Karachi's population missing in census: Farooq Sattar

  • last year
#farooqsattar #sharjeelmemon #bakhabarsavera
00:00 You also, Minister of Defence was in our AY News program yesterday
00:04 and was talking, giving interviews, he gives a lot of news often
00:08 Khawaja Asif has told that in his opinion
00:12 Khawaja Asif's opinion
00:14 the next Prime Minister, without any elections, he has already told his opinion
00:19 He will be the nominee of the party
00:21 Now let's talk about what the People's Party is thinking
00:25 So the leaders of the People's Party are
00:27 Sharjeel Inaam, Aiman Saab, thank you very much Sharjeel Saab
00:30 and a very good morning to you
00:32 Now this is obviously a matter of the people's vote
00:36 New or old
00:38 What does the People's Party think about this?
00:40 And obviously, what is the matter of the interest of the people
00:43 or the parties are thinking that what suits them before elections?
00:47 Your thoughts
00:49 Bismillah-ur-Rehman-ur-Rahim and good morning
00:51 I have seen in your info that this is not going to happen by liking or disliking any political party
01:01 The law and the rules already address this
01:06 The things that are written in the law and the rules have to be exactly followable
01:10 It is not necessary that what the party wants, what PM LN wants, what the MQM wants
01:15 or what the PGI wants
01:18 It is not going to be according to the personal thoughts of any party or any power
01:23 The decision that has been taken by everyone
01:26 You have said in your intro that the election commission of Pakistan has said
01:29 that is, as far as I have read
01:32 that is,
01:34 That would be great because
01:36 There are complaints in the past regarding this
01:38 Obviously, everyone has their own explanation about it
01:41 and without criticizing any party
01:43 The incident on 14th May and the decision taken before that by the Supreme Court
01:48 So, there are many issues in that regard
01:50 Mr. Shetty, tell me
01:52 The constitution says that if the assembly completes its term and gets elected
01:57 then the election will be held in these numbers of days
02:00 Suppose, if the notification of the new Mardam Shumari is being told that it can be held
02:05 It is done
02:06 And the elections go ahead from 3rd to 4th
02:08 So, will the People's Party agree to this?
02:11 Will it be acceptable for the People's Party?
02:13 Look, I am telling you again
02:15 You are talking about many things if and but
02:18 I will explain it to you a little more
02:20 Because it is being given very strongly that this can happen
02:25 Regarding Mardam Shumari, it is not like that
02:27 It is Mr. Iqbal's statement
02:28 Regarding Mardam Shumari, the MQM is showing concern
02:31 or your own Bilawal Bhutto himself is showing concern
02:35 No, no, no, look, regarding the Mardam Shumari
02:38 We have shown concern that we had very serious reservations
02:42 that the counting was not right
02:44 Our head count was not proper
02:47 The way of counting was not right
02:49 And the reservations we made with the federal government
02:52 After that, the dates were extended
02:54 And where the count was low, some changes were made
02:58 I am not repeating this to anyone
03:00 I am saying that the Mardam Shumari was right
03:04 The census was right
03:05 Hypothetically speaking, if you are late
03:08 What is your position on this?
03:11 On the election?
03:12 My view is that if Mardam Shumari is not there, it cannot happen
03:16 And why it cannot happen, I will tell you
03:18 As far as I have a little understanding of the law
03:21 Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right
03:23 My understanding of the law says
03:25 Let's suppose if you remove the notification
03:28 And you have to increase the seats
03:31 Let's suppose your population has increased
03:33 To increase the seats, you need the assembly's full house
03:37 The assembly's full house has to change the constitution
03:42 And increase the seats
03:45 When the assembly is not there, it is not existing
03:48 How will the full house be?
03:49 Or will you change the numbers?
03:51 Any ordinance?
03:52 Okay, let's move away from this
03:54 No, no, no, the assembly has to do it
03:57 The constitution cannot be changed
03:59 Okay, tell me one thing
04:01 I would like to know your opinion on this
04:03 The election reform committee has said
04:05 That in all the electoral rings
04:07 The number of registered voters has been suggested to be equal
04:10 And the rings will be held on the basis of the number of registered voters
04:15 Will this be possible?
04:17 Okay, I will tell you
04:18 When this was done, it was decided
04:22 And the last one was also done
04:24 The last one was also done
04:25 In that, they had kept an average of 7.5 lakhs
04:28 For the seats of the National Assembly
04:30 Okay
04:31 And then 3.5 lakhs
04:34 You cannot do an exact number
04:37 You have to do an exact number
04:39 You have seen the demography of the district
04:42 In some districts, let's suppose
04:44 There is a small district
04:46 Because the population is 8 lakhs
04:48 So you cannot say that 7.5 lakhs will be of the National Assembly
04:51 And the remaining 50 lakhs will go to other districts
04:53 That will not happen
04:54 So there is always a slight variation in this
04:56 You cannot equal the accurate numbers
05:00 You have to give a margin in this also
05:02 That you can do it to some extent
05:04 Otherwise, you have to change the boundaries of the district
05:07 Okay
05:08 And in the last election, the district boundaries were also refused to change
05:12 Before this, the voter of one district used to be the MLA of another district
05:18 But in the last election
05:20 They have changed the boundaries of the district
05:25 Okay
05:26 People's Party, you said that technically it is not possible for the elections to go ahead
05:31 And the matter should be approved
05:34 Otherwise, the issues will go ahead with the Maddam Shumari
05:37 For the Nigrah set up, the matter is very complicated
05:41 If we talk about Sindh
05:43 Because there is a big mystery regarding the opposition leader
05:48 So tell us, who will the Sindh government discuss with for the Nigrah set up?
05:52 In my view and the view of the law, Ali Mahdi Sheikh is the opposition leader
06:00 He does not come, it is a different matter
06:02 He is a member of the ruling party
06:04 So where is he? Who will you talk to?
06:07 We have seen the video
06:11 You are seeing that we will also see the law
06:15 It is not written in the law that the opposition leader should be discussed
06:20 It is not written that if he is a member of the ruling party, then what?
06:24 Unfortunately, we have a lot of experience
06:27 So we do not understand that the opposition leader should come forward
06:30 If he does not come, then in your view, it can be done anyway
06:33 No, I do not say that
06:35 Then the MTA can play their part or something like that
06:38 In my view, Ali Mahdi Sheikh should come
06:42 He should sit in the assembly and face the law
06:45 Everyone has faced the law
06:47 When was the last time you had an interaction with him in the assembly?
06:51 Yes, when he used to come to the assembly, there was definitely an interaction with the opposition members
06:59 But this is unfortunate that an important opposition leader is not ready to come to the assembly
07:07 He will be ready to come, but after that he will be concerned about where he will return
07:14 Tell me one thing, Mr. Sharjeel
07:16 The speaker has given him a guarantee that he will come to the assembly and he will not say anything
07:21 And on the return?
07:23 He has given the guarantee of return, but not the guarantee of return
07:26 This is the question here
07:28 We also guarantee that you should come and solve this issue
07:42 Mr. Sharjeel, do you personally think that elections will be held this year?
07:49 I personally think that my wish is that there will be no elections
08:00 I think we are the only country where we are talking to the FNBUD
08:07 And we are talking to many opposition members
08:12 We are not talking to the FNBUD, we are talking to the FNBUD
08:19 We are not talking to the FNBUD, we are talking to the FNBUD
08:27 Mr. Sharjeel, that is not the issue
08:29 The issue is that we are not living in an ideal world
08:32 The ideal scenario is that the FNBUD should be implemented
08:34 Let's make this an ideal world
08:35 Practically speaking, what has happened in the past few years is a different thing
08:41 I am not taking any responsibility for that, we are all responsible
08:44 If a president is set in Punjab, then people say that this can happen here too
08:52 No, you see that too
08:55 The assembly was broken in a wrong way
08:59 The vote of no confidence was absolutely correct
09:04 The members were correct
09:05 But the Supreme Court had two judgments
09:07 The first judgment was that they had made it clear for a long time
09:12 And according to that, the vote of no confidence was successful
09:16 But the president went to the wrong side of the court
09:19 Everyone was confused
09:21 If you do one wrong thing, then you will have to do 100 wrong things to defend it
09:26 It's a trichotomy of power
09:29 So, no matter who sets the president, but there is an example of the election that it is delayed
09:33 One wrong thing does not correct the other wrong thing
09:35 So, there are many doubts that the election is taking place
09:38 Everyone is asking the same question
09:39 You are right that it should be done in an ideal world scenario
09:43 According to the constitution, the rule of law, the obedience to the rule of law
09:48 For which the people's party played a big role
09:50 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a speaker
09:52 Thank you very much for being with us, Sharjeel
09:55 Sharjeel wants to talk to the opposition leader
09:59 He has also given a guarantee
10:01 He has also given a guarantee in our program
