"Peuple nigérien ami" : La Russie réagit au Coup d'État au Niger.

  • last year
Le Niger a été secoué par un coup d'État militaire mené par des militaires dirigés par le colonel-major Amadou Abdramane. Dans une annonce télévisée, les militaires ont affirmé avoir renversé le président Mohamed Bazoum, élu en février 2021. Cependant, le président a rejeté le coup d'État le lendemain, affirmant toujours représenter les autorités légitimes du pays. La situation a suscité des réactions de la part de la Russie et de l'Union africaine, qui ont appelé à la libération immédiate du président et ont condamné le coup d'État.
La communauté internationale suit de près la situation au Niger, pays clé dans la lutte contre le terrorisme dans la région du Sahel et important producteur d'uranium. Les appels à la libération du président et la condamnation du coup d'État par la Russie et l'Union africaine témoignent de la préoccupation de la communauté internationale. #CoupdÉtat #Niger #Militaires #Président #MohamedBazoum #CommunautéInternationale #Russie #UnionAfricaine #Stabilité #RégionDuSahel #Terrorisme #France #Libération #Autorités #Allié #Élections #Politique #Sécurité #Calme #AnnonceTélévisée #frt
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00:00 In the evening of July 26, a coup d'état took place in Niger led by military leaders
00:13 led by Colonel Major Ahmadou Abdrahman.
00:15 They announced on television that they had overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum.
00:20 However, the next day, the president rejected the coup d'état by still claiming to represent
00:25 the legitimate authorities of the country.
00:28 The situation in Niger has aroused reactions from Russia and the African Union.
00:33 The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the parties in conflict to refrain from resorting
00:38 to force and to resolve all differences by dialogue.
00:41 Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said, "We hope for a
00:47 quick resolution of this internal political crisis in the interest of restoring civil
00:51 peace for the benefit of our Nigerian people."
00:54 Russia has also expressed its hope that President Bazoum will be quickly released
00:58 by the military.
00:59 On the other hand, the African Union condemned the coup d'état in Niger and demanded the
01:05 immediate release of President Mohamed Bazoum and his family.
01:08 Azali Assoumani, head of the organization and Comorian leader, said during a plenary
01:13 session of the Russian-African Forum as part of the summit organized in Saint Petersburg,
01:17 "We firmly condemn the events in Niger and demand the immediate release of the President
01:22 of the Republic of Niger and his family."
01:24 The situation in Niger is closely followed by the international community.
01:29 The country is a major producer of uranium and is considered a key ally in the fight
01:33 against terrorism in the Sahel region.
01:35 The coup d'état is likely to disrupt the stability of the country and the region as a whole.
01:41 President Bazoum, who was elected in February 2021, succeeded the president-elect Mahamadou
01:48 Issoufou.
01:49 He promised to pursue the economic and security policies of his predecessor and was
01:53 considered an ally of France in the fight against terrorist groups in the region.
01:57 Despite the rejection of the coup d'état by President Bazoum, the situation in Niger
02:03 remains uncertain.
02:04 The calls for the release of the president and the condemnation of the coup d'état by
02:08 Russia and the African Union are a sign of the concern of the international community
02:12 faced with the situation in the country.
