• l’année dernière
Vous vous êtes déjà demandés pourquoi on voyait le soleil jaune alors que sa vraie "couleur" est le blanc ? Ou encore pourquoi il devenait rouge au lever et au coucher ?

Réponse avec Victor - V2F !
00:00 Why is the sun yellow?
00:01 Because yes, normally it is white, the color that is composed of all the others.
00:05 So what happens?
00:06 Well, when its light reaches our atmosphere, the oxygen and nitrogen particles capture
00:10 and diffuse the blue light of the spectrum.
00:12 That's why the sky is blue, and the mixture of the remaining colors gives yellow.
00:16 But then why is it sometimes orange or red?
00:18 When the sun is in the horizon, its light must travel further to reach us,
00:22 which means that the shortest wavelengths disappear in our eyes,
00:25 and there is only a red or orange color left.
