12 Every time he kisses me goodnight, I just want to keep on leaving him.
00:41:18 - He's got... - Keep your snoot out of our business.
00:41:21 Keep your snoot out of our business.
00:41:23 Goodnight, girls. Sweet dreams.
00:41:32 At least we have honest maitresses here.
00:41:37 When I bribe one, she stays bribed.
00:41:40 Anything you want.
00:41:45 I'll be back.
00:41:47 Harper!
00:41:56 Before you go, you better tell Benton.
00:41:59 June's acting stirpogs.
00:42:01 All repeaters act queer when they flop back.
00:42:04 Pete don't like me to keep him waiting.
00:42:07 See you in the morning, girls.
00:42:10 (BELL RINGING)
00:42:12 (BELL RINGING)
00:42:14 (DOOR CREAKING)
00:42:18 (DOOR CREAKING)
00:42:34 (SOBBING)
00:42:41 (SOBBING)
00:42:43 June.
00:42:54 June. June.
00:43:07 June.
00:43:10 (SOBBING)
00:43:13 (SOBBING)
00:43:41 (GASPING)
00:43:43 I'd like to speak to Dr. Saunders.
00:43:57 What? I can't hear you.
00:44:01 Yes, I know.
00:44:04 Shh. Shh.
00:44:06 He's not here. He went out on a case.
00:44:09 Dr. Ashton? This is Ruth Benton.
00:44:12 I'm sorry to call you at such an hour,
00:44:14 but I remember your offer to be a free consultant.
00:44:17 An emergency. A premature birth.
00:44:20 Eight months.
00:44:23 Yes, thank you, Doctor.
00:44:26 What's everybody blowing their fumes for?
00:44:30 I delivered kids in here by the dozen.
00:44:32 It's a miracle they didn't die.
00:44:35 It's a miracle they didn't die.
00:44:37 Get a clean blanket.
00:44:55 When my dog had this temper, I took him to a cleaner infirmary than this one.
00:45:01 Yes, I know, Doctor.
00:45:03 I suppose I put in requisitions to have this place modernized and repainted.
00:45:06 Why not use $1,000 of your budget for the purpose?
00:45:09 Maybe if the medical board were to take it up.
00:45:12 Five inmates have told me June was acutely depressed last night.
00:45:30 They swear they asked you to advise me.
00:45:32 You believe any bullies inmates hand you.
00:45:35 I've asked you time and time again to watch changes in a girl's behavior.
00:45:39 You mean to tell me you couldn't see that she was acting strangely?
00:45:42 With 60 girls in my bullpen, my only job is to see that nobody escapes.
00:45:46 You helped to kill June just as surely as if you'd hanged her yourself.
00:45:49 Will they investigate?
00:45:56 I wish somebody cared enough to make an investigation.
00:46:01 So, what are you going to do? Suspend me?
00:46:04 I'm going to do everything I can to have you fired.
00:46:08 You gave me three suspensions and you couldn't make one of them stick.
00:46:14 Remember?
00:46:15 This time I will.
00:46:17 So you call the commissioner.
00:46:19 So what?
00:46:20 I call my friend Thornton Goodrich.
00:46:22 He gets the commissioner on the phone and bingo!
00:46:24 I'm back on the job again.
00:46:26 You sit there on your bustle, the big boss, and think you know how to run this place.
00:46:31 Do you know how it ought to be run?
00:46:34 With a piece of rubber hose.
00:46:36 Break them in two if they talk out of turn.
00:46:39 Anyone who doesn't toe the mark sits in solitary for one month.
00:46:43 Bread and water.
00:46:44 One funny move from a girl and I'd clip every hair off of her head.
00:46:48 That's the way it used to be run and that's the way it ought to be run.
00:46:52 Just like there are a bunch of animals in a cage.
00:46:56 Get out of here.
00:46:59 Is she alone?
00:47:19 She is.
00:47:20 I'll go right in.
00:47:22 If you'd just let me ask her something.
00:47:24 Mr. Donnelly.
00:47:25 Blame the lieutenant governor for this visit.
00:47:27 He asked me to drop in.
00:47:29 I'm always glad to see you, Mr. Donnelly.
00:47:31 Too bad about what happened last night.
00:47:34 Please sit down, Mr. Donnelly.
00:47:36 Thank you.
00:47:37 Someone on the state medical board got in touch with the lieutenant governor early this morning and raised a big howl.
00:47:43 Oh?
00:47:44 A zealous young doctor.
00:47:46 I forget his name.
00:47:48 He called the board.
00:47:50 He was shocked about the infirmary.
00:47:52 I warned you that something like this would happen when the board voted us $8,000 instead of $80,000.
00:48:01 Can't you understand that in the long run $80,000 would have saved the state millions?
00:48:05 What do you want for your girls now?
00:48:07 A swimming pool?
00:48:08 Television sets?
00:48:09 A beauty parlor?
00:48:11 No, merely the things I worked to get in other prisons and did get.
00:48:14 Teachers?
00:48:15 A full-time psychiatrist?
00:48:17 Now, don't tell me that your inmates fell in love with their grandfather's bicycles when they were little.
00:48:23 I'm afraid I'm too tired to appreciate your wit, Mr. Donnelly.
00:48:29 I only know what we need.
00:48:31 I wish we could drag the public in here to watch the inmates decaying.
00:48:36 I have a great respect for you.
00:48:38 You're a fighter.
00:48:40 I used to be a golden gloves boy myself in the old days.
00:48:44 They taught me that when the odds were against a good fighter, to cover up if you wanted to keep on your feet.
00:48:49 Because even though you lose the decision, it's better than a knockout.
00:48:53 Good morning, Mrs. Benton.
00:48:56 Good morning.
00:48:58 Good morning.
00:49:01 ( door opens )
00:49:03 ( door closes )
00:49:05 ( music playing )
00:49:09 ( music playing )
00:49:12 ( music playing )
00:49:15 ( music playing )
00:49:19 ( music playing )
00:49:22 ( music playing )
00:49:25 ( music playing )
00:49:54 ( music playing )
00:49:57 ( baby crying )
00:50:02 Did it say on his birth certificate?
00:50:17 You got a break.
00:50:19 Mrs. Benton insisted we just put the name of the town.
00:50:23 ( music playing )
00:50:26 Your mother's downstairs in the visiting room.
00:50:31 Can't she come up and see the baby?
00:50:34 It's against orders.
00:50:36 ( music playing )
00:50:39 ( music playing )
00:51:08 Mom.
00:51:10 Mom.
00:51:12 Marie, baby, you feeling all right now?
00:51:15 I'm okay. How are you?
00:51:17 I'll ail in a bit.
00:51:19 I hope you understood about me not writing.
00:51:22 I mean, I ain't much on writing.
00:51:24 Sure.
00:51:26 Isn't it wonderful about your grandson?
00:51:29 Yeah, wonderful.
00:51:31 I'm gonna call him Tommy. Oh, Mom, you're gonna love him.
00:51:34 Already he's got hair the same color as Tom's.
00:51:37 But he's got your eyes.
00:51:39 I can't take the baby.
00:51:41 Oh, I want to.
00:51:43 What woman my age don't want a grandchild?
00:51:45 But your stepfather won't have it in the house.
00:51:47 We argued and argued till I was blue in the face.
00:51:50 So help me, if I had a dime to my name, I'd walk out on him.
00:51:54 I keep figuring how I could take the baby.
00:51:56 I can't leave Gus.
00:51:58 There'd be no one to take care of me till you get out,
00:52:01 and I ain't getting any younger.
00:52:03 I don't know what to do.
00:52:05 Mom, stop crying.
00:52:07 Tom's folks are dead.
00:52:09 If you won't take him, they'll put him out for adoption.
00:52:11 What do you want me to do?
00:52:13 You've got to leave Gus.
00:52:15 I'll be out of here in three months. I'll get a job and support you.
00:52:18 We'll have a real home, you and the baby and me.
00:52:20 Mom, find something until I get out.
00:52:22 I'm not as young as I was.
00:52:24 I tire easy. The dog says my feet.
00:52:27 Can't you think of anyone but yourself?
00:52:29 Maybe it would be better if someone else took him.
00:52:32 Some nice family with money. They could bring him up real nice.
00:52:35 I don't want anyone else to have him.
00:52:37 Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
00:52:39 You're his only flesh and blood. You've got to take him.
00:52:42 Don't keep saying that. Don't keep saying that.
00:52:45 Mother! Mother, come back here.
00:52:48 You've got to take him.
00:52:50 You've got to take him!
00:52:52 Mother, come back!
00:52:54 Mother! Mother!
00:52:56 Oh!
00:52:58 Oh!
00:53:00 Oh!
00:53:02 Don't let it throw you, honey.
00:53:04 You're still a kid.
00:53:06 If you get paroled soon enough,
00:53:08 there'll be a lot of guys that'll tumble for you.
00:53:10 You can even get hitched and have another kid
00:53:13 if you're dope enough to want to.
00:53:15 The trick's to flop out as quick as you can.
00:53:18 Like I've told you, the boys can get you paroled moving fast.
00:53:21 How about it?
00:53:23 Don't it make sense, honey?
00:53:25 Think it over, sweetie.
00:53:29 But get this through your head.
00:53:31 If you stay in here too long,
00:53:33 you don't think of guys at all.
00:53:36 You just get out of the habit.
00:53:38 ( doorbell rings )
00:53:41 ( doorbell rings )
00:53:44 ( doorbell rings )
00:53:46 ( sighs )
00:54:13 ( doorbell rings )
00:54:15 ( doorbell rings )
00:54:23 Fire off, you tramps.
00:54:25 There's no upstairs delicatessen.
00:54:27 Time for count.
00:54:29 ( doorbell rings )
00:54:32 ( door slams )
00:54:40 ( doorbell rings )
00:54:42 ( door slams )
00:54:46 Lewis, Millie.
00:54:48 Christensen, Delmar.
00:54:50 Stark, Chitty.
00:54:52 Taylor, Alan.
00:54:54 Alan, Marie.
00:54:56 3 o'clock tomorrow, Benton's office. Parole hearing.
00:54:58 Mullin, Elaine.
00:55:00 Carden and Ruth.
00:55:02 Brannigan, Lottie.
00:55:04 Huffman, Ilza.
00:55:06 Elkins, Peggy.
00:55:08 I'll be pulling for you.
00:55:10 And when you get out of this cage,
00:55:12 go take yourself a bubble bath with me
00:55:14 and park in it for a week.
00:55:16 Have your breakfast.
00:55:18 Then there's everything in it.
00:55:20 You know, honey, you're gonna find out
00:55:22 that most people in Freeside
00:55:24 wouldn't hand you a job cleaning out a hog den.
00:55:26 If you listen to me--
00:55:28 You're wasting your time, Kitty.
00:55:30 Your funeral.
00:55:36 ( laughing )
00:55:38 Hey, Foley.
00:55:42 ( laughing )
00:55:44 When do Kitty Stark sees this?
00:55:46 - They friends? - Friends.
00:55:48 They hate each other's guts.
00:55:50 ( laughing )
00:56:02 What's so funny?
00:56:04 I got a new fish coming in.
00:56:06 Maybe if you're real nice, you might get her for a roommate.
00:56:08 An old friend of yours.
00:56:10 Elvira Powell.
00:56:12 It's gonna be a rich haul.
00:56:16 None of your petty-auntie stuff.
00:56:18 - You'll still do what I pay you to do. - Them days are over.
00:56:20 Hey, girls,
00:56:22 take a look at your Queen Bee.
00:56:24 She's buzzing off the throne.
00:56:26 She never was nothing but a dime-a-dozen booster
00:56:28 with so little influence, she couldn't even get off
00:56:30 on self-defense for a murder rap.
00:56:32 I got nothing against you.
00:56:34 It's just a matter of dollars and cents.
00:56:36 Elvira Powell's an institution
00:56:38 with a big bankroll stashed away,
00:56:40 and I always wanted to meet an institution.
00:56:44 ( laughing )
00:56:46 Someday I'm gonna get my hands in her hair,
00:56:52 and I'm gonna pull it out by the roots.
00:56:54 ( door opens )
00:56:56 I made it!
00:57:14 I made it! I made my parole!
00:57:16 Oh!
00:57:18 ( clears throat )
00:57:22 This is Marie Allen.
00:57:24 ( paper rustling )
00:57:26 ( paper rustling )
00:57:28 ( paper rustling )
00:57:30 ( paper rustling )
00:57:32 ( paper rustling )
00:57:34 ( paper rustling )
00:58:00 Marie, we have to decide
00:58:02 whether nine months has taught you
00:58:04 that robbing people at the point of a gun...
00:58:06 I never wanted to, but my husband wouldn't listen to reason.
00:58:09 I couldn't leave him. I loved him.
00:58:11 Hmm? Now, what type of work can you do?
00:58:20 Speak up.
00:58:27 I... I could be a salesgirl or wait tables.
00:58:31 Working in laundry,
00:58:33 after all the experience I've had here.
00:58:35 Please try to make your answers brief.
00:58:38 This report states your stepfather refuses to have you in his home.
00:58:43 Where would you live if paroled?
00:58:45 Well, where would you live? With relatives?
00:58:51 With my Aunt Rose and Uncle Harry.
00:58:53 They're very respectable.
00:58:55 Uncle Harry's a gateman for one of the biggest factories.
00:58:58 They're very fond of me.
00:59:00 If they're so fond of you, why didn't they take your child?
00:59:03 A baby would have been a lot of trouble.
00:59:05 I wouldn't be.
00:59:07 We'll investigate them.
00:59:09 Maybe... Maybe it would be better if I lived alone.
00:59:13 Any place the parole officer found...
00:59:15 Out of the question.
00:59:17 We must make certain that you have beneficial surroundings and guidance.
00:59:20 You're hardly more than a child.
00:59:22 Only 19.
00:59:24 A girl grows old here before her time.
00:59:27 Marie's been married, she's seen her husband killed,
00:59:30 she's born a baby here in prison.
00:59:32 She's had the baby taken away from her by law.
00:59:34 How can anyone be called young who has lived through such experiences?
00:59:38 I've lived a lifetime and a year in this cage.
00:59:41 If I have to fall back in, I'll be like the others.
00:59:43 And I'm not like them!
00:59:45 Oh, please, please give me a chance to prove it.
00:59:48 I've paid my debt. Let me out, please.
00:59:50 You'll never regret it. I promise I'll...
00:59:53 I'll...
00:59:55 What? What?
01:00:06 Wait till I fix this thing.
01:00:08 I haven't gotten the hang of it yet.
01:00:10 At your age, with no favorable home conditions
01:00:20 and no beneficial influences on the outside,
01:00:23 we feel that nine months is too short a time
01:00:26 to prepare you for your responsibilities outside.
01:00:29 Parole is not granted.
01:00:31 We'll review your case in a few months, and you'll hear from us.
01:00:35 (ALARM RINGING)
01:00:37 (SCREAMING)
01:00:54 (SCREAMING)
01:00:56 Oh!
01:01:22 (GRUNTS)
01:01:24 Got flopped back. Tried to do a mope.
01:01:38 Hanging on a bush, eh?
01:01:40 Benton says no solitary.
01:01:42 Oh, Benton's a fool. If I had her job, I'd...
01:01:45 Benton's okay with me.
01:01:50 So I go on this picnic, see? Skinny takes me out in a rowboat.
01:01:56 He begins criticizing my family, though, and to make it worse, he slaps me.
01:02:00 So I slap him back.
01:02:02 You just slapped him?
01:02:03 Well, I did have an oar in my hand.
01:02:06 He kept on hitting me, so I kept on slapping him.
01:02:08 Still with the oar in your hand?
01:02:10 What'd you keep on slapping him for?
01:02:12 Well, he kept on coming up.
01:02:14 Pipe the new fish.
01:02:17 Get a load of Elvira Powell.
01:02:19 Oh, girl.
01:02:21 Well, help me, I never saw such an old-looking bunch of bags.
01:02:24 I've checked in here for maybe six months.
01:02:27 Grand Jury's having itself a little fun.
01:02:29 So in order to save some of my friend's embarrassment,
01:02:31 I got myself a phony rap so they can't subpoena me as a witness.
01:02:34 It'll all blow over by spring.
01:02:37 I'm used to comfort and I'll expect it.
01:02:39 Pick up your check at my lawyer's, Vic Davis.
01:02:41 There's a hundred bucks waiting for you every week.
01:02:43 For value received.
01:02:45 Hello, Kitty.
01:02:49 Read about you and Ed.
01:02:54 Divorcing him would have been easier.
01:02:56 Kimpy Sullivan says you're drumming up shoplifters from the inside.
01:03:01 -I got a concession. -No more.
01:03:03 While I'm in, I want no kibitzing from you.
01:03:12 What's your name?
01:03:14 How'd you hurt your hand?
01:03:16 I'm a big girl. This isn't my first year away from home.
01:03:20 Her name is Marie Allen.
01:03:23 If I said no to Kitty, I'm sure not gonna say yes to you.
01:03:27 She's a cute trick.
01:03:35 Oh, wait, Pops. You're playing a game.
01:03:51 Sure, you can sit down in the department store.
01:03:53 -That could be your gold badge. -Stop playing games.
01:03:55 Okay, now try it again.
01:03:57 And make out like that cake of soap's a diamond pin.
01:04:01 -How much? -150 bucks.
01:04:03 Okay, wrap it up.
01:04:05 Spotters would have nabbed you.
01:04:15 I'm too dumb to be a booster.
01:04:17 Some dames got more talent than others.
01:04:19 But I gotta have some trade if I ever get out of here.
01:04:22 You any good at it, Marie?
01:04:24 Anybody with half a brain could figure out how to fool a spotter.
01:04:28 A pigeon like you'd get her wings clipped first trip out.
01:04:31 Now, let's see.
01:04:39 -If this is the jewelry counter... -Hmm?
01:04:41 What counter would be over there?
01:04:43 Yes, perfume, gloves.
01:04:46 Then the elevators would be over there.
01:04:50 Yeah.
01:04:52 (ALL LAUGHING)
01:04:54 -That's showing her up. -She's showing her up.
01:04:58 (DOOR SLAMS)
01:05:00 A bullseye, baby.
01:05:02 By the time you're sprung, I can have you connected with one of the biggest outfits.
01:05:05 (BELL RINGING)
01:05:07 Come on, you tramps. Line up for Christmas.
01:05:10 Nina Minnelli.
01:05:17 Emma Barber.
01:05:20 Emma Barber.
01:05:25 Mary O'Connor.
01:05:27 I said he couldn't get in here. He's a man.
01:05:30 Marie Allen.
01:05:32 Sadie Fillmore.
01:05:37 Naomi Bates.
01:05:41 Mary Brown.
01:05:43 -What do you know? -Jungle Red.
01:05:47 It's funny how lipstick can make you feel all pretty, duck.
01:05:50 -Who sent them? -Powell. Slipped Harper a check to buy them for us.
01:05:53 That bloated buzzard. Who does she think she's kidding, lipstick?
01:05:56 She knows she can't keep them. She only did it to get Benton's soul.
01:06:00 She'll drool when she sees the super coming and taking them away from us.
01:06:03 Well, until Benton finds out, I sure feel like a new woman.
01:06:09 Rhinestones are phony.
01:06:29 -You can have real ones. -Any time you change your type.
01:06:37 There's a hundred bucks extra in it for you if you get word to Benton that Kitty's recruiting.
01:06:51 -Merry Christmas, girls. -Merry Christmas.
01:07:03 Oh, how pretty.
01:07:05 I, uh... I hope you'll all have a pleasant day tomorrow.
01:07:10 Let's hope that many of you will be home this time next year.
01:07:15 Now, tomorrow morning, there'll be Christmas services held here
01:07:19 for any of you who might like to attend.
01:07:23 Oh, Ann.
01:07:39 Where did the lipsticks come from?
01:07:42 Elvira Powell.
01:07:43 Oh, of course, by way of Harper.
01:07:46 Girls!
01:07:50 Girls, could I have your attention a minute, please?
01:07:53 I didn't know what else to do for you for Christmas,
01:07:56 but evidently someone thought of it for me.
01:07:58 So, from now on, all of you will be allowed to use lipstick.
01:08:05 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:08:07 ♪ Bird in a cage, oh ♪
01:08:26 ♪ Bird in a cage ♪
01:08:29 ♪ Waiting for Willi ♪
01:08:32 ♪ To come back to me ♪
01:08:35 ♪ Roses are red, oh ♪
01:08:39 ♪ Violets are blue ♪
01:08:42 ♪ God in heaven ♪
01:08:45 ♪ Knows I love you ♪
01:08:48 ♪ Write me a letter ♪
01:08:52 ♪ Right today ♪
01:08:55 ♪ And tomorrow ♪
01:08:58 ♪ Send it away ♪
01:09:01 ♪ Write me a letter ♪
01:09:04 ♪ Send it by mail ♪
01:09:07 ♪ And in a red gift ♪
01:09:10 ♪ You'll let me come down ♪
01:09:13 Merry Christmas, Marie.
01:09:15 Why aren't you singing?
01:09:17 Give me one good reason why I should.
01:09:21 ♪ Waiting for Willi ♪
01:09:23 ♪ To come back to me ♪
01:09:29 I know this is a frame and I got a rough idea who's back in the...
01:09:36 Shut up.
01:09:37 (SCREAMING)
01:09:46 Oh.
01:09:55 Oh.
01:09:56 I haven't stretched a muscle that hasn't been stretched in 30 years.
01:10:00 Even that soft job in the mailroom poops me.
01:10:04 Been a lady of leisure too long.
01:10:06 What's new in the social set?
01:10:08 Kitty Stark's still in solitary.
01:10:10 I think she'll listen to reason now.
01:10:12 Meaning what?
01:10:13 She tried to play rough with me when I was taking her down to the hole.
01:10:17 I didn't tell you to get tough with her.
01:10:20 By the time I got through with her, she knew I meant business.
01:10:24 (CAT MEOWING)
01:10:25 (MEOWING)
01:10:29 (MEOWING)
01:10:41 (MEOWING)
01:10:42 Look what she's got.
01:11:01 (GASPS)
01:11:06 I found it outside the laundry. I'm gonna keep it.
01:11:08 She must be a dopey cat to crawl in here.
01:11:10 Go on, you girl.
01:11:11 I'm not taking any chances. I'm gonna call it Fluff.
01:11:14 Hop will picture Doozy if she finds it.
01:11:16 (BELL RINGING)
01:11:25 I'll bring my milk from separate.
01:11:30 Line up for count.
01:11:32 (BELL RINGING)
01:11:33 (BELL RINGING)
01:11:44 (BELL RINGING)
01:11:45 (MEOWING)
01:12:11 (MEOWING)
01:12:12 (MEOWING)
01:12:40 (MEOWING)
01:12:41 (BELL RINGING)
01:12:50 Line up for count.
01:12:56 -Louis. -Millie.
01:12:58 -Christensen. Velma. -Kofsky. Jeter.
01:13:00 -O'Connor. -Mary.
01:13:01 -O'Brien. Julie. -Wagner. Rita.
01:13:03 -Devlin. Claire. -Minelli. Nita.
01:13:05 -Barbara. Emma. -Menard. Tina.
01:13:07 -Cassidy. Katie. -Bates. Naomi.
01:13:09 (MEOWING)
01:13:10 Okay, where is it?
01:13:21 You don't get no breakfast till you hand over that cat.
01:13:27 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:13:28 You know it's against the rules to have any pets.
01:13:39 Hand it over.
01:13:42 Hand it over.
01:13:43 (DOOR OPENS)
01:13:57 (SCREAMING)
01:14:03 (SCREAMING)
01:14:31 (SCREAMING)
01:14:33 (SCREAMING)
01:14:35 (SCREAMING)
01:14:36 (SCREAMING)
01:15:04 Stop it! Stop it!
01:15:06 Stop it!
01:15:08 All of you know this is one of the most serious offenses that can happen here.
01:15:21 I'm taking away all privileges until further notice.
01:15:24 Now, I want to know who started all this.
01:15:28 (PANTING)
01:15:29 It's dead.
01:15:43 She attacked me when I tried to take away the cat.
01:15:46 Then she tried to escape.
01:15:47 Is this true?
01:15:50 The first time you tried to escape, I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
01:15:56 This time, you have to be disciplined.
01:15:57 I'm going to put you in solitary for three days.
01:16:01 All I wanted was the kitten.
01:16:03 Three days?
01:16:05 Those are my orders.
01:16:07 My room.
01:16:16 No, Effie, no.
01:16:17 Do like I said.
01:16:19 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:16:20 If Benton never finds out...
01:16:33 Shut up.
01:16:34 (SCREAMING)
01:16:39 (SCREAMING)
01:16:43 (SCREAMING)
01:16:45 (BUZZING)
01:16:47 (BUZZING)
01:16:48 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:17:10 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:17:17 Marie Allen. Three days.
01:17:21 I'm taking Kitty Stark back.
01:17:22 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:17:32 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:17:33 You better have the doctor see her before Benton does.
01:17:45 She looks at her bugs to me.
01:17:47 I'll take her over to the infirmary.
01:18:01 Nothing to be scared about.
01:18:02 Being alone isn't so tough.
01:18:04 Bread and water never killed anyone.
01:18:05 Maybe, maybe I'll sleep for three days.
01:18:09 Stop thinking about it.
01:18:14 It'll grow back.
01:18:16 (SCREAMING)
01:18:20 Let me out of here!
01:18:21 I'll do anything you want!
01:18:24 Oh, God, let me out, let me out.
01:18:28 Please, please!
01:18:30 Please, please!
01:18:31 (SOBBING)
01:18:34 That's what you think.
01:18:39 Don't leave.
01:18:43 I want you to hear this.
01:18:44 Send a wire to the commissioner.
01:18:46 Demand that you immediately dismiss matron Evelyn Harper.
01:18:50 Inmate in serious condition of shock due to clipping of hair.
01:18:53 Harper repeatedly ordered to discontinue these barbarous practices.
01:18:59 Insubordination reflects on my position
01:19:01 and the health and well-being of the inmates.
01:19:03 I'd count ten before you sent that.
01:19:06 Benton sure means business.
01:19:19 Medford 5342.
01:19:21 I can't afford to lose my job, Evie.
01:19:24 -I got dead. -Oh, shut up.
01:19:26 Yes?
01:19:29 I want to speak to Thornton Goodridge, please.
01:19:31 -Tell him Evelyn Harper. -Yes, ma'am.
01:19:33 We're sort of distant cousins, you know, Thornton and me.
01:19:40 Good morning.
01:19:42 Happy New Year, Thornton. How are you?
01:19:46 Oh, just fine, thanks.
01:19:49 I got something you ought to know.
01:19:56 Oh, I couldn't tell you over the phone, but it's dynamite.
01:19:58 Those filthy lies.
01:20:06 But at least it's nice to know we have the support of so many people.
01:20:09 Three welfare leagues, a half a dozen women's clubs from all over the country.
01:20:13 If they'd only get together and stick together,
01:20:15 then maybe situations like this wouldn't arise.
01:20:17 You can just bet the others have organization.
01:20:20 And it won't stop there.
01:20:22 What are you going to do?
01:20:25 I'll know better after I talk to the commissioner.
01:20:27 They're sitting outside looking so smug.
01:20:29 Send them in.
01:20:31 Good morning.
01:20:38 Good morning, Commissioner. Won't you sit down?
01:20:40 I think there are ashtrays handy.
01:20:42 The governor's madder than a turkey gobbler.
01:20:44 Everyone's on my neck because of what you've done.
01:20:46 Aren't you confused, Commissioner?
01:20:48 It wasn't I who gave those ridiculous stories to the papers.
01:20:50 What's the idea of getting Harper's sorrow over nothing at all?
01:20:53 I suppose a man would call the clipping of a girl's hair nothing at all.
01:20:56 Well, you could have talked it over with her instead of flying off the handle.
01:20:59 The commissioner means your predecessor never quarreled with the staff.
01:21:02 My predecessor refused to regard criminals as human beings.
01:21:06 I've tried to change that attitude. I intend to keep on trying.
01:21:09 There is no place on my staff for matrons like Evelyn Harper.
01:21:13 It's too bad all this had to happen before she was fired.
01:21:16 Who said anything about firing her?
01:21:18 Why fire a political appointee just because of a minor mistake?
01:21:22 Just because of a minor difference between you and her.
01:21:24 Besides, firing her won't do us any good.
01:21:26 It's this stink we've got to squelch.
01:21:28 How do you intend doing that?
01:21:30 I can get Harper to take back what she said.
01:21:32 She can call it a mistake, admit that she was hot-headed.
01:21:34 The directives, Sam.
01:21:36 Well, I'm coming to that.
01:21:38 At the same time, we'll announce that these directives ought to be put into effect immediately.
01:21:42 Directives?
01:21:44 The commissioner has put it in the form of a memo to you.
01:21:47 Inmates who have been honor women will no longer be put in subordinate positions on the staff.
01:21:51 The proposed plan to allow occasional work outside the prison when merited by selected girls is denied.
01:21:57 As well as the proposed plan for educational...
01:21:59 You don't honestly think I'd consent to that?
01:22:01 Why, I'd be betraying every man and woman working to free prisons from methods like yours.
01:22:06 To insulate them from the abuses of politicians, cheap politicians.
01:22:10 Have respect for my position, Mrs. Benton.
01:22:12 I wouldn't allow the governor to speak to me like that.
01:22:15 Oh, Fred, Mrs. Benton, let's not lose our tempers.
01:22:20 Look, we came here with the best intentions in the world,
01:22:22 hoping to get together with you, to let this thing all blow over.
01:22:25 But you leave me with no alternative except to ask for your resignation.
01:22:28 If he asks for my resignation, I'll demand a public hearing.
01:22:31 No, no, no, see here, we can get together.
01:22:33 We can if you tear up those directives and fire Evelyn Harper.
01:22:37 That'll clear my name and allow me to do the work that must be done around here.
01:22:41 He'll do nothing of the kind.
01:22:43 Then I'll announce you've asked for my resignation and I'll demand a public hearing.
01:22:48 The state allows me such a hearing and you know it.
01:22:50 Let the public learn how this prison is run.
01:22:53 Fire me, Commissioner. I insist on it.
01:22:57 I want that public hearing.
01:23:00 Marie Allen, back from the hospital.
01:23:14 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:23:17 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:23:20 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:23:22 (DOOR OPENS)
01:23:47 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:23:49 (GUNSHOTS)
01:23:55 (GUNSHOTS)
01:23:57 (GUNSHOTS)
01:23:59 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:01 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:03 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:05 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:07 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:09 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:12 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:15 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:18 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:21 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:24 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:27 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:30 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:33 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:36 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:38 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:41 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:44 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:47 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:50 (GUNSHOTS)
01:24:53 (SCREAMING)
01:24:56 Peggy Oakens.
01:25:02 Naomi Bates.
01:25:05 Sometimes I wish that old lady of mine would stop writing me.
01:25:08 I sure wish you could be out by Easter
01:25:11 so you could see your kid brother graduate from high school.
01:25:15 She must think I'm in a country club taking the rescue.
01:25:18 I got news for her.
01:25:20 My kid brother's gonna get graduated without me.
01:25:23 Judas Priest.
01:25:26 Mary O'Connor.
01:25:28 Arlene Sidney.
01:25:30 Evelyn Mason.
01:25:32 Alma Jones.
01:25:35 Mary Adams.
01:25:37 - Luanna Cohen. - Gee, look how she looks.
01:25:40 Guess she'd look that way too if you'd had a week in solitary.
01:25:43 - Yeah, and almost a month in pokey. - Olga Jorgensen.
01:25:46 (ALL LAUGHING)
01:26:03 I didn't know what kind of a heel Harper is.
01:26:06 She's like a cop I was sweet on once.
01:26:08 He used to work guys over for no reason at all.
01:26:11 Just because it made him feel important.
01:26:13 If I'd known, I wouldn't have started on you.
01:26:16 Quit shaking the tambourine.
01:26:21 I'll be sprung soon. You'll run the cage again.
01:26:25 If I can do anything for you, try to get your rep shortened.
01:26:32 What did you say?
01:26:34 - Wagner, Rita. - Evelyn Clare.
01:26:42 - Manali Meada. - Barbara Allen.
01:26:43 - Manara Tina. - Cassidy Katie.
01:26:45 Miss Naomi.
01:26:47 Don't be smart. Let's have the name.
01:26:51 Star Kitty.
01:26:55 - Taylor Alice. - Alan Marie.
01:26:57 Melanie Lane.
01:27:02 (GASPS)
01:27:12 Okay, dummy, if you can't hold that cup, get back to the bullpen.
01:27:16 Feed your faces and keep your trap shut if you don't want to get...
01:27:24 (SCREAMS)
01:27:26 Killer, killer, killer, killer!
01:27:29 (SCREAMS)
01:27:33 Kindly omit flowers.
01:27:46 Sunday.
01:28:10 Nothing for me to do except think about the next 10 years.
01:28:13 Here today, here tomorrow.
01:28:15 What's your itch?
01:28:18 Oh, I keep thinking of Kitty sitting in the death house and I get the itch.
01:28:22 Take it easy before you blow a tune.
01:28:24 You gotta hand it to Benton.
01:28:26 Even with all her trouble, she tried to keep Kitty off the hot seat.
01:28:28 Yeah, she kept telling him Kitty was off her trolley.
01:28:31 Boy, what's going on in Benton's office?
01:28:34 There's six matrons spilling over and a bunch of girls from the other bullpens.
01:28:37 What'd you tell Benton?
01:28:39 I shot the works. Helen wrote down every word.
01:28:42 All about Harper, Chislin, the liquor and soap and things.
01:28:45 What'd you do to Kitty?
01:28:46 I sure gave him an earful.
01:28:48 You know something? I think Benton might use me as a witness at the hearing.
01:28:50 Maybe there are a few things I can tell her tomorrow, too.
01:28:53 I got news for you. She talked to me like I was anybody else.
01:28:56 Bet your pack of weeds you'll still be pulling dead time next Christmas.
01:29:00 Keep your big flapper shut.
01:29:02 Clare's giving it to you straight.
01:29:04 Ain't you played the honest John too long?
01:29:06 You could have made a swell booster.
01:29:08 You still can get out of here.
01:29:10 Ain't got much time. She's being sprung tomorrow.
01:29:20 What do you want Powell to do, send you an engraved invitation?
01:29:23 These bird brains giving you a spiel what to do out in Freeside hand me a laugh.
01:29:31 I got a file long as your arm.
01:29:33 I was queen of the con women when Clare was wearing diapers.
01:29:36 There's nothing I ain't done including murder.
01:29:39 Ah, stop tooting your horn.
01:29:41 But that makes me the crookedest crook of any of you, don't it?
01:29:44 Okay.
01:29:45 Before you get any bright ideas, listen to me.
01:29:50 I had a first time like you, but I can't remember how long ago.
01:29:55 Then the second rap, then the third.
01:29:58 Now I'm a lifer.
01:30:00 I'll be 71 soon, been a con 40 years.
01:30:04 And you know what I think?
01:30:06 Nobody got cheated but me.
01:30:09 40 years taken away.
01:30:12 So I'm giving it to you straight.
01:30:14 Wait a year on dead time, but get a legit job slinging hash.
01:30:19 Then get a good guy, have a kid.
01:30:22 What I give for a sink full of dirty dishes.
01:30:29 (door opens)
01:30:31 Wife.
01:30:32 That's all right.
01:30:38 Ain't they cute?
01:30:40 Amateurs coming for lessons.
01:30:42 Bullpen bees, 60 inmates, all types of offenders.
01:30:46 This place smells like a zoo.
01:30:48 What's she in for?
01:30:50 And men call us the weaker sex.
01:30:53 Look at those faces.
01:30:54 Environment, my dear, environment.
01:30:56 They say the superintendent has a murderous talking point.
01:30:59 (indistinct chatter)
01:31:01 ♪ Save the man that made me pure
01:31:16 ♪ Love my dear more and more
01:31:23 ♪ Oh, my dear, you'll never know
01:31:32 ♪ He for sin could not alone
01:31:40 ♪ How a faith and thou alone
01:31:48 ♪ In my hands, oh, pride I bring
01:31:56 ♪ Send me to thy cross I bring
01:32:06 ♪ While I draw his bleeding breath
01:32:14 ♪ I'll be there when he's gone
01:32:21 ♪ I'll be there when he's gone
01:32:28 ♪ I'll be there when he's gone
01:32:34 ♪ I'll be there when he's gone
01:32:41 10 days for having a baby, 3 days solitary.
01:32:44 That's 502 days times 6 cents.
01:32:46 You can cash this on your way out.
01:32:48 Oh, wait a minute.
01:32:50 Guess you want your wedding ring, don't you?
01:32:52 Thanks for the haircut.
01:33:05 (door opens)
01:33:07 Sit down, Marie.
01:33:14 Now that you're leaving, let's not lie to each other.
01:33:29 What do you mean?
01:33:31 This cashier's job is just a blind.
01:33:33 The parole officer okayed it, didn't she?
01:33:35 Alvaro Powell has a lot of friends.
01:33:38 In a couple of more months, the parole officer could have found you work.
01:33:41 You would have made some honest money, have self-respect and decency.
01:33:44 Where'd those things ever get me?
01:33:47 Why do you give up now that you don't need to, when you're free?
01:33:50 Free for what?
01:33:52 Go to my baby, to sit down to a turkey dinner with the family,
01:33:55 to kiss my husband?
01:34:02 I, uh...
01:34:04 I know it's difficult to start over again, but...
01:34:07 From now on, what's in it for me is all that matters.
01:34:10 You did your best, and where did it land you?
01:34:14 You can't lick the system.
01:34:16 Well, if you've got nothing more to say...
01:34:22 Well, if you ever need any help...
01:34:24 Thanks, but I won't.
01:34:26 Well, I hope you win.
01:34:32 (door opens)
01:34:34 For that 40 bucks Tom and I heisted,
01:34:45 I certainly got myself an education.
01:34:48 Here's the address of the parole officer, Marie.
01:34:53 Goodbye.
01:34:55 So long.
01:34:59 Prompt date?
01:35:01 93850, coming out.
01:35:04 That's right.
01:35:06 (door slams)
01:35:08 (door opens)
01:35:11 (train whistle blows)
01:35:13 (train whistle blows)
01:35:15 (door slams)
01:35:39 (train whistle blows)
01:36:06 What shall I do with her file?
01:36:09 Keep it active.
01:36:11 She'll be back.
01:36:13 (train whistle blows)
01:36:16 (train whistle blows)
01:36:18 (train whistle blows)
01:36:21 (train whistle blows)
01:36:24 (train whistle blows)
01:36:26 (dramatic music)
01:36:28 [BLANK_AUDIO]