Angry Buffalo herd kills Lion who attack the baby, Wild Animals Attack (3)

  • last year
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00:47 - The adult African buffalo's horns
00:56 are its characteristic feature.
00:58 They have fused bases, forming a continuous bone shield
01:05 across the top of the head referred to as a boss.
01:08 (dramatic music)
01:11 It is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals
01:27 on the African continent.
01:28 (dramatic music)
01:33 (dramatic music)
01:36 According to some estimates, it gores, tramples,
01:54 and kills over 200 people every year.
02:01 Between buffalo and lion, if it's a one-on-one fight
02:05 between an adult lion and an adult bull,
02:07 10 out of 10 times it would be the buffalo.
02:10 The reason is the average weight of an adult lion
02:21 is 400 to 500 pounds and average weight
02:25 of an adult buffalo is 1,800 to 2,500 pounds.
02:30 (dramatic music)
02:33 The only way a lion can overcome an adult buffalo
02:48 is by getting a firm bite on its throat or windpipe
02:51 and this can be achieved only when the buffalo
02:54 is knocked off its feet.
02:55 (dramatic music)
02:58 Lions and buffaloes, who often encounter each other,
03:15 fight fiercely among themselves.
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03:22 The primary goal of lions is to catch a buffalo
03:34 that moves apart from the herd.
03:36 (dramatic music)
03:49 Moving away from the herd, a buffalo can be trapped
03:53 by a pack of lions.
03:54 (dramatic music)
03:57 Buffaloes in herds have little chance of being attacked
04:10 by predators such as lions.
04:12 (dramatic music)
04:15 (dramatic music)
04:18 With an angry and aggressive attitude,
04:25 buffaloes can strike lions with horns and kill them.
04:28 (dramatic music)
04:31 A lion in the middle of a buffalo herd
04:43 has made the worst mistake of his life.
04:46 (dramatic music)
04:49 Even when dealing with an adult buffalo,
05:00 only a pride of lions together can overpower
05:03 an adult buffalo and that too it takes an effort
05:06 and most of the times, the buffalo manages to escape.
05:09 (dramatic music)
05:13 (dramatic music)
05:15 Individual lion will rarely attack a fully grown buffalo.
05:25 (dramatic music)
05:28 (dramatic music)
05:30 The buffalo weigh over half a ton.
05:45 Even if they are running away instead of fighting,
05:48 the buffalo are hard to kill,
05:50 typically taking a good sized lion pride to take them down.
05:56 And that doesn't even consider what the buffalo
05:58 can do to lions.
06:00 (dramatic music)
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06:05 Goring a lion with their horns won't kill it outright
06:30 but the buffalo are so strong that they can easily
06:33 fling lions into the air or away from them.
06:36 (dramatic music)
06:39 Either outcome is going to add a lot of damage
06:56 on top of the wound the horn will will cause.
06:58 (dramatic music)
07:01 Lions and hyenas inhabit the same geographic ranges
07:18 in Africa and depend on the same prey as food.
07:21 (dramatic music)
07:25 (dramatic music)
07:28 This competition fuels a relationship
07:32 characterized by animosity.
07:34 (dramatic music)
07:37 When the animals cross each other's paths,
07:44 they react with hostility, sometimes without apparent reason.
07:53 Observers have noted occasions where male lions
07:56 seem to take pleasure in harassing or killing hyenas.
08:00 Because lions and hyenas both consume the same prey,
08:06 they are each other's most common competitors.
08:09 Lions are three to four times larger than hyenas
08:14 and kill larger animals.
08:15 A group of hyenas, however, can often use teamwork
08:21 to intimidate a lion away from its kill.
08:24 Both lions and hyenas frequently steal from each other.
08:32 Lions have learned to recognize the feeding calls
08:35 of hyenas after a recent kill.
08:37 They follow the calls to the source
08:45 and chase the hyenas from their prey.
08:48 (dramatic music)
08:51 Although it would seem abundant prey
08:55 would lessen the hostility between lions and hyenas,
08:59 the opposite has been observed.
09:00 Please like this video and subscribe
09:14 to BV Animal Documentary for more videos like this.
09:17 (dramatic music)
09:20 Thanks for watching.
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