30 Moments Eagles Showed Their Air Dominance By Taking Down a Lion Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Lion family attack eagle.
00:07 Eagle attacks wild boar.
00:13 Eagles are one of the most dominating birds in the air and are known for their intelligent
00:17 hunting abilities.
00:22 Today we come to 30 moments eagles showed their air dominance by taking down a lion.
00:31 Among the mountains and in the north of Scotland lies the greatest bird of prey, the eagle.
00:41 Its beak can tear flesh like a blade.
00:48 The legs are strong and have the power of daggers to crush the skulls of their prey.
00:58 In winter, these plateaus are often covered with snow.
01:03 These rabbits are the easiest prey to hunt at this time.
01:12 Rabbits can fly up to 80 km/h and see their prey from afar.
01:27 Lion The cubs are looking for shelter in the rain.
01:34 Small but continuous raindrops fall from above, making their fur wet but not reducing the
01:41 mischief of the lion cubs.
01:50 In the early morning, eagles start hunting.
01:54 Jumping down from above to attack a lion cub.
02:00 Constantly pinning.
02:03 The mother lion constantly follows and then quickly rushes to attack her hunter.
02:18 Then the lion family rush to attack the eagle to protect the cubs.
02:22 The sly predator is punished appropriately.
02:32 In the end, the crocodile eagle became food for the lion family.
02:37 This attack is also a reminder to other predators that they will pay a heavy price if they want
02:43 to enter the territory of the lion family.
02:56 Lions continue to enter the territory of mountain lions to hunt.
03:05 When attacked, the eagle has no chance against an adult mountain lion.
03:10 Victims are taught a life lesson by mountain lions when they dare to invade their territory.
03:24 The lizard Marine iguanas prefer to stay near the water's
03:29 edge, but all female iguanas must bravely come inland to lay eggs during nesting season.
03:39 Will she let her guard down?
03:43 The eagle patiently waits for the right moment.
03:49 Slowly rush down to the prey.
03:55 Use sharp claws to pin the victim to death.
04:00 Then bring the prey back to the nest.
04:13 Although the martial eagle is the most giant eagle in Africa, catching one of Africa's
04:18 largest lizards hasn't been any easier.
04:27 It uses its claws to hold its prey.
04:31 Constantly attacking the lizard's eyes, it seemed to want to rip those eyes to narrow
04:37 the eagle's life path.
04:42 Then torture the prey by lifting the victim up and dropping them.
04:49 Will the poor animal be able to escape this destructive predator?
05:04 Eagles have the ability to spot corpses from a distance.
05:09 Adult eagles compete for food.
05:14 The wolf has seen it all.
05:16 He rushes to chase the eagle away to steal the body.
05:28 The eagle is enjoying the breakfast he earned with the birds.
05:33 It was disturbed by two wolves.
05:38 The battle for the right to scavenge between them has only just begun.
05:52 The wolf is trying to escape the eagle's chase.
05:56 But how could it escape this hunter?
06:00 Soon it was caught by the eagle and carried away.
06:14 The eagle began to hunt.
06:19 Its target is a wolf.
06:24 Eagles can detect prey from 3 to 5 kilometers.
06:31 Victims detect danger and quickly flee.
06:36 But no success.
06:40 It was caught by the eagle.
06:43 The wolf tried to run away.
06:45 It successfully escaped the attack of the predator.
06:55 Two eagles attack a wolf.
07:06 Fox
07:09 Like their brethren, golden eagles use agility and speed, combined with extremely powerful
07:14 talons to grab their prey.
07:22 With sharp eyes, they can see prey from a distance.
07:26 A young fox is bullying a crow.
07:31 But it doesn't know that at this moment, I also become someone else's delicious prey.
07:41 The prey is continuously subjected to powerful attacks from the eagle.
07:55 After many fights, the ill-fated animal could not escape the claws of the predator.
08:06 Boar
08:11 Let's take a look at this horrifying scene.
08:14 A herd of wild boars looking for food.
08:21 An ill-fated little pig has fallen into the whirlpool of death.
08:27 The poor animal tried to resist, but to no avail.
08:33 The brutal predator doesn't allow his prey any chance to escape.
08:38 It is increasingly tightening its prey.
08:44 Nature is really cruel to this child.
08:48 Terrified of the wild boar, the mother and the rest of her children quickly ran away.
08:55 The poor child becomes food for the eagle.
09:11 Rabbit
09:12 Eagles soon became Sonoran's fiercest hunters.
09:19 At the top, they can see everything.
09:21 Not a single prey could escape the sight of the Sky Lord.
09:32 Predators work together to grab lucrative prey.
09:37 The rabbit has been acquired.
09:40 In the end, it becomes a cunning predator's dinner.
09:54 Snake
09:55 The brown snake eagle is an extremely intelligent and cunning bird of prey.
10:06 As for the venomous cobra, they are very cautious and attack with great preparation.
10:16 This hunter can take down the toughest prey.
10:20 However, they also know when to retreat and wait for another opportunity to attack if
10:26 the prey is too strong or too dangerous.
10:38 Only a tough and wise predator would dare to choose a western diamondback rattlesnake
10:45 as his meal.
10:49 What happens when this venomous snake encounters a red-tailed hawk?
10:57 The clever predator uses a clever strategy.
11:01 It tries to make the snake attack its feathers and wings.
11:08 With its strength and skill, the eagle is one of the most fearsome and effective birds
11:12 of prey in the wild.
11:23 The red-tailed hawk's claw is one of the fearsome weapons of this bird of prey.
11:32 That sharp weapon, along with the strength of their legs, helps them grasp and control
11:37 their prey accurately and quickly.
11:45 It's hard to escape from a dangerous hunter like this.
11:56 Giant snakes looking for food.
11:59 It was held by the hawk with its claws.
12:05 The consecutive attacks made the giant snake painful.
12:14 The victim tries to be aggressive, but in this fight, he is weaker.
12:24 The big snake is defeated.
12:28 Become the hawk's breakfast.
12:39 Heron
12:40 A bird was accidentally filmed trying to swallow a snake after it made its prey faint.
12:51 The bird swallowed half of the snake and couldn't swallow the rest because it was stuck.
13:00 The bird got tired and tried to get it out of its throat.
13:05 After struggling, it finally pulled out its prey and slowly enjoyed its breakfast.
13:18 An epic battle takes place between the Goliath heron and the African fish eagle.
13:28 The giant heron is an excellent fisherman, and the African fish eagle knows it.
13:36 Once the giant heron catches a fish, it's the eagle's chance to grab the prey.
13:45 But if the eagle miscalculates, it can be fatal.
13:50 The heron's dagger-like beak can easily kill an eagle with a single precise stab.
14:04 The harpy eagle is the largest bird of prey found in the Americas and one of the largest
14:09 extant eagle species in the world.
14:22 They are a skilled monkey hunter.
14:30 When the hunt started, the monkeys could only prey.
14:43 The eagle's talons are the largest of any eagle, and it can carry prey with its own
14:48 weight.
14:52 It's scary.
15:05 Despite being famous for being sly, when confronting an eagle, the fox's tricks are completely
15:11 inepicable.
15:19 Let's move on to another thrilling clash.
15:23 When the king of the sky appears, one will have to die.
15:31 This fox is begging for mercy from this predator.
15:36 Unfortunately, the eagle gave him a chance to live.
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15:56 In this wild nature, anything can happen.
16:04 Successfully hunting prey, but this fox did not expect that it would now become the prey
16:10 of others.
16:16 A lightning strike.
16:19 Can you feel the fear of this animal?
16:27 It's hard to believe this scene.
16:37 Determine the target.
16:44 The eagle quickly rushes to lock the prey.
16:50 The rabbit can run up to 40 miles per hour, but it cannot match the golden eagle.
17:05 The golden eagle seems to be the warrior equivalent in the natural world.
17:11 It can be said that mallard is one of the most favorite foods of eagles.
17:28 This duck was unlucky enough to get stuck in the ice.
17:36 This is definitely a good opportunity for predators to get an easy meal.
17:43 A sad ending.
17:47 The duck's life was forced to end.
17:54 Eagles are famous for their lightning attacks.
18:03 Their hunting methods are terrifying.
18:13 Submerge prey in water until they suffocate.
18:20 This killer's behavior made others shudder.
18:30 What happens when this formidable predator collides with the mother hen?
18:39 Looks like they found a worthy opponent.
18:49 Under constant attack, the ferocity of the mother hen scared the hunter.
19:09 When a hen has chicks, it automatically turns into a kung fu master.
19:25 Eagle had to suffer the consequences for touching her child.
19:33 And if you are the king of the sky, you should know who can touch.
19:45 Being hunted is bad enough.
19:47 Being hunted both on land and in the air is worse.
20:02 This poor steenbok tries to escape.
20:14 It was chased by two jackals from behind and an eagle from above.
20:23 The brave warrior defeated both predators and survived.
20:35 Next is another thrilling eagle hunt.
20:43 This lost sheep became the target of death.
20:51 When faced with a hunter as strong as the eagle, this child's resistance was completely
20:56 futile.
20:59 What bad will happen next?
21:06 Just born, this desert sheep was deprived of the right to live.
21:14 Nature is cruel to small animals.
21:27 The grip of the eagle's large talons helps this bird hunt large prey such as mammals.
21:38 The eagle swooped down to attack and grabbed a mountain goat and dragged it away.
21:50 Fighting.
21:55 The mountain goats did not easily surrender but fiercely protested.
22:06 The animal quickly fled, leaving the predator still stunned when it was thrown from the
22:11 cliff.
22:18 Possessing a dive with a speed of up to 240 km / h, almost no prey can escape its claws.
22:29 And that is also the hunting style that makes the eagle's name.
22:47 Eagles and other birds of prey can see five times farther than humans.
22:57 Bald eagles have the ability to see aquatic animals at a distance of several tens of meters
23:03 while in flight.
23:09 Sea snakes are one of its favorite foods.
23:15 Inaccurate pounce.
23:30 Despite trying to fight off the kidnapper, this snake is absolutely no match for the
23:55 eagle.
23:56 The eagle is also a very good hunter.
