30 Moments King Lion Brutal Fight To Last Breath Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 Buffalo attack lion
00:05 The male lion is scared of the wild buffalo.
00:12 Today we will show you the most epic battles in history.
00:17 These dangerous prey will terrify top predators like lions.
00:22 Buffaloes are the favorite prey of many carnivores.
00:30 But hunting these large prey is not easy.
00:33 Buffalo herd rest after the migration.
00:38 Lions begin to approach the battlefield.
00:43 A buffalo was attacked.
00:47 Victims are not afraid to fight back.
00:52 His teammates also came back to help him.
00:57 But the lioness is still there.
00:59 Two lions are scared.
01:03 Their hunt failed.
01:08 The lion family is hunting the prey they fear the most.
01:19 To take down an adult buffalo, they must risk their lives.
01:26 The lion is the leader.
01:28 The buffalo decided not to run away anymore and began to protest.
01:34 Back to attack the predators.
01:39 The lioness ran away in fear.
01:42 From a hunter to now the hunted.
01:54 The lion is considered the king of all animals.
01:57 But the reality seems far from the truth.
02:00 Their hunting success rate is the lowest of the five big cats.
02:07 With only 1 in 10 successful hunts.
02:10 These adult buffalo are genuinely beyond the reach of the proud lion.
02:18 It was foolish to stand alone against the ferocious power of 2,000 wild buffaloes.
02:22 Select prey.
02:40 Or life.
02:46 If it's a clever lion, it certainly knows what to do now.
02:50 If you find our video good, give us a like, comment and share.
02:57 Behind the silence in the jungles, there are always fierce battles for survival.
03:11 A wild buffalo confronts five lions.
03:14 In that situation, the buffalo seemed weak, but it was determined not to surrender to fate.
03:22 Running into the water to escape the lion's chase is a smart choice.
03:31 The counterattack begins.
03:39 The brave warrior deserves to live.
03:41 A confrontation between a wild buffalo and a male lion.
03:54 Looks like this big cat has been dethroned.
03:58 It was forced to take shelter in the trees to hide from the lion.
04:05 It was forced to take shelter in the trees to hide from 50 wild buffaloes.
04:10 Wild buffalo go through the lion's territory.
04:23 It then chooses to descend into a small waterhole to avoid predators.
04:34 Being attacked by a herd of sly lions is an entirely unfavorable situation for buffalo.
04:40 The lion grabs its prey.
04:45 When the target is locked, there is no stopping point.
04:51 The battles between buffalo and lions are always extremely intense.
05:04 When confronting large animals like buffalo, lions must have a clear plan.
05:09 It is easier to attack a single buffalo than a herd of buffalo.
05:17 So, these cunning predators will find ways to separate the buffalo from their pack.
05:27 Their plan was initially successful.
05:29 Even with a larger number, these lions still difficult to knock down tough prey like wild buffalo.
05:43 Three attack one.
05:47 Even with a larger number, these lions still difficult to knock down tough prey like wild buffalo.
05:57 One of them had to receive dire consequences, being caught by the horns of a wild buffalo.
06:02 The buffalo is one of the wildest and most excitable giants in the wild.
06:21 This unlucky lion is trapped by two fierce herds of buffalo.
06:26 He can only climb trees for defense.
06:33 One minute you may be a mighty king, but the next minute you are just a coward and can only run away.
06:41 Is this a wise move?
06:47 Is this a wise move?
06:49 The battle between these two forces is more intense than any scene in an action movie.
07:01 The wild buffalo is determined not to be controlled by the big cat.
07:11 It strongly resists.
07:17 The damage caused by wild buffalo to the lions is not small.
07:21 No matter how hard they tried, the big cats couldn't take down this huge prey.
07:29 If life is too difficult for you, think of these buffaloes.
07:37 They always try their best to have a life.
07:40 They always try their best to have a life.
07:42 What happened to this poor little lion?
07:57 The one-ton adult buffalo is known to be aggressive enough to kill an adult lion.
08:07 But these big cats are desperate, so they take the risk.
08:11 When it gets dark, they use this method to separate an adult buffalo.
08:18 The victim with large horns and sharp claws can deliver a fatal blow to a lion.
08:27 But it seems the buffalo was injured and had to limp.
08:36 Aim at this weak spot, and the lion begins to attack.
08:39 They successfully defeated the buffalo.
08:43 Most of the prey runs wild when attacked by killers like lions.
08:55 However, buffalo are different.
09:05 They protect their own kind to the end.
09:07 The herd of wild buffaloes turn to attack the bloodthirsty people.
09:14 It's sad to see small animals suffer, but the nature of nature can't be changed.
09:32 A strong will to fight was passed down through the generations.
09:35 The little calf shows no fear when confronting nature's most formidable predator.
09:41 That made this big cat feel insecure.
09:47 It was ridiculous to see a mighty king fearing small prey.
09:54 Lions detect prey from a distance.
09:56 They are choosing the right prey for many options.
09:59 Patiently waiting for prey to approach.
10:05 Start accelerating.
10:10 A calf had fallen into view.
10:14 The lion was not afraid of the calf.
10:20 A calf had fallen into view.
10:23 The calf was kept.
10:27 Immediately, the big buffaloes rush to rescue the child.
10:34 Male lions run away, while female lions fight for the food they can catch.
10:41 But unable to hold out for long, she gave up.
10:49 A large and united collective is like a rocket straight at the predator.
10:54 These lions are at their peak.
11:05 A calf has been knocked down, and the lion is trying to hold on to its prey.
11:16 But with the number of hundreds of big and strong buffaloes, what will happen?
11:21 The buffalo is not afraid to look directly at his opponent.
11:28 What happens when these big cats make the buffalo herd angry?
11:41 At the Nesemene Dam on H7 in Kruger Park, buffalo herds are approaching the waterhole for refreshment.
11:48 A remarkable interaction between two arch rivals.
11:56 When stabbed into the body, these sharp horns can cause serious injuries, even death to lions.
12:09 Climb the tree.
12:11 It's funny how the king of all things is shy.
12:16 The appearance of the mad buffalo scared the lions.
12:21 Who is really the king?
12:25 Lions attack in herds. Buffalo will counterattack with its horns.
12:39 One attack can wipe out any enemy.
12:43 An army of buffalo swarms into lion territory, forcing these predators to give way.
12:51 A battle that scares lions.
12:57 Move into the bushes.
13:05 It is impossible to imagine what will happen when these buffaloes intend to kill people.
13:12 If you find our video good, give us a like, comment, and share.
13:21 At the Nesemene Dam on H7 in Kruger Park, herds of buffalo are approaching waterholes to quench their thirst.
13:32 A great interaction between two arch rivals.
13:35 These sharp horns, when pierced into the body, can cause serious injury, or even death to the lion.
13:50 Climb the tree.
13:57 The lion evades the threat of the mad buffalo.
14:00 Surely big cats will not dare to disturb these aggressive buffaloes.
14:24 The lions are resting. They just kill the calf.
14:28 The huge army of buffalo decided to go back and rescue their comrades.
14:37 A battle that scares lions.
14:52 Move into the bushes.
14:54 Lucky for them, these warriors have no intention of revenge.
15:04 Have you seen this amazing moment?
15:21 The mature buffalo is chasing the lion king.
15:24 When cornered, it can do things that no one can think of.
15:33 Known as mighty warriors, but now, the lions seem weak against these large prey.
15:42 Escape.
15:50 Hide.
15:52 Who is truly the hunter?
15:59 At Mazemara, Kenya, 2010, an equally amazing moment is unfolding.
16:17 Buffaloes do not have any respect for the king of all species.
16:21 Being chased, the cowardly lion ran away.
16:26 Young calf attacking an adult male lion.
16:34 Does it know that it is facing death?
16:46 Pretending to be scared, the assassin plotted to lure the child away from the herd and kill him.
16:52 Filmed in Nairobi National Park on April 13, the lioness is taking shelter in the trees.
17:05 Below her was a huge army.
17:11 Crouching in the tree.
17:13 Unable to move.
17:17 The big cat could only wait for the buffalo to leave.
17:27 Next is an organized attack of buffalo.
17:39 Straight to the predator.
17:41 A fierce warning.
17:45 Will these lions still care about the calf?
17:52 Another unlucky lion is chased by buffalo at the Londolozzi Game Reserve, which borders Kruger National Park.
18:07 After a failed battle with the herd of wild buffalo, six lionesses are drinking water to quaint their thirst.
18:14 But can't be calm.
18:22 A wild buffalo has turned red.
18:33 A wild buffalo has turned recklessly to attack the predators.
18:38 Not always the strong one, there are times when the lion queen's life is also in danger.
18:47 Sharp horns are directed towards the big cat.
18:53 Hiding in a tree.
19:01 Will these crazy buffalo spare her?
19:04 Attacking buffalo. Will the hungry lion's plot be successful?
19:21 Counterattack.
19:28 Counterattack.
19:30 Too frightened by the fierce action of the buffalo warrior, the lion had to retreat to preserve his life.
19:42 An army of buffalo is surrounding a lioness.
19:49 Attack.
19:52 The lion has no way to run.
19:56 Panic.
19:58 It is impossible to resist the brutal power of the mad buffalo.
20:04 A painful ending for the lion king.
20:10 The chaos.
20:14 What caused the lion to get up and leave?
20:18 African giants appear. Big cats have to give way if they don't want to be trampled.
20:23 14 lions are attacking a small elephant.
20:37 Not an easy prey.
20:45 Not an easy prey.
20:47 A comeback.
20:54 The brave little elephant counterattacked. The frightened little predator ran away.
21:01 Surely they need a lot of time to become professional assassins.
21:10 The lion is not afraid of the lioness.
21:13 Another interesting sight took place in the Serengeti.
21:21 The herd of elephants taking a stand against the lion's pursuit of their cubs.
21:26 Aggressive attack.
21:36 The assassin corporation could do nothing but run away.
21:40 Taking advantage of the large number, the hyenas aggressively rushed to attack the lioness.
21:50 Constantly biting the body.
22:04 The lone big cat is no match for these hitmen.
22:07 What made them act so brutally?
22:16 Another formidable opponent of the lion, wildebeest.
22:25 Locked down.
22:32 But not giving up easily.
22:35 Wildebeest used his best weapon against the hungry lions.
22:43 On land, lions are kings. But in water...
22:53 Intruding arrogantly, male lion is attacked by hippo.
23:01 Rushing to run away.
23:04 Can they safely cross the river?
23:09 To be continued...
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23:42 Thanks again! See you in the next video.
23:47 The end.
23:50 To be continued...
23:53 To be continued...
23:56 To be continued...
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24:06 To be continued...
24:09 To be continued...
24:12 To be continued...
24:15 To be continued...
