Free Skins Series-3 Calf Sleeves With The New Issue Of FourFourTwo

  • last year
Get 6 months of the world's greatest football magazine with up to 44% off, AND a free pair of SKINS Series-3 Calf Sleeves for subscribing!
00:00 Hi there everybody, Adam Cleary from 442 here and wonderful news, it's post day!
00:09 Ta-da!
00:10 Holding it that way round so you can't see where I live.
00:14 Now the real hardcore amongst you may remember that like a million years ago or a month,
00:18 whatever it was, we did a wonderful unboxing here on this channel where I got a mystery
00:23 football shirt.
00:25 This mystery football shirt to be precise.
00:27 You wouldn't just know it, our wonderful product team are at it again.
00:30 This time if you subscribe to 442 you get another incredible present worth lots of actual
00:35 money.
00:36 And I have it right here and we'll be opening it imminently.
00:39 Now I just want to say before I do that, it's not a football mystery shirt.
00:43 However, I don't actually know what it is so it's still a mystery of sorts.
00:49 And who doesn't like a mystery, eh?
00:50 Eh?
00:51 Right, okay, here we go.
00:53 I'm always nervous doing this because obviously it's in a sealed envelope so you do only get
00:57 one take.
00:58 Oh, it's sporting goods.
01:00 What have we here?
01:02 Carve sleeves?
01:03 Oh my god, this is so good.
01:05 I have carves.
01:08 Oh, in a royal blue.
01:15 Oh, no, no, it's one of those gel packets you're not supposed to eat.
01:19 Freebie.
01:20 Honestly, do not eat in big letters in several languages.
01:22 I just, it just makes me wonder.
01:25 Right, here we are.
01:26 Skins 3 Series unisex carve sleeves with advanced compression.
01:32 Accelerates circulation.
01:34 Reduces muscle oscillation.
01:35 Faster, longer, stronger, moisture management and anti-microbial.
01:40 Made in Madagascar and 100% vegan as well.
01:45 Well, I am impressed.
01:46 Can I put them on?
01:47 You can't possibly imagine what carve sleeves look like without me putting them on, can
01:49 you?
01:50 I'm impressed though, because I've had quite a few comments on videos being like, "What
01:53 do you reckon he wears under the table?"
01:56 And I've never, I've never shared that, have I?
01:59 Couldn't have sent me arm sleeves, could you?
02:04 Which one's your carve?
02:05 Stay there.
02:06 I've only put one on so you can see it, but I tell you what, this carve has never been
02:13 so well sleeved in all its life.
02:16 Honestly, I'm not just saying this, that is a really, really comfortable fit.
02:21 I'm really old now, so I've got to be so careful whenever, I was about to say whenever I exercise,
02:26 what I actually do is I play Nintendo Switch golf in my living room.
02:30 So I've got to be really careful when I do that, otherwise I feel it the next day.
02:33 And do you know what?
02:34 I could go for a run in one of these and that for me is big talk.
02:38 So yeah, same deal as last time.
02:40 If you subscribe to 442 on print and digital, you get six months of both, plus this lovely
02:44 free gift for only £32.49.
02:46 That's a saving of like 44%, which is a lot.
02:49 And if you're old school and you just like your magazines, then you can get the print
02:52 only version for £24.99.
02:53 And of course you still get the free gift.
02:56 And I think that's a saving of like, checks notes, 35%.
03:00 Also if you are a subscriber, you get the special subscriber cover, which I really like.
03:05 So yes, there you go.
03:06 Subscribe to 442 because it's just a fantastic magazine and web product anyway, and it would
03:10 make your life better and you'll get some free calf sleeves, which will make your calves
03:15 better.
03:16 And as I have always said, don't bother checking, it's just 100% true.
03:19 If you can get your life and your calves in perfect balance, that is the key to true,
03:26 true happiness.
03:27 I think.
03:28 Anyway, thank you very much to everybody who sat through all of that.
03:29 Get me on Twitter, threads, Instagram.
03:31 I'm absolutely everywhere @adamcleary, C-L-E-R-Y, 442, whole social spectrum as well @442.
03:37 And until next time, until my next post day, I'll see you soon.
03:41 Well, not my next post day.
03:42 Until the next, do a really good video, which you should watch also, I'll see you soon.
03:44 But also until the next post day, goodbye.
