Corinne Enquist, director of C. A. Galerija (Zagreb, Croatia), on the video installation Oxygen4 by the Croatian-Dutch artist and filmmaker Dan Oki. Using five different video projections, the presentation invites viewers to “make their own movies”, which will vary according to their patience, interest, and the flow of visitors to the stand. ARCO / Madrid, February 9, 2006.
00:00 And then he created a website and put images from the film on the website and people could
00:14 interact and write dialogues.
00:15 Later on he added footage and made a frame story and that's what you see here behind
00:16 me sometimes people, I mean two characters talking about the story.
00:17 Then each basically sort of frame or segment has a code embedded in the footage and the
00:37 artist, Dan Oki, broke down the film, each film into video, the medium of video.
00:47 And it's very flexible in terms of installation, it can be shown as it was at the Museum of
00:54 Modern Art in Zagreb as a six room installation and you can go from one room to another and
01:01 again play and make your own story.
01:04 Here it can be like this behind me, which is a five channel video installation.
01:11 And it's telling the story, the film's story, but it's also testing the viewer's ability
01:17 of following the story, concentration, patience.
01:21 You can walk to it or go far, see all five channels or only two channels.
01:28 So it's a lot of interactive but mostly mind interaction more than space interaction.
01:34 And basically it's a story about a fiction story about five characters, five astronauts
01:41 who come back to Earth.
01:43 They have a virus inside them and they start dying off slowly.
01:48 And the last surviving character goes to a mountain in Croatia with his girlfriend and
01:56 gets the attack and stumbles down to the well of water, a source of water, like a little
02:02 lake, and dips his head into the water.
02:06 And the moment he breathes water instead of air, he survives.
02:12 So it's a game, a play on different dimensions in space and time, the media of video, the
02:20 media of film, the media of air, the media of water, and how we react as human beings
02:26 to such challenges.