Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans et demi : Cette fête au Vernet qui fait grincer des dents... en pleine ps

  • last year
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Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans et demi : Cette fête au Vernet qui fait grincer des dents... en pleine psychose

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA
00:00 A party organized in Auvergnay?
00:09 While the psycho is big, a decision of the mayor is scandalous.
00:13 July 8 seems so far away.
00:18 The day of the disappearance of little Emil, two and a half years, in the Haut-Auvergnay,
00:24 the pedestrian investigators are moving away.
00:25 So far, not the slightest hypothesis privileged to another after nearly three weeks of research.
00:34 Recently, a judicial information has been opened and new means have been deployed
00:42 concerning this sad affair.
00:43 But the waitress remains untraceable.
00:49 But if some of the new means invested in his research can annoy some inhabitants
00:53 of Auvergnay, life nevertheless continues.
00:56 And a party could be a scandal.
01:01 Despite the heavy presence of investigators and the psycho who reigns in the Haut-Auvergnay,
01:06 the inhabitants are so good that bad to think about anything else and continue to live.
01:10 As RTL reveals, the city hall of Auvergnay has also made an important decision by maintaining
01:18 the Transhumance party, scheduled for August 8.
01:21 A decision that naturally does not go unnoticed within Auvergnay.
01:29 Some of course think that it is not time to party, while only three weeks ago
01:36 a drama still unresolved.
01:38 On the one hand, if there is a sad moment.
01:43 I'm not sure it's a good idea to party.
01:47 But on the other hand, life goes on for the others.
01:53 To estimate Alexander, a German tourist used to the festivities of the area.
01:57 While new searches are taking place around Auvergnay, where the little boy of two and a half
02:04 years is being used for theft, and where drones are flying over the area, the mayor is hoping
02:08 for a return to normal life for its inhabitants.
02:11 But the psycho is big.
02:15 We are more worried and we pay more attention even if we were already very careful before,
02:20 says a mother of family to BFM TV.
02:24 If we lose sight of him for a second, we are more worried, so before we turned, we
02:31 saw him, and voila.
02:32 During this Transhumance party, many are those who risk staying stuck to their
02:39 progeny.
02:40 For the inhabitants of Auvergnay, we must also be composed with the new restrictions
02:48 since let us remember that access to the Ammo has disappeared and 1000 is still restricted,
02:52 thus causing some problems for some professionals who are suffering from these barriers.
02:56 Not sure the heart is at the party.
03:01 We are more worried and we pay more attention even if we were already very careful before,
03:22 says a mother of family to BFM TV.
03:49 We are more worried and we pay more attention even if we were already very careful before,
03:54 says a mother of family to BFM TV.
