The best and worst weather of the day for Aug. 1

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AccuWeather's Justin Povick and Kristina Shalhoup take a look at the best and worst weather of the day across the United States.
00:04 Welcome back to AccuWeather Early.
00:06 I'm Justin Popper.
00:07 And I'm Christina Shalhoub.
00:08 It's time for the best and worst weather of the day.
00:11 And I'll just tell you right off the bat,
00:12 we did not check each other's cities.
00:14 I know.
00:15 I managed to avoid looking at yours.
00:17 Yesterday went down to the wire.
00:19 Oh.
00:19 Oh.
00:20 All right.
00:20 It's unheeded.
00:21 Well.
00:21 All right.
00:22 Let's lead off here with Boston.
00:24 Hard to go wrong with Boston, right?
00:25 Beautiful day.
00:27 It's comfortable outside.
00:28 We're talking about the 70s.
00:30 We work our way down the road.
00:32 No problemo.
00:33 Look at that, 74, 80 degrees on Thursday.
00:36 AccuWeather real field temperature close to 80
00:38 degrees.
00:38 I'm not going to lie to you.
00:39 You are appealing to my very nature.
00:40 Strong cell.
00:41 The strong cell.
00:42 But I went down the road to New York.
00:44 I mean, 80, sunny, and then over the next three days,
00:47 just like Boston, relatively OK.
00:49 Relatively.
00:50 Thursday, a thunderstorm or two.
00:53 But I do think overall it's going
00:54 to be a decent day, especially today and tomorrow.
00:56 And what more can you ask for?
00:57 It might have the edge.
00:59 Worst weather.
01:00 I love alliteration.
01:00 So I'm going from Boston to Boise.
01:03 It's going to be boiling here today.
01:04 Look at that.
01:05 100 degrees for the afternoon.
01:07 We work our way down the road.
01:09 And then we're going to be talking about some thunderstorms
01:10 rolling in.
01:11 So you have the heat, and you have the storms.
01:13 Well, speaking of heat and humidity,
01:15 we've already established I have problems
01:17 with the humidity in my hair, OK?
01:18 So we're going to Jackson, where the humidity is just out
01:21 of control.
01:22 98 degrees is your high temperature in Jackson today.
01:24 And Justin, if you would be so kind to click on the AccuWeather
01:27 and see how that feels for me on the orange.
01:29 That's where we are going to have some issues here.
01:31 That was mean.
01:33 That was so mean.
01:34 Look at this.
01:35 Temperature is going to feel like they're
01:37 well into the triple digits.
01:39 The humidity is going to be horrible in Jackson.
01:41 So Jackson, you're my pick for worst weather.
01:43 Stressing the humidity.
01:45 It's going to be bad.
01:46 All right, Tony Tony, you're the decider today.
01:49 Oh.
01:50 Thanks, Tony.
01:51 Why can't we both win?
01:52 I mean, maybe we can.
01:54 There's still another one of these later today.
01:56 All right.
01:56 (laughing)
01:59 (upbeat music)
