道路使用者的噩梦 民众遇路洞意外该如何索赔?

  • last year
八点最热报 | 《热报聚光灯》这一次将会探讨大马路洞的问题,在过去几个月,团队采访了多名路洞受害者以及死者家属。他们将现身说法,讲述路洞意外对他们的毕生影响,同时还以法律观点的角度,向观众揭示当受害者发生路洞意外时,如何向政府索取赔偿的全过程。节目将分为两集播出,第一集内容,将在明天7月23号,星期日晚上8点半,在Astro AEC频道播出。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Road accidents are nightmares for road users.
00:07 If you fall into a road accident, your car or motorcycle may be damaged.
00:11 You may even lose your life.
00:14 According to the data from the Ministry of Transportation and Law Enforcement,
00:17 in the past four years, more than 700 people in China have died in road accidents.
00:23 The program "Hot News Light" produced by Bandy, the behind-the-scenes of the "8 o'clock News"
00:28 will discuss the road accidents in Denmark that have been bothering people for a long time.
00:32 In the past few months, the team interviewed many road victims,
00:35 families of the deceased, and ministers and other units.
00:38 They also tried to explain to the public from a legal point of view
00:41 how to ask for compensation from the government when there is a road accident.
00:46 The program will be broadcast in two episodes.
00:48 The first episode will be broadcast on the Astro AEC channel on July 23, 8.30 pm.
00:57 (Sobbing)
00:59 (Speaking in Mandarin)
01:02 (Speaking in Mandarin)
01:22 (Speaking in Mandarin)
01:28 (Speaking in Mandarin)
01:31 They are all victims of road accidents.
01:38 Some even lost their families because of road accidents.
01:41 The road accident brought the victims and their families to the abyss of death.
01:45 They are still trying to adapt to their new life.
01:50 He said, "Don't worry, Mummy. I will definitely make your wish come true."
01:53 But he died two days after he said that.
01:57 (Speaking in Mandarin)
02:00 (Speaking in Mandarin)
02:03 (Speaking in Mandarin)
02:14 (Music)
02:18 (Music)
02:20 (Music)
