نائب رئيس البنك الأهلي المصري لـ CNBC عربية: البنك الأهلي طرح عدة منتجات تتناسب مع عملاء البنك من المصريين والأجانب

  • last year


00:00 The bank has proposed several products and income indicators that meet the needs of bank
00:07 employees, whether Egyptians, foreigners, locals or foreigners.
00:11 As for the certificates that have been proposed, there are two certificates.
00:15 The first is the first dollar certificate called the Ahly Plus.
00:19 This is a three-year certificate with a 7% interest rate.
00:23 It is used for a quarter of a year.
00:25 There is also an additional plus that guarantees that the loan can be guaranteed up to 50% of
00:31 its value in Egyptian pounds.
00:33 The maximum limit is 10 million pounds.
00:36 The price is 2.25% lower than the central bank loan price, which is currently 17%.
00:42 There is another certificate that is suitable for the client's vision.
00:50 The Ahly Plus certificate is also a three-year certificate with a 9% interest rate.
00:56 The 3-year certificate is about 27% of the loan.
01:00 It is used to pay the Egyptian pounds.
01:04 After the three-year period, the client can use the certificate with the dollar value as
01:10 it is.
01:11 The certificate is worth 1000 dollars.
01:17 Mr. Yahya, we know that you have done a lot of research on this issue.
01:23 But isn't spending the dollar 7% or 9% too much for you?
01:30 In fact, no.
01:32 With the increase in the price of the Libor or the dollar, in general, as you have noticed
01:39 the increase in the price of the Libor, the price of the Libor is very attractive and
01:47 it is also attractive for the client.
01:50 We see that we can re-invest it in a good way.
01:54 Mr. Yahya, since it is an attractive price, how much of the expected income from the
02:00 two certificates do you expect to attract dollars to the bank and the government or
02:06 to Egypt in general, especially since we have a shortage of foreign currency?
02:11 Let's not forget the events, but we expect to attract a lot of dollars.
02:15 Why?
02:16 Because, to be honest, many Egyptians have kept a lot of currencies in their homes
02:21 in the past period.
02:22 Many people bought dollars for the purpose of future investment.
02:27 They have kept this money.
02:29 Instead of keeping this money in their homes, we can use this money and the client can
02:39 benefit from it and the country can benefit from it as an economic role.
02:44 I think the return will be for everyone.
02:47 Mr. Yahya, specifically for the bank, the purpose of the certificate is, in your opinion,
02:54 at this time, how do you expect to attract money?
02:58 We expect that the income will be very good, especially the certificates.
03:04 Whether the certificate is 7% or a good price, because it takes its return, and this is one
03:09 of the highest certificates, one of the highest prices in the whole region.
03:13 As for the second certificate, it takes a large amount.
03:16 This is also an addition, that he can reinvest this amount.
03:19 If he took 27% today in the Egyptian currency, he can invest this amount even if he placed
03:24 another 19% today, or other, he can earn additional profits or additional amounts.
03:30 I think there are profits for the client from all directions, and therefore, I think the
03:36 return will be very good and we will know after the first week how much the good income
03:42 will be.
03:43 We also did not only offer the certificates of investment, but we also attracted assets
03:50 and profits for the client, so that we can also lend to the client, so that he can take
03:57 foreign workers with special prices.
04:00 So, there are many advantages that we give to the client, so that we can meet the needs
04:06 of all our clients.
04:08 Good.
04:09 Speaking of all the clients, Mr. Yahya, to what extent are the people with the weak
04:14 able to participate in this, and have the dollar, meaning a thousand dollars and its
04:20 multiples, and when is the temporary return calculated?
04:23 The return is calculated from the first day.
04:26 The first certificate, of course, takes every quarter of a year, and is obtained every
04:30 quarter of a year, exactly for the client.
04:32 The certificate, the family immediately, he takes it once, the second day, the first
04:37 day of work, immediately after that, he can take 27% as a number, once, and he can
04:43 take it again, and there is also an addition for the family, plus he can borrow up to 10
04:49 million pounds, 50% of the certificate's value, and at a special price, meaning that
04:53 the price of 2.4 is also lower than the central bank's loan price, which is 17%, and
04:58 he can also re-invest these money.
05:00 When is the loan not due for him?
05:02 Yes?
05:03 When is the loan not due for him, on account of this amount?
05:06 What is the situation?
05:07 No, no, no, it is due to him, as long as he bought this certificate.
05:10 Is there a situation where the loan is not due, meaning that it has conditions?
05:15 No, no, it is available to anyone who is interested in this certificate.
05:19 On account of the loan?
05:20 It does not matter if it is an Egyptian or a foreigner.
05:23 On account of the loan, we saw that you mentioned loans to Egyptians abroad, so tell us more
05:29 about the details of these loans, how to obtain them, how to pay their interest, and
05:34 who is the target?
05:36 Okay, so a personal loan is only guaranteed by guaranteeing the conversion of the interest
05:43 value into the foreign currency in the expiration date.
05:46 Meaning that if he took today, and he has a minimum of 50,000 pounds, up to 3 million pounds.
05:51 Let's assume that he took 3 million pounds, and he has a monthly or quarterly interest,
05:55 depending on what is decided with the client, he will be able to convert in his interest
06:00 history, the interest value, which includes interest and interest, from the foreign currency.
06:05 And this is available from the age of 21 years to the age of 60, with the appropriate interest
06:10 value.
06:11 Meaning that the interest value that is appropriate for me should be 60 years.
06:14 And the interest value will be 2.25% less than the central bank's conversion value, and
06:19 it will last for 4 years.
06:22 Yahya Aboulfoutouh, Deputy President of the Egyptian People's Bank.
06:26 Thank you very much.
06:27 Speaking to us from Cairo, about the new integral bank certificates in dollars.
