• 2 years ago
Glasgow Central Tour Guide, Jackie Ogilvie gives update on the Victorian Platform. Hopes to bring a steam locomotive to the abandoned Victorian platform inside Glasgow Central Station have taken another step forward as the last of the rubbish is removed.
00:00 Hello there, I'm Jackie Ogilvie, I am tour guide and museum curator at Glasgow Central
00:18 Station Tours.
00:19 So Jackie, we're on the highlight of the tour, tell us about where we are and what's the
00:23 latest state of play with its development.
00:26 So we're down in the Victorian platform which is the very last part of the tour when you
00:31 come on our tour.
00:32 So, latest state of play is great news, just in the last week, just at the weekend there,
00:38 we wonderfully finished the clearing of the Victorian platform.
00:44 For those that have been following the story, there's over 60, 70 tonnes of rubbish were
00:49 down here, it's now all been removed.
00:52 The last time we were clearing it, we ran out of time during our possession, so it's
00:58 now all been closed off, it's all been cleared and we trained on path.
01:07 That opens the door now for us to bring the track in.
01:12 We need ballast, we need track, and we have track already available to us, we got it from
01:19 the Levenmouth project which is the line in Fife that has been worked on by Network Rail
01:23 as we speak.
01:25 So that's available to us whenever we're ready to take it.
01:28 We need that brought in and then the track laid.
01:32 That then opens the door for the next stage which is really the pinnacle of what we are
01:38 looking to achieve down here, which would be hopefully, hopefully, the bringing in of
01:45 a steam locomotive.
01:46 And that's a locomotive that you'll be getting online from the Museum of Scottish Railways
01:51 in Bowness, which is to really illustrate the sort of low level station in its heyday.
01:58 Yes, it's an engine called Kelton Fell.
02:02 She's a former coal hauler, and so she would have hauled coal in the north of England on
02:08 the line that was called Kelton Fell.
02:10 She's a 26.5 tonne locomotive.
02:14 She dwarfs me, however in engine terms she's quite small.
02:19 But she isn't small, but in engine terms she very much is.
02:23 Bowness and Keneal have been wonderful in supporting us through this project and have
02:30 offered us Kelton Fell on a very long lease on very good terms.
02:36 Our problem is, we can get her here, our problem might be getting her off the live line and
02:43 into this abandoned railway line that we are going to create.
02:48 And at the moment I am kind of in limbo as to where that sits.
02:53 I'm not going to commit definitely, because I'm not sure yet what's going to happen.
02:58 [laughter]
02:59 [silence]
02:59 [silence]
