• 2 years ago


00:00 Good morning, everybody.
00:02 Today is Tuesday, July 25th of 2023.
00:07 And of course, this is just another day
00:08 that the Lord has made
00:10 in what we will rejoice and be glad in it.
00:14 So this morning as I got up
00:15 and I had no idea exactly what God wanted me to do today,
00:19 and then he started having me dive in
00:22 to the solutions or the problems
00:24 that are going on in the world today
00:25 and the solution that God has for us.
00:27 These are keys to win in the midst of adversity.
00:32 This is just gonna be a little foundation
00:34 to this massive teaching.
00:36 This is not just gonna be a one teaching video.
00:39 This is gonna be multiple.
00:40 And whenever he has me teach upon this again,
00:43 I will, I'll go back to it.
00:45 I have known this and studied this
00:47 for a very, very long time.
00:48 And now it's time for me to start teaching it
00:51 to each and every one of you.
00:52 I have learned it from a dear, dear,
00:56 well, he doesn't know me.
00:57 I just know him 'cause I followed him for a very long time.
01:00 And I followed many of his teachings
01:01 and I just absolutely love and adore him.
01:03 And he got me out of a lot of darkness
01:06 he doesn't even know about that I was in.
01:08 So this teaching, it's really about God's blessing
01:13 and God's favor, okay?
01:15 It's regarding God's blessing and God's favor.
01:17 I'm gonna teach you what the blessing is
01:20 and I'm gonna teach you what the favor is.
01:22 Then we're gonna start building a foundation
01:25 on what these two things are
01:27 and how you expect to see it going on in your life
01:30 and how it can be that solution
01:32 to all the chaos in the world today.
01:35 How can it be a solution to all the problems
01:37 that you are facing in your life today?
01:40 Yes, it's a scriptural.
01:41 I will give you the scriptures
01:43 and the foundation with this teaching.
01:45 And I want you to make sure you write these down.
01:47 You get this revelation because this is something
01:50 that you're gonna have to have and need in the world today
01:54 as you see the chaos grow,
01:57 as you see the darkness get even worse at times,
02:00 God is saying this is the solution to the chaos.
02:04 This is the solution to the problems in your life
02:06 and God is giving it to you.
02:08 Remember, God's equipping us.
02:10 We are heavy armed soldiers in the army of the Lord.
02:13 He's not gonna send us out to battle
02:16 without giving us the weapons we need
02:19 in order to have a victory.
02:22 And so God is a good God.
02:23 If you have ever been in the military
02:25 and if you were ever stationed overseas,
02:28 and if you are, say for instance, you were a pilot,
02:30 they supplied the jet for you.
02:33 You didn't just supply the jet for yourself.
02:35 They supplied your clothes, they supplied you food,
02:38 they supplied everything that you needed
02:39 while you were in the military
02:41 and while you were going over there
02:42 or wherever you were here,
02:44 they supplied these things for you.
02:45 And God is a leader of the army of the Lord, okay?
02:49 And he is supplying these things for us,
02:51 but if we don't know what he has supplied,
02:54 we don't know how to use them,
02:57 then we won't be able to take advantage of them.
02:59 And then when we are facing that darkness,
03:02 when we are facing that adversity,
03:03 we are facing this chaos, we won't know what to do.
03:07 But God is saying, I am giving you the keys and the tools
03:11 to rise above all of these things
03:13 that are going on in this earth today.
03:16 Remember, you are loved by the creator of heaven and earth.
03:20 You were hand picked by the creator of heaven and earth
03:24 to be in this moment, in this very day, in this very hour.
03:27 And I know a lot of people question that.
03:29 Why did God pick me for today?
03:31 What is the point of my life?
03:33 I have no purpose.
03:35 I am nothing.
03:36 You know, I'm not out there.
03:37 I'm not in a five-fold ministry.
03:39 I'm just like, just, you know, trying to survive each day.
03:42 God is saying, no.
03:44 He has specifically handpicked each and every one of you.
03:48 You have a purpose and God has an assignment for you.
03:52 All you have to do is ask God what it is.
03:56 He's equipped you.
03:57 He's given you special gifts and special talents
04:01 in order for you to fulfill that calling
04:04 and that assignment that he's put on your life.
04:07 Now I'm telling you, your adversary will try to fight you
04:10 in order for you not to be able to complete it,
04:12 but God will be able to give you
04:14 every single thing you need to have
04:17 in order to rise above everything your adversary tries.
04:20 Remember, God knows the end from the beginning.
04:25 We may not be able to see the end.
04:28 We may not be able to see what's gonna happen
04:29 between now and that part of that victory
04:32 and that end of this situation, but God does.
04:36 And so we need to start trusting and leaning on God
04:39 more and more every day, getting to know him.
04:42 'Cause remember, I've told you guys this before.
04:44 How can you trust somebody you do not know?
04:47 How do you get to know the creator of heaven and earth?
04:50 Through his word.
04:51 That's his will.
04:53 And also through your fellowship with him
04:56 or praying with him.
04:57 And remember, prayer is not just,
04:59 I'm gonna get in my closet, speak a whole bunch of words,
05:02 complain to God about everything that's going wrong,
05:04 and then walk out.
05:06 Prayer is back and forth.
05:07 You say, "Julie, I don't know how to hear God."
05:09 You say, "I thank you, Father God,
05:10 that my spiritual ears are open to hear you."
05:13 Because your sheep know your voice
05:17 and I will not follow another one.
05:19 And so it's very, very, you gotta be very careful.
05:25 When you ask God to open your spiritual ears to hear him,
05:28 it is a still, small voice.
05:29 And people have asked me many times
05:31 how to hear prophetic words.
05:32 I don't hear an audible voice out here.
05:35 It's all from in here.
05:37 I taught myself a long time ago
05:39 by listening to other ministers,
05:41 to journal in my prayer closet.
05:44 Not only do I pray, I praise and worship God.
05:48 I write down scriptures.
05:49 I give those scriptures back to him
05:51 and I just thank him for them.
05:53 And then I sit and I listen quietly.
05:57 And we all can do that
05:59 because he wants to have a fellowship
06:01 and with each and every one of us,
06:03 he wants all of us to know him in that way.
06:07 So in times like this, when you can't trust man
06:10 and you can't trust anything that's going on before you
06:13 because there's so much disinformation going out,
06:16 there's so much confusion going out there,
06:18 people don't know what's true and what's a lie.
06:22 But what is the ultimate source of truth?
06:26 It is the word of God.
06:27 Okay, so I wanna teach you today
06:30 about God's blessing and God's favor.
06:34 Again, this is just gonna be a small part of it
06:37 because it's a very large teaching.
06:40 It's not something you just can teach in one video
06:42 and be like, okay, I can get it all.
06:44 It's a small, just giving you a building,
06:47 a foundation of learning what these two things are
06:52 and how to use them and what the purpose of them is
06:56 and how and why God has given them to you.
06:58 All right, now, I'm gonna start with the blessing of God.
07:03 Okay, I want you guys to start
07:05 in Genesis chapter one and verse 26.
07:08 This is the first place
07:10 where you see God mentioning the blessing.
07:14 Now, people don't think about the blessing
07:17 and really it has been just kind of toned down
07:21 in the body of Christ because it's like,
07:23 when somebody sneezes, it's, oh, God bless you.
07:25 Or when you say, okay, let's say the blessing before we eat.
07:28 That is not what the blessing exactly is.
07:31 It's an empowerment.
07:33 And so people don't realize,
07:34 yes, it's right to say God bless you to somebody,
07:37 but when you're saying God bless you to somebody,
07:39 you're empowering them with that blessing.
07:42 And people don't realize, they just think,
07:43 oh, it's just a nice word.
07:44 You're just being a cordial.
07:47 You're just being, you're just very nice.
07:48 But no, it's not.
07:49 It truly is an empowerment.
07:52 And I want to show you what that empowerment is.
07:55 So Genesis chapter one and verse 26, it said,
07:58 now, listen to this.
07:59 What does this empowerment with a blessing entail?
08:02 And I know most of you guys know this scripture.
08:05 I quote it a lot.
08:06 I give it out a lot because there's so much revelation
08:10 in these scriptures in Genesis chapter one.
08:13 Now, of course, where do you find it?
08:14 It's in the beginning, the beginning.
08:17 And it's so important to find out what God's plan
08:20 and purpose was for mankind in the beginning of the Bible,
08:24 because what his plans never change.
08:27 Even if man changes, the world seems to change,
08:29 but God's plan doesn't change.
08:32 And so this blessing that he empowered Adam and Eve with
08:35 is a blessing that is still working today.
08:38 We just didn't know about it.
08:39 And we just didn't know how to use it.
08:41 We knew nothing about it.
08:43 So I want to show you this.
08:44 So it says in Genesis 1, 26,
08:47 and God said, let us, father, son, and Holy Spirit,
08:51 make mankind in our image and after our likeness
08:55 and let them have complete authority
08:59 over the fish of the sea, of the birds of the air,
09:01 and the tame beasts over all the earth
09:04 and over everything that creeps upon the earth.
09:06 Verse 27, so God created man in his image,
09:11 in an image, in likeness of God,
09:13 he created him, male and female, he created them.
09:16 Now look at what verse 28 says.
09:21 Genesis chapter one and verse 28, it says,
09:25 and God blessed them.
09:27 He empowered them.
09:30 I want you, whenever you see the word blessed,
09:32 I want you to say empowered, all right?
09:35 Now God blessed or empowered them.
09:38 And he said to them, be fruitful, multiply,
09:42 fill the earth and subdue it
09:44 using all of its vast resources
09:47 in the service of God and man
09:49 and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
09:54 over the birds of the air,
09:55 and over every living, creeping thing
09:57 that moves upon the earth.
10:00 God had given them an empowerment.
10:02 For them, now I wanna say this really slow
10:08 because I don't wanna say it fast
10:10 because I quote this all the time as a decree,
10:15 but the blessing is an empowerment
10:19 on my life, and I want you to say this,
10:22 the blessing is an empowerment on my life.
10:29 Right now, giving me the ability to prosper,
10:34 to succeed, to increase,
10:41 to multiply, to excel, and to rise above
10:47 everything that attempts to hold me back
10:54 and to keep me down.
10:57 That's exactly what you saw when God empowered Adam and Eve.
11:02 It was a blessing.
11:05 It was an empowerment.
11:06 He gave them complete authority and dominion on this earth
11:11 to rise above everything that creepeth upon the earth.
11:18 God gave them that power.
11:23 So no matter what, and you can even see it,
11:27 the empowerment or the blessing was still working
11:30 even though they brought the curse in the earth
11:34 because they were disobedient.
11:37 They didn't listen to what God said.
11:41 The serpent came in, listened to the serpent,
11:44 they ate the fruit they weren't supposed to,
11:46 and the curse came in.
11:47 And what God had given Adam and Eve,
11:53 the serpent actually is what took it
11:55 and it used it and now is the curse.
11:58 But God still had a plan.
12:01 Even though that power was twisted
12:06 and there was a curse that was brought upon this earth
12:10 with Adam and Eve,
12:11 God still had the blessing on Adam and Eve
12:19 for them to excel above the enemy.
12:24 You can see it more, not really necessarily
12:27 in Adam and Eve's life because it kind of threw it away,
12:29 but Abraham's.
12:32 So even though Adam and Eve didn't use it
12:35 because they threw it away with disobeying God,
12:39 but God's plan for mankind still stayed the same.
12:43 So I said that wrong before.
12:44 The blessing was still in this earth
12:46 and it was still an empowerment for mankind,
12:48 but Adam and Eve didn't really work for them
12:51 as much as it did for other people you can see in the Bible.
12:54 Abraham is a great example
12:57 of the blessing working in his life
13:01 because Abraham was, he's the father of faith.
13:05 Now I wanna read something to you.
13:07 So I wanna say this again
13:09 for people who are writing this down, okay?
13:12 And the reason why I'm reading it
13:13 is because I quote it all the time
13:15 and I will quote it too fast.
13:17 So I wanna read this again.
13:19 The blessing is an empowerment on my life right now,
13:22 giving me the ability to prosper,
13:27 to succeed, to increase, to multiply,
13:32 to excel and rise above.
13:35 Everything that attempts to hold me back and keep me down.
13:40 This is a key solution
13:43 to everything that's chaotic in this world
13:47 to rise above it.
13:48 And it's God's blessing and God's favor.
13:52 I'm gonna start talking about God's favor here in a minute.
13:54 I'm just gonna go over a few scriptures
13:56 about God's blessing.
13:57 Again, there's more, there's a lot more on God's favor,
14:01 but I just wanna start at the beginning of this teaching.
14:04 So the power of the blessing
14:06 and how to walk in God's favor.
14:08 So the power of blessing, how to walk in God's favor.
14:11 He said, this is something that's really key.
14:14 It is a solution and the answer
14:17 to the chaos in your world today.
14:19 The power of the blessing and how to walk in God's favor.
14:26 So again, God's blessing is an empowerment for you.
14:30 Now you can see this also in Genesis chapter 12.
14:35 In Genesis chapter 12 and verse two, now listen to this.
14:40 This is the classic amplified.
14:42 He's blessing Abraham.
14:46 He's given that empowerment.
14:49 He says, "And I will make you of a great nation.
14:53 I will bless you with abundant increase of favors."
14:59 When you see the blessing,
15:00 the favor is always right there.
15:01 Okay, God's blessing and God's favor,
15:03 they're always together.
15:04 With abundant increase of favors,
15:07 making your name famous and distinguished.
15:10 And you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others.
15:16 So you could say God was empowering Abraham
15:21 to be a blessing, to be a distribution center.
15:26 That means Abraham was so abundantly blessed
15:29 that God was blessing him to bless through Abraham.
15:36 The blessing that's upon our lives
15:38 is not just supposed to stay in our life.
15:40 We're supposed to be used as a vessel to almighty God.
15:43 We are supposed to be blessed to be a blessing vessel.
15:47 Is that supposed to stay just on us?
15:49 We are supposed to distribute that blessing.
15:53 Not supposed to keep it just for ourself.
15:54 We're supposed to distribute the blessing.
15:56 Then he says, look, verse three.
15:58 Genesis 12, verse three.
16:00 "I will bless those who bless you,
16:03 who confer prosperity and happiness upon you,
16:07 and curse or use an insolent language toward you.
16:10 You all the families and the kindred of the earth
16:13 will be blessed by you, they will bless themselves."
16:18 So again, bless.
16:23 It's that empowerment for you to succeed, to excel,
16:28 to increase and to rise above.
16:32 Everything that Satan uses to try to keep you back
16:37 and to hold you down.
16:39 So when you think from now on, from this day forward,
16:41 when you think, I thank you, God,
16:43 that I have the blessing upon my life.
16:45 I thank you, it is a key.
16:49 It is solution, the favor and your blessing.
16:53 I'm gonna read this again.
16:57 "It is the solution and the answer to the chaos
16:59 that is in your world today.
17:02 So you can say, I thank you, Father God,
17:04 for the blessing upon my life,
17:06 that you are causing me to rise above everything
17:10 my adversary is doing in your favor."
17:14 Again, I'm gonna get to that.
17:17 I don't wanna quote it yet,
17:18 'cause I'm getting too excited and going before it,
17:21 because I quote the blessing and the favor all the time.
17:24 Together, but I wanna teach you a little bit more
17:26 on the foundation of the blessing.
17:27 Now, I also want you to show it what the blessing can do
17:31 in the midst of a famine, in the midst of a,
17:36 you could say an economic downturn,
17:38 a depression, amidst chaos, okay?
17:42 Again, there's so much more I can get into with Abraham,
17:46 but I'm gonna talk to you about the blessing
17:51 that was on Isaac's life.
17:54 And you can find that in Genesis chapter 26.
18:00 (gentle music)
18:01 You know what?
18:02 Hold on a minute.
18:03 I gotta go back.
18:05 Hold on, hold on to Genesis chapter 26.
18:07 Hold on for a minute.
18:08 All right, I wanna show you something really quick.
18:12 When God blessed Abraham in Genesis chapter 12,
18:16 in verse two and three, I just read you.
18:18 In verse 13, so the next chapter over,
18:22 Genesis 13 and verse two.
18:28 Now look at this.
18:29 Abram was very rich in livestock and silver and in gold.
18:34 So you saw him, God blessed Abraham in Genesis chapter 12.
18:40 And by Genesis chapter 13 in verse two,
18:45 you see him already being empowered.
18:48 He's being, he's excelling and he's rising above
18:52 and he's multiplying.
18:54 And it says again in Genesis 13 two,
18:56 and Abram was very rich in livestock and silver and gold.
19:00 And of course, there's another story with Abram and Sarah
19:03 and King Abimelech and how King Abimelech took Sarah
19:07 because Abraham said it was his sister.
19:09 And then God came to him in a dream.
19:11 He said, don't touch her, you're gonna die.
19:14 And then King Abimelech let Sarah go.
19:19 And not only did he let Sarah go, gave her back to Abram.
19:22 And then he sent them off with more than they came
19:25 in that land with.
19:26 So they had favor and the blessing in the sight of an enemy.
19:32 Because the reason why, and people think about this
19:35 because when I was a kid, I'm like,
19:36 why did Abraham say that Sarah was his sister?
19:40 Well, if he didn't, they would have killed him
19:42 to get to her.
19:44 So he lied.
19:45 Now he shouldn't have lied,
19:46 but that's what he did to save his life.
19:48 And then God still showed him favor
19:51 and God still gave him the blessing
19:53 and God got him out of that situation.
19:55 Now I want you to turn to Genesis chapter 26.
19:57 I'm trying to lay a foundation of blessing.
20:00 Then I get to the favor really quick as well.
20:03 Now in Genesis chapter 26 in verse one,
20:08 you can find this in verse one,
20:11 Genesis chapter 26, verse one.
20:13 There was a famine in the land.
20:15 Now we have seen shortages because of the sea
20:21 were, well I'm saying, back in 2020.
20:24 All right, we saw a lot of shortages.
20:27 Us here in the United States of America, it was crazy.
20:29 I know it was crazy all over the world.
20:31 I mean, we have stores all over the place that have stocks.
20:36 They just stock the shelves constantly of food
20:39 and of products.
20:40 But with that 2020, there was empty shelves everywhere.
20:45 And that wasn't just happening around here,
20:47 it was happening around the world.
20:49 There was a famine at that particular point,
20:50 was that.
20:52 Now there is inflation, there is starting shortages
20:57 and things like that are getting crazier and crazier.
21:00 It's harder to get certain things.
21:03 But again, it's not as bad as 2020.
21:05 But your enemy again, wants to create havoc and chaos.
21:11 They want it to get darker and God says it was going to.
21:14 So how everything's gonna happen, I don't know.
21:17 But this is a solution, even in the midst of a famine,
21:20 even in the midst of darkness,
21:22 even in the midst of a great depression,
21:23 even amidst God's talked about the economy,
21:26 he's talked about bringing that economy down.
21:28 And some people are freaking out
21:29 because they don't know exactly what to do
21:31 when that economy explodes, because it will, it will implode.
21:34 It's like the Babylonian system,
21:37 it's a system without God, God's bringing it down.
21:40 But look what happened.
21:43 Think of Isaac in this time.
21:46 Think of Abraham in this time.
21:50 Genesis 26, verse one,
21:52 "And there was a famine in the land,
21:53 besides the first famine, that was in the days of Abraham."
21:56 So there's a famine in the days of Abraham.
21:59 Now there's a famine in the days of Isaac.
22:01 Then it says, "And Isaac went to Abimelech,
22:04 king of the Philistines and Gerar."
22:05 So we see, we see king Abimelech again.
22:09 In verse two, "The Lord appeared to him and said,
22:12 do not go down to Egypt, live in the land,
22:15 which I shall tell you."
22:18 Now, what God was telling Isaac,
22:21 don't go where everybody else is going,
22:25 or don't do what everybody else is doing.
22:28 Don't follow the world.
22:30 That's what he was saying.
22:33 Don't follow the world.
22:34 What does he tell us all the time?
22:37 Things are not how they appear to be.
22:38 Start speaking the word of God.
22:40 We're supposed to start just declaring,
22:42 we're supposed to start receiving what God is saying
22:44 and not what the world is telling us.
22:47 He's been saying the world has been lying.
22:49 Things are not how they appear to be.
22:51 And God is saying, don't follow the world.
22:53 Don't follow the world system.
22:55 Don't do what the world does.
22:57 Don't expect what the world expects.
22:59 He says, I'm taking you out of that
23:03 and bringing you into a life that you didn't even know
23:05 existed, a way of life you didn't even know existed.
23:10 God's saying it's right here.
23:12 It's in his word.
23:13 And he's showing you it's that blessing.
23:15 It's an empowering you, even in the midst of a famine,
23:19 even in the midst of something that's economic chaos.
23:23 God is saying it's empowerment.
23:26 Even though this chaos is going on around you,
23:28 this blessing will sustain you.
23:30 It will make you rise above.
23:32 You will not be a part of those things.
23:35 This is what it is.
23:36 He was giving us these examples in the Bible
23:39 are not just for, oh, that was a nice story.
23:42 It was to show you this is what to expect
23:46 in the things that you were living in in your own life.
23:49 If these things are going around the world,
23:50 because remember, there's nothing new under the sun.
23:53 It's not new before, he's doing it again.
23:56 He just calls it something different.
23:58 So God is giving us examples of what to do
24:02 and what to expect.
24:03 Now listen, verse two, Genesis 26, verse two.
24:08 The Lord appeared to him and said, again,
24:10 what did he tell him?
24:11 He gave him something to do.
24:12 He gave him an instruction.
24:13 Do not go down to Egypt.
24:15 Live in the land which I tell you.
24:17 Again, don't live like the world.
24:20 God has been telling us just like,
24:22 I'm just starting to prerecord.
24:24 You'll see that next Monday, but it's time to decide.
24:27 And what he was saying about that prophecy,
24:29 I'm just gonna give you a little hint
24:30 on what you're gonna see next week,
24:32 is God is telling us there's time for us to decide
24:36 on which report we believe.
24:38 If we believe God, we believe him.
24:41 And what we can't see exactly, and we believe his word,
24:44 or we're gonna believe what we see and what we feel.
24:48 We have to decide.
24:49 God says there's coming a time of a great separation.
24:52 When you see all this darkness, chaos,
24:54 all this stuff going around, God is saying,
24:56 listen, that is for the world.
24:57 That is not for my people.
24:59 Remember Goshen, he says it all the time.
25:01 That was his light.
25:02 He said, that was, I was my protection.
25:05 That was me separating, making a great distinction
25:09 between my people and the Egyptians.
25:12 God's doing the same thing now.
25:14 All right, now, verse three.
25:17 He's telling him, he's giving him instruction.
25:18 Dwell in this land and I will be with you and bless you.
25:21 For you to your in your sentence,
25:23 I will give all these lands and I will perform the oath,
25:27 which I swore to your Abraham, your father.
25:31 What was the oath?
25:33 I just read it to you in Genesis 2,
25:37 in Genesis chapter 12, verse two and three.
25:40 Genesis chapter 12, verse two and three.
25:42 It was the blessing and his favor.
25:46 It was that empowerment and God's favor.
25:49 I'm just about to get into it.
25:51 Verse four, I'll make your descendants multiply
25:55 as the stars in heaven.
25:57 I will give you descendants of all the lands
25:59 and in your seed and all the nations of the earth
26:02 shall be what?
26:03 Be blessed.
26:05 What is that?
26:07 The blessing that empowers you to prosper,
26:09 to succeed, to excel, to increase and to rise above.
26:14 This is a manifestation of the blessing
26:19 right here once again in these scriptures.
26:23 Now, verse 12, for the sake of time, I can't read it all.
26:27 But verse 12, then Isaac sowed in that land.
26:30 Again, there was a famine,
26:32 but Isaac obeyed God, went to the land
26:35 that God told him to go to.
26:37 And Isaac sowed in that land.
26:38 And look, he reaped in the same year a hundred fold.
26:43 And the Lord, what?
26:47 Blessed him.
26:48 He empowered him to prosper over that famine.
26:53 He had caused him to increase while there was a famine.
26:59 Well, there was nothing.
27:02 Well, there were shortages everywhere.
27:04 There was a shortage,
27:06 but God caused Isaac to increase
27:11 while everybody else was in a famine.
27:13 He what?
27:16 Separated Isaac from the rest of the world
27:19 because Isaac obeyed.
27:21 This is a manifestation of God's blessing.
27:24 Verse 13, the man began to prosper,
27:28 continued prospering until they became very prosperous.
27:32 Now I wanna read the Amplified version of Genesis.
27:37 This is the classic Amplified.
27:38 Genesis 26, 12 and 13.
27:41 Then Isaac sowed seed in the land
27:44 and received in the same year a hundred times
27:46 as much as he planted.
27:47 So again, there was an increase
27:49 while everybody else, there was a decrease.
27:51 There was not enough.
27:53 There was a shortage.
27:54 God increased Isaac because there was a blessing
27:56 that empowered him to rise above that shortage.
28:00 Now look what it says.
28:02 And then he said, as he planted,
28:03 and the Lord favored him with blessings.
28:08 So he favored him with blessings.
28:12 In verse 13, the man became very great
28:14 and gained more and more
28:15 until he became very wealthy and distinguished.
28:19 Now, I want to go over,
28:24 and that was just a little bit of the blessing
28:27 because I wanna go over favor for a few minutes before I go
28:31 of what God's favor is.
28:32 God's favor.
28:35 This is what I proclaim all the time.
28:38 I decree it all the time.
28:40 I wanna read it because if I quote it,
28:47 then I'll just go too fast.
28:48 All right.
28:49 I gotta, you know what?
28:52 I'm gonna quote it.
28:54 I'll just quote it slow.
28:56 God's favor goes before me
28:59 and opens up doors that no man can shut.
29:02 It changes rules, regulations, policies on my behalf.
29:09 God's favor changes rules, regulations,
29:19 and policies on your behalf.
29:23 God's favor goes before you
29:27 and it changes things that are in the world on your behalf.
29:32 So again, I'm so excited to teach this
29:37 because of the importance of the favor of God,
29:40 knowing the favor of God and knowing the blessing of God
29:44 and how you will see them both at the same time.
29:47 Now, the blessing and favor,
29:55 I'm gonna say this kind of slow, I'm gonna try to,
29:58 the blessing and favor makes you superior
30:03 to your circumstances.
30:06 I already showed you a few examples
30:09 of the blessing and favor.
30:10 God mentioned both with Abraham and with Isaac.
30:15 All right.
30:18 So the blessing and favor makes you superior
30:22 to your circumstances.
30:25 All right, now I'm gonna go more to favor.
30:28 Favor can do what money can't do.
30:33 Favor can do what money can't do.
30:38 Look what happened with Isaac.
30:40 No amount of money in the world at that time
30:45 would have stopped the famine that was going on
30:47 in the land with, it would have been in Isaac's own life.
30:50 Okay, the amount of money would have stopped the famine.
30:53 There was a shortage, but God increased him,
30:57 not only with finances, but he increased him
31:01 and his flock, which was his food,
31:03 he increased him and his crops got increased him
31:07 and gave him favor.
31:09 So sometimes, and people have to realize,
31:13 no matter what is in the world today,
31:16 no matter how much money these people have,
31:19 no matter what they do, no matter what they say,
31:21 no matter what position they're in,
31:23 God's blessing and God's favor can cause you
31:28 to rise above anything and anyone in any position
31:33 because God is the one who is the ultimate say-so.
31:38 And there are situations going on in your life
31:41 that is causing you problems,
31:44 that's causing you to say, for instance,
31:46 I would even say it's financial,
31:47 that's causing you to paycheck by paycheck living,
31:50 or it's causing you to have so much poverty,
31:52 so much debt and so much lack
31:54 that you can't be that distribution center
31:57 and you can't be that blessing that God wants you to be.
32:00 God's blessing and God's favor can rise you above
32:04 even what you make in your job.
32:07 And I know the church doesn't talk like that.
32:10 I know that most churches won't speak like that,
32:13 but it's true.
32:16 God showed you that with Abraham,
32:18 God showed you that with Isaac.
32:19 Now, favor can do what money can't do.
32:22 Now, favor can do what power can't do.
32:26 'Cause look what happened with King Abimelech
32:28 and Abraham and Sarah.
32:31 He was a king.
32:32 He had the most powerful position in that area,
32:34 but when God showed up,
32:37 not only did that king,
32:40 the powerful position that he had,
32:43 he had to give up what he wanted.
32:47 He gave up Sarah that he wanted,
32:50 and then he also gave him flock or he gave him money
32:54 and he said, "Go take a land and go do whatever you want."
32:57 He increased Abraham.
33:00 Again, that was a powerful position,
33:05 but God rose Abraham and Sarah above that position
33:10 and they got things that belong to the king.
33:15 You can also see that in Exodus.
33:18 Go to Exodus.
33:19 I know you're surprised I'm going there again.
33:21 Exodus chapter three.
33:24 This was a blessing and the favor of God.
33:29 Look, in verse 19,
33:33 okay, you had Pharaoh.
33:35 You guys know the story.
33:35 I'm gonna go really fast.
33:37 You had Pharaoh who was the powerful position in that time.
33:41 Pharaoh had God's people enslaved.
33:44 Moses kept going to him and Moses kept saying,
33:47 "Let my people go,"
33:48 and you all know the story.
33:50 He wouldn't let them go.
33:51 So that's why the plagues happened
33:53 and then that's where the angel of death came,
33:55 the very end.
33:56 Look what God said in Exodus chapter three, verse 19.
33:59 "And I know the king of Egypt will not let you go
34:02 unless forced to do so,
34:03 no, not by a mighty hand."
34:06 Verse 20.
34:09 Now I'm gonna do another teaching at some point
34:11 about the hand of God
34:12 'cause it is the right hand of God
34:14 and then the hand of God.
34:15 There's powerful teachings on those.
34:17 So I'll stretch out my hand
34:18 and then smite the Egyptians with my wonders,
34:21 which I will do in it.
34:22 After that, he will let you go.
34:24 So it didn't matter the power that Pharaoh had.
34:28 It didn't matter.
34:29 Look what he did to them.
34:32 Now I will give people favor.
34:35 So God's hand went before his people.
34:39 Remember, they had the blessing on their life.
34:40 You know, it didn't look like it,
34:42 but God gave them favor in the sight of the Egyptians
34:45 and respect in the sight of the Egyptians.
34:48 And it shall be that when you go,
34:49 you shall not go empty handed.
34:51 So they got all the possessions
34:55 that the Egyptians took from them and enslaved them with,
34:58 took those possessions away.
34:59 They taxed them into slavery.
35:01 So they got all those possessions back
35:03 and the possessions that the Egyptians had.
35:05 The Egyptians gave up what they had,
35:08 just like you saw with King Bemelech and Abraham.
35:12 Now King of Bemelech didn't give him everything,
35:14 but he gave him a lot.
35:15 Then it says, "But every woman shall insistently solicit
35:19 "of her neighbor and all that residing at her house,
35:22 "jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments,
35:25 "which you shall put on your sons and daughters,
35:27 "and you shall strip the Egyptians
35:29 "of belongings due to you."
35:31 God's favor went before them
35:35 and it restored what belonged to them.
35:40 All right, so I'm gonna again,
35:44 I'm gonna say the favor can do what money can't do.
35:48 The favor can do what power can't do.
35:50 Favor can do what seniority can't do.
35:56 And favor can do what influence can't do.
36:03 So the favor can change rules,
36:09 regulations, policies on your behalf.
36:14 It can open up doors that no man can shut.
36:19 So there's times in my life
36:22 when I knew I had to have the favor of God
36:25 when dealing with certain people
36:26 in situations, in circumstance.
36:29 So I said, "Father God, I thank you
36:30 "that your favor goes before me."
36:33 And it changes rules.
36:34 Sorry, the favor goes before me
36:37 that opens up doors that no man can shut.
36:39 It changes rules, regulations, policies.
36:43 It changes these things.
36:44 And I thank you, Father God, on my behalf.
36:47 It will change, your favor changes rules,
36:51 regulations, policies for my life.
36:55 It will change them.
36:57 So no matter what's going on,
36:58 you have the favor of God.
37:00 So long, long, long, long, long time ago,
37:03 my husband and I were renting a house
37:04 and our kids were very, very little.
37:07 And the owner of that house
37:09 decided to sell that house without telling us.
37:11 Well, this was around the time
37:14 of that economic crash back in 2008, 2009.
37:17 And there was really nowhere to go.
37:19 There was not a lot of houses for sale.
37:20 Banks weren't really lending that great.
37:22 And we had three young kids.
37:24 And I remember being threatened with that
37:29 of you have to get out.
37:31 It was unjustifiable.
37:32 We were great renters.
37:33 We did nothing bad or anything.
37:36 But it was just like, he was just gonna sell the house
37:38 without telling us.
37:40 And I said, Lord, I thank you that your favor goes before me
37:44 and opens up the doors that no man can shut.
37:47 It will change this situation.
37:50 I thank you that your blessing is changing this situation.
37:55 No matter what happens, Father God,
37:56 you're the one that supplies this for me and my family.
38:00 Now came to the time,
38:02 or as a few days before we were supposed to move out,
38:04 and I did not pack a box.
38:06 I said, God is going to change this.
38:07 I'm gonna have favor in the sight of this person.
38:11 It is not gonna happen.
38:12 It's not gonna go through.
38:13 We are not gonna have to be homeless.
38:16 I refuse that situation in my life
38:19 because I was studying the favor.
38:21 I was studying the blessing.
38:22 This is something I've been studying for like 13 years.
38:25 That's why I'm trying to, there's so much of it.
38:28 I'm trying to do this in a very,
38:30 just a foundation that I'm not confusing you,
38:32 but at the same time,
38:33 I'm giving you a foundation to build upon
38:36 because there's so much information
38:38 regarding these two subjects.
38:41 Again, they're one, but they're so powerful.
38:44 And I just wanted to show you guys it can change things.
38:47 So anyway, this was like a Wednesday
38:48 and we were supposed to move out by like that Friday.
38:51 And again, I was proclaiming to create God's favor
38:54 and God's blessing.
38:55 And that man came and said, you can stay.
39:01 We had favor in that side of that man.
39:03 And that whole deal fell through
39:04 and we stayed in that house.
39:06 Why?
39:08 Until it was the right time,
39:09 until we moved and we found a house that God had for us
39:12 and God set aside for us.
39:13 But again, it was a favor of God.
39:15 It was the blessing of God.
39:17 No matter what that man wanted
39:19 and no matter what he used to try to get us out,
39:22 God's power was that empowerment
39:25 and God's favor was the one that changed that problem.
39:31 And so when we were asking and praying for favor,
39:35 our favor showed up in an ungodly man.
39:38 This person was not a born again Christian.
39:40 He was a worldly man, but God's favor showed up
39:45 and we were able to stay.
39:47 And we didn't have to move anywhere
39:49 until we had the house that God had for us.
39:52 Again, and we had favor with that one as well.
39:55 So it was God's favor that showed up
39:58 in so many different ways.
39:59 As long as we're asking God and expecting it.
40:02 I thank you, Father God,
40:03 that your favor is opening up doors that no man can shut.
40:07 I thank you, Father God, I had this situation in my life,
40:09 I had this situation in my life,
40:11 but I thank you, Father God,
40:12 you're opening up those doors
40:13 and you're closing those doors that those men can't shut.
40:16 You're closing those doors, Father God,
40:18 to the enemy that he cannot rule,
40:20 he cannot reign,
40:21 and he cannot keep the situation in my life.
40:24 I thank you, Father God,
40:27 that you are changing the course of this situation.
40:31 And that favor in your blessing
40:34 is a solution to that problem.
40:36 So, you're going to need the favor of God now,
40:42 perhaps more than any other time in history.
40:46 As you can see the darkness that's overwhelmed
40:50 and the chaos that's overwhelming this world right now,
40:52 that God said it was gonna happen.
40:55 When you have God's favor and God's blessing,
40:57 I'm giving you illustrations of God's favor
41:01 and God's blessing in manifestation with his people
41:04 in the midst of an impossible situation,
41:07 in the midst of darkness, in the midst of chaos,
41:10 and God's favor and God's blessing showed up.
41:13 And it changed their life.
41:18 It changed the problem.
41:20 It was a solution to the problem
41:22 that God's people were facing.
41:24 And so if we know that that empowerment,
41:27 that blessing upon our lives,
41:29 it's not just, again, God bless you
41:32 when somebody sneezes.
41:34 It's an empowerment for you to rise above every situation,
41:40 every circumstance, every test and trial
41:42 that your adversary is trying to throw at you,
41:45 that is a solution to that.
41:47 That is what God is telling you,
41:49 hey, I have empowered you to rise above your enemy.
41:54 I've given you favor in the sight of enemies.
41:59 You can see that again in Exodus.
42:01 There are so many different scriptures
42:04 that I can give about the favor
42:06 and about God's people having favor
42:08 in the sight of an enemy.
42:10 Remember that unruly judge, the unjust judge,
42:14 and the woman kept going back,
42:15 and the woman kept going back,
42:16 and the woman kept going back,
42:17 and he was just like, give her whatever she wants.
42:20 Just stop bugging me.
42:22 She had the favor of God.
42:23 God's favor goes before us,
42:27 and it changes the situations in our life,
42:31 and so does the blessing.
42:33 Now, and I wanna,
42:37 oh, there's so many I can go to right now.
42:40 Hold on.
42:41 Go to Exodus 321 again,
42:51 and it said, "I give these people favor
42:53 "and respect in the sight of the Egyptians,
42:55 "and it shall be, when they go,
42:57 "they shall not go empty-handed."
42:58 They didn't leave empty-handed.
43:02 They were empty-handed.
43:04 When you saw the favor of God,
43:05 they didn't leave empty-handed.
43:07 When God's people are experiencing distress,
43:11 chaos, it's all over the world,
43:15 and all around them,
43:16 the favor of God is about to manifest in your life,
43:18 and it's going to bring you through the worst of times,
43:22 and turn them into the best of times.
43:27 That's exactly what God wanted for his people in Egypt.
43:33 He got 'em out of that with favor and with hand.
43:39 They got all the belongings that were due to them,
43:42 what Pharaoh and all of his men had stolen from 'em,
43:45 and then took all the things that the Egyptians had,
43:48 the possessions of Egypt,
43:50 and they were supposed to go right into a land
43:52 of overflowing with milk and honey.
43:56 That was God's plan.
43:59 Remember when they came out and they spied the land,
44:02 the grapes were huge.
44:04 The food was huge.
44:06 Because God said, "I'm leading you into a land
44:11 "flowing with milk and honey."
44:12 That means I'm leading you into a land of increase,
44:15 of more than enough.
44:17 I'm leading you into a land where I'm going to provide
44:20 for you where there is no lack.
44:21 But God's people didn't listen,
44:26 and they didn't get to see it.
44:28 Some of 'em never saw it.
44:30 In other words, it was delayed for 40 years.
44:32 But again, in Exodus chapter 321,
44:36 when the favor of God shows up,
44:39 and his blessing, they are inseparable,
44:43 and look how it changes things.
44:45 Look how it changed an enslavement of an entire nation.
44:50 God's blessing and God's favor changed
44:55 the whole entire thing what happened
44:57 with an enslavement of a nation in a day.
45:02 That's our God.
45:06 Now go to Psalm 3.8.
45:08 Now a lot of people don't even know
45:09 where scriptures are for favor.
45:12 Again, I'm only gonna give a couple today because of time,
45:15 'cause I have to go, but I'll teach on this again,
45:20 and I'll get more descriptive with it.
45:22 Psalm 3, verse eight.
45:30 "Salvation belongs to the Lord.
45:32 "May your blessing be upon your people."
45:38 May the blessing be upon your people.
45:43 So the blessing is upon us.
45:47 I'm gonna give you a couple scriptures of blessing
45:48 and a couple scriptures more of favor.
45:51 All right, now go to,
45:54 hold on, 'cause he's just giving me another one.
45:59 Galatians chapter three.
46:08 13 and 14.
46:09 "Christ purchased our freedom,
46:10 "redeeming us from the curse of the doom of the law,
46:13 "and his condemnation by himself become the curse for us.
46:17 "For it is written in the scriptures,
46:18 "curse is everyone who hangs on a tree and is crucified."
46:21 Verse 14.
46:22 "To the end, that through receiving Christ Jesus,"
46:27 and because you received Christ Jesus,
46:30 "the blessing promised to Abraham
46:34 "might come upon the Gentiles,
46:38 "so that we through faith might all receive the revelation,
46:42 "the promise of the Holy Spirit."
46:44 The blessing is upon us.
46:46 That empowerment is upon us.
46:49 We just have to know that there's an empowerment there.
46:51 We just have to know that God has given us the ability
46:54 to rise above all these situations, these circumstances,
46:57 all these tests and trials,
46:58 all these things that the enemy is throwing at you,
47:01 God has given you an empowerment that's upon you.
47:04 If you've received Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior,
47:06 you have that blessing on you right now,
47:09 even though you have not seen it maybe in your life,
47:11 you may not experience it in your life,
47:12 and God's saying it's on you,
47:14 and now that you know about it,
47:16 remember, knowing the truth, the truth sets you free,
47:18 knowing it, you can know that right now
47:21 you can rise above every situation
47:24 that is in your life today,
47:26 because that blessing is upon your life.
47:28 All right, now,
47:32 (soft music)
47:34 Psalm 41.
47:37 Psalm 41 in verse 11.
47:45 This is also something that the blessing, the favor do,
48:01 that you can expect from the blessing
48:03 and the favor of Almighty God on your life.
48:05 Psalm 41, verse 11.
48:08 By this I know
48:09 that your favor and delight in me,
48:15 because my enemy does not triumph over me.
48:21 One of the manifestations of the favor of God
48:27 is that your enemy will not triumph over you.
48:31 The psalmist said,
48:34 here's one of the ways I know for a fact
48:36 that I have the favor of God on my life
48:38 is because my enemy never triumphs over me.
48:42 So you can say, I thank you, Father God,
48:45 your favor is on my life,
48:47 and my enemy never triumphs over me.
48:52 Say that with me.
48:53 My enemy never triumphs over me.
48:58 Why?
48:59 Because I have the favor of God.
49:00 The favor of God can keep you protected from the enemy.
49:08 It will keep you from experiencing defeat and failure
49:14 at the hands of the enemy.
49:17 So you have an empowerment that rises you above,
49:23 but you also have the favor that protects you.
49:27 If you know these things,
49:31 again, this is just the beginning of this.
49:33 This is just the beginning of you realizing,
49:38 if any of you have ever been taught about the favor of God
49:40 and the blessing of Almighty God,
49:42 it's right there in the scriptures.
49:43 There's so many I wanna give to you.
49:45 I just don't have enough time today.
49:48 But it's so important for you to know these empowerments,
49:53 for you to know that this is a protection,
49:55 for you to know that God has a solution
49:58 for all the chaos and all the problem in this world.
50:00 He's given it to you.
50:02 You just have to know about it
50:04 so you can receive it in your life.
50:09 The enemy cannot triumph over you.
50:14 God has a blessing upon your life.
50:19 He has a favor upon your life.
50:23 So if you think about these things,
50:25 and just, again, start that foundation.
50:27 Start reading the scriptures that I gave to you.
50:30 Start even doing your own search
50:33 about blessing the scriptures or favor scriptures,
50:35 but I will get more into that.
50:36 And show you what God has in store for you.
50:42 Even in such darkness, God can bring so much light,
50:48 so much increase in your life to rise you above
50:53 everything that's trying to hold you down,
50:58 everything that's trying to keep you back,
51:00 everything that's trying to get you
51:01 to be a part of the world, God is saying, "Come out of it."
51:05 Remember, Jesus said in John 17, verse 13 through 17,
51:10 excuse me, he said it twice,
51:13 "You are in this world, but you are not of it."
51:17 God is telling us to be separate from the world.
51:22 Don't live like them, don't talk like them,
51:24 don't act like them, don't receive like them,
51:27 receive from me, receive what I've already done.
51:31 He's already given us this empowerment.
51:33 He's already given us his favor.
51:35 It even says, one scripture says,
51:37 "His favor surrounds us like a shield."
51:40 His favor surrounds us like a shield.
51:46 And so it's a protection, it shields us from the enemy.
51:51 Remember that prophetic word he said,
51:52 that he's the one who stands between them and us?
51:56 His favor, it protects us like a shield.
52:00 And so if we think about these things,
52:03 and we have to realize that our enemy
52:05 has no power that can touch our almighty God
52:10 and the things that he's doing in us and through us,
52:16 and that should excite any of you today.
52:19 No matter if you're facing court cases,
52:22 no matter if you're facing a situation in your job,
52:25 no matter if you're facing a situation in your marriage
52:29 or whatever it is, God's blessing and God's favor
52:34 can change those situations.
52:36 It can change a ruling of a judge.
52:39 Yes, it can.
52:43 And so again, if we think about this,
52:46 and we really truly dive deep into this
52:51 and realize what God has given us,
52:53 remember he's given us the armor of God,
52:56 that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
52:59 As in Ephesians 6, 12, read it on.
53:05 If he's given us the armor of God,
53:11 but now we know he's given us a blessing,
53:13 it's an empowerment.
53:15 We also know he'd given us favor, which is also protection.
53:18 And it goes before us.
53:21 Not just with us, it goes before us.
53:24 Remember, God scatters the enemy before we get there.
53:27 God can stand between us and our enemy,
53:30 and our enemy can't touch us.
53:32 Even Job, when Satan was trying to convince God
53:36 to bring down that hedge of protection.
53:39 Remember, there was a hedge of protection around Job.
53:42 He said, "You have a hedge of protection around Job."
53:44 And he's like, "Take it down."
53:45 God said, "I can't take it down.
53:47 You can't take it down.
53:48 The only person that can take it down is Job."
53:51 It was Job by his mouth.
53:52 God wouldn't remove the hedge of protection.
53:55 Satan couldn't remove it.
53:58 The only person that could was Job.
54:00 And it was with his mouth and what he did.
54:03 But then Job realized how forceful the right words
54:09 God had what favor in the sight of God.
54:12 And God doubled everything that had been stolen from him.
54:15 The blessing.
54:17 So when you thinking about all the things that are wrong,
54:22 that's going on in our nations,
54:26 all the things that's going around in the schools,
54:27 all the things going wrong in our justice systems,
54:30 all the things that are going around in our governments,
54:31 whatever it is,
54:32 the blessing and God's favor are the solution
54:37 to what's going on in the world today.
54:40 We just have to know about it.
54:42 And once we know about these things,
54:44 that truth can set us free.
54:47 Well, I wanna pray over each and every one of you
54:49 that you have this insight,
54:50 you get this revelation on the inside of you
54:53 about how powerful that blessing is,
54:55 how powerful God's favor is.
54:57 I didn't get to get to very many scriptures.
54:59 This is just a few that I have to give to you today.
55:03 But it is something that you can build upon
55:07 and start really getting us on the inside of you
55:10 to change the way you see your situations
55:13 and the circumstances you're facing
55:14 in your own lives today.
55:16 So Heavenly Father, we just wanna praise and thank you
55:20 for the insight, for revelation knowledge
55:22 on your empowerment of the blessing,
55:25 on your favor that's our protection.
55:27 We wanna thank you, Father God,
55:28 that your favor does go before us.
55:30 It is opening up doors that no man can shut.
55:33 It's changing rules, regulations,
55:35 policies that have to change, they will before us.
55:39 I wanna praise and thank you, Father God,
55:41 that that blessing is an empowerment,
55:43 that it's changing, that this blessing is empowerment
55:46 that caused us to rise above, to increase, to excel,
55:50 to increase above everything that tries to keep us back
55:54 and hold us down.
55:56 I thank you, Father God, that you're showing right now
55:58 or realizing the power of the blessing that is upon them,
56:02 that it is causing them to rise above.
56:05 Any situation that the enemy is trying to use
56:08 against your people.
56:09 I thank you, Father God, for revelation knowledge
56:12 of your word, that you are the greater one,
56:15 that you are inside of us, that you have empowered us,
56:18 that you have shielded us, you are protecting us,
56:21 that you are giving us every tool, every weapon
56:24 that we have to have, not only to survive.
56:27 No, no, no, you're giving it all of us to thrive.
56:29 I thank you, Father God, that they get this revelation
56:33 on the inside of them, and it's changing
56:36 their circumstances, it is changing things in their life,
56:39 it's changing the way they see their situations,
56:43 it's changing the way they see the world,
56:45 it's changing the way they see you, Father God,
56:47 that you didn't just put them on this earth
56:49 and just leave them, you put them on this earth
56:52 and you empowered them, and you are protecting them,
56:57 and you are giving them solutions to every problem,
57:01 that you are rising them above every problem,
57:04 that you are giving them the victory,
57:07 that you are the restorer that will restore
57:09 everything that's been stolen,
57:11 and even if there was a famine,
57:12 and even if there was shortages,
57:14 that you are increasing them despite any of it,
57:18 because you are the God of increase,
57:21 and I thank you, Father God, that they know,
57:24 that they know, that they know how special they are,
57:29 how important they are to you,
57:31 how important they are to the end time harvest of souls,
57:34 how important they are into the kingdom of God,
57:37 that they are light in the midst of a dark world,
57:42 and we wanna praise and thank you, Father God,
57:44 for every victory, we wanna praise and thank you,
57:46 Father God, for turning every test into a testimony,
57:49 I thank you, Father God, for healing them right now
57:53 in their bodies, for touching them from the top
57:56 of their head to the soles of their feet,
57:58 and I thank you, Father God, that they shall live
58:01 and not die, that they are not sick,
58:05 that they are healed, that they are not weak,
58:09 but they are strong, and I thank you for it.
58:12 In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
58:15 Again, get this revelation on the inside of you.
58:18 I have the blessing that's empowering me
58:22 to rise above everything that Satan is trying to do
58:27 to keep me back and hold me down.
58:29 Start shouting at those scriptures,
58:33 just start getting in your prayer classes,
58:36 start just studying them, you will start to shout
58:39 your enemy down and to realize that no power he has
58:44 and no enemy he uses is bigger than our God
58:50 and stronger than the blessing that is upon your life today.
58:56 In the favor that's protecting you
58:58 from anything that Satan tries to do against you.
59:02 Well, I hope that's encouraged you today.
59:03 Please like, subscribe, and share,
59:05 and give this to everyone you know
59:07 who needs to hear an encouraging word,
59:08 who needs to hear the truth
59:09 because the truth will set you free.
59:11 God loves you, I love you, God bless you,
59:15 and have a wonderful day.
