• il y a 2 ans


00:00 The 21st century will be led by women.
00:02 Nearly a year after the release of the film Arlette,
00:05 which marked its return to the media space,
00:08 Marie-Pier Morin is preparing, following an important question,
00:11 to take on a new challenge.
00:13 From August 21, Elko will host the morning show
00:15 on the 99.5 FM waves.
00:18 You're on the edge, you're on the edge,
00:19 and then you ask yourself the question,
00:21 "Do I continue?"
00:23 And it seems that the moment I let go,
00:26 I said to myself, "OK, perfect. It might be something else."
00:30 The call for the weekend has arrived.
00:32 A project that will allow the Perivoise wolf
00:34 to reveal its true nature.
00:35 If she has long sought recognition,
00:37 is she now in that state of mind?
00:40 Today, the strength is to admit that I feel that.
00:43 Because you don't get up from an event
00:47 and from a period as difficult as the one I lived
00:50 without having a concrete entourage.
00:54 Although the support of her loved ones also helps her recovery process,
00:57 it is her roots that allowed her to brave the storm.
01:00 In fact, I came to take refuge here in Ponegamook.
01:02 And that's it.
01:04 That's what you see around you.
01:06 That's what gave me the strength to continue.
01:09 The courage to continue to put one foot before the other.
01:13 And you don't realize the strength of nature.
01:18 A strength that she must have drawn from herself to recover
01:20 and endorse her most important role today,
01:23 that of a mother.
01:24 I had to find the strength to stay alive before Margaux.
01:28 My daughter didn't ask for it.
01:30 That.
01:31 And that's my job, to make sure I'm doing well.
01:35 It was your mother, right?
01:36 She's going to land and she's going to destroy everything.
01:37 As for a possible return to TV or cinema,
01:40 the actress and actress confirm that she has some projects on the table.
01:44 I'll tell you about it when the codex runs out.
01:46 But there are some little things coming up.
01:49 But right now, I would tell you that my priority is really
01:52 to prepare myself for the radio and Mocs.
01:55 No-alcoholic Mocs made in Quebec,
01:57 whose high percentage of sales will be used to finance
02:00 various independent aid resources.
02:03 I care about this project because
02:06 we decided to give it a social mission.
02:08 So today I welcome each day with the state of mind in which I am.
02:12 And I try to take it easy.
02:14 Michel Roussel, CIMT TVA, Poitiers-Gamouk.
02:17 - Oh, I thought you were gonna say something.