On July 17, a 19-year-old named Aditya Prabhu died by suicide after jumping off his college building. His mother, Asha Prabhu, has spoken up. Watch this video for the entire conversation.
00:00 I was referred as malpractice mother multiple times.
00:03 And I was there hardly for four or five minutes.
00:06 That is all.
00:07 My son was there, I don't know for how long.
00:09 What things they might have told him, malpractice boy,
00:12 put a brand on them.
00:15 They were trying to move the body before anybody
00:17 could come and recognize.
00:18 What was the big thing they wanted
00:20 was the body should be out of their campus.
00:23 I mean, college name should not be associated with the body
00:27 found, a suicide.
00:28 That was the thing.
00:30 I don't want any more Adityas like this, who
00:32 just for one silly reason--
00:35 I mean, copying.
00:37 He was found with a phone.
00:39 I think kids copy all the time.
00:41 You ask anybody, they will be copying.
00:44 It is not something to die for.
00:46 It is not something to harass them so much.
01:20 On Monday morning at 11.45, I got a call from my son
01:26 telling that he forgot his phone in his pocket by mistake.
01:30 He had his last exams, that is a computer science exam.
01:34 So I forgot it.
01:35 And I remembered it halfway.
01:39 I kept it away.
01:40 Then I asked him, Aditya, where are you cheating?
01:42 He said it was in airplane mode.
01:45 I can't do anything.
01:47 And he continued writing his exams.
01:49 But then they saw the phone.
01:52 They detained him.
01:53 They allowed him to complete the examination.
01:55 And they detained him.
01:56 So he told me that I have completed my exam.
02:01 They have detained me now.
02:02 And you should come to the college.
02:05 They will call you.
02:06 And I'm not being treated well.
02:10 They're telling me it's better to die than live like this.
02:13 So you come soon.
02:15 The college will call you.
02:16 And I waited there for half an hour, 40 minutes, 50 minutes.
02:21 I don't know.
02:21 I waited there for quite some time.
02:23 And finally they came.
02:27 I said, I'm Aditya's mother.
02:29 I was taken inside.
02:30 And she told the COE, malpractice mother has come to talk.
02:35 So where is the malpractice boy?
02:37 They said he's sitting outside.
02:38 Then he's not there.
02:43 Then she asked someone else.
02:44 Malpractice mother has come.
02:46 Where is the malpractice boy?
02:48 He was sitting here some time back.
02:49 He's not there.
02:51 Then she told me he must have gone
02:54 roaming with his friends.
02:56 He'll come back.
02:58 Then I got scared for the first time.
03:00 I told him it's not possible.
03:02 He's not that sort of boy who will roam around.
03:04 When you have detained him, put serious charges.
03:07 I told her, please, I think he's in danger.
03:11 He might be doing something.
03:12 Please, if he's not here, he's in danger.
03:15 Check the CCTV camera.
03:16 Please do that, I told.
03:18 We went to the other side of the campus.
03:20 And there, an ambulance was parked.
03:24 Police was there.
03:25 And so many people were there.
03:27 I came to know something is seriously wrong.
03:30 And I just started asking what happened.
03:35 What happened to my son?
03:36 Where is he?
03:38 Then they told me, no, you just come.
03:40 You see him, you see him, you come.
03:42 But I was really scared at that point in time.
03:44 I said, I'm not seeing.
03:45 I don't want to see anything.
03:47 Just let me know he's alive.
03:49 Then he's a college admin.
03:52 He told me, sorry, ma'am, your son is no more.
03:55 And we know what pain you're going through.
03:58 Then I said, can't you try to revive him?
04:00 I asked.
04:01 Yeah, first you come.
04:02 You recognize him.
04:03 Then sign.
04:05 And we'll take him to the hospital and try for revival.
04:10 Then again, I thought, even if he has cheated,
04:19 even if he has copied, it is not a crime.
04:22 It is not a murder.
04:24 He's a 19-year-old boy, kid practically.
04:27 Sometimes they do such things.
04:29 So even if he has done, no--
04:32 how can you harass a child?
04:33 How can you treat them that way?
04:36 I was told he's detained.
04:37 What does detained mean?
04:38 He's in their custody.
04:39 He's under their protection.
04:41 There should have been somebody.
04:43 Someone should have been there with him, right?
04:46 We want the persons who handled him badly to be punished.
04:50 Whoever in whose custody he was, who left him alone,
04:55 who harassed him, in that time, their name should be found out.
05:01 And they should be booked.
05:02 They should be punished, whatever.
05:03 Because they should not do this to anyone else.
05:06 And this should be an example.
05:08 No teacher, no staff member should ever
05:10 behave in such a way with any kid for whatever reasons.