Residents' group push back against McDonald's plans in Ross-on-Wye

  • last year
00:00 Good morning everyone. I'm Debbie Hall from St Mary's Garden Village Residence Action Group, who object to this application.
00:06 The specific national and local planning infringements we object to are contained in our submitted reports.
00:13 However, I now reiterate our main objections.
00:16 This application would result in increased traffic congestion, threatening the safe and effective operation of the local road network.
00:24 An independent traffic assessment has revealed that traffic levels are already in excess of the base plus market levels quoted by McDonald's.
00:34 However, the actual traffic pinpoint is A40 and the unadopted Starley Road roundabout at the entrance to the village.
00:44 Highway engineers say that Starley Road does not have the capacity to deal with these additional traffic volumes.
00:51 They also require that the width of the A40 be increased to accommodate the additional one million vehicles per year.
00:58 This makes no sense as Edenstone had to reduce the width of the A40 and include calming measures as part of their section 278.
01:10 This application would draw traffic from the surrounding villages as well as the A40 and the A449,
01:17 which would contravene the agreed transport plan to reduce vehicles entering the development to ensure road safety and prevent a serious accident.
01:27 Land ownership is also a key here, as each purchaser has a financial obligation for the upkeep of the village.
01:36 This includes all unadopted roads, lighting and community areas, as detailed in the management plan.
01:43 With one million visits per year, yes, one million, this application would cause an unacceptable loss of amenity and privacy to residents.
01:55 Headlight glare and people seen into homes and gardens will be intolerable.
02:00 In addition, the mental and physical health and safety of all residents will be further impacted by the noise, smell, litter, CO2 emissions and rodents.
02:13 There is no precedent for a drive-through limiting an unadopted road on a housing estate.
02:19 Please don't be the first county to approve one.
02:23 This site has approved planning permission for 12 affordable homes,
02:28 but this application is essentially wanting to build a separate service area adjacent to existing established facilities.
02:38 We are also very concerned that this application will have a detrimental effect on Ross-on-Wyme,
02:46 which is already struggling with empty shops and job vacancies, many in the food sector.
02:54 Visitors to the town would reduce so all shops will suffer.
02:59 And finally, a quote from Edenstone's chairman, Martin Taylor.
03:04 "McDonald's application requires support from Edenstone to facilitate the highway entrance.
03:12 We can confirm that we met with the legal representative of McDonald's and informed them that that support will not be forthcoming."
03:21 Thank you.
