00:00 In the first video, we witnessed the beginning of hostility between dogs and monkeys.
00:07 After a monkey cub was harmed by dogs, we watched the monkeys take revenge on dogs
00:22 by organizing thanks to their high intelligence, organization and agility skills.
00:29 We see that how the monkeys organized in the middle of the city.
00:34 They are powerful enough to paralyze the ordinary course of life.
00:39 Their intelligence gives them an advantage over dogs in this hostility.
00:46 In this video, we will see that dogs are not eager to be easy prey against monkeys
00:52 thanks to their strong physique and their pack movements.
00:57 250 dogs killed by monkeys. What would be the result in a war of equal numbers?
01:05 Their powerful jaws and biting abilities,
01:16 which have evolved over thousands of years, make them a deadly competitor to monkeys.
01:22 This monkey did well to run away when the dogs had the number advantage.
01:37 The dog finds a baby monkey. Though her demeanor is aggressive, dog intends to kill it.
01:49 Monkeys usually gain structures in the cities they live in. They take to the streets to raid.
01:56 Using the city's aerodynamic structure to their advantage, they bully living things.
02:13 Look, a trapped monkey. He is getting hot with this dog.
02:24 And using his intelligence, he drives the dog away.
02:29 We know that monkeys harm animals just for fun.
02:38 Monkey takes dog's food from in front of him and spills it on the floor.
02:49 A monkey holding a small puppy by its tail and playing with it.
02:58 Even just for fun, it increases a dog's stress level.
03:06 Monkeys raiding the settlement disturb the little boy. Dogs can't remain silent in this situation.
03:20 They attack monkeys in packs to protect their territory.
03:24 Human and dog friendliness seems enough to drive the monkeys away.
03:34 If a dog feels uneasy while eating, it will become aggressive.
03:50 How this gang of monkeys is making fun of the little dog.
03:54 We know that monkeys abduct money, goods, and children.
04:06 Will the more athletic dog be able to save this dog?
04:17 This is a security camera video of a dog chasing monkey in the streets.
04:22 Look at these monkeys. They put all the dogs on alert.
04:32 It's not like they are going to live without getting what they want.
04:45 Two monkeys attack a dog but the dog's friend rescue him.
04:49 The mother monkey and her baby attract the attention of this dog.
04:56 This monkey isn't in a position to fight because she has a baby in her arms.
05:04 Although the monkeys don't engage in active combat,
05:10 they unite and don't allow the dog to come closer to the residential areas.
05:15 The monkeys are again in a human domain.
05:28 But this time there are no walls around to facilitate their movement.
05:34 One dog is all it takes to keep them awake.
05:37 Monkeys often attack dogs' faces or they snatch them.
05:41 This monkey, on the other hand, grabs the dog's leash using its sharp minds and developed hands.
05:51 These jokes that start like a game don't heat up.
06:02 The monkeys we are going to watch now attack dogs' hind legs directly in order to restrict their movement.
06:09 They know the best way to do this is to get behind the dogs.
06:13 The monkeys are now in a human domain.
06:25 They are not in a position to fight.
06:27 They are now in a human domain.
06:33 This monkey, whose self-confidence has increased thanks to his friend around him,
06:40 almost makes fun of the dog.
06:41 Water is an important variable that determines the winner of wars.
06:52 Even if the number of dogs is higher, hands provide a great advantage for purposes
06:58 such as swimming, attacking and running.
07:21 In a one-on-one fight in the open fields,
07:24 the dog's powerful jaw becomes a very dangerous weapon.
07:28 Small-sized dogs have a very low chance against the monkey.
07:36 Both these animals have strong and fully developed physics, protecting its owner and territory.
07:43 This dog fearlessly jumps to a disadvantaged position.
07:47 But the monkey is very fast.
07:50 This monkey using trees as a shield is trying to punch the dog.
07:55 Monkeys usually eat nuts, fruits, seeds and flowers.
08:03 Some monkeys also eat meat like bird eggs, small animals like lizards,
08:10 small insects and spiders.
08:12 This proves that the reason for their attacks was not food.
08:19 This makes them more dangerous.
08:21 Thanks for watching.
08:23 Please don't forget to like the video and subscribe.
08:26 Otherwise, how will we resist a possible monkey attack?
08:31 Please don't forget to like the video and subscribe. Otherwise, how will we resist a possible monkey attack?