Warhorse One Movie Clip
Plot synopsis: After a SEAL team helicopter is downed during a rescue mission in Afghanistan, the lone surviving operator must evade hostile insurgents and navigate rough terrain to guide the one living civilian—a traumatized child—to safety.
Director Johnny Strong, William Kaufman
Actors Johnny Strong, Athena Durner, Raj Kala, James Sherrill, Siya Rostami
Genre Action and Adventure
Run Time 2 hours
Plot synopsis: After a SEAL team helicopter is downed during a rescue mission in Afghanistan, the lone surviving operator must evade hostile insurgents and navigate rough terrain to guide the one living civilian—a traumatized child—to safety.
Director Johnny Strong, William Kaufman
Actors Johnny Strong, Athena Durner, Raj Kala, James Sherrill, Siya Rostami
Genre Action and Adventure
Run Time 2 hours
Short film