• last year
Parva Farm Vineyard
00:00Hi, I'm Judith Dudley. I'm from Barber Farm Vineyard in Chinton. Barber Farm Vineyard is the oldest vineyard in Monmouthshire.
00:09It was planted in 1979 by the previous owner.
00:13I'm between two vines here and I'm going to show you what we're doing in the vineyard at the moment.
00:18Now the vines are 45 years old, which for vines is getting on a bit.
00:23And the crop was slightly dropping, so we made the decision to cut the vines back.
00:30And now the reason for this is I can show you this old trunk here.
00:34This is where the sap should be flowing.
00:38But with various bits having been cut off over the years, it makes a big knot, if you like.
00:46And then the sap can't flow properly around it and that weakens the vine.
00:51So all its nutrients aren't being able to get up to the top.
00:56So we've cut these two back. They've been cut back fairly low.
01:01And you can see new growth has come up and this will be good growth for next year.
01:07We won't get much of a crop this year because of all this cutting back.
01:11But next year we hope for a good crop and the year after even better.
01:16So that should improve things a lot.
01:18The vineyard has been allowed to go a bit rough because of this.
01:22We haven't done too much work amongst the vines.
01:25We've just let them carry on rejuvenating by themselves.
01:30This is a stunning vineyard.
