10 Most Intelligent Animals in the World

  • last year
00:00 Intelligence takes different forms. Some people are fantastic at math, some are great at fixing cars,
00:06 some can speak several languages, and others know how to understand and create beautiful music.
00:11 There are simply no limits to how unique intelligence can be.
00:14 Some animals are exactly the same, with certain species displaying
00:19 unbelievable levels of intelligence in certain tasks.
00:22 In today's video, we will take a look at the top 10 cleverest animals in the world.
00:27 10. Crow.
00:34 Before we do get stuck in, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and ring the notification
00:38 bell. That way, you will never miss one of our future unbelievable videos. Also, make sure you
00:44 stick around until the very end. The last entry will shock and impress you in equal measure.
00:53 10. Crow. Crossing the street against traffic may either result in you getting hurt
01:00 or a ticket for jaywalking. Well, it turns out that members of the crow family understand
01:06 better than some humans do about the importance of waiting for the traffic lights to change.
01:10 Crows living in urban and busy areas are known to take nuts from trees and then place them in
01:16 the road for passing cars to crack open the shells. Then, after waiting patiently for the
01:21 lights to change, they return to the street to retrieve their dinner. A very clever example of
01:26 creature innovation. Studies have also shown that crows communicate in their own elaborate language
01:32 and play with one another. Some scientists have gone as far to say that they could be as
01:36 intelligent as the number one pick on our list. Stick around until the end to find out how clever
01:41 crows could be. One famous crow that hit the headlines was called Betty. She had been studied
01:47 by a group of Oxford University students who watched Betty casually pick up a piece of wire
01:52 in her cage and used it on a nearby object to bend it at one end, turning it into a hooked tool. The
01:58 tool then allowed Betty to hoist up a small container of meat from inside a plastic tube
02:02 to give herself an early lunch. The feat is proof that crows are capable of complex problem solving
02:07 that is similar to our own. 9. Rat
02:19 Rats are highly intelligent animals that are hated by many for their disease-spreading reputation
02:27 and for being a pest. Widely used in scientific research, the lab rat has been known to discover
02:33 shortcuts and loopholes that allow them to escape laboratory experiments that are designed by some
02:38 of the best researchers in the world. In Chinese culture, the rat is revered for its cunning and
02:43 resourcefulness, with good reason too. The rat has successfully colonized every continent on Earth
02:49 except for Antarctica. Maybe rats are clever enough to know that it would be quite chilly there.
02:53 Leading scientist Ben Vermakacki and his colleagues at KU Leuven gave two cognitive-based
03:00 learning tasks to lab rats and his students. With both tasks, the subjects were taught to
03:05 distinguish between good and bad patterns and were then tested on their ability to identify
03:10 new types of these patterns. In the first task, the rats and humans performed equally well. In
03:16 the second test, the patterns were made more complicated and the rats did better than the humans.
03:21 8. Octopus
03:22 The octopus is an invertebrate with the power and skill to screw the lid off a jar it is trapped in.
03:30 This animal is still poorly understood, but scientists are constantly discovering new
03:36 and impressive octopus abilities. The octopus is a very intelligent and
03:40 intelligent creature. It is also a very intelligent and intelligent creature.
03:44 The octopus is a very intelligent and intelligent creature.
03:46 It is also a very intelligent and intelligent creature.
03:52 They can solve problems, play games, navigate through mazes, and have an impressive short-term
04:02 memory. So, how can an octopus be put in the same category as a worm?
04:06 Well, the agility, curiosity, and power of these creatures set them apart from all other
04:13 invertebrates. You may have heard the story of Inky, the New Zealand octopus that got bored
04:17 sitting in an aquarium tank, being stared at by noisy children and frustrated parents,
04:22 and escaped through a drainage tube that led back to the sea.
04:25 If you've ever seen the Finding Nemo franchise, you get the idea.
04:31 This isn't the first time an octopus has escaped its tank and certainly won't be the last.
04:39 Do you have any interesting facts about octopuses? We would love to hear them in the comment section
04:43 below. 7. Pigeon
04:50 Pigeons are found in great numbers in most major cities around the world.
04:56 Although most people consider them pests, this bird is actually extremely clever.
05:02 Because pigeons have been the subjects of countless scientific experiments,
05:07 there is a lot of information about their intellectual abilities.
05:10 For example, pigeons can recognize hundreds of images even after many years have passed since
05:23 they last saw them. They can also identify themselves in a mirror, be taught to perform
05:27 movements on command, and identify subtle differences between two seemingly identical
05:32 objects. In modern times, pigeons have been used during wartime. In both the First and Second World
05:37 Wars, pigeons saved hundreds of thousands of lives by carrying messages across enemy lines.
05:43 When phone calls and Morse code were not viable, pigeons were even carried aboard ships in the
05:47 event of a U-boat attack so that they could deliver the location of the wreck. In many cases,
05:52 this led to survivors being rescued and many lives saved.
05:55 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you. If you can leave a like on this video,
06:08 smash that subscribe button, and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds,
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06:20 6. Squirrel
06:22 This animal's cunning persistence and impeccable memory has made it the natural enemy to
06:30 gardeners. Most squirrels display an impressive array of tricks and skills that help them survive.
06:35 For starters, these clever creatures are woodland critters that have adapted to living alongside
06:43 humans. Eating out of vegetable gardens, bird feeders, and whatever food may be lying around,
06:49 they are able to store food for the colder months and then track down their hidden loot later on.
06:53 They can also pretend to hide their food in order to confuse thieves,
06:57 which researchers believe shows an advanced level of intelligence.
07:01 As you have seen so far, intelligent animals come in different shapes and sizes.
07:14 When you see number 9 on our list, you will see just how true that is.
07:18 If you are enjoying this video so far, why not hit the subscribe button
07:22 so that you don't miss any of our future uploads.
07:24 5. Orangutan
07:38 Like other primates such as gorillas and ourselves, orangutans can use tools.
07:46 They, like people, aren't born with the answers but are fantastic at absorbing knowledge that
07:51 is shared with them. Aside from the fact that in the wild, orangutan moms actually teach their
07:58 offspring things such as which foods can be eaten and how to build nests, they also watch people and
08:03 learn how to do tasks such as using soap, sawing wood, applying insect repellent, and even learning
08:09 sign language. One reason that orangutan intelligence is so well-respected is their
08:28 use of insight. One of the most famous orangutans was Chantech, who was rejected by his mother as
08:36 a baby and raised like a human child. At only 9 months of age, he was already signing words such
08:41 as "give me drink" and "food eat." By the age of 4, Chantech was improvising words when he couldn't
08:47 find or didn't know the right one. He didn't know the word "ketchup" but would ask for "tomato
08:52 toothpaste." When he wanted a Big Mac, he would ask for "cheese, meat, bread." He would also sign
08:58 the word "dirty" for when he had to go to the bathroom, although it was soon discovered that
09:02 he would use this as a way to get out of things he didn't want to do. This shows that he not only
09:06 learned how to communicate his bathroom needs but also could tell a lie. Established in 1971,
09:12 Camp Leakey was created for orangutans to live and be studied by researchers and scientists.
09:18 Since the camp opened, the primates have been seen to wash clothing, bathe themselves,
09:22 use hammers, brush their teeth, and even use damp rags to cool themselves off. All this was
09:28 learned by watching the humans around them, without being given instructions. So, how smart
09:33 is an orangutan exactly? After completing several tests, they are about as smart as a 3-4 year old
09:38 child. 4. Pig
09:55 Despite having a reputation for being greedy and dirty, pigs have been proven to be highly
10:00 intelligent animals. Both domestic and wild species are known for their ability to adapt
10:06 to a variety of different environmental conditions and changes to their habitat.
10:10 Researchers believe that pigs are as trainable as cats and dogs,
10:21 with some pigs even becoming domestic pets living inside the family home.
10:26 Common pigs have been introduced all around the world, which has allowed them to be more favored
10:30 over their native counterparts. This has had devastating effects on the native species
10:35 but means that pigs have kept their population growing.
10:37 The intelligence of one pig was captured in a video by Nicole von Eberkopf, who lives in
10:45 Berlin, Germany. In the video, Moritz, the pig, places colored pig-shaped blocks in corresponding
10:51 colored holes on a wooden board. This is usually a game designed for young children who are
10:56 developing cognitive skills. Amazingly, Moritz uses its mouth to complete the puzzle without
11:01 any help. The researchers have discovered that pigs also love to play fight with each other
11:06 in the same way that dogs do.
11:20 Contrary to popular opinion, elephants are more than just colossal giants with a good memory.
11:29 In fact, elephants are also cultured, curious, and elegant creatures that have been revered
11:35 all around the world. They have been known to clean their food before eating it and use
11:40 tools in various ways. They can also follow human commands when raised in captivity.
11:44 Elephants are incredibly caring and empathetic to other members of their species,
11:55 which shows an advanced form of intelligence. In 2010, a 7-year-old Asian elephant named Kondula
12:01 impressed researchers by using tools from his surroundings to reach fruit that had been
12:05 intentionally placed just out of his reach. After staring at the fruit for a while, in the same way
12:10 most of us would look at a cheeseburger, Kondula came up with a cunning plan. He found a large
12:15 plastic block, rolled it over, and stepped on it. Propping himself up just far enough to reach the
12:21 fruit with his trunk idea didn't happen immediately, it stayed with him. Elephants have also been known
12:26 to use sticks to scratch themselves in areas they couldn't otherwise reach, and even use branches
12:31 and grass as fly swatters. 2. Dolphin
12:45 Have you ever wondered why dolphins are the star attraction at most aquariums?
12:53 Well, it's because they're smarter than almost any other creature on the planet.
12:56 Except for our top pick of course.
12:59 Schools of dolphins can be observed out in the wild surfing,
13:09 frolicking, racing, leaping, and otherwise loving life. They also have a sophisticated
13:15 language that they create from clicks and cries that researchers are still trying to understand.
13:20 Dolphins can use tools in their natural environment and can follow human commands
13:24 exceptionally well. Like many of the most intelligent animals on the planet,
13:28 dolphin females remain with their young for several years, teaching them everything they know.
13:33 You may already know that dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world,
13:39 but our number one pick is so intelligent,
13:41 it wouldn't be surprising to see one teaching a dolphin tricks.
13:45 3. Monkey
13:52 Today's subscriber pick is this monkey with a sniper. Looks like a sharpshooter is in action.
13:57 It reminds me of a video that went viral a couple of years ago. It shows West African
14:01 soldiers fooling around with a chimpanzee who stumbled upon their camp. The monkey's silly
14:06 antics make the soldiers laugh, that is until one of them hands it an automatic rifle, that he then
14:11 fires it at the ground in their direction. It resembles a scene from Planet of the Apes and
14:15 shows how incredibly intelligent they are. Now, you have seen a monkey firing a weapon,
14:29 you may have guessed what the most intelligent animal in the world is.
14:33 If you have enjoyed this video so far, why not give it a like to show us your support.
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14:43 Before we look at number 1, we have a little challenge for you. Go ahead and like this video
14:50 and comment down below. We want to see if you can balance the number of likes against the number of
14:55 comments. And go! Be sure to check out other amazing videos on our channel and give us a
15:05 like if you enjoyed this video so far. Tell us in comments which one of these you like the most and
15:11 why. 1. Chimpanzee
15:17 To finish off our list is the chimpanzee, whose impressive intellectual abilities have fascinated
15:24 humans for years. They can make and use tools, hunt in a group, and are capable of advanced
15:30 problem solving. Similar to the orangutan, they can also use sign language and remember the names
15:35 of those they have not seen in years. The most unbelievable thing a chimpanzee can do is use
15:40 symbols for objects and combine the symbols in a sequence to create a complex idea.
15:45 2. Gamba Island Sanctuary
15:48 It is believed that their intelligence comes from living and learning within groups,
16:04 just like humans. One chimpanzee that is famed for her intelligence is Natasha,
16:09 who lives at the Gamba Island Sanctuary in Uganda. After conducting a series of complex tests,
16:15 researchers have determined that Natasha's intelligence is incredibly high for an animal,
16:19 resembling that of a human. She is so clever, in fact,
16:22 that she has managed to escape from her enclosure several times.
16:38 And that concludes our video on the top 10 most intelligent animals in the entire world.
16:43 From crows to primates, which was your favorite? We would love to know in the comment section below.
16:49 If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it,
16:51 why not check out our video on 10 most intelligent insects? See you soon.
17:06 10 most intelligent insects.
