• 2 years ago
Saints rookie running back Kendre Miller meets with the media following practice on Wednesday.
00:05 >> Kendrick, just kind of talk about how you've seen your confidence growing the
00:08 first several days of training camp and where you feel like you're at.
00:11 >> Yeah, coming just throwing me in the fire and
00:16 just coming straight in the training camp, it's definitely difficult.
00:19 First of all, getting used to the heat and the workload condition,
00:22 cuz I've been out for a little minute.
00:24 But just coming every day with a positive attitude and
00:28 learning from the vets, AK and Jamal has kind of been the biggest thing.
00:33 But every day is just a stack of days for me.
00:36 >> Is adapting to the heat harder than refining the route running?
00:41 >> I mean, the heat's pretty tough, but overall,
00:48 I mean, you kind of get used to it after a while.
00:50 So I'm glad that we kind of do half and half inside and out.
00:54 >> Yeah, but I was kind of talking about that, but the route running,
00:56 I mean, I'm sure you're finding it's very precise in the NFL, right?
00:59 >> Yeah. >> I mean,
01:00 certain place at a certain time.
01:01 >> Yeah. >> Everything like that.
01:02 What's it like kind of trying to get that down?
01:06 When you think of check down swing passes or
01:08 screen passes, are you getting a good feel for all those things?
01:12 >> Yeah, most definitely.
01:13 And TCU, they didn't really use me in the passing game that much.
01:17 But obviously here, I'm kind of excited because we get the ball a whole lot more
01:23 in the passing game.
01:23 And in the NFL, you gotta always beat your man,
01:27 you gotta be able to read the coverages.
01:28 And I was kind of excited to show my ability to catch the ball.
01:33 And it's nice to make a play, so
01:34 it's just something to keep stacking and working on.
01:37 But it's getting better.
01:39 >> T.A. said yesterday he was surprised by how detailed your route running is and
01:42 how polished it already seems.
01:45 Where did that come from?
01:46 Is that something you've been studying and working on?
01:48 >> It's something I've kind of had, but not like I said in college,
01:52 I couldn't show it a whole lot.
01:54 But in the off season, when I got cleared, I was working on a lot of that stuff,
02:00 just watching them in OTAs and different things, different routes they ran.
02:04 So I kind of got a little head start on it, so I'm working on it.
02:09 >> Today was third down, I'm assuming there was some blitz pickup and stuff.
02:12 How do you feel like that stuff is?
02:13 >> Yeah, I feel like I'm adapting to how we pick up blitzes here,
02:17 and the protection, and how our defense runs different things.
02:21 But overall, I kind of developed at the end of my career in college,
02:25 picking it up faster.
02:26 Here, you don't have a choice but to learn it fast.
02:29 But I feel like our coach does a great job explaining it.
02:33 And it's just a rep thing for me.
02:35 The more reps I get, the better I do at it.
02:37 >> Kendrick, we've seen Calvin Camara talking to you during practice a lot.
02:41 It looks like he's doing the talking and you're doing the listening.
02:44 What do you get from his advice?
02:46 What kind of advice does he give you?
02:47 And how valuable is that to have him be able to give you that?
02:51 >> Yeah, so really, it's a lot on the route part of it.
02:55 Cuz Alvin routes are just phenomenal to watch.
02:59 And after a route, I'll go up to him and I'll ask him, or he'll come to me and
03:03 he'll be like, on this route, just do this, and just watch this.
03:08 And every day, just learn from him.
03:10 He's, to me, the best running back, route runner in the league.
03:13 So just to have him at my link and my connection is just a big thing for me.
03:19 So I try to use all of it.
03:21 >> That relationship seems like it's going well.
03:23 >> Yeah, yeah, most definitely.
03:24 Alvin gives me big tips, not only on the field, but off the field.
03:29 It's very good.
03:30 >> Have you talked to him about the fact that, I mean, obviously,
03:32 just cuz you're in a system that doesn't have you do that a lot,
03:35 like at TCU, doesn't mean you're not naturally gonna be great at it.
03:40 For example, I think the story goes that the Saints had to kind of discover that
03:43 Alvin can do that on their own after a pro day at Tennessee,
03:46 which didn't really use him that way.
03:49 And you talked to him about the fact that he was able to have that kind of success
03:53 without being known for that coming out of college?
03:56 >> Not a whole lot.
03:57 We haven't just talked about, got that deep into it.
04:01 It's kind of been straightforward about different things that we've been doing.
04:04 But I'm sure that'll come in again when we get closer and get out of camp,
04:09 where we can actually have a deep relationship.
04:13 So I feel like those are the most important things.
04:15 >> But could you envision you being in a similar world situation?
04:18 >> Yeah, yes.
04:19 Both definitely.
04:20 Just because I see how much we get the ball and practice.
04:26 I have no choice but to make a play.
04:28 I come out the backfield, so I feel like that's a big thing.
04:31 I can show off.
04:33 >> Kendrick, before you were cleared to come back on the field,
04:37 what was your main priority in that time?
04:40 And we feel like that's helping you out now that you are back in the field.
04:44 >> Really just paying attention on special teams.
04:48 When I was out just watching and how they did different things.
04:53 So I wasn't like, man, I wish I would have knew that.
04:56 I kind of took notes, middle notes, and
04:58 kind of just watched how everybody was practicing and the speed of practice.
05:02 That's the biggest thing.
05:03 Cuz it's a walkthrough, but the walkthrough in the NFL is kind of different.
05:06 Everybody's moving.
05:08 So you just kind of got to adjust to different things.
05:11 >> Obviously, we know you're dealing with a situation, but
05:16 you feel that Alvin was missing today.
05:18 And what is his energy like when it comes to getting up to game speed?
05:22 Does he share with you, hey, this is what it's like in these moments?
05:28 >> Yeah, he's kind of just in the game,
05:32 like practicing the game, we kind of do it the same.
05:35 We practice like we're going into a game.
05:37 And so watching Alvin take his reps, it's like a game every time he touches the ball.
05:41 He's full speed through the footwork and then make a move or whatever.
05:45 And just kind of watching him every day, it's a good example.
05:50 And I just keep watching and just taking notes.
05:52 And he's a great dude to watch play football, really talented.
05:56 >> I know you've had a week that just snaps in this offense.
05:59 What kind of stands out to you about the run game in particular,
06:02 and just the designs and concepts in it?
06:05 >> It's just we have some great O-linemen.
06:08 The O-linemen, they work their tail off.
06:10 And especially how greatly conditioned and how the defense.
06:17 This team I found out is very competitive.
06:21 And so how we go out there every day and compete against each other,
06:24 especially at the pass game, you can really see who really wants to play.
06:28 And they're down to get dirty, so I kinda like that.
06:32 >> Coach, are you kind of just a visual learner?
06:33 It sounds like you like to watch and pick things up and
06:36 just seeing other guys do things, it's helped you get up to speed kind of quick.
06:39 >> Yeah, facts.
06:41 And kinda just not only just the office, but special teams.
06:45 Just watching somebody do it, then I kinda get a visual, and
06:48 then I rep it a couple times, and then it kinda sticks in my brain.
06:51 >> And just given that that's the way you kinda pick things up,
06:53 is there any value to kinda maybe having OTAs in minicamp to just be able to
06:57 observe a little bit?
06:58 >> Yes, yes, most definitely.
06:59 Because just watching them do it, and OTAs and
07:03 vet OTAs has just kinda been my biggest thing.
07:06 Like I said, I took mental notes and kinda got an idea.
07:09 And then we had our little break,
07:11 I kinda just worked on the different things I had picked up.
07:14 >> So you're just kinda studying everybody, and
07:16 it's their rep, and then trying to pick when you can for your own guy?
07:19 >> Most definitely, most definitely.
07:20 And then before I got cleared, I would kinda just work on the footwork and
07:24 the back on my own, picture myself in their position, kinda see the cut.
07:29 So I've been taking mental notes for a little bit.
07:34 >> Trevor Penning came out of college with a pretty good reputation as
07:37 a run blocker.
07:38 And I was just wondering if you've been able to get an impression quite yet,
07:41 his limited padded practices, from the running back's point of view of
07:44 what it's like running behind him, or how he does in that area.
07:50 >> He does very, very good.
07:53 I can really tell that he takes great passion in what he does.
07:58 And just coming to work with a dude like that every day,
08:01 it's that mature, like this team is overall mature.
08:06 But it's that, you gotta go in there, you gotta grind it out, and
08:10 you gotta take passion in what you do, you won't last.
08:12 So I kinda like the grip in that.
08:15 >> Great.
