30 Moments When Lions Show Terrible Hunting Skills, What Happens Next Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Lion, attack, hyena.
00:07 Lion, attack, zebra.
00:12 The lion is one of the largest and most powerful wild animals in the world.
00:19 They not only possess extreme formidable hunting skills, but are also intelligent creatures.
00:29 They can easily detect their prey and use active attack strategies to take them down.
00:42 Zebra vs Lion.
00:52 In the darkness of the night, a pair of bright eyes, the lion is resting beside its hard-earned
01:01 prize.
01:06 It seems that this prey put up a fierce fight, as evidenced by the severe wounds on its face
01:12 and body.
01:18 Hunting is truly a risky job, and hunting zebras poses more danger than any other prey.
01:29 All African animal species depend on each other to maintain their food supply.
01:39 At the top of the food chain are lions.
01:47 They are primarily carnivorous animals and are the key to controlling the population.
01:58 Their size can reach up to 11 feet long and weigh 550 pounds.
02:08 Lions can hunt at speeds up to 35 miles per hour.
02:17 They possess enough speed and strength to catch and kill their prey.
02:26 To survive, adult lions need to hunt almost daily.
02:36 Hunting even includes attacking zebras.
02:43 The lioness needs all her strength to take down a male zebra weighing twice her weight.
02:56 This lioness followed the wildebeest herd during their migration and quickly caught
03:00 one.
03:06 She proceeded to lock her jaws around her prey's neck, causing the wildebeest in great
03:11 pain.
03:17 It looks like the lioness is about to successfully take down her prey.
03:24 However, in an instant, the wildebeest fought fiercely against the predator.
03:37 This time, the lion lost the chance to be eaten.
03:48 The lioness began her hunt, targeting a small wildebeest in the herd, rushing out to lock
03:59 the prey.
04:06 Attacking the neck causes wildebeest extremely painful.
04:14 Will this predator succeed in taking down its meal?
04:24 Antelope vs Lion
04:34 The lush grasslands of Africa are the perfect ambush for predators.
04:44 The wildebeest seems oblivious to the impending danger, and one of them fell victim to the
04:54 claws of a predator.
05:01 The lion locks its jaws around its prey's snout, preventing any chance of calling for
05:06 help.
05:12 Wildebeest fight fiercely.
05:19 Although there may be a victory, this time it will certainly take a while for the big
05:24 cat to recover from the wounds left by the wildebeest.
05:34 The wildebeest panicked and ran away, but unfortunately a small wildebeest fell victim
05:39 to the cruel strangulation of two predators.
05:48 Perhaps these two lionesses planned the perfect attack in advance.
05:58 Poor little wildebeest was killed by the hunters.
06:06 In the end, it became a meal for the proud lion.
06:14 With an empty stomach, the lioness acts boldly.
06:22 After observing for a while, the big cat approaches two dueling impalas.
06:31 She takes advantage of this rare opportunity and charges toward a small impala in the herd.
06:42 But this hunt has failed.
06:49 The lioness continues with the second attempt, and this time she quickly takes down the small
06:54 impala.
07:02 Lions are opportunistic hunters, and they hunt with great strength.
07:12 Buffalo vs Lion
07:21 A buffalo is trapped in a muddy pool, and a hungry pride of lions is enjoying a delicious
07:26 feast.
07:35 Lions are often considered the kings of all animals, but this seems far from the truth.
07:46 Their success rate in hunting is the lowest among the five big cat species, with only
07:51 one out of ten hunts being successful.
07:58 These mature buffaloes are truly beyond the reach of even the proud lions.
08:13 Buffaloes are among the most hot-headed and easily provoked giants in nature.
08:23 This unfortunate lion is trapped between two aggressive buffalo herds.
08:33 He can only climb a tree for self-defense.
08:41 One minute you could be a mighty king, but the next you're just a cowardly creature
08:51 running away.
08:58 Is this a wise move?
09:08 This buffalo is a young and proud friend who even taunted the ferocious lion pride.
09:19 But his pride was quickly extinguished when he realized his mistake, not wanting to cause
09:29 any more pain to its kind.
09:37 A herd of thousands of buffaloes quickly arrived.
09:45 There was no other choice.
09:52 The hungry lions had to give up their prey.
10:03 Buffaloes are a favorite prey of many carnivorous species, but hunting these large mammals is
10:08 not an easy feat.
10:15 The buffalo herd takes a break after a journey of thousands of miles.
10:25 Lions begin to approach the battlefield.
10:32 One buffalo is attacked.
10:39 The victim fights back fiercely, and the rest of the herd comes to its aid.
10:54 Two lions are intimidated and scared away.
11:02 This hunt has failed for them.
11:10 The strong fighting spirit has been passed down through generations.
11:19 The young buffalo showed no fear in the face of the most fearsome predator in the wild.
11:30 This makes the big cat feel uncomfortable.
11:37 It was ironic to see a mighty king fearing such a small prey.
11:48 A family of lions is hunting their most feared prey.
11:57 They have to risk their lives to take down a mature buffalo.
12:03 The lioness leads the way.
12:13 The buffalo decides not to run anymore and begins to resist.
12:23 It turns around and attacks the hunters.
12:30 The lioness becomes frightened and runs away.
12:39 From being a hunter, she is now being chased.
12:49 These are the consequences of reckless actions.
12:56 Injuries to the reproductive system are also the end of his bloodline.
13:05 The opponent also suffers serious injuries, which will not heal and cannot continue to
13:11 hunt.
13:15 Perhaps he will die.
13:21 When lions clash, there are always casualties.
13:29 That is the law of nature that has existed since ancient times.
13:38 After observing, the adult buffalo approached a sleeping lion.
13:47 The predator becomes scared and runs away.
13:54 But it was not successful.
14:01 It was thrown into the air by a wild buffalo.
14:09 The lioness died with a thin body and an injured leg after being attacked by a wild buffalo.
14:22 Crocodile vs Lion
14:27 In the wild, there is no such thing as a free meal.
14:31 A crocodile crawled onto the shore with hopes of getting some food.
14:39 But it was a difficult task, and the lone underwater predator made a fatal mistake by
14:44 going after the prey of the ruthless lion pack.
14:51 Even the crocodile's tough armor could not protect it from the sharp claws of six lions.
15:00 The prehistoric beast fought back by thrashing its tail and biting the closest lion, but
15:05 it could not defeat the lion pack.
15:09 Eventually, it gave up and fled back into the water.
15:20 While lions are the top predators on land, crocodiles are extremely bloodthirsty and
15:26 greedy underwater hunters.
15:30 Therefore, when food resources become scarce, the competition between these two species
15:38 becomes even more intense than ever before.
15:48 Clashes between these two forces took place frequently.
15:56 The greedy crocodile always wants a free meal.
16:05 But the lion does not want to share their meal with any predator.
16:11 If the crocodile is still stubborn, then what will happen?
16:24 On the shore is the territory of this proud lion, and no one can invade it.
16:33 The crocodile was sunbathing, unaware that it had fallen into the sight of the big cat.
16:44 Awakened from its nap, the top predators of the grassland surrounded it.
16:54 Perhaps this crocodile should leave before the lion family gets angry.
17:03 What will happen when a lion confronts a crocodile in the water?
17:12 There seems to be no more confidence, and lions become very cautious in the aquatic
17:17 environment.
17:23 It is unimaginable how terrible things will happen when the crocodile's precise strike
17:29 hits.
17:35 Crocodiles will not attack lions without reason.
17:43 Look at this.
17:44 Hunger seems to have turned the leaders of Africa into thieves.
17:53 They boldly go down to the river to steal food from crocodiles.
18:03 What do you think will happen?
18:11 A wound in the stomach is the price to pay for uninvited guests.
18:21 The hungry lions have chosen a strange prey in the form of a crocodile.
18:30 Lions rarely attack crocodiles.
18:33 They usually retreat when facing this giant monster.
18:41 But hunger seems to have masked everything.
18:49 Both lions and crocodiles are equally dangerous.
18:58 But in this battle, pride may outweigh the advantage.
19:07 Encounters between two predators always make the atmosphere tense.
19:17 Headbutts show authority.
19:24 The lion showed the cold-blooded killer who the real king is.
19:33 You see, only lions dare to stand at such a close distance from crocodiles.
19:45 You know, food disputes are the main causes of battles.
19:54 This crocodile seems to be fearless when facing three lionesses and it even wants to share
19:59 food with them.
20:06 Is this prehistoric monster trying to provoke the big cat?
20:11 Lion and Elephant In Huang'e National Park, a baby elephant
20:17 is wandering in a waterhole.
20:20 It accidentally attracts an approaching male lion.
20:31 Confrontation between elephants and two hungry lions.
20:35 The victim is locked by the predator.
20:43 The child repeatedly protested but failed.
20:51 The poor elephant was killed by two hunters.
21:00 Lions and Hyenas The confrontation between the hyena tribe
21:07 and the lions.
21:13 The hyenas rushed to attack the pregnant queen.
21:16 She did not fight back but climbed a tree to hide.
21:24 The disappointed king could not fight the hyenas.
21:31 They are threatening a wise leader.
21:35 Finally, the king of the jungle and the queen left the territory to raise their cubs.
21:48 Male lions invade the territory of the hyenas.
21:56 It is surrounded by a swarm of opponents to defend their territory.
22:04 Elephants are not afraid even though they are outnumbered.
22:13 Angry lions continuously attack them.
22:21 Then a hyena was injured.
22:29 The predator targets the wounded victim with repeated attacks.
22:39 The lion eventually killed a hyena.
22:47 One of the herd is killed and they are defending their territory in vain.
23:00 The young male lion begins to explore the boundaries of his territory.
23:08 It was venturing alone among the hyenas.
23:17 He was trapped by more than 20 people.
23:26 They surrounded the male lion and tried to take it down.
23:33 With such numbers, they could kill him.
23:41 Will the male lion escape the attack of the hyenas?
23:49 Huge male lion attacking hyena.
23:55 His rage poured down on this poor prey.
24:03 Lion and buffalo.
24:06 Buffaloes chases two lions.
24:12 That angered the lions and drove them away.
24:20 But soon the buffaloes returned.
24:27 With incredible strength, the male lion repeatedly attacked the buffalo herd.
24:39 A herd of buffalo fights against the kings of the jungle.
24:47 They continuously approached but were warned by four male lions.
24:59 After the migration, the buffaloes are grazing.
25:05 Unfortunately, the mother and the buffalo were separated from the herd by the lions.
25:20 The mother buffalo constantly chases away hunters to protect her cubs.
25:27 Fortunately, the buffaloes rushed to save the mother and daughter from the successful
25:33 hunter.
25:40 Male lions roam around the territory in search of food.
25:48 It came across a newborn buffalo.
25:56 The hunter quickly locked the child by the neck and carried him away with ease.
26:04 Will the poor young buffalo escape the hungry lion?
26:11 Lion and wildebeest.
26:15 Male lion chasing wildebeest.
26:22 With its pride, it quickly locks onto its prey and carries it away.
26:31 Male lions are not the best hunters of small prey because they are not agile and active
26:36 enough.
26:39 It then holds its prey.
26:48 A male lion chases a herd of wildebeest.
26:54 Unfortunately, one of the herd ran away and fell into the swamp.
27:05 A battle between an adult wildebeest and a lion.
27:10 It was quickly defeated by the lion.
27:21 After successfully finishing off the prey, the king of the jungle brought the prey to
27:25 the shore.
27:30 Its comrades flocked to enjoy a delicious meal together.
27:39 During the Mara River migration, young male lions separate a wildebeest from the herd.
27:47 It tries to fight to take down its prey.
27:55 The wildebeest are migrating.
28:04 Then suddenly a lion jumped out and defeated one of the herd.
28:19 Lions easily defeat their prey in a few minutes.
28:27 Lions and lions.
28:30 Two male lions in Africa fight each other for a mate.
28:43 Quite stressful.
28:48 They constantly attack their opponent.
28:56 The fight became more and more intense when the lionesses intervened the fight.
29:05 One of them lost and had a nosebleed.
29:14 A territorial battle between two male lions begins.
29:23 Ruel war.
29:30 A male lion was wounded but did not back down.
29:33 Bravely continued to fight.
29:39 Lions are like that.
29:41 They never give up without a fight.
29:52 A rather tense encounter between two male lions.
29:59 They are at the top of the great predators.
30:05 The fights of lions are very brutal.
30:13 Two male lions fight for the throne of the king of the jungle.
30:25 Have you ever watched spectacular battles like this one?
30:32 Three male lions discover a lonely young man trespassing in their territory.
30:40 They frantically rush to attack the enemy.
30:48 The angry male lion rose with his strength worthy of respect.
30:57 This is his territory.
31:05 A fierce battle takes place between three male lions.
31:14 The hunter passed through their territory.
31:22 It was defeated by them many times.
31:31 After a while it started to fight back.
31:39 In the end it was injured.
31:48 Two dominant male lions isolate a young male.
31:56 They leave.
32:00 Continue to attack the lion cub.
32:08 The victim repeatedly protested.
32:16 In the end they still left.
32:26 Young male lions invade the territory of the lions.
32:34 It was attacked by the hunter.
32:42 Then it reacted.
32:50 The three male lions left and continued to torment the young lion so much that he was
32:55 injured and could no longer walk.
33:05 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
33:09 What other animal would you like to learn about?
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33:22 Wish you a good day.
33:23 See you again.
33:24 (upbeat music)
