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Break The Mold The Zach Bates Story Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Nineteen-year-old Zach Bates told his mother at graduation that he wanted to run a 100-mile ultramarathon before his 20th birthday. Surprised, she reminded him that his farthest cross-country race had only been 5k. Undeterred, he continued to speak his mind and vision to run a 100-mile race before he turned 20. Seeing his determination and knowing her son's unique ability to deeply focus- due to autism- she decided to let him chase his dream.

Director Holt Hamilton
Genre Documentary, Family
Run Time 1 hour 1 minute
00:00 I love to run. I started running in middle school. In high school I ran for three years.
00:27 My best mile was a 5.09. My best two-mile was a 11.15. And my best 5k in cross-country
00:35 was 18.17.
00:40 When we first got the diagnosis of autism, my approach was, "How am I going to fix this?"
00:46 I guess I was kind of sad. You know, when you hear the diagnosis of autism, all kinds
00:50 of things go through your mind.
00:51 What am I going to do to help my boy so that he's happy and he's strong, that he can
00:56 do the things that all the other kids are doing?
01:02 The visions I had of going out and playing catch with my son, I didn't know what it
01:06 was going to be like.
01:10 All during his senior year, he really wanted to run a marathon. He kept asking me, "Mom,
01:17 I want to run farther. Two miles is just not enough. 5k is just not enough. I want to do
01:23 bigger races."
01:28 As we were walking away from the graduation ceremony, he turned to me and said, "Mom,
01:33 before my 20th birthday, I'm going to run a 100-mile race."