• 2 years ago
Adding and Customizing Graphs in PowerPoint
00:00 Here, I'll guide you through the process of adding a graph, changing its colors, and modifying
00:08 the values of it.
00:09 So let's get started.
00:11 So what you want to do to begin, let's add a graph page from the slides layout.
00:16 So I'm going to go plus, find a purple one, since it's in the same section, we're going
00:23 to go into the graph layout here.
00:29 First thing you want to do is you want to move to the presentation kit PowerPoint here,
00:37 and we'll move under the resources section.
00:41 And let's say there's a couple of graphs here that we can select.
00:44 Let's say we're going to take this one here.
00:48 So what you want to do is you want to select a graph and copy paste it into the page.
00:57 Now let's customize the colors of the graph.
00:59 So what you want to do is you want to click, double click until you're at the point where
01:06 you can change the fill color here.
01:10 So once you're selected this portion here, you're going to want to do is you're going
01:16 to want to move laterally to find the same color in the right section.
01:22 So here, I'm going to go the main color here.
01:26 This one here, this one here is the second color of purple.
01:32 So it's this one here, the lavender.
01:36 Then we're going to move here.
01:38 Same thing.
01:39 And move here, same thing.
01:46 As you can see, those two colors here are pretty much close from one another.
01:51 So what we're going to do, we can tweak it a bit.
01:54 Let's say I'll select this one here instead.
01:56 Right.
01:57 So when you're changing colors here, the legend here will change as well.
02:06 Next up, let's modify the values in the graph.
02:08 So what you want to do is you want to select a graph and you're going to want to go in
02:15 top here under chart design.
02:17 You're going to edit data in Excel.
02:21 This will open an Excel sheet where you can update the value here.
02:32 So here, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, fourth trimester.
02:39 These are the name of the values here.
02:42 All right.
02:43 And these are the values.
02:45 So let's say here I want to change the 30 to a 42.
02:52 It's going to update in real time here.
02:57 And coincidentally, if we want to go, all right, say, let's boost this one to 20.
03:02 Same thing's going to happen.
03:03 It's going to update automatically.
03:08 If you want to add a new value, the only thing you've got to do is you've got to move.
03:14 You're going to move to the last here, the last row.
03:19 You can see there's a kind of a bounding box here.
03:22 I'm going to move to the last row.
03:24 It tabbed.
03:25 It's going to move to a new row.
03:26 It's going to expand this box here.
03:30 And I'm going to go the same thing and add a value of, let's say, nine.
03:38 It's going to open a new color here, which I'll go and change right up.
03:44 And let's say I'll put it a gray.
03:45 Put it a kind of a gray color here.
03:52 Just move back here.
03:54 And if you want to delete, it's the same thing.
04:01 You just go here and you do, you just select the row and you delete.
04:09 It's not more complicated than that.
04:12 You can also change the names here if you want.
04:20 It's going to update in the legend here.
04:25 And once you're done, you just simply quit the Excel sheet.
04:29 Information is going to stay with the graph.
04:33 And that's mostly how it's done.
04:35 It's the same things with the bar charts and everything.
04:39 When you have much more values, it's the same process.
04:44 It's just a little bit more exhaustive.
04:47 So that's how you import a graph from the presentation kit to your presentation.
