25 Times Animals Asked People For Help

  • last year
00:00 It's easy for humans to ask for help, but when animals ask for help, it's a much more
00:04 precious feeling.
00:08 Like this snake asking a man for a sip of water, or this elephant asking calmly to have
00:13 a bullet removed from its head.
00:16 Or how about this mama fox asking for a hand with her babies.
00:20 Yep, it's pure moments like these which create that beautiful bond we have with nature.
00:25 But before we can tell you beautiful stories of wholesome human and animal interactions,
00:30 make sure to subscribe to Forever Green and press the bell icon.
00:34 Here are 25 animals who asked people for help.
00:39 Baby Elephant Stuck on a Cliff Edge
00:43 Elephants are one of the most expressive creatures in nature.
00:47 They have a huge range of emotions.
00:49 That is what helps them communicate to humans better.
00:52 This young baby elephant was stuck on the edge and clearly scared for her life.
00:57 Luckily, there were a few humans around with cranes since it was already a construction
01:01 site.
01:02 The crane helped the elephant reach some stable ground.
01:06 The cutest part is when the animal gives the crane a few pats with its trunk, almost as
01:10 if it's saying thank you.
01:13 Mother Cow Asks Motorcyclist for Help
01:17 This clip actually tells a pretty cute story of a mother cow and her calf.
01:21 This calf has just been born, but it was separated by its own mom with an electric fence.
01:26 The mother cow continuously looked at a motorcyclist who stopped by to appreciate the scenery.
01:32 When the man realized that the mother cow wanted something, he followed her and saw
01:35 that the calf was out of reach for her.
01:38 Once he moved it near her mother, she kept licking and hugging her baby.
01:41 Yep, that's what mother's love is like.
01:46 Dolphin Asks for Help
01:47 It's already a known fact that dolphins are very smart creatures, and when this particular
01:53 one needed help, it had no problem communicating with the nearby onlookers.
01:57 At first, it starts to whistle at whoever passed by.
02:02 Eventually, a man named Leon approached it.
02:06 That's when he realized that the dolphin was stuck in a bunch of seaweeds, branches,
02:10 and mud.
02:11 He spent almost 30 minutes trying to free the dolphin and even had to call a friend.
02:15 Thankfully, it was nursed back to health by a few professionals and set out into the waters
02:20 again.
02:22 Elephant Calmly Asks for Help with Bullet in His Head
02:27 If you were ever shot, you would panic right away, right?
02:31 Well, this elephant handled the situation much better than regular humans.
02:35 It had an infected bullet stuck in the middle of its skull.
02:39 It was in a lot of pain.
02:40 But he walked right up to the doctor to ask for first aid.
02:43 This elephant is actually named Pretty Boy.
02:46 It's a miracle that he managed to walk up to the doctors since the bullet had deformed
02:50 into his skull.
02:51 He needed surgery to get it out.
02:53 In the end, the bullet was removed and he ended up all healthy.
02:59 Raccoon Asks for Help A woman was just hanging out in her backyard
03:04 when she heard a weird whining noise.
03:06 She took out her phone and started recording.
03:08 And that's when she saw a little raccoon in pain.
03:11 When the raccoon came near her, he sat down and showed her his injured paw and the blood
03:15 that was all over it.
03:17 Luckily, he was quite friendly and the woman managed to bandage him up.
03:21 Hopefully, he recovers soon.
03:22 We all know how sneaky and important a raccoon's paws can be when it comes to stealing food.
03:29 Bird's Legs Frozen to the Metal Fence
03:33 Birds are tiny and soft little creatures, so it's easy for them to get stuck in almost
03:37 anything.
03:38 But this story isn't about getting stuck in something.
03:40 It's about getting stuck on something.
03:43 This bird had landed on a metal fence, but due to the freezing temperature, it had gotten
03:47 its tiny little legs stuck to the fence.
03:50 It tried its very best to take off, but he had no luck.
03:53 That is, until this man came around and held the bird till it warmed up.
03:57 Once the heat melted the ice under the bird's tiny feet, it flew away with happiness.
04:04 Sea Lion Jumps into Boat When animals are injured or hurt, they forget
04:09 all their fears of humans and approach them without a second thought.
04:13 This poor injured sea lion, named Amber, was in need of some serious help.
04:17 It had hurt its little flipper and could barely move around.
04:20 The sea lion jumped right up on the boat and made itself home.
04:24 Meanwhile, the passengers examined him and tried to figure out where he was hurt the
04:28 most.
04:29 Looks like someone on the boat had snow white powers.
04:34 Mother Elephant Cries for Help A mother is always a mother.
04:39 It doesn't matter what species she is, they're always there to protect their babies.
04:43 This elephant mother kept crying and crying till rescuers came to help her.
04:48 When her crying caught some attention, she led them to the hole her poor baby was stuck
04:51 in.
04:52 The elephant baby was covered in mud and crying just as much as his mother.
04:57 After some help from heavy equipment, the rescuers were able to save the elephant successfully.
05:02 This just goes to show that sometimes, asking for help is just what you need.
05:08 Tiny Baby Deer Needs Help Deer usually leave their fawns by themselves
05:14 for a while.
05:15 But this tiny baby, almost the size of a chihuahua, had no one around.
05:19 It kept crying and crying until finally a woman heard its cries.
05:22 She couldn't find where they were coming from, so she left, only to return back at
05:26 night.
05:27 That's when the deer stuck to her feet and wouldn't get off.
05:30 She finally called the rescue team and the baby deer grew up till it was old enough to
05:34 go on his own.
05:35 They should turn this into a Disney movie too.
05:39 Thirsty Crow Comes To Humans For Help We've all read the Thirsty Crow story, but
05:45 pots aren't easily available anymore.
05:48 Now it's mostly water bottles, and apparently animals have learned that too.
05:52 This crow sat in the middle of a small crowd and kept pecking at the water bottle.
05:58 A little kid realized that the crow needed water and tried his best to give it a refreshing
06:02 drink.
06:05 Stranded Orca Cried For Help Orcas, or killer whales, are known to be
06:11 quite dangerous.
06:12 But there are certain situations where even they can't protect themselves.
06:16 When the tide went really low, this orca got stranded and continued to cry for hours.
06:22 Rescuers managed to keep her cool and healthy till the tide returned.
06:28 Hours later, when the water reached up to her tummy, she was desperate to move away
06:32 from the rocks.
06:33 Eventually, she got to swim away, and it was all thanks to the group of people who
06:37 kept her cool and wet.
06:42 Turtle Approaches Man For Help When you're underwater, it's a very unusual
06:47 and scary experience.
06:49 You could have no idea what could approach you, but when a turtle approached Lloyd here,
06:52 he claimed it changed his life.
06:56 Especially the way he views animals.
06:58 While he was diving underwater, a sea turtle approached him quietly and turned his back
07:03 towards him.
07:04 Lloyd removed a piece of sharp rock from its shell, and it quietly went on about its day.
07:09 This was a simple reaction, with no sort of sounds being communicated, which makes it
07:13 all the more special.
07:17 Kangaroo Gets Head Stuck In Watering Can This South Australian kangaroo was very thirsty,
07:23 so much so that it got its head stuck in the watering can.
07:26 And its first reaction was to panic and jump around.
07:29 Thankfully, the local residents tied the can to the rope and gently took it off.
07:34 What a silly little kangaroo.
07:37 Shark Approaches Diver For Help When it comes to sharks, we've all seen jaws,
07:43 and we know well enough to stay away from them.
07:46 But what do you do when one of them keeps coming back to you?
07:49 Well, you do what this guy did.
07:52 When the shark kept returning, he noticed that there was a fishing line completely embedded
07:56 into the shark's skull.
07:58 So he mustered up some courage and managed to remove the hook and the line.
08:04 Octopus Asks Diver For Help When it comes to smart cephalopods, octopuses
08:10 are at the front of the line.
08:12 This one wasn't even in any danger, it wasn't even injured.
08:15 It just needed some help with its dinner, and when it saw a diver, it was round.
08:19 The octopus approached him and gestured to him to lift the tiny log.
08:23 We can clearly tell who has won the evolution game.
08:27 Calf Stuck In Bridge Since many horses are domesticated, they
08:32 don't get into fishy situations, but this one is an exception.
08:37 This calf had its foot stuck in a bridge, and the mother had no idea what to do.
08:41 She just looked there worryingly, till a man approached the baby.
08:45 He picked it up and the mother soon followed.
08:47 Not every species in the animal kingdom stays with the kids like that, but we're glad this
08:51 horse decided to stay.
08:56 Huffer Fish With Hook Stuck Inside Mouth Approaches Human For Help
09:00 Underwater, puffer fish look like every other regular fish, which makes them much less intimidating.
09:06 This soft-looking fish had a hook stuck in its mouth and didn't know what to do.
09:10 When it saw a local diver, it swam right to him.
09:13 Since the diver was experienced in these sorts of interactions, he helped him get the hook
09:17 out, even though it took several minutes.
09:23 This must have been a very special moment for the diver, and now the whole internet
09:26 can witness it too.
09:29 Fox Asks For Help When a mother's babies are in danger, they'll
09:34 do anything to save them, even if it means to starve themselves.
09:39 This mother fox didn't seem to have a father fox around.
09:42 Usually, male foxes are the ones who hunt and provide food.
09:45 But since he wasn't around, mother fox went over to a human and asked for help.
09:50 Although this goes against all sorts of natural rules, she was willing to risk it all for
09:54 her babies.
09:57 Two Cubs Ask Fisherman For Help Cubs aren't born natural swimmers, and that's
10:03 obvious in this video.
10:04 This cub held onto a boat for its dear life because it was about to drown.
10:08 These Russian fishermen were there to understand the situation and help the cute little teddy
10:13 bears get up onto the boat.
10:15 The fact that the cubs weren't even scared of humans says a lot about their sweet nature.
10:20 Squirrel Asks For Water Squirrels are cheeky little creatures and don't
10:25 often approach people.
10:27 In fact, they like to scurry away from humans.
10:29 Well, that's only if they have everything they need.
10:32 This squirrel was in desperate need of a drink, and it couldn't find anything to drink by
10:36 itself.
10:37 So, it went right up to a human with a water bottle.
10:39 When it got the man's attention, he pointed at the water bottle.
10:43 How cute is that?
10:44 The man didn't understand his thirst, but when he did, he shared his water with the
10:48 squirrel, and it almost had a bottle.
10:52 Snake Asks For Water Whenever we see a snake, our first thought
10:57 is to run or hide away from it.
11:00 But that's only when snakes are in their natural habitats, where they can thrive.
11:04 When they're in the city, there's not many sources of food or water that they can
11:07 go to.
11:08 This cobra might look intimidating, but it went over to a local citizen because it was
11:12 too thirsty.
11:14 The man somehow understood what the snake needed, and instead of shooing it away with
11:17 a stick, he gave it some water and the snake happily drank like a thirsty cow.
11:23 Alright, comment below which one of these animal moments warmed your heart the most.
11:29 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to Forever Green, and we'll see you in the
11:33 next one.
11:33 [Music]
