وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية المصري يصرح لـ CNBC عربية: نفذنا العديد من الإصلاحات بهدف تنمية قطاع التعدين وقمنا بتعديل نظام التراخيص

  • last year


00:00 Egypt has an ambitious plan for the refurbishment sector.
00:03 What is the significance of this plan and how can it contribute to the overall local outcome of Egypt?
00:09 Thank you for the important question.
00:11 This will give me the opportunity to explain the plan, but in short.
00:16 The ambitious plan, in order to do it correctly, we must base it on the basics.
00:24 When we say that we found reasons for the failure of the refurbishment sector to mature,
00:34 we found that we had the necessary reforms.
00:38 Therefore, we started the reform and development program in 2018.
00:42 We invited one of the most important consultants in the world,
00:47 and we started to put together a plan that includes legislative reforms, financial reforms,
00:51 reforms in the licensing system, the development of human resources,
00:56 and the implementation of strategies for independent mining.
01:01 Since that date, we have really made adjustments to the mining wealth law,
01:08 and we have also issued the implementation plans for it.
01:12 We have also implemented the financial system that was previously used,
01:17 and was already involved in production.
01:21 Today, it has become a tax, and this is the international system and the world's knowledge in this direction.
01:26 This was very acceptable and comfortable at the global level.
01:30 Then, we also made the licensing process easier,
01:34 and we separated the research from the exploration,
01:38 so that companies that want to do research immediately take the licensing from the Mining and Finance Department,
01:43 and work directly without any link between them and the Mining Department.
01:47 You have to issue a law and wait two years to work in this field.
01:52 After that, we are also working on structural reforms,
01:56 so that we can develop the structural structure for mining wealth,
02:00 and make it a competitive and a machine in our trained and trained staff.
02:07 This is an important part that we are working on,
02:09 and we have excellent young people, but they need the opportunity.
02:13 Since we developed this law and updated the financial system,
02:20 we have issued gold subsidies,
02:23 and we have found a positive response to the first and second round of subsidies.
02:29 These are the subsidies for 2020?
02:31 Yes, 2020, and the third round is at the end of the year.
02:36 So, we have two additional subsidies until today.
02:39 These are the ones that we have signed a large number of companies,
02:44 13 companies, 7 of them international companies, and 6 local or regional companies.
02:50 And thank God, some companies have started to receive the required licensing,
02:54 maybe a year and a half ago or after we issued the required licensing,
02:58 and they have started to do the research and explore,
03:01 and they have taken samples, and things are going well.
