• 2 years ago
Well into his seventies Darrell Bossley claims to be the world's oldest medieval jouster and is still competing in tournaments around Australia.


00:00 To learn the medieval sport of jousting, what better teacher than this?
00:06 I'm now 77 and most of the guys I joust against are in their early 20s, 30s.
00:12 Darryl Bossley took up the pursuit in retirement, after a career as a blacksmith, rodeo rider
00:16 and black belt karate instructor.
00:19 So why take up jousting at 66?
00:21 Well, it's easier than 67.
00:24 Ever since I was a kid, learning to joust has always been one of the top dreams on my
00:28 bucket list.
00:29 I'm here at Darryl's castle.
00:31 He thinks that he can train me up and put me on a horse in some armour and have me jousting
00:35 by the end of the day.
00:37 What could go wrong?
00:39 Before we can mount our noble steeds, I'll have to kit up in 57 kilograms of armour.
00:44 The battle is getting into the here to do the right thing.
00:48 It takes about an hour to suit up and I'm borrowing Darryl's armour.
00:52 Wow.
00:53 What should I expect if I was about to face off?
00:59 It's an adrenaline rush.
01:00 If it's more dangerous, it's more adrenaline rush.
01:03 You've got armour on, it's less dangerous than crossing the road.
01:08 When Darryl said it's safer than crossing the road, I didn't realise he meant it literally.
01:13 During the joust, you must face your opponent square on and head up.
01:17 You'll get one point for a hit, two points for a break, three points for a shatter, five
01:22 points for non-horsing.
01:23 It's good pet talk.
01:28 After a couple of goes on the horse, I'm ready to try with a lance.
01:32 Salute.
01:33 Being under your arm.
01:34 Slowly and beautiful.
01:35 Further over the side.
01:37 It takes years to learn how to joust safely against another person, so I'm going to be
01:41 practising on a medieval target called a quintain.
01:44 I managed to actually hit the target.
01:51 There was no way I thought I was going to do that.
01:56 I may not be quitting my day job quite yet, but hey, maybe I'll take up jousting in my
02:00 sixties.
