10 Animals with Hilarious Names

  • last year
00:00 Forevergreen Presents 10 Species With Hilarious Names
00:06 1.
00:07 Ah-Ha-Ha (Really Cool Name) It was named by the entomologist Arnold Mankey
00:14 as a joke in 1977.
00:17 When he received the package from a colleague containing the insect specimens, he exclaimed,
00:22 "Ah-ha!"
00:23 Ah-ha-ha is actually a species of Australian wasp from genus Ah-ha.
00:28 The name was also used as the vehicle registration plate of Mankey's car, Ah-ha-ha.
00:34 2.
00:36 Pizza Cake Neither this one is a pizza nor a cake.
00:40 It's a small flirty fly.
00:42 The first name "Pizza" is derived from the Greek word "Pizos" meaning "to squeeze" because
00:48 of the peculiar shape of the female's sperm pump.
00:53 3.
00:54 Carmen Electra She Kissed Me This species name is a combination of two
00:59 words.
01:00 If you focus on its name, it is pronounced as "Carmen Electra She Kissed Me".
01:06 Carmen Electra is the name of a famous TV actress and you know better the meaning of
01:11 "She Kissed Me".
01:12 Collectively, it seems that someone is saying "Carmen Electra Kissed Me" but actually it
01:17 is the name of a fossil moth from Dominican ember.
01:21 4.
01:23 Slippery Dick No, no, it's not what you think.
01:27 Slippery Dick is a fish in the family Labridae.
01:31 This fish has its interesting name from its capability to escape from the nets and from
01:36 the hand because of its quickness in moving and its slippery exterior.
01:41 The inhabitants of the Bermuda Islands do not eat this fish because they have a superstitious
01:46 belief that they will lose their hair after eating this specific fish.
01:51 This species is found mostly from the western Atlantic Ocean.
01:55 5.
01:57 Medidi Titi The Medidi Titi, also known as Golden Palace
02:02 Dot Com Monkey, is a titi, a kind of New World monkey, discovered in western Bolivia's Medidi
02:08 National Park in 2004.
02:11 Rather than choosing a name themselves, the discoverers auctioned off the naming rights
02:16 to raise funds for Fundsnap, a non-profit organization that maintains Medidi National
02:21 Park.
02:22 Golden Palace Dot Com, one of over a dozen bidders, paid $650,000 to have the species
02:29 named after them.
02:32 6.
02:34 Ice Cream Cone Worm Ice Cream Cone?
02:37 Seriously?
02:38 Not nearly as appetizing as the name implies.
02:41 Ice Cream Cone Worms are a family of marine polychaete worms that build tubes using grains
02:47 of sand roughly resembling ice cream cones or trumpets.
02:53 7.
02:55 Fried Egg Jellyfish Breakfast anyone?
02:59 All that's needed is a slice of acidic toast.
03:02 The common name says it all.
03:04 This weird-looking jellyfish literally looks like a fried egg.
03:08 It is one of the two jellyfish species that resemble a fried egg.
03:12 The other one, not surprisingly, also goes by the same name.
03:18 8.
03:19 Agra Schwaßnägeri A beetle, Agra Schwaßnägeri, named after
03:24 the actor Arnold Schwaßnäger due to the developed biceps-like shape of their males,
03:30 which is suggestive to the Arnold physique.
03:32 With a bright metallic green back and due to a scolored head, this species cuts a very
03:37 fine figure.
03:39 Also Agra is the name of a city in India near Taj Mahal.
03:44 9.
03:45 Raspberry Crazy Ant Not sweet and not cute, but definitely crazy.
03:50 It's named for the assassin Tom Raspberry who first noticed them in 2002.
03:56 They were piled outside his cardiologist's office.
04:00 He could not understand what the ants want, why they've come.
04:05 They run around the floors like they are on crack and then they die.
04:09 He said they're freaking crazy man.
04:11 From there, these ants got their name of crazy ants.
04:15 10.
04:17 Chicken Turtle The chicken turtle is an uncommon freshwater
04:21 turtle found in the southeast of the United States.
04:24 The name chicken turtle refers to the taste of their meat which used to be popular in
04:29 southern markets.
04:34 11.
04:38 (upbeat music)
