• 2 years ago
00:00 Swimming in the Minecraft ocean lives the rarest mob of all.
00:03 Meet the beautiful mermaid kitten.
00:05 This kitten can't make any friends.
00:07 Fish are scared of her and cats want to have her for dinner.
00:10 But when these players adopt this little kitten,
00:12 they'll teach her everything she needs to know
00:14 about making friends.
00:16 But teaching her to be as calm as the ocean won't be easy
00:19 as this kitten is as playful as a tidal wave.
00:22 Can my friends tame this magical mermaid?
00:25 Let's find out.
00:27 Hey, like and subscribe or I'll bite.
00:29 Just kidding, thanks.
00:31 Oh, that was such a good little kitty cat nap.
00:35 Or should I say, mer-kitty nap.
00:38 Let's see, time to go for a nice swim.
00:41 One, two, three.
00:43 Whee!
00:44 Look at all the coral, it's so growing nice today.
00:48 Everything is so pretty.
00:50 Oh man, I wish I had some nice friends to share my little,
00:54 you know, cove with.
00:56 Wait a minute.
00:58 Today's the day I make a new friend.
01:00 Oh, there's a fish.
01:02 I wonder if that fish has a friend.
01:03 Let me see.
01:04 (clears throat)
01:06 Hi, hi, my name is Apnea and I am,
01:10 huh, wait a minute.
01:11 Uh, wait.
01:13 (crowd awws)
01:15 I'm not gonna eat them,
01:15 they always think I'm gonna eat them.
01:18 Okay, so I can't make friends with fish.
01:20 Maybe, oh my gosh, there's some real cats up there.
01:25 On the surface world,
01:27 I can survive on the surface for a little bit.
01:29 Okay, yes!
01:30 (panting)
01:32 Hi, hello.
01:33 Hi kitties.
01:35 (cat meows)
01:36 My name is Apnea and I'm looking for a friend.
01:39 Would you guys like to be friends?
01:40 (cat meows)
01:41 Huh, what the?
01:42 Ah, why are they scratching at me?
01:44 Oh no!
01:45 (panting)
01:46 Oh no.
01:47 (panting)
01:49 I guess they were trying to eat me.
01:50 Oh, it's okay.
01:52 It's perfectly fine because you know what?
01:53 As long as I'm alive,
01:55 I'm determined to make at least one friend.
01:58 Yes.
01:59 (bell dings)
02:00 What's this?
02:00 (dramatic music)
02:01 What the?
02:02 (screams)
02:03 What's going on?
02:04 Oh no.
02:05 - What I got?
02:05 Did I get something?
02:06 (panting)
02:07 I got something!
02:08 - Oh no!
02:09 - Let me see.
02:10 (panting)
02:10 - I'm in a net.
02:11 (screams)
02:13 - What do I got?
02:16 I got a catch!
02:17 Yes!
02:18 Okay, let's see.
02:19 I got one, I got two, I got three.
02:24 This one's getting away and I can't really count
02:28 higher than three, but hang on.
02:29 - What are you?
02:30 - You're a weird looking fish.
02:33 - Hmm.
02:34 - Yeah, I mean this one looks normal.
02:36 You look like a fish, but also a cat.
02:40 - Meow.
02:41 - Maybe you're...
02:42 (gasps)
02:42 (bell dings)
02:43 I know what you are.
02:44 I've heard stories about you.
02:46 - I'm a mermaid cat.
02:46 - You're a catfish!
02:48 (water splashes)
02:49 Huh?
02:50 - I'm a mermaid.
02:51 - What?
02:52 (screams)
02:53 Oh, no, no, no, no.
02:54 Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
02:55 Stop, stop, stop.
02:56 Calm down.
02:56 Hey, hey, no, no, no, no.
02:57 It's okay, it's okay.
02:58 Ah, dark water.
03:00 Listen, listen.
03:01 We can be friends.
03:02 We can be friends.
03:02 I don't want to eat you like the other fish.
03:04 Huh, where am I going?
03:06 What?
03:07 I don't want to be this high.
03:08 Hang on.
03:08 No, no, no, no, no.
03:09 Okay.
03:10 Stop, stop it, stop it.
03:11 We can be friends.
03:12 We can be friends.
03:13 (bell dings)
03:14 - Oh.
03:15 - That's right.
03:16 We can be friends because no one has ever seen
03:18 a catfish before and I can charge so much money
03:22 to show you off and sell you.
03:23 Huh, huh?
03:24 What do you think?
03:25 - I don't know what that means, but I don't like it.
03:28 - Ah, okay.
03:29 No, all right, kitty, kitty, kitty.
03:30 You gotta stop, kitty.
03:31 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:32 Calm down, calm down.
03:33 Kitty, kitty, stop it, stop it.
03:35 - What's happening?
03:36 Where is it taking me?
03:37 - Get up here with the fish.
03:38 Get out of here, fish.
03:39 I don't care.
03:40 Hey, hey, hang on, hang on.
03:41 Did you fall in the cannon?
03:42 Hey, oh, I see you down there.
03:44 Don't worry, I'll get you out.
03:46 Not to worry.
03:47 Let me just light this here and--
03:49 - What's happening?
03:50 (screams)
03:52 - Where'd you go?
03:53 - Ow.
03:54 Ow, my head hurts.
03:56 Oh, man.
03:59 Oh, I got a boo-boo on me, no.
04:01 Oh, man.
04:02 Well, I guess I gave it a good shot
04:06 at trying to make a friend.
04:07 Oh, but how am I gonna get better?
04:10 I don't know how to fix this.
04:12 (cat screeches)
04:13 Whoa.
04:14 (gasps)
04:16 - What was that?
04:17 - Whoa.
04:17 What are you?
04:19 - Razor.
04:20 - Are you a kitty or are you a--
04:22 A mermaid?
04:23 - She called me a mermaid.
04:27 Oh.
04:28 - Here, kitty, kitty.
04:29 - What is this?
04:30 - Or mermaid.
04:32 Do mermaids like fish?
04:34 (cat screeches)
04:36 Oh, no.
04:37 Oh, dang it.
04:38 Oh, here, kitty.
04:40 Oh, what about these?
04:43 Do you like these?
04:45 (cat screeches)
04:46 They're just special made.
04:48 - What is that?
04:49 (gasps)
04:50 - Oh, you like fish cookies.
04:53 - Whoa.
04:54 - Do you like it?
04:55 - Fish cookie?
04:56 (gasps)
04:57 Whoa, this is so cool.
04:59 (cat screeches)
05:01 (gasps)
05:01 That was good.
05:02 (cat screeches)
05:03 - Oh, I think you like those.
05:06 Oh, here's another one.
05:07 - Ooh.
05:08 - Ooh, this way.
05:10 - Yummy.
05:11 (cat screeches)
05:12 - Come on.
05:13 - This is so good.
05:13 - Keep following this way.
05:15 - Casey, what are you doing?
05:17 - Oh, Zane.
05:18 Look, look, I found another friend.
05:21 - Huh?
05:22 Whoa.
05:23 - Yeah, I found this adorable kitty.
05:26 - That's a kitty?
05:28 Look at it.
05:29 - Yeah, well, I think so.
05:30 - I have never seen anything like this before.
05:33 - I know.
05:34 She's so cute.
05:35 - A cat that likes water?
05:38 That's even more crazy.
05:40 (cat screeches)
05:41 Where did you find it at?
05:43 - On the other side.
05:46 I think she needs help, though.
05:47 It looks like she's got a boo-boo.
05:50 (cat screeches)
05:50 - Huh.
05:51 Oh, all right.
05:52 Well, I think I've got a little something
05:54 that can help you.
05:55 - Wait a minute.
05:57 - Huh?
05:58 - Wait, wait.
05:59 - Huh?
06:00 - Oh, boy.
06:00 - Hang on, hang on, hang on.
06:02 - Yes, Captain Ahab, what is it?
06:05 - Well, that cat fish thingy is mine.
06:09 I saw it first.
06:10 (cat screeches)
06:11 - But it's following me.
06:13 - Well, yeah, but you know, as an explorer,
06:16 as a pirate of the seas,
06:18 I take what I want and I want what I take.
06:21 And I saw it first.
06:22 (cat screeches)
06:23 - I don't think she likes you.
06:25 (cat screeches)
06:26 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:27 Clearly she doesn't like me.
06:28 I agree.
06:29 And so for that reason, I say instead of capturing her,
06:32 I want to eat her.
06:34 (crowd gasps)
06:35 - Wait, that's your solution to this?
06:38 Can you imagine how good this kind of fish would taste?
06:40 - I'm a mermaid.
06:42 (cat screeches)
06:44 - Hmm.
06:45 She clearly doesn't like you calling it a cat fish.
06:48 - Come on, it's a good little dinner.
06:51 (cat screeches)
06:53 - Hey!
06:54 - Whoa!
06:55 - Oh, oh, okay, all right.
06:56 - Whoa, KC, watch it!
06:57 (cat screeches)
06:57 - Hey, hey, stop it!
06:58 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:59 - Whoa, whoa!
07:00 - Hey, hey, all right, all right, all right, fine, fine,
07:03 fine, you're welcome, Abacat.
07:04 (cat screeches)
07:05 - Ah, maybe back up a little.
07:06 (cat screeches)
07:07 - Ah, no, no, wait, oh, oh, I'm in the one immediate.
07:10 Hey, attacker!
07:12 - Hey, someone, why didn't you do something?
07:15 (cat screeches)
07:16 - Uh, no, I'm kind of enjoying the show here.
07:18 - Ah, I'm going home.
07:19 - You too.
07:20 - I'm going home.
07:21 - Bye!
07:22 - Stop following me!
07:22 - Oh, well.
07:24 - Okay.
07:25 - That just made my day.
07:26 - Look what I have.
07:27 (cat screeches)
07:30 - Oh, are those fish cookies you made?
07:34 - Yeah, it was the experimental recipe I was working on.
07:39 - Oh, well.
07:40 - Yeah, it seems to be a great hit with her.
07:43 - Yeah, glad someone likes them.
07:46 But anyways, let's see what we can do for this little one.
07:49 (cat screeches)
07:50 - What?
07:51 - Nope, nothing, nothing.
07:52 - You didn't like that?
07:52 - Let's just step on in, shall we?
07:53 (cat screeches)
07:54 And hold still.
07:56 (cat screeches)
07:58 - Oh, my boo-boo's gone.
08:00 - Ooh, nice going.
08:03 - Yeah, nothing a little healing potion can't fix.
08:07 - This is like your new home.
08:09 (cat screeches)
08:10 - It seems like she's amenable to it so far.
08:12 - What is this?
08:13 - Yeah.
08:14 - Wow.
08:15 - Here's your room.
08:17 - It's got, oh my goodness, look at it.
08:19 Ah, this is so cool.
08:21 It reminds me of my childhood.
08:23 - Oh, I think she likes it.
08:25 (door slams)
08:27 - What, wait.
08:28 - Huh?
08:29 - What's happening?
08:30 - I'm not certain.
08:32 - That's, oh, that, wait, is she flopping?
08:37 - Oh, I think she is.
08:39 (cat screeches)
08:41 - She is still part fish.
08:43 I think she needs--
08:44 - Oh, wait, yeah, water.
08:45 - Yeah, yeah, we gotta get water, gotta get water.
08:48 (cat screeches)
08:49 - Oh, my waist.
08:51 - Hang on, hang on, hang on.
08:53 Hang on, hang on, hang on.
08:55 Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out.
08:57 Oh, oh, oh, that, that--
08:59 - Yay, put water everywhere.
09:03 - Oh, oh, oh.
09:03 - Water, water everywhere.
09:06 - A few moments of avoiding the Sonic drowning music later.
09:11 - There we go, that should do it.
09:14 - Oh, that's better.
09:15 (cat meows)
09:16 - Oh, nice little kiddie pool
09:18 ought to keep her nice and content.
09:20 (cat meows)
09:21 - Yeah, yeah, you can have another one.
09:23 (cat meows)
09:24 There you go.
09:25 (cat screeches)
09:25 I am running out of fish cookies.
09:28 (cat screeches)
09:29 - Oh, well, if you wanted to,
09:32 you could use my kitchen to make some more.
09:35 - Really?
09:36 - Yeah.
09:38 - Great, oh, the smell will be so amazing.
09:42 (cat meows)
09:43 - Oh, yeah, I'll come open the windows real quick.
09:48 - Wow, this is so nice.
09:51 They've been so nice to me.
09:52 Oh, but I really wanna make some other kitty friends
09:55 or fishy friends or something.
09:57 (cat sneezes)
09:58 - Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
10:01 (cat meows)
10:02 Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
10:03 - Oh, it's Peko.
10:04 - You want some more fish cookies?
10:06 (cat meows)
10:07 - Fish cookies.
10:08 (cat meows)
10:09 (Peko laughs)
10:10 (cat meows)
10:11 (cat screeches)
10:12 - Yeah, yeah, oh, I've got more.
10:13 Luckily, Casey had a ton in her house
10:16 that I, you know, pirated.
10:17 Anyway, here are some cookies.
10:20 Oh, you want another one?
10:21 Want another?
10:22 Here's a cookie.
10:23 Here's a good, good catfish.
10:26 Oh, oh, I'm having one cookie.
10:27 (cat sneezes)
10:28 Have a fish cookie.
10:30 Have a fish cookie.
10:32 Have a fish cookie.
10:34 And one more right in here.
10:37 (cat meows)
10:37 - Oh my gosh, yummy.
10:39 (cat meows)
10:40 These are so good.
10:41 (Peko laughs)
10:42 - I love fish cookies, they're the best.
10:44 - Have a little bit of this
10:47 and a little bit of salt.
10:50 Little bit of pepper.
10:51 Oh, this is gonna be so nice.
10:52 - This is like the opposite of water.
10:54 - Let's see.
10:55 Just need to get a little bit more butter and garlic.
10:56 (cat meows)
10:57 What, what, huh?
10:59 What do you think you're doing?
11:00 - Yeah.
11:01 (cat meows)
11:02 - Don't worry, Zane.
11:03 Everything's, I'm not doing anything.
11:05 I'm just cooking up some catfish.
11:06 (cat meows)
11:07 - I think that's the main problem here.
11:10 (cat meows)
11:11 - Yeah, she's not eating.
11:14 (crowd gasps)
11:15 - Yeah, no, it's fine.
11:16 Look, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
11:18 And so you take your catfish,
11:20 you throw it in the frying pan,
11:22 make a nice little seared catfish.
11:25 (cat meows)
11:26 - Unbelievable.
11:26 - No, she's not.
11:27 - Throw some salt, pepper on it.
11:28 Wait, hey, hey, what?
11:29 Stop it with the bubbles, come on.
11:31 - Honestly, you deserve it at this point.
11:34 - No, no, no, I'm staying near the fire
11:35 where the bubbles can't get me.
11:37 - Yeah, like that's gonna help.
11:38 - Wait, wait, hang on.
11:39 Let me out, let me out, let me out.
11:41 - Maybe we can drop him into the pan instead.
11:43 Just like that.
11:45 - Ow, my feet are warm.
11:46 My feet are getting warm.
11:47 My feet are very warm.
11:48 My feet are on fire.
11:49 (cat meows)
11:53 - Honestly, he deserved it at that point.
11:55 - Yeah, I agree.
11:57 - All right, well, we think it's probably about time
12:00 that you do a little more interacting
12:03 with more of your own kind.
12:06 Like it might be better that you make some friends
12:08 that are not humans, you know?
12:10 - Yeah, that's true.
12:12 - So that's what we're going to try and find right now.
12:17 - Yeah, more kitties.
12:18 - I've never made friends before.
12:20 - Let's see here.
12:21 - Wait, wait, wait.
12:25 Over there.
12:26 - Perfect.
12:29 - This could work, this could work.
12:31 - But I'm scared.
12:33 - I don't know though.
12:35 - Oh, that's right.
12:37 - He is perfect.
12:39 - Yes, and if we've learned anything today,
12:41 cats really like fish.
12:44 Let's see here.
12:45 Oh, I got an idea.
12:47 Okay, hold still.
12:49 There.
12:50 - There you go.
12:51 (cat meows)
12:53 - Now just, all cat, no fish.
12:55 - Oh, that'll be perfect.
13:00 - You can do it.
13:01 - Hi.
13:02 - Okay.
13:06 (gasps)
13:07 Oh, you, are you,
13:09 are you looking for a fish too?
13:11 Oh, I can help you with that.
13:13 I can help you.
13:15 This is how I get my food.
13:16 Let me see if I can do this.
13:19 - Wait.
13:22 Oh, what?
13:23 She can do that too?
13:26 - I'm in lots of fish.
13:29 Oh, this is so exciting.
13:31 (screams)
13:33 - Oh no.
13:34 (spooky music)
13:37 - Oh no, oh no, I'm a big fish.
13:39 (screams)
13:41 - Hey, hey, no.
13:43 No, hold on a minute.
13:44 - No, kitty.
13:45 (screams)
13:47 - Hang on little one.
13:50 Okay, this disguise is gonna be perfect.
13:52 This disguise is gonna be perfect.
13:53 - Hey.
13:54 - What is your fish?
13:55 - Kitty, I'm a big fish.
13:57 - You wanna come with me?
13:58 - No, you see me, I'm not just a big fish.
14:00 I'm a real big fish.
14:01 Wait, hang on.
14:02 What?
14:03 - Yeah, the biggest fish around.
14:05 - Kitty, no, no, kitty, kitty.
14:07 Wait a minute, no, no, no, no, no.
14:08 Why is kitty, why is kitty, why is kitty?
14:10 Wait, kitty, no.
14:11 (screams)
14:13 - I gotta leave.
14:16 I've been nothing but trouble for them
14:18 and I haven't even made any friends yet.
14:20 I can't make friends with fish.
14:21 I can't make friends with cats.
14:23 (groans)
14:25 - No, no, no, no, hang on.
14:28 Are you leaving?
14:29 (groans)
14:31 You don't have to leave.
14:32 Listen, listen, I know that we've had our differences.
14:36 You know, I've said some things, you've said some things.
14:39 I assume you're a cat.
14:40 I don't speak cat.
14:41 But listen, listen, you don't have to leave.
14:43 I understand what it's like to not have any friends
14:46 and I can help you make friends.
14:48 Maybe like some kitty friends, some fish friends
14:51 and some people friends.
14:54 I can help you as long as you help me find some treasure.
14:59 - I know where a big treasure is.
15:02 (gasps)
15:03 - Oh yeah, I think you understand.
15:04 You understand treasure.
15:05 Everyone understands treasure.
15:07 All right, lead the way, lead the way.
15:10 I'll get you all the friends you want.
15:12 - I know where the biggest treasure is.
15:14 I can lead them too.
15:15 - Hey, we've gone quite a ways.
15:19 I hope we're close.
15:20 You know, I'm not very good with directions on land.
15:23 I'm trying to see though.
15:24 Oh my gosh, I am the best, best pirate of the seas.
15:28 I can find anything and, wait, hang on.
15:32 What is this?
15:34 It's a giant ball of yarn.
15:38 This isn't treasure.
15:42 This is useless.
15:44 (gasps)
15:45 This isn't treasure.
15:46 It's not gonna help me buy anything.
15:48 Certainly not gonna help you buy friends
15:49 like I was planning to.
15:52 This treasure is, this treasure is,
15:54 oh, why'd I pick it up again?
15:55 Wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:56 Hang on.
15:57 Did it, did it, did it help me find?
15:58 (screams)
15:59 - Huh, doesn't even know good treasure when he sees it.
16:02 How many friends?
16:05 Nothing.
16:05 What am I gonna do?
16:08 (screams)
16:10 It's so stupid.
16:14 What do we do?
16:15 Oh, it's there.
16:17 Why are they screaming though?
16:19 She's definitely not over here.
16:21 It's gotta stay, stay.
16:22 If we stay right here, maybe we should be fine.
16:24 Oh, there it is again.
16:25 - What are they looking at?
16:26 - No, it's coming closer.
16:28 (screams)
16:30 (screams)
16:32 - Whoa, there's a huge shark.
16:34 - Okay, this is not, this is not in the plan at all.
16:37 We were just trying to find the little mermaid fish
16:40 and this happened.
16:40 - I know.
16:42 I gotta help them.
16:43 - KC, there's something I want you to know
16:47 if we're gonna die in here.
16:49 (meows)
16:49 - Oh, hey.
16:51 - It's the mermaid kitty.
16:53 - Okay, that's fine.
16:54 I guess that'll wait, but hey, we found the mermaid kitty.
16:57 - Yay.
16:57 - I'll save you.
16:59 (meows)
16:59 - Careful.
17:00 - Be careful.
17:01 - Here, here, here, try this.
17:04 Hey, come here, come here friend.
17:06 You can try some of these.
17:07 Just like they were really, really good.
17:11 (gasps)
17:13 - What's happening?
17:15 - He's leaving.
17:17 (meows)
17:19 - He's leaving.
17:20 - It's taking off.
17:22 (meows)
17:24 - Oh, thank you.
17:25 You saved us.
17:26 - You actually did it.
17:29 (meows)
17:30 Oh, thank you so much, you cute little thing.
17:33 - These are so good.
17:34 (meows)
17:36 (screams)
17:38 - What?
17:39 - Oh no.
17:40 (screams)
17:41 - Do you see that off in the distance?
17:43 - Whoa.
17:44 - That's our big super fire.
17:48 - Okay, let's see.
17:50 I'm already out of buckets.
17:51 - Oh, the shark is here too.
17:54 - Horsey, you can swim, right?
17:55 Go for it.
17:56 - Oh no.
17:57 - All right, now I just need to learn how to swim.
18:00 Okay.
18:01 Shark, you will not be the end of me.
18:04 The great captain of the seas, Ian.
18:06 And cut.
18:09 Well, that was my only harpoon.
18:12 I'm out of ideas.
18:13 (screams)
18:16 (screams)
18:18 - I can help.
18:21 - You're not the shark.
18:22 Hey, sorry what I said about the treasure before.
18:27 I see that you're putting out the fires with your water.
18:30 That is really nice of you to do.
18:32 (thuds)
18:33 Oh, my ship is saved.
18:37 Oh, catfish thingy, mermaid.
18:41 I don't know what you are.
18:43 And I don't know what to say except.
18:45 Thanks.
18:46 (meows)
18:48 Okay, horse is all good and back on the boat.
18:51 Who's a good boy?
18:53 Ian?
18:54 (thuds)
18:54 What?
18:55 Ian, are you up there?
18:56 (meows)
18:57 No, I'm not here.
18:59 (thuds)
19:00 Tell him I'm not here.
19:00 (meows)
19:01 - Oh, there's a little friend there.
19:04 Is everything all right?
19:05 All the fire and everything.
19:07 (meows)
19:08 - Hey guys.
19:10 Yeah, everything's fine.
19:11 Everything was on fire.
19:12 Thank goodness the boat is in water.
19:14 So boat can't actually burn down, right?
19:16 That makes sense.
19:17 - Yeah, but why was it on fire in the first place?
19:20 (meows)
19:20 - Shark.
19:21 (thuds)
19:22 - The shark set it on fire.
19:24 - Yes, absolutely.
19:25 Anyway, I got things to do.
19:27 You probably got things to do.
19:28 You should go home.
19:29 Bye.
19:30 - You probably need someone to help clean things up here.
19:33 So I mean, I might as well just get out here
19:34 and check for the boat.
19:35 - What?
19:36 No.
19:37 (screams)
19:38 Oh, hey.
19:38 No, no, no, no, Zane.
19:39 No, you guys should head home.
19:40 It's fine.
19:41 - What the heck is this?
19:43 (meows)
19:45 - Wait, is this my couch?
19:47 - What the?
19:48 I was wondering where my stuff went.
19:50 - Wait, my game.
19:51 - Hey guys, how's it going?
19:55 - S'more, is that you?
19:57 (gasps)
19:58 - Wow.
19:59 - This is my horse.
20:00 - Did you steal from us?
20:02 - Is that one of my potions?
20:05 A potion of make,
20:07 oh, yep, yep.
20:07 That's my potion.
20:09 I'm just gonna take that one.
20:11 But yeah, what did you do here, Ian?
20:13 - Um.
20:14 - Yeah, what'd you take from us?
20:16 - Listen, man, that shark was big.
20:18 Ha ha.
20:19 Anyway.
20:20 (meows)
20:21 (screams)
20:23 - There's only one way to settle this.
20:25 (meows)
20:26 - Well then, Mr. Ian.
20:28 Ain't this be a cruel irony?
20:30 - Well, yeah.
20:31 I mean, you took my pirate hat, first of all,
20:33 and then tied me up.
20:34 I'm on my own plank.
20:36 - I gotta admit, it does look pretty good on me,
20:37 though, I would say.
20:38 (meows)
20:39 - Yeah, that is true.
20:40 Same with me.
20:41 - Yeah, computer for you.
20:44 Nothing, but anyways,
20:46 Ian, if you do not want us to consign you
20:49 to the briny deep,
20:50 you are gonna apologize to us and our little friend
20:55 and promise you don't steal anything from us again.
20:58 - What?
20:58 - Yeah, especially that last one.
21:01 - Well, first of all, I'm a pirate.
21:03 Stealing is what I do.
21:04 So that's a no-go.
21:06 Secondly, as soon as I get out of here,
21:08 I'm gonna eat that fish.
21:09 Oh, I'm a catfish.
21:10 Give me the catfish.
21:11 - Wow, you are not setting up a good case for yourself.
21:15 - All right, all right, all right.
21:17 I get it, I get it, but consider this.
21:19 I also stole your diary.
21:21 (gasps)
21:21 - You stole my...
21:23 - Let's see.
21:24 - Whoa.
21:25 - Did you know a girl named Casey,
21:29 she is so cute.
21:31 (screams)
21:33 - Wait, I wanted to hear more.
21:36 - He had his chance.
21:37 - Okay, okay.
21:38 Actually, this rope is pretty buoyant.
21:40 That's not too bad.
21:41 Hey, just wait until I get back up here.
21:44 I'm gonna take my ship back.
21:44 - Watch out!
21:45 - You are not getting back up here, Ian.
21:47 - What, what, what?
21:49 Um, hey, shark friend.
21:52 You're a big shark friend.
21:54 You're a big shark friend.
21:55 That's a big fish.
21:56 That's a real big fish.
21:57 Wait.
21:58 (screams)
21:59 - Ooh.
22:00 - Trade my diary for Ian getting eaten by a megalodon.
22:03 I think that works.
22:03 - Yeah, good trade.
22:05 Let's go pirate some stuff!
22:08 - Hey, that sounds neat.
22:09 - Well, I may not have made any fish friends
22:11 or any cat friends,
22:13 but I have some nice human friends.
22:15 - Pirate!
22:16 (screams)
22:17 - Pirate life!
22:18 Bye!
