C'est l'un des trésors cachés de La Rochelle. Une galerie sinueuse court sous la rue du Palais. Il s'agit du premier aqueduc de la ville : première canalisation permettant d'apporter une eau potable au centre-ville, dont les puits étaient régulièrement saumâtres. Un chantier entamé au XVe siècle, et qui s'est poursuivi sur plusieurs siècles.
00:00 We are going to the city hall.
00:02 So we are going to the city hall.
00:22 We are in the underground of La Rochelle. We have been digging to bring water from the north of the city.
00:34 With the principle of arcadupe, that is to say, one meter of slopes every 1000 meters.
00:43 So that was a principle of the Romans and that we have succeeded here to the perfection.
00:49 Yes, I think they made a little more than one meter.
00:53 The flow was fast enough so that we would not stagnate.
00:56 This is the principle, so that we would not rot.
00:59 We can still see remains like this, in stone too.
01:17 We see a well. So there we see that there is a lot of sediment compared to those that have passed.
01:22 But if we scratched all over the side, we would see the pottery arrive.
01:27 This is what made the conduit to bring to the fountains on the city of La Rochelle.
01:32 And it was about 7 cm in diameter.
01:34 The water was drinkable and not sumptuous like the wells of catching that could be found in the center of La Rochelle.
01:42 They used these wells to extract all the marble and limestone that was removed.
01:54 And also, they often went to two different places to be able to join.
01:59 And that's why it's so sinuous.
02:09 So wait, we're at the intersection.
02:12 What's going on here at the Maries-Selene?
02:15 We're going to the hospital at Fredi.
02:18 According to the archives, it was dug by the priests to have their water reduction on the hospital.
02:35 Some houses even had fountains to take water directly from the pottery or existing wells.
02:44 Did they do it illegally?
02:46 I don't know.
02:48 Yes, yes.
02:49 I think it was...
02:51 But just the names.
02:53 "La Ronde" means what it means.
02:56 Bye.
02:58 [Music]
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