Court métrageTranscription
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:03 - Dans le monde des sports de collège,
00:05 il n'y a rien de plus grand que le coach Roy McCormick.
00:09 - Je suis gagné trois championnats de la NBA, vous comprenez ?
00:12 - Excepte... - Qu'est-ce que vous appelez ?
00:13 - Qu'est-ce que c'est ? - Le foulé technique.
00:15 - Coach Roy ! - ...son attitude.
00:17 - Vous êtes sortis ! - Ouais !
00:18 - C'est parti !
00:19 - Oh !
00:20 (coup de feu)
00:21 - Coach Roy a tué Victor !
00:25 (cris de joie)
00:27 - Vous êtes officiellement banné de la coaching.
00:29 - Vous voulez me banner ? Non, je vous banne.
00:32 - Je vous banne pour la vie ! - Il peut nous bannir ?
00:34 - Maintenant... - Est-ce que je peux avoir votre autographe ?
00:36 - ...pour revenir au top. - Attends, attends, attends.
00:38 C'est mon voiture. - C'était votre voiture.
00:40 C'est une partie de votre accord d'admission et c'est terminé.
00:42 Je pense que vous êtes génial. - Il va devoir revenir
00:44 au milieu. - C'est votre vieille école.
00:47 - Oh, la vieille folle.
00:49 - Vous me dites que coach Roy veut coacher ici.
00:53 (coup de pied)
00:54 Je me fais chier ?
00:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:56 ♪ When it comes to basketball ♪
00:58 ♪ We are the best ♪
01:00 - Coach Roy a perdu sa première partie aujourd'hui.
01:02 - In the cutthroat middle school division...
01:04 - Smeltersock !
01:05 - These aren't college kids, Roy. They're 13.
01:07 - We don't know any drills. - Or have any skills.
01:10 - You got to be brave to get mean, to get bad.
01:13 (gémissements)
01:15 - Bleh ! - Bleh !
01:17 - We'll work on it.
01:18 - From 20th Century Fox...
01:20 - Dude, Roy's checking on your mom.
01:22 - He ain't lying.
01:23 - He just got here. Give him a chance.
01:25 - Plus, his Escalade got tagged.
01:27 - But he doesn't know that yet.
01:28 - And the director of Daddy Daycare...
01:31 - Hi.
01:33 - He's shy.
01:35 - Who's your friend ?
01:36 - Fuck.
01:37 - Wow !
01:38 - They don't have the discipline...
01:40 - Is that a girl on your team ?
01:41 - Girls can't play basketball.
01:43 - Somebody get the ice.
01:45 - They don't have the skills...
01:47 - Guys, keep your hands up out there.
01:49 You know it. Hands up.
01:51 - Oh, sweet mother, that's hot !
01:52 - Get up there ! Hands up !
01:54 - But they've got what he needs...
01:56 - Good job !
01:57 - No matter what the scoreboard says, you're winners.
01:59 - The Bounce Backway.
02:01 - Yeah !
02:03 - Are you out of your mind ?
02:04 - I found a group of kids,
02:05 and they've made me better than I ever was.
02:07 - Martin Lawrence.
02:08 - Let's bow our heads.
02:09 Thank you for this game we're about to receive.
02:12 'Cause we 'bout to get up in them.
02:14 - Rebound.
02:15 - Give me some shake your bank, baby.
02:17 You know ?
02:18 - Ooh !
02:19 - Damn !
02:20 - ♪ If you say that you know, then you'll be heard ♪
02:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:25 Merci.