30 Moments When Using Horns Against Komodo Dragons, What Happens Next Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Buffalo vs Komodo
00:06 Perentie lizard attacks snakes.
00:10 Komodo dragons, with their tremendous strength, can be compared with lions, tigers, or Nile
00:16 crocodiles.
00:20 This predator can eat anything it sees.
00:25 Just imagine what will happen when the poor prey falls into the hands of this cold-blooded
00:30 killer.
00:34 Buffalo vs Komodo
00:37 In the merciless predator category, this is the species best avoided.
00:45 The Komodo dragon is the most giant living lizard with a length of 3 meters and a weight
00:50 of 130 kilograms.
00:55 During the dry season, all the animals gather around the rare water spots.
01:05 The wound was light and shallow, but the bleeding looked like a shark bite.
01:10 The lizard's poison worked.
01:14 Komodo flocks observe the slightest movement of their prey.
01:19 The buffalo is getting weaker.
01:24 In less than 3 hours, the evil hunters devoured the buffalo.
01:37 This ferocious predator is so powerful that it can kill creatures 10 times their size.
01:46 Maybe this buffalo senses it is being watched.
01:51 Komodo - Brutal Predator
01:56 Suddenly rushed out to attack the buffalo.
01:59 The buffalo escapes, but the Komodo dragon's job is done.
02:05 With just one bite, it can successfully take down its prey.
02:10 The buffalo's wound is festering.
02:12 This strong infection will destroy its body, and it will die.
02:18 Eventually, this ill-fated animal became food for the Komodo herd.
02:29 A baby buffalo is attacked by a Komodo dragon underwater.
02:39 It was then torn apart by murderers.
02:44 The mother buffalo could do nothing but watch her child being killed.
02:57 The Komodo dragon savagely attacked the calves.
03:02 Wild nature is always harsh and brutal, and life and death are fragile.
03:07 And that is the survival process of wildlife.
03:17 The mature buffalo confronts three murderers to protect his poor child.
03:26 The child was attacked.
03:27 The cries of pain.
03:31 The mother buffalo tries to protect her child.
03:36 But he couldn't do anything but reassure his child.
03:41 The poor child became food for the Komodos.
03:53 Wild Boar vs Komodo
03:56 The Komodo dragon's tongue is very long, up to 10 centimeters.
04:01 And this powerful tongue can identify rotting corpses from 4 to 9.5 kilometers away.
04:11 Before that, the Komodo dragon attacked the wild boar.
04:16 Its bite causes the prey to weaken, and the victim has to find a puddle to soak in.
04:25 The victim tried to fight.
04:30 But it certainly won't be able to escape death.
04:42 A wild boar is feeding.
04:47 It and the others in the herd were noticed by the Komodo dragon.
04:52 After watching for a while, the killer succeeded in knocking down a wild boar.
05:01 It then swallows its prey.
05:11 Deer vs Komodo
05:14 The deer strayed into the territory of the Komodo dragon.
05:19 The killer's hunting ability was extraordinary.
05:24 Not only on land, but Komodo dragons can also attack prey in the river.
05:33 Successfully defeated the prey.
05:39 Previously, this deer was attacked by a Komodo dragon.
05:48 It is trying to escape.
05:53 But no success.
05:58 Poor deer is paralyzed by predators.
06:03 It can't move anymore.
06:07 Attempts to run away.
06:12 But was held back by Komodo.
06:17 Unfortunately this deer will not be able to escape death.
06:27 Komodos are cunning.
06:28 They try to appear harmless.
06:32 Then when the prey is not paying attention, they make a fatal bite that causes pain to
06:37 the victim.
06:47 On many occasions, this monster finally ambushed the deer.
06:52 And this unlucky deer was targeted by death.
06:57 The victim has absolutely no chance of winning this battle.
07:01 It's only a matter of time.
07:11 Goat vs Komodo
07:15 Dramatic hunt.
07:19 A small fearless goat constantly protests and runs away from predators and calls for
07:24 help.
07:26 It even counterattacks the Komodo.
07:33 But even if he escaped, the hunter's venom would cause the goat to die afterward.
07:48 The Komodo dragon's venom paralyzes the goat's nerves.
07:52 Can't stand, can't run.
07:57 Goats can only lie still and scream and wait for death.
08:02 A meal of fresh meat keeps predators happy.
08:12 On the arid land, the little goats are looking for tubers, roots, and even pebbles.
08:22 One of them, unfortunately, became lunch for Komodo.
08:27 Although the prey is quite large, the Komodo still manages to swallow it.
08:41 Monkey vs Komodo
08:44 Komodo dragons rarely eat monkeys because monkeys are much faster than them.
08:54 But once it is targeted by a Komodo dragon, it is difficult to escape.
09:02 Successfully devouring prey.
09:12 The Komodo dragon locks the legs of a monkey.
09:16 The victim tried to run away, but it was not easy.
09:22 The bus was torn by three murderers.
09:27 Poor monkey.
09:37 Big lizard
09:38 A large lizard encounters a dog.
09:44 It got angry and attacked.
09:49 The dog is also fearless many times, dodging the attacks of large lizards.
10:03 The riverbank is an ideal hunting ground for predators.
10:08 The monitor lizard is a skilled egg thief.
10:13 And it is also the cause of the angry dick op.
10:18 The monitor lizard was attacked by two birds.
10:23 They are protecting their eggs from this evil predator.
10:32 This is the giant and toughest lizard in Australia.
10:37 Weighs about 33 pounds and measures over 9 feet long.
10:42 It's one of those formidable apex predators that few animals dare encounter.
10:50 The senses are tuned to foraging in the grass.
10:55 It can eat anything.
10:58 But such a large active hunter sometimes needs a more hearty meal.
11:06 Parenting lizards are one of the fastest reptiles.
11:11 It can maintain a speed of about 25 miles per hour.
11:16 That proves it as an effective endurance hunter.
11:21 Adult kangaroos are not an easy target.
11:26 After targeting, it skillfully approaches its prey.
11:30 A competition of speed and agility.
11:37 Failing to capture its prey, it moves to another target, the mulga.
11:45 Grab the prey by the neck.
11:49 One meal gives the parent enough energy to stalk its next victim.
11:56 After the fight with the lion, the buffalo was seriously injured.
12:06 Wounds on the buffalo's body make it difficult to move.
12:12 Constantly being followed by lions, the buffalo left in pain but could not escape the bloodthirsty
12:19 people.
12:21 The lions were constantly following.
12:26 They attack the victim's open wounds.
12:31 The lion is one of the opportunists and will not give up without a fight.
12:36 After hours of tracking and attacking, the lion family successfully defeated the wild
12:44 buffalo.
12:46 This poor animal becomes food for the bloodthirsty.
12:56 After the battle with the antelope, he was severely injured in the leg.
13:04 Not getting food but also being seriously injured made this hunt very difficult.
13:13 She took her cubs out for a drink.
13:18 Then rest and try to keep the wound clean to heal quickly.
13:31 The poor buffalo probably had a broken leg, making it very difficult to move.
13:38 However, will it survive the harsh times of nature in the future?
13:55 Thirst is driving the lion.
14:00 A new bloody war broke out, causing the body to be torn apart and severely dehydrated.
14:10 Lionesses need to add as much water as possible.
14:15 The large buffalo had knocked her away before, repeatedly tearing her skin apart.
14:25 It takes a long time for the wounds to heal fully.
14:39 After eating hyena, leopard takes care of his body.
14:44 It is constantly licking clean.
14:56 A brutal war.
15:01 The cruelty of teeth and claws.
15:06 This may be a war for food.
15:11 It's amazing how they both ended up leaving unscathed.
15:21 Behind the lions was a young male with a wounded leg.
15:26 He had just suffered a wild beard rampage.
15:39 Lying alone in the dark, the lioness screams every time as if to relieve the pain.
15:49 The sharp horns of the buffalo skinned her.
15:54 Patches of skin about to fall off the body cause extreme pain and discomfort.
16:03 Pitiful.
16:13 The lions of about 20 cubs began to search for food.
16:18 And their target is a newly grown buffalo.
16:23 Quick access.
16:28 Buffalo has no way to run away from hungry lions.
16:33 The victim was surrounded by them.
16:38 The buffalo painfully protested but failed.
16:43 Constantly attacked by hungry lions.
16:48 Will any luck come to the buffalo?
17:01 The mother and daughter of a wild buffalo were attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
17:09 The child is too weak.
17:14 Finally became food for the stray dogs in the presence of its mother.
17:24 Two bloodthirsty lions chased buffalo herd.
17:30 They rushed to attack a young buffalo.
17:35 But unsuccessfully before the child's mother's protection.
17:49 A four-month-old young buffalo follows his mother through the Luangwa Valley of Zambia.
17:58 It is part of a giant herd.
18:02 They live together and protect each other.
18:05 But maintaining such a large group is quite a difficult job.
18:12 They frantically run before the lions attack.
18:16 A buffalo separated from the herd is killed by predators.
18:31 During noon, the old and weak lion was resting when it was surrounded by wild buffaloes and
18:37 they continuously used their sharp horns to attack.
18:45 The lion was scared and ran away.
18:57 Three proud lions are attacking an adult buffalo.
19:02 A fierce battle.
19:07 The male lion was injured while trying to catch his prey.
19:12 Can its two comrades take down this massive prey?
19:26 In the green meadow, two scorpions are chasing the mother and the buffalo.
19:35 Successfully caught the young buffalo.
19:38 The lion gripped the small buffalo's larynx, preventing it from uttering a cry for help.
19:46 A wild buffalo is chased by three lions.
19:54 Try to keep predators as close as possible.
20:01 The intelligent buffalo makes noises that distract predators.
20:06 Can the lone buffalo escape the clutches of death?
20:21 Buffalo chases a bloodthirsty lion.
20:26 Scared predator runs away.
20:31 But many times were chased away by buffalo herds.
20:36 It never gives up before these delicious baits.
20:40 Will these buffaloes escape the lions?
20:51 Not only lions, buffalo's enemies, there are wild dogs.
21:00 The buffalo herd passed through the territory of the wild dogs.
21:05 This is a good opportunity for these bloodthirsty people to hunt.
21:10 They target the children in the herd.
21:14 A young buffalo was attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
21:19 The victim cried out in pain.
21:25 Its mother and the adult buffaloes in the herd came to save the calf.
21:29 Under the protection of the mother, whether this poor child will escape death.
21:43 A pack of wild dogs rushed to separate a young buffalo from the herd.
21:51 The victim was smart as it fled into the water to stay alive.
21:57 But that did not make it difficult for these bloodthirsty people to be locked up and dragged
22:02 ashore.
22:06 The poor animal became food for the wild dogs.
22:17 Wild buffalo ran away from the attack of wild dogs.
22:21 This young buffalo was separated from the herd by them.
22:26 Constantly being dragged by wild dogs.
22:31 After an hour of trying, the poor victim became food for the stray dogs.
22:45 Wild buffaloes drinking water are disturbed by wild dogs.
22:53 It left but then continued to threaten the wild dog with its sharp horns.
23:01 These sly predators are fearless.
23:09 Finally we would like to thank all of you who have followed The Hawk from the first
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23:37 Thanks again and see you in the next video.
23:40 [Music]
