Londoners voice concerns over HS2 construction and potential delays

  • last year
Londoners discuss why they think the HS2 is a good idea, a bad idea, why it shouldn’t be cancelled and what funds should be used for instead.


00:00 What do you think about having a high speed railway service that would go between London and Berlin?
00:04 Yeah, I think it's a good idea.
00:05 Yeah, we had the Elizabeth line or the network rail when they were all planning it.
00:08 So, you know, the buzz around the area was good as well, you know,
00:12 because it was going to impact on locals or places from Brentwood to Sheffield,
00:17 you know, so house prices were going to go up.
00:19 So it was a big buzz about it.
00:20 You know, people wanted this network rail and easy access from Essex into London.
00:25 So, like my opinion on the HS2 is basically I would prefer that this money would be spent on
00:31 modernising the railways that we already have, especially in the north and the Midlands instead,
00:39 and interconnecting cities that are not central to London.
00:43 So, for example, connections between
00:46 major cities that are not necessarily London would be a better idea.
00:50 I think that would be useful.
00:53 I've got lots of mates in Birmingham and they never really go to London because of
00:56 the hassle to get to London.
00:57 So that would make a lot of sense to have one.
00:59 But if they've already started it, why not finish it?
01:01 If there's already so much money put into it,
01:03 they may as well continue and complete it if it is still going to be useful.
01:07 A bit like someone's on an urn somewhere.
01:11 Do you know what I mean?
01:12 Like a lot of people have been paid for what's happened so far.
01:14 And it just feels like really there should have been enough foresight.
01:18 That's just rubbish.
01:21 (laughing)
