• last year


00:00 I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it's called a darkness
00:04 is coming that no man can see.
00:09 A darkness is coming.
00:12 A darkness is coming that no man can see.
00:15 Is coming not to bring you a defeat.
00:18 It is to bring what you see to a halt. What you see hoarding, what you see controlling,
00:31 who you see ruling and doing these things against you.
00:35 Their so called reign is ending.
00:38 Their control will be brought to nothing before you.
00:44 These things will take place.
00:46 Yes.
00:48 They will, but some will see this as your defeat.
00:53 They will see this as I am not answering your prayers.
00:57 They will see this as your enemy's victory, but hold on and wait patiently on me and you
01:07 will see them fall and you will receive your victory.
01:12 Yes, you will see this and all will change.
01:18 Lord, but nothing is happening and now you are warning us of a darker times of darker
01:27 times.
01:28 How can we bear so much darkness?
01:33 It's too hard now.
01:34 How can we hold on if things become worse?
01:40 My children, don't you see it's not your strength, it's mine.
01:46 It's not your battle, it's mine.
01:50 Don't you see I have not abandoned you.
01:53 I am with you.
01:54 I am your victory.
01:56 I am your joy.
01:57 I am your peace.
01:58 I am your deliverance.
02:00 Nothing your enemies have done has guaranteed your defeat, but it is guaranteed theirs.
02:08 Don't you see I brought my son here to destroy what you see now.
02:16 I have and I will say this again, what your enemies are doing is nothing new.
02:22 Satan is just using different people to do it.
02:26 Remind yourselves of my sacrifice, of my promises, of my word, of my blood covenant.
02:34 I am coming down and destroying all you see.
02:38 It's not much longer, so don't give up now.
02:41 I am doing things for you now that you can't see.
02:45 I am doing things now to deliver you.
02:48 I will not fail you, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
02:58 Your enemies in this nation and in this world have made deals with foreign enemies, deals,
03:06 yes, that are against you.
03:10 You will see another bold move from China that will once again be allowed by who, Lord?
03:19 The B- and many others and some in the past.
03:29 Yes they paid your enemies to threaten.
03:31 They paid them to intimidate this country into ultimate submission.
03:36 But remember what I have said about the so-called B-powers.
03:42 I am bringing them all down and the world will know that I and only I am the God, the
03:48 Creator of heaven and earth could have done this in this way.
03:56 Canada is coming too, Iran and Iraq.
04:02 They will all join forces against my eagle, but they won't see in their arrogance the
04:08 traps that they are about to run into.
04:13 Traps have been set and I told you many things are going on in the waters.
04:18 You can't see, but you are about to, saith the Lord.
04:27 You will hear of more and you will see and hear, see and hear about more and more.
04:36 Don't listen because it's not yet time.
04:40 I told you in my word rumors of wars, it doesn't mean they will get those wars when they want
04:47 them.
04:50 Keep watching Taiwan, something significant is about to take place there.
04:57 Another symbol, a statue you would say, or monument of the globalists and their agenda
05:04 is about to fall to the ground because so are they and their plans.
05:14 Their global warming will be uncovered as false and their plans to steal more from you,
05:19 to kill you and all of these will be exposed.
05:23 Their whole agenda will be unearthed and told to the world.
05:28 Get ready, your enemies are desperate, they are angry and they see they are losing.
05:35 Shaking after shaking will take place now, so be prepared with me and do not fear, but
05:39 have faith in me that nothing you see will affect you because I am protecting you from
05:45 it all.
05:46 Saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
05:51 Now like I told you earlier, this is not a prophetic word to fear.
05:57 Some people will automatically be like, Oh my goodness, it's going to get darker.
06:02 And again, God answered that question.
06:05 God, how can we handle the darkness?
06:09 It's already dark.
06:11 Things are already so impossible.
06:13 Things are already so overwhelming.
06:15 How do we handle any more?
06:19 And God gave us that answer.
06:22 You'll find that, this is not one of my scriptures, but he was bringing that up to me when I was
06:25 reading that to you.
06:28 In Ephesians, in chapter 6, now again, these prophetic words will always align with the
06:34 word of God, and so when you hear these things, scriptures will pop up.
06:39 That's what happens to me all the time when I'm reading these, and that's why I give them
06:43 to you.
06:45 Now look at this, what he says in his word.
06:47 In Ephesians 6, 10, this is what he gave you.
06:52 He said, "It's my strength."
06:55 So when people are getting the fear about, Oh my goodness, what happens if there's more
07:00 shortages?
07:01 Which is a prophetic word he just gave me about that yesterday.
07:05 Inflation and all these different things, and the economy imploding and exploding and
07:10 collapsing and all these types of things going on in the world.
07:12 People will automatically get into fear.
07:15 Why?
07:16 Because they're seeing it in their own ability.
07:17 They're seeing it in their own strength.
07:18 They're seeing it as, What am I going to do about my job?
07:20 What am I going to do about my investments?
07:21 What am I going to do about my money?
07:22 What am I going to do about food?
07:24 What am I going to do?
07:25 What am I going to do?
07:26 What am I going to do?
07:29 This is a time where we lean and trust in God.
07:33 Not in what we see and not in our ability to meet our own needs.
07:37 Remember God says in his word in Philippians 4, 19 that he liberally will supply our every
07:42 need.
07:43 That is in the amplified version of that scripture.
07:45 God is Jehovah Jireh.
07:47 Remember one of his names.
07:48 I told you to start studying his names.
07:50 One of his names is Jehovah Jireh, your provider.
07:54 You can see an amazing story about the provider in Genesis when it came to Abraham and Isaac.
08:04 Remember Abraham was supposed to go and sacrifice his son.
08:09 He got to the point where he had the knife up in the air and the angel stopped him.
08:14 He said, "No!"
08:15 God has prepared a lamb.
08:17 Now look, a ram.
08:19 There's a ram in the thicket.
08:21 So the angel got his attention and he saw there was a ram in the thicket.
08:27 He couldn't see it at the time.
08:31 He was doing something that he knew he was supposed to do and then God shows up when
08:36 you least expect it.
08:39 God shows up.
08:40 He's not asking you to figure these things out.
08:43 He's not asking you to try and do this on your own.
08:47 God will never ask you to do that.
08:50 Ever.
08:52 Only thing that God is going to ask you to do is to trust Him.
08:57 Believe in Him.
08:58 Have faith in Him.
09:02 And what does that mean, faith?
09:03 A lot of people ask that question because they're not taught that in most churches nowadays.
09:07 What is faith?
09:10 Faith is trusting in God and His ability to help you.
09:14 Despite what you see, despite your five physical senses in any way, shape or form, no matter
09:20 how horrible things look, no matter how impossible things look, you will sit there and stand
09:24 and say, "God, I trust You.
09:26 I am not moved by what I see.
09:28 I'm only moved by Your Word.
09:30 I'm only moved by Your promises.
09:32 You said You will avenge me.
09:33 You said You will deliver me.
09:34 You said that You are the God who nothing is impossible.
09:37 You said You are my provider.
09:38 You said You are my healer."
09:39 Whatever it is.
09:43 You are only moved by your trust in God.
09:50 You can see that.
09:51 If you look in the book of Mark, chapter 5, the woman with the issue of blood starts in
09:58 verse 25.
10:03 Jesus said, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole."
10:09 Your faith or your trust.
10:11 I'm going to read that really quick.
10:12 I was going to read Ephesians 6.
10:14 Now hold on a minute.
10:15 I'm going to get back to that.
10:16 I promise.
10:17 But He wants me to read this.
10:18 He had me read this scripture, I don't even know how many times this morning.
10:20 I don't know if it was 10 or 15 times.
10:22 He just kept saying, "Read it again.
10:24 Read it again.
10:25 Read it again.
10:26 Read it again."
10:27 Why?
10:28 Because there's something there.
10:29 Remember, God's Word is inexhaustible.
10:30 You can't get a scripture and hear it one time and think you're going to get all that's
10:33 involved in that scripture.
10:34 You're not.
10:35 Or every revelation.
10:36 God's Word, you will always learn more about it.
10:39 Now it says, Mark 5, chapter 5, verse 34, "He said to the daughter, 'Your faith, your
10:46 trust and confidence in Me, springing from faith in God, has restored you to health.
10:58 Go into peace and be continually healed and freed from your distressing bodily disease.'"
11:06 What healed her from that distress or that bodily disease?
11:11 Her confidence in Jesus and her faith and trust in God.
11:15 No matter how long she had it.
11:20 She heard the Word.
11:24 She heard about Jesus.
11:27 And she had faith in Him.
11:30 That's why it's important to hear the Word.
11:32 Faith comes by hearing and hearing, not having heard.
11:36 You cannot hear a scripture or hear a teaching one time and think you're going to get everything
11:41 out of it.
11:42 That's not true.
11:43 All right, now, I'm going to go back to Ephesians 6, 10.
11:48 Okay?
11:49 Ephesians 6, 10.
11:50 When God's talking about it is not our strength, this is the reason why.
11:53 He said, "In conclusion," this is amplified again, "In conclusion, be strong in the Lord.
11:57 Be empowered through your union with Him.
12:00 Draw your strength from Him, that strength which He boundless might provide."
12:05 God provides your strength.
12:08 And remember, the joy of the Lord is your strength.
12:10 Where do you get joy in the times of sorrow?
12:12 Where do you get joy in the times of distress?
12:14 Where do you get joy in the times of frustration?
12:17 Where do you get joy in the times of darkness?
12:20 Where do you get that joy?
12:22 In the presence of God?
12:24 In His Word?
12:29 In the presence of grace, and in the presence of grace, and in the presence of grace, and
12:34 in the presence of grace, and in the presence of grace, and in the presence of grace.
12:35 And that's the joy of the Lord.
12:36 The joy of the Lord is the joy of the Lord.
12:37 The joy of the Lord is the joy of the Lord.
12:38 And that's the joy of the Lord.
12:39 And that's the joy of the Lord.
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12:50 And that's the joy of the Lord.
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24:24 used to but God says more and more don't listen because it's not true it's not
24:29 it's not yet time I told you in my word rumors of wars it doesn't mean they will
24:35 get those wars when they want them you can go inside the scriptures of Matthew
24:41 Mark and Luke's account that talks about wars and rumors of wars with a sign of
24:44 Jesus's return he said rumors it doesn't mean they're gonna get them Canada's
24:53 coming to Iran and Iraq they'll all be joining forces against my ego but they
25:00 won't see in their arrogance the troops that the traps that they are about to
25:04 run into traps they have been set I told you many things are going on in the
25:07 waters you can't see but you are about to say it's a Lord he was talking about
25:14 in the paragraph above here this is what Canada Iran and Iraq are and joining in
25:19 forces with with who are and China your enemies in this nation and this and have
25:27 made deals with foreign enemies deals yes that are against you you will see
25:32 another bold move from China that will once again be allowed there was a balloon
25:41 that was allowed well apparently several of them now but it was allowed to go
25:45 from one side of the country to the next and it got intelligence that was allowed
25:53 on purpose their excuse is stupid
25:59 and it says by allowed and they in it there's a question by who Lord who is
26:07 allowing this that's what as soon as God's people were gonna hear this he
26:11 said this was other me their question and he was giving him the answer the
26:16 Biden and many others and and some in the
26:22 yes they pay their enemies to threaten they pay them to intimidate this country
26:27 into ultimate submission but remember what I've said about the so-called
26:31 powers I'm bringing them all down in the world will know that I and I only I God
26:37 the creator of heaven and earth could have only done this in this way yes some
26:43 of our military has been infiltrated not everybody in the military I am I support
26:49 military 100% and I pray for them I love our military but there are some
26:54 people in the upper parts that in generals and such because Lord's been
27:01 calling them out that's the reason why I'm saying this not all of them I'm not
27:05 disrespecting military because you guys know my heart I love veterans and I love
27:10 anybody who serves but there there has been an infiltration in our military and
27:16 in our government and in every area of our country I'm not saying this the Lord
27:23 is it's hard for me to say this I even asked that question do you really want
27:29 me to say that
27:32 when it comes against making a military it's very hard for me because there's
27:40 so many people that have died and to see people that are in charge of them be
27:49 traitors to this country it's very hard
27:56 so again not everybody but God's going to cleanse out a lot of them are just
28:03 bureaucrats and a lot of them are just there for money and power and they have
28:06 sold themselves a lot of them to China
28:11 all right so he's talking about the and others and they're allowing things to
28:15 happen because they want to take down of this final take down of this country but
28:20 what we have to pay attention to yes God says I'm coming down and destroying all
28:25 you see and it's not much longer so do not give up now I am doing things for
28:31 you now that you can't see and do things now to deliver you I will not fail you
28:36 say the Lord God will not fail you state the Lord your Redeemer he will not fail
28:39 us God never fails even says that his word he never fails what we supposed to
28:46 pay attention to right right now he says remind yourselves of my sacrifice of my
28:49 promises of my word and in my blood covenant that's what he's saying that
28:53 we're supposed to focus on right now okay I'm gonna go back up and read this
29:00 from the beginning a darkness is coming a darkness is coming I said it twice I
29:04 don't repeat that he did I not make a mistake that no man can see it's coming
29:09 not to bring you a defeat is to bring what you see to a halt so he's gonna
29:15 abruptly stop he's been talking about an abrupt stop what you see hoarding they're
29:20 hoarding things what you see controlling they're controlling stuff who you who
29:24 you see ruling and doing things against you their so-called rain is ending
29:31 they're so caught they their control we brought down to nothing before you these
29:35 things will take place yes they will they will but soon you will see this as
29:39 your as okay I read slower I'm trying to hurry because then I see my time these
29:45 things will take place yes they will but soon some will see this as your defeat
29:52 they will see this as I am NOT answering their prayers so they're gonna see this
29:55 darkness they're gonna see all these things going on around the world and in
29:59 the nations and in this country as the enemies are winning and we're and we're
30:04 defeated and there's nothing God's gonna do God's not answering a prayer just
30:08 let some people are gonna see this God says don't they will see this as your
30:14 enemies victory but hold on and wait patiently on me and you will see them
30:18 fall you will see you will receive your victory yes you will see this and will
30:22 and all will change Lord but nothing's happening and now you are warning us of
30:27 a darker times how can we bear so much darkness it's too hard now how can we
30:31 hold on if things can become worse I've already gone through those scriptures
30:34 there's tons more I could have gone to go look up scriptures darkness and
30:37 delight go look them up you can look up a whole bunch of them I could only give
30:41 you some because of time don't pay attention to focus on the bad focus on
30:47 the good even says in God's Word and the New Testament talks about think about
30:53 those things are above and so lovely things are pure things are of good
30:55 report all right now my children don't see don't you see it's not your strength
31:02 that's why I gave you Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 10 read that out of the
31:06 amplified version it's not your battle it's mine even says in many different
31:11 scriptures a battle is the Lord don't you see I have not abandoned you I am
31:15 with you I am your victory I am your joy I am your peace I'm your deliverance
31:18 nothing your enemies have done is guaranteed your defeat a lot of people
31:21 think it's guaranteed our defeat and God says no it's if it's guaranteed theirs
31:26 don't you see I brought my son here to destroy what you see now when Jesus came
31:32 he destroyed even what we see now because it's a name is above every name
31:38 it doesn't matter if it was just when he was there on the earth and we said did
31:42 a sacrifice it was forever so what Jesus did for us back then over 2,000 years
31:48 ago is affecting us and destroyed the power of our enemy now that's part of
31:54 his blood covenant that's part of that sacrifice it happens now to generation
31:58 to generation he says I have and I will say this again what your enemies are
32:05 doing is nothing new Satan is just using different people to do it there's
32:10 nothing new under the Sun nothing if God defended God delivered God healed God
32:21 set people free back then why would he a God who does not change he's the same
32:28 yesterday today and forever if he did that for them why would he not do it now
32:33 for you when he has a better covenant with you than he did with the Israelites
32:38 we have a better covenant based upon better promises than the original
32:45 Abrahamic Covenant in the Old Testament
32:48 fear and religion and legalism will tell you it's not true they will tell you
32:55 that nothing's happening they will tell you nothing's going on they will tell
32:58 you guys I can do anything that's a lie God is the same it is in his name he is
33:06 your victory they say healing was just for the beginning of time with the
33:13 disciples and Noah and that's why no you know why God is the healer Jehovah
33:24 Rapha he's not gonna change his name man does man changes God's Word to conform
33:37 to them and their beliefs that's not how it works we'll be praying for people who
33:47 believe in these type of things go read the word don't take a man's word for it
33:54 don't take mine go read the word I'll always point you back to the Bible I'll
34:00 always point you back to the Lord always because that's where your truth is that
34:07 God has for you your breakthrough your restoration your deliverance your
34:16 freedom is in his word so I want to pray reaching everyone of you Heavenly
34:23 Father right now in the name of Jesus I just want to pray over every person the
34:26 sound of my voice we want to thank you that you are truth we want to thank you
34:29 Father God that you are light we want to thank you Father God that you are the
34:32 way we want to thank you Father God that you are our Avenger that you are our
34:37 vindicator that you are our victory that you are our healer that you are our
34:42 provider you are everything we need and we thank you God for it that we will not
34:46 be moved by what we see we thank you Father God that you are tearing down
34:49 those principalities and powers and rules of the darkness of this world we
34:52 thank you Father God that anything our enemies that plan it will not prosper
34:55 against us you said it in your word in Isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed against us
34:59 so we proclaim that no weapon formed against our nations no weapon formed
35:03 against the body of Christ no weapon formed against our families no weapon
35:07 formed against our finances no weapon formed against our minds no weapon
35:10 formed against us in any way shape or form will prosper we're tearing down the
35:14 power of the enemy with a name above every name we thank you for our victory
35:20 because you are our victory we think of the battle of the Lords we think it's
35:23 already been won that you've already brought our enemy to nothing in Hebrews
35:27 2 and 14 and you've already disarmed him in Colossians 2 15 and we praise you and
35:32 we thank you that this is a year of 2023 a year to be free it is our year to walk
35:40 with you and to see you more and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and
35:45 amen well hopes to the courage of today please
35:48 like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear
35:51 an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because it would truth will
35:54 set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day
