Season 1 | show | 2011| S1 | Official Teaser

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Season 1 | show | 2011| S1 | Official Teaser | dHNzX3pNM2d2aXFPOXFB


00:00 >> You ready, brother?
00:02 >> As me will ever be.
00:04 >> Me teach him first.
00:06 Playing the bongos means me got rhythm.
00:08 >> Okay.
00:10 You teach him first, Mr.
00:12 Clever, clever bongo player.
00:14 [ Laughs ]
00:16 >> Bandulu, me going to teach you
00:18 street dancing.
00:19 >> Crucial.
00:20 >> Right.
00:21 The basic move is step, turn,
00:23 step.
00:24 It go like this.
00:25 Step on your right leg, pick up
00:27 your left leg, and turn.
00:29 To face the back.
00:31 >> How can me pick up me own
00:33 leg?
00:34 >> Left leg down, then pick up
00:36 your right leg, and turn to face
00:38 the front.
00:39 And then put your right leg back
00:41 where it started.
00:42 See?
00:43 Got that?
00:44 >> Leg back where it started.
00:46 No worries.
00:47 >> Away you go, then.
00:48 >> Okay.
00:49 Step on me right foot.
00:51 Out.
00:53 Pick up me left leg, turn it to
00:56 face me back to me.
00:59 >> Cool moves, bongo boy.
01:06 >> I can feel it, baby.
01:10 Cool.
01:11 Keep on grooving.
01:13 Oh, yeah.
01:14 Mr. President, are you ready for
01:16 your close-up?
01:19 >> Listen to the president.
01:21 Take notes of what he says.
01:24 >> Swing your arms and legs like
01:26 him.
01:27 Now you're learning how to swim.
01:31 >> Cut!
01:32 It's a wrap!
01:34 Oh, this video's gonna be mega
01:37 boom-bastic!
01:38 Fantastic!
01:40 you
