Panayam kay Liga ng Transportasyon at Operators sa Pilipinas President Orlando Marquez

  • last year
Panayam kay Liga ng Transportasyon at Operators sa Pilipinas President Orlando Marquez
00:00 The company serves as the main transportation for many communities, especially in places where public buses or trains are not enough. This is not only transportation for many, but it is also part of our country's culture.
00:15 But despite their important role in transportation and there are issues and challenges that the drivers and operators of jeepneys face.
00:25 Oh, is there really a jeepney strike? Here is our conversation this morning with the President of the League of Transportation and Operators in the Philippines, Mr. Orlando Marquez. Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:40 Good morning, Orlando. Good morning, Sir P. and good morning, Ma'am Diane. And good morning to all the millions of viewers around the world.
00:48 Good morning. Orlando, let's start. What are the goals and priorities of the LTOP in the current jeepney strike?
00:58 First of all, Ma'am Diane, I do not stop in the public jeepney modernization program because we are the first to design an air-conditioned jeepney in the Philippines.
01:11 This is the traditional jeepney that follows the PNS compliance. The door is on the side and the person can walk inside and it is air-conditioned.
01:25 And it is very beautiful. It is more comfortable for the operators and passengers. It can be used as a house, right, Orlando?
01:32 You know, our basketball star has made it like a house. His jeepney. And I just want to inform that in Europe, in other countries in Europe, the Filipinos there brought their jeepneys and they made a tourist transport in our airport.
01:55 So, most of the types of air-conditioned jeepneys we see now are EG, but not like that. Is that what we are striking? What is the jeepney strike that exists?
02:06 Is there a strike? There is none because I went around Taguig, Pasay, Makati, up to here. I did not see anything that was lacking in the jeepney.
02:18 But there, the long lines of our jeeps are lined up. So, what a Filipino who is going to strike is saying, I think it's just to introduce because he has plans to run in the upcoming election. And you know, there is still politics.
02:36 So, let me clear that up. There is no strike or jeepney strike that will happen. Is that correct, Orlando?
02:41 For us, Ma'am Diane, because we have affirmed that there are 12 national leaders of transport, including bus, truckers, Ubexpress, jeepney, taxi. The national leadership will not strike.
02:58 So, this one who is introducing, he wants to show that there is no respect for the President. Because first of all, he knows that our President is going to strike.
03:08 So, you can declare, you can follow the President who is going to strike, and you will declare a strike. Isn't that disrespectful?
03:17 If he has respect for his parents, the President of the Republic of the Philippines has no respect for our Secretary, who was appointed by our President, Secretary Bautista, Chairman Guadis. He has no respect.
03:34 Okay, so the whole of LTAP and this leadership is supporting our government, even our President.
03:42 That's right. We are supporting our government, especially our former President, BBM, Secretary Bautista, Chairman Guadis, and the new LTO Assistant Secretary, Atty. Vigor Mendoza.
04:01 We are fully supporting our government for the good of the Filipino people.
04:07 Alright, what are the positions of LTAP regarding the alternative model of transportation, like modernized jeepneys, e-jeepneys, and other types of jeepneys?
04:19 First of all, Sir PP, our Secretary said that there is no payout that is being signed and declared by our government regarding transportation.
04:31 We are not accepting that. That's why they are saying that there is no payout.
04:37 We are not a union that will not allow the pollution that is causing us to suffer.
04:48 That's why we, Obet Martin, Pasang Mazda, Laboy Vargas, Alto DAP, Pegu DAP, ACTO, and all of us in the jeepney transport sector,
05:02 Mr. Ping, the staff in go, we are not saying that there is a payout.
05:08 Instead, we are saying that there is a pacing out, remove the pollution and replace it with a new vehicle.
05:14 So, Mr. Orlando, what is your message to all the affected groups regarding the strike that is being done by the other group,
05:23 and also to the public, do you have any message for them, Sir?
05:26 First of all, whatever they are fighting for us to be able to pass for our transportation, we are also like that.
05:34 That's why I can say that I am asking the Filipino people to come and cook for the majority, the super majority, our President BBM.
05:44 We should respect him. After the strike, you should go ahead and strike if you are really going to strike.
05:51 That's why I am telling you now, because I came from Cebu, I came from Tacloban, I came around, we had a zoom meeting of the whole Philippines,
06:01 all of our members, even those who are not members, came to the zoom meeting, they will not join this.
06:08 They are just wondering why this group declared a strike in front of the President's zone.
06:16 There is no respect for his parents.
06:19 But we are different, you will be doing a Philippine Jeepney Festival Exposition this coming December.
06:25 Sir, invite our viewers. Actually, we adjusted this in February, that we will be the first to have a Philippine Jeepney Festival.
06:35 And the good thing is that we talked to our colleagues, Secretary Bautista and Chairman Guadis,
06:43 he will open all the international airports,
06:47 and we will also put our country's first traditional Jeep, air-conditioned for tourists, all of this is brand new.
06:57 Wow, that's a good idea because this is to showcase our culture,
07:00 and they can see and feel the tourists here in the Philippines, our vehicles, if not the Jeepneys.
07:07 So that's a good idea, and of course we are asking everybody to support the Philippine Jeepney Festival Exposition happening on December 2023.
07:16 This is already adjusted, we will do it in February.
07:20 We are just finalizing the pitch because of the upcoming World Trade,
07:27 because we want to show our old Jeepneys, the good ones, the easy type, the new ones,
07:35 we will show all of them, that the Jeepney cannot be killed because the one who is signed on it
07:41 is the former President Ferdinand Marcos who declared that the Philippine Jeepneys are a national property.
07:49 That is the face of the Filipino people.
07:52 We preserve and we keep the culture and at the same time we innovate.
07:56 So thank you very much, Orlando, for giving us your time. Go ahead, sir.
08:01 Thank you and you can see this, you can look at my Facebook, Orlando Marquez Senior,
08:07 so you can see what we did. I did not do this for myself, but I did it for our country, the Philippines.
08:17 Thank you very much, Orlando.
