• il y a 2 ans
Voici 2 faits qui vont t'aider dans la vie de tous les jours et dont tu peux te servir au quotidien


00:00 2 psychological facts that will help you in everyday life
00:02 In your daily discussions, there are a lot of hidden messages
00:05 For example, in the sentence "I don't want to be mean, but..."
00:08 Thanks to this video, you will understand concepts that will be useful to you on a daily basis
00:12 For this video, I asked my grandfather, who is a psychologist, for help
00:14 Before the video continues, subscribe for more psychological facts
00:17 Let's start with the projection
00:19 It's telling someone what you drink at home
00:22 It's telling the other something that speaks of "no"
00:24 For example, if your aunt tells you "you're a little fat, aren't you?"
00:28 When your aunt says that, she speaks of herself
00:31 Your aunt who asks you this question, has a weight problem
00:36 Second point, denigration
00:37 In short, denigration is when someone says "I don't want to hurt you, but..."
00:44 It's not an unconscious and comfortable way to say what you don't dare to say consciously
00:49 Your unconscious wants to say something
00:52 You don't know what you want to say, and yet you want to say it
00:57 But this is where denigration comes into play
00:59 In the previous example, the person wants to hurt you, but it's unconscious
01:03 They don't realize it
01:05 I made a game in the comments, you have to guess if it's the projection, denigration or nothing
01:09 And you can also make sentences to continue the game