Walter Gordon

  • last year
Gordon was a Cal assistant coach for a long time
00:00 Apparently, Walter Gordon was an assistant coach at Cal for 24 years, which means he
00:07 was an assistant under Andy Smith, under Nibs Price, under Buck Shaw, and for a few years
00:16 under Pappy Waldorf.
00:18 He sort of connects all the eras of Cal football in their era of greatness.
00:25 So he's sort of a connecting point for all Cal football, besides being an incredible
00:32 pioneer in so many respects.
00:35 And the more you read about this guy, the more impressed you are by this guy.
00:40 And if he were doing the things that he was doing then, now, he would be even higher on
00:46 our list.
00:47 But time sort of disguises, I guess, some of the great accomplishments people have made
00:54 100 years ago or further ago from that.
00:58 That's just sort of the crime of history, I guess, and the crime of time, that it sort
01:04 of dilutes the accomplishments of some people.
01:10 And we are more aware of the great things people do more recently.
01:14 Okay.
