• last year
BASED in Florida, Megan’s relationship with food caused her to go through years and years of frustration and desperation. With food slowly becoming her “friend” and the only thing that made her feel good, it led to her gaining more and more weight, with her highest weight being 315lbs. Megan says: “If I didn’t do something about it I literally could have died.” The catalyst for her weight loss journey and mental shift came from her trip to Disney World, where she was unable to fit on most of the rides. This experience motivated her into believing that from this moment on, no matter what it took, she “had to start now” and by investing in herself, weight loss surgery and the support of her partner and Dad, she was able to lose 175lbs, leaving her in a state of amazement at her new body till this day.


00:00 At my heaviest weight, I was 315 pounds.
00:03 Food was really the only thing that made me feel good.
00:08 I've gotten a lot of comments, fat ass, pig, cow.
00:13 I was chafing and sweating, struggling to breathe.
00:16 If I didn't do something about it,
00:19 I literally could have died.
00:21 I started taking classes at a gym.
00:24 I had weight loss surgery.
00:25 I have lost 165 pounds.
00:28 I recently had 10 pounds of loose skin removed from my body.
00:32 Growing up, I was always the chubby kid.
00:37 Parents divorced when I was seven,
00:39 and I just kind of felt isolated and kind of felt lonely.
00:43 Food was really the only thing that made me feel good.
00:48 100% food was emotional support for me.
00:53 It was like my friend, but it was instant regret afterwards.
00:58 I would binge.
01:00 I would eat spoonfuls of peanut butter out of the jar,
01:03 spoonfuls and spoonfuls of peanut butter.
01:05 I used to order entire big boxes from Pizza Hut,
01:10 which has the two pizzas and the breadsticks
01:13 and the dessert sticks,
01:14 and eat almost a full box to myself,
01:18 and I was proud of it.
01:19 There have been times where I would eat late at night
01:22 when no one was looking,
01:23 and I was ashamed for people to see that and judge me.
01:27 At my heaviest weight, I was 315 pounds.
01:31 I've gotten a lot of comments.
01:34 Fat ass, pig, cow.
01:38 I've had people that I had considered good friends
01:41 make fake screen names online and say very hurtful things.
01:46 Megan's slob and fat piece of (beep).
01:50 I was really struggling inside mentally and emotionally
01:53 and putting on that brave face.
01:55 - You have held fears at your heaviest.
01:58 - I had sleep apnea.
02:01 I would wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air.
02:05 A lot of things run in my family.
02:07 Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease.
02:12 If I didn't do something about it, I could've died.
02:19 I literally could've died.
02:21 The breaking moment was in 2018
02:24 when we went to Disney World.
02:27 I didn't fit in some rides,
02:30 and I was like, "I can't do this anymore.
02:33 "I can't live like this."
02:35 That's when I decided that it didn't matter
02:38 what it would take, but I'm going to start now
02:43 and keep going.
02:45 I'm so grateful that it finally clicked.
02:47 I started taking classes at a high-intensity gym,
02:51 and it's group classes, and you go in that community.
02:54 It was really helpful for me.
02:55 There were coaches motivating me,
02:57 telling me every time I went in,
02:59 "Oh my gosh, you're looking smaller and smaller."
03:01 When we moved down here to Florida, we needed the gym.
03:04 We got a house with an extra bedroom.
03:06 We're doing it.
03:07 We're making this a gym.
03:08 We're investing in the equipment, investing in myself.
03:11 - All right, you ready to do this?
03:13 - Let's go.
03:14 - Let's go.
03:15 - Eddie has been such a huge part of my journey overall.
03:20 That man loves me.
03:21 - When we first met, she was already on her journey.
03:24 That was one of the things that really inspired me
03:27 about her was how motivated she was
03:30 and the fact that she was able to lose all that weight.
03:33 As far as she's come, she's been amazing,
03:35 and I've supported her every step of the way
03:37 because it's what she loves to do.
03:40 - When we go into the gym and we do our workouts together,
03:43 that's our time. That's our bonding time.
03:46 We're building each other up and hyping each other up
03:49 and keeping that momentum going.
03:51 I think we keep each other, you know, level-headed.
03:54 We're both, you know?
03:56 At my heaviest weight, I was 315 pounds,
03:59 and I have lost 165 pounds.
04:02 - Good job, babe.
04:03 Killed it, as usual.
04:06 - After I lost 100 pounds, I had weight loss surgery.
04:10 I was really concerned about what others would think of me
04:13 'cause you hear the stigma of,
04:15 "Oh, it's the easy way out. You cheated."
04:17 But I came to the point where I was like,
04:20 "Who cares what other people think? I care about me."
04:24 (screaming)
04:26 - How did you finally feel about it?
04:28 - I don't think I told my family
04:30 until like two weeks before surgery
04:32 because I was afraid that if I told them too soon,
04:36 they would talk me out of it.
04:37 So I waited until I was like fully committed.
04:40 My dad has always been the one person
04:43 that encourages me to follow my intuition.
04:47 - I know she was unhappy with herself
04:49 with, you know, being overweight,
04:53 but during the time that she was very heavy,
04:58 she would hide that.
05:01 She wouldn't outwardly show it to everybody
05:04 that she was upset with herself, with her weight.
05:06 You could tell even if she's pretending to be happy
05:09 in her own skin, she wasn't.
05:12 - Oh, look, she's a living work of art.
05:14 Look at her.
05:15 - Yeah.
05:16 - She's come so far and she's made such a transformation.
05:21 - I recently had 10 pounds of loose skin removed.
05:25 So I had a 360 lower body lift.
05:27 Seeing that for the first time was like crazy.
05:31 And even still, like when I look at myself,
05:33 I just can't believe it.
05:34 I mean, I still have, you know, loose skin
05:38 in different areas of my body, but like, I feel good.
05:40 I feel cute and I'm, you know, I'm rocking it.
05:43 I'm confident and it's very special.
05:46 I never thought I would be here because, you know,
05:49 I was overweight for so long and I had failed so many times.
05:53 If I had a message to my younger self,
05:56 it would literally just be, it's gonna be okay.
05:59 It's gonna be okay.
06:03 It gets better.
06:04 Don't stop.
06:05 Keep going.
06:06 There's literally a life out there
06:08 that you don't know exists.
06:10 Go find it.
06:12 Go get it.
06:13 Keep going.
06:15 That's what I would tell my younger self.
06:17 I'm so proud of myself.
06:20 My goodness.
06:21 (upbeat music)
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06:29 (upbeat music)
06:31 (upbeat music)
