Eat, Work, Play | Niranjan Hiranandani, Co-founder & MD, Hiranandani Group

  • last year
From gymming to yoga to cardio, Hiranandani Group co-founder Niranjan Hiranandani has a set routine to stay fit and destress.

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00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:36 I do gyming three days a week.
00:40 I do yoga two days a week.
00:43 And I do cardio in terms of running at least five kilometers once a week.
00:48 So it's like a combination of different types of exercise to do different burnouts.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:57 Lots of marathons I've done, but
00:59 I've actually now stuck to 10 kilometer running in a marathon.
01:03 And I do it at least two times a year, sometimes even three.
01:08 [MUSIC]
01:13 It's now more than 10 years that I've been practicing yoga.
01:16 Stress is all about the mind.
01:18 In order to improve on the mind,
01:20 there are various aspects of work that you can rework on.
01:24 [MUSIC]
01:26 But the physical aspects are also equally important.
01:29 When I got my physical work done, the cardiologist said you must do more cardio.
01:35 And after you did more cardio, you needed more flexibility.
01:39 So I think yoga really gives you an all-around benefit to it,
01:43 where you can actually do the physical benefit, but also be able to get the peace.
01:49 [MUSIC]
01:51 But in terms of quality of life, it has definitely improved.
01:54 If you look at me 20 years ago, when I didn't do any exercise whatsoever,
01:59 if you asked me to run 20 meters, I would be panting.
02:03 But today I can do 5 kilometers.
02:05 Also during the marathon time, I do 10 kilometers run,
02:09 whether it is in the gym, or it is cardio exercises, or ultimately it's yoga.
02:16 So a combination of the three,
02:18 I found the best on the physical side in order to cope up with stress.
02:21 [MUSIC]
