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Valiant One Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the heart-pounding military thriller VALIANT ONE, a routine mission spirals into a fight for survival when a US Army helicopter crashes deep within North Korean territory. With their communications equipment destroyed, Captain Edward Brockman (Chase Stokes) and Specialist Selby (Lana Condor) must lead the team through hostile terrain, cut off from US military support as they attempt a daring escape across the treacherous Demilitarized Zone.

directed by Steve Barnett

starring Chase Stokes, Lana Condor, Desmin Borges, Callan Mulvey, Jonathan Whitesell, Daniel Jun

release date January 31, 2025 (in theaters)
00:04Gear up.
00:09Let's focus on the mission.
00:10Can we even call this a mission?
00:12We're going to be on the ground for like twenty minutes.
00:14Do you take anything seriously?
00:23We have multiple dead, multiple wounded.
00:31We need a medevac right now!
00:32They can't get us.
00:33We're in North Korea.
00:34So you're going to have to get these people out of here?
00:40Sir, respectfully, I'm trained to analyze data, not this.
00:44Right now, you're the leader.
00:46So you got to be that for them and for yourself.
00:51Don't let it end here.
00:54We are going deeper into North Korea.
00:57Following a guy who has no idea what he's doing.
01:07No matter how hard it gets, you stick your chest out.
01:10No, no, no, no, no.
01:11You keep your head up and you handle it.
01:14It's not supposed to be a pep talk.
01:16It's Tupac.
01:18He should be safe with us.
01:22Rockman, behind us.
01:32You all seem pretty smart.
01:34Why'd you choose this?
01:36Where I come from, there just isn't a lot of options.
01:41Our country has given me so much and I wanted to give back.
01:56We're almost there.
01:58Contact front!
02:01Go! I'll buy you some time!
02:07Let's go home.