Coronation Street 30th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:25 Morning.
00:35 Hiya.
00:37 You OK?
00:38 Sleep OK?
00:40 Yeah.
00:40 Once I got home, the face is staring at me.
00:43 Eh?
00:45 The pictures on the walls with the scary eyes.
00:47 Oh, right.
00:50 Thanks for letting me stay.
00:51 I know you didn't have to.
00:52 It's OK.
00:53 No, honestly, thank you.
00:54 I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't been there.
00:58 Sorry.
01:00 Getting all emotional, more tired than I thought.
01:04 You'd best get off before Maria or someone else sees you.
01:09 Right.
01:10 Yeah.
01:11 I'll see you then.
01:12 See you.
01:14 Unless you fancy grabbing some brekkie?
01:17 Uh, yeah.
01:19 Yeah, OK.
01:20 I mean, I'll have to drop these off at home first.
01:22 Can meet you at the tram stop if you want,
01:24 because we can't go around here, can we?
01:27 Yeah, no problem.
01:29 I'll see you there.
01:30 See you.
01:32 [SIGHS]
01:34 If you could be a character from any musical, who would you be?
01:38 Annie.
01:39 Ruby?
01:40 Matilda.
01:41 You can't say Matilda.
01:43 Why not?
01:44 Because that's mine.
01:45 You know that's mine.
01:46 Fine, Bruce Bogtrotter.
01:48 Why?
01:48 Because I'll get to eat lots of cake.
01:51 What about you, Dad?
01:51 Me?
01:52 Musical?
01:54 I like bugs in my bowl.
01:55 You're too old to be him.
01:57 Oh, thanks for the reminder.
01:58 All right, what about, um, greatest showman?
02:02 Good one.
02:04 Dad?
02:05 Hm?
02:06 Musical.
02:07 Who would you be?
02:08 I wouldn't be one.
02:09 Ah, I wouldn't show myself up.
02:11 Swear you auditioned for Ken Barlow's play.
02:13 That's not the same.
02:15 Kind of is.
02:16 Why is this one here?
02:17 She stayed over last night.
02:18 Uh, girls, we're nearly done.
02:20 Come on, we need to get going.
02:21 Dad, after school, can you help me with my history project?
02:23 What?
02:24 I'm not sure I can, love, because I've
02:26 got a Martin or Washington to catch up on after the garage.
02:28 And I'm just not sure I'm going to--
02:29 What's your project on?
02:30 "Hem of the Eighth."
02:31 Oh.
02:32 Well, I might be able to dig in the recesses of my mind
02:35 to help you with that one.
02:37 You were around when he was.
02:39 No, I was not, you daft sausage.
02:42 Anyway, I remember one thing.
02:45 That's divorce, beheaded, died, divorce, beheaded, survived.
02:48 There you are.
02:49 Girls, are we all done?
02:50 Good.
02:51 Coats, shoes, let's go.
02:54 Are you sure you don't mind?
02:56 I can't seem to get on top of everything now,
02:57 especially since Kirk's left.
02:59 He's like the good fairy of housework.
03:00 Well, it's nice to know he had one good use.
03:02 No, I don't mind.
03:04 Of course, I don't mind.
03:05 In fact, if you like, I will walk the kids to school.
03:08 All right?
03:09 You can do some tidying before you go to work, eh?
03:12 Thanks.
03:13 Will you tell Roy I'll pop in with a replacement once I've
03:18 been to Cash and Kerry?
03:19 All right.
03:20 Ta.
03:21 Oh, hiya.
03:22 Hi.
03:23 Did you manage to speak to Owen?
03:25 Um, yeah.
03:27 Sorry, he's not for turn in.
03:29 Right.
03:30 Oh, thanks anyway.
03:31 Mm.
03:32 Try.
03:33 What was all that about?
03:37 Oh, it's just a little setback at work.
03:41 Oh, what's Jenny got to do with it?
03:43 Well, it's not really important.
03:45 Listen, do you want me to order?
03:47 No, I'll order.
03:48 You sit down.
03:49 Yeah.
03:50 Oh, right.
03:55 I won't be a minute.
03:56 That should be fine.
04:00 I'll let him know.
04:03 OK.
04:03 Yeah.
04:04 See you then.
04:05 Bye.
04:06 What can I get you?
04:10 Uh, two teas and two tea cakes, please.
04:13 Sure.
04:13 I'll bring them over.
04:14 OK, thanks.
04:15 What are you watching?
04:20 Oh, it's just a group chat with some old friends from Canada
04:23 showing each other their Canada Day outfits.
04:26 Canada Day?
04:27 Yeah, it's on this week.
04:28 It's like the 4th of July, but Canadian.
04:30 You dress up, set off fireworks, eat waffles.
04:34 You sad to be missing it?
04:36 Uh, well, I'm not really one for dressing up,
04:37 but seeing my friends has made me a bit homesick.
04:40 I'm not going to lie.
04:42 I'd like to meet them all sometime.
04:43 Yeah, that'd be nice.
04:47 Aw, you know, I'm so glad to have him back.
04:50 Yeah.
04:51 Even if it is just for the extra child care.
04:53 Especially today, I've got a banging headache.
04:55 Not saying I'm off.
04:56 Could we get this young lady a pack of our finest
04:58 paracetamols, please, Evelyn?
05:00 Oh, no. No, thank you.
05:01 No, I don't do painkillers.
05:02 I don't want to risk it.
05:04 What?
05:04 Not even paracetamol?
05:05 Nope.
05:06 I'd rather have a headache than fall off the wagon.
05:09 Right.
05:09 OK, come on, then, cheeky chubs.
05:11 Let's get you into the park.
05:12 Yeah, let's get you on the swings, yeah?
05:15 See you later.
05:16 Bye, love.
05:17 [POURING]
05:19 So what are your plans today?
05:26 Not much.
05:27 Going to meet Dee Dee for lunch.
05:29 Oh, nice.
05:31 Say hello from me.
05:33 Is there anything you need me to do while I'm out?
05:35 Not the big shop, though.
05:36 Can't face that.
05:38 No, no.
05:38 We can do the big shop together at the weekend.
05:41 Or I'll just do it online.
05:43 Oh, well, if you do, can you get some decent tea
05:44 bags this time?
05:45 The last ones you got tasted like soapy feet.
05:48 When have you ever tasted soapy feet?
05:51 Yeah.
05:51 Do you know what?
05:52 I don't want to know.
05:54 Very wise.
05:54 Mm.
05:55 [CHUCKLES]
05:56 [POURING]
05:57 Actually, I was wondering if you fancied
06:04 coming to the church later?
06:06 Oh, yeah?
06:06 You got some odd jobs you need doing?
06:08 No.
06:09 No.
06:09 I, uh--
06:11 What?
06:13 I thought maybe we could, um--
06:16 we could get you baptized.
06:19 What?
06:20 Well, it wouldn't have to be a big ceremony.
06:22 Just you and me at the font, and then-- and then a witness.
06:25 I thought maybe you could ask Summer.
06:27 Is this a joke?
06:29 Well, it doesn't have to be Summer.
06:32 You could ask Gemma, or your mum.
06:34 No.
06:36 No.
06:37 I'm sorry.
06:40 It's just-- it's not for me.
06:42 It wouldn't feel right.
06:45 I know you're not religious, but--
06:48 There are no buts.
06:50 I don't want to do it, OK?
06:54 OK.
06:55 Ooh.
07:10 Aren't you missing something?
07:12 What?
07:13 Or rather someone.
07:14 All right, no.
07:15 I've, uh, left him feeding the ducks.
07:17 This headache's turning into a migraine,
07:19 so I'm going to get me a down for a bit.
07:21 Uh, um-- um, how long you been clean, you?
07:25 478 days, which is one year, three months, and 21 days.
07:33 Right.
07:33 And what makes you think that you can do it this time,
07:35 when you've failed so many times in the past?
07:39 Well, I think Alfie has a lot to do with it.
07:43 Ah, no.
07:44 I can't be that, can it?
07:45 Because, you know, that's like saying your other kids
07:48 weren't worth bothering about.
07:50 Well, that's not what I'm saying.
07:51 It don't work like that.
07:53 It's-- it's not about them being worthy of me staying sober.
07:58 It's-- it's-- it's about me feeling worthy of the chance.
08:03 So what's new about this one, then, this time?
08:07 Kevin and Roy, Sal, you know, people who care about me,
08:11 who make me feel worthy, who kept giving me chances,
08:14 didn't give up on me the moment I made a mistake,
08:17 who treated my addiction like the illness it is,
08:22 not, you know, just a nuisance.
08:24 Is that enough for you?
08:29 Yeah.
08:30 [RUSTLING]
08:36 Snotty cat.
08:37 The police just called to say that they're going to come
08:46 round today instead.
08:47 Make sure you're all for half 11.
08:49 OK, bye.
08:51 Oh, yeah.
08:53 Been anywhere nice?
08:54 Sorry?
08:55 Saw you on the tram.
08:57 Oh, yeah.
08:57 I, uh, I just got some breakfast with me.
09:00 The banter must have been terrible.
09:01 You look miserable.
09:02 Yeah.
09:03 I, uh, I just got a message to say that the police are coming
09:07 today to get my statement.
09:09 I mean, I wasn't expecting them till next week.
09:11 For Chris Hearing?
09:13 Yeah.
09:14 Do I have to do that?
09:15 No.
09:16 No, you don't have to do anything you don't want.
09:19 Do you mind me asking why you're reticent?
09:21 Well, I just don't like thinking about him, you know?
09:24 Every time I think it's all in the past, I get dragged back.
09:28 And I just--
09:29 I don't like remembering it, you know?
09:33 I don't exactly look back on that time fondly either.
09:35 But there's just one more thing you've got to do.
09:39 Once this hearing's over and Chris has been sent down,
09:42 you can put all of it behind you.
09:43 Hiya.
09:51 Have you seen the new designs?
09:53 What do you think?
09:54 Morning, Sarah.
09:55 How are you doing?
09:56 I said hiya.
09:57 Aw.
09:58 The designs are fabulous.
10:00 Yeah?
10:01 Trying to go for the, you know, the classy but comfy.
10:06 Would you wear it if you were expected?
10:09 Yeah.
10:09 Yeah, I would.
10:10 Yeah, they're really stylish.
10:12 I think you have found, like, a real gap in the market there.
10:15 Yeah, well, I think it's important to tap
10:16 into the excitement-expecting parents feel.
10:21 You OK?
10:22 Yeah.
10:23 Yeah.
10:24 Yeah.
10:25 I was just thinking maybe we could book a meeting with Owen
10:27 and pitch the idea.
10:30 Ruth?
10:31 Morning.
10:34 Morning.
10:35 Listen, was that about the sale?
10:41 You any closer to a deal?
10:43 Wouldn't you like to know?
10:46 Ah, decided to join us, finally.
10:49 I had a video conference.
10:50 I took it at home.
10:52 Really?
10:53 Who with?
10:55 You see, another lie.
10:58 I'd have to say I think it's pretty pathetic of you
11:00 to use Jenny to try and keep your job as well, by the way.
11:03 It's as well or by the way.
11:05 You don't need both.
11:07 Whatever, Steven.
11:09 Listen, I'm good at my job.
11:11 Brilliant, in fact.
11:13 And you firing me for such a petty reason
11:15 is only going to be to the detriment of the company.
11:18 Look, hear me out, please.
11:19 I'll convince you I'm the best asset you'll have here.
11:22 Fine.
11:26 But not now.
11:27 Because I really do have a video call.
11:29 Then lunch?
11:30 Come to the flat.
11:31 We can have a chat without an audience.
11:33 Cassandra Plummer?
11:46 Are you her mother?
11:47 Yes.
11:48 We tried calling you.
11:49 Well, I'm here now.
11:50 Where is she?
11:52 She discharged herself about half an hour ago.
11:55 Sorry.
12:00 So what's going on?
12:14 What do you mean?
12:16 Well, either something's happened,
12:18 or that napkin said something very mean about your hair.
12:22 Which, of course, would never happen,
12:23 because it's always so perfect.
12:25 So what's going on?
12:26 Part of the obvious, of course.
12:28 Isn't that enough?
12:29 Paul hasn't been baptized.
12:34 So?
12:35 Well, I just always assumed that he had been,
12:38 and now that he's ill--
12:40 You're worried that he's not going.
12:41 [WHISTLES]
12:43 Please don't laugh at me.
12:45 I'm not.
12:45 Have you spoken to Paul about it?
12:49 Yeah.
12:50 Yeah, I suggested we get it done now,
12:52 but he wasn't having any of it.
12:53 And I can't push him into it.
12:55 We can do it without him knowing.
12:57 Splash some holy water on him while he's sleeping or something.
12:59 [CHUCKLES]
13:02 Thanks for taking it so seriously.
13:03 I am.
13:04 I-- look, Billy, wait.
13:08 I'm salad.
13:12 I'm brown.
13:14 Thanks, Roy.
13:22 Gringa edulis.
13:25 Known as the ice cream bean because--
13:27 Evelyn, are you well?
13:31 Yes.
13:32 Why?
13:33 Why wouldn't I be?
13:34 Tyrone said you couldn't make the meal because you
13:36 had an errand to run.
13:37 So?
13:38 Don't mean anything else in question, does it?
13:39 So maybe keep your beak out next time, will you?
13:42 Here we go.
13:49 Ooh.
13:49 Thank you.
13:50 Lovely.
13:51 Shall we get Fiz?
13:53 Oh, celebrating.
13:54 Oh, no.
13:55 We'll just stick to soft drinks, thanks.
13:56 Yeah, yeah.
13:57 We were having an early lunch to toast.
13:59 A very successful meeting.
14:00 Oh, yeah?
14:01 Mm-hmm.
14:02 Owen, he loves our maternity range,
14:03 and he wants to meet up with retailers right away.
14:05 Oh, congratulations.
14:06 Thank you.
14:07 Owen has a good eye for talent.
14:09 Yeah, and he's full of ideas.
14:10 His suggestions for additions and edits were amazing,
14:13 weren't they?
14:14 Oh, yeah.
14:15 No, he has.
14:16 He's got a really good eye.
14:17 I just wish him and Stephen could learn
14:18 to work together a bit better.
14:19 Do you know what he has?
14:20 He's gone above and beyond to make nip and snap a word.
14:22 Oh, the guy sounds great.
14:25 Do you, uh-- do you want to order a sandwich and join us?
14:28 Um, no, actually.
14:30 I've just remembered I've got some work to do in the office
14:32 before chorus, so, um, I'll see you later at home, OK?
14:34 Thank you.
14:38 I like your shoes.
14:45 Thanks.
14:46 They're new.
14:49 They're, uh-- they're really nice.
14:50 Thank you, gods and goddesses.
14:58 You're late. Where have you been?
14:59 Did you get my message?
15:00 Yes, I know, but I'm here now, aren't I?
15:01 Yes, you are.
15:03 Hi, Max.
15:04 I'm Tanya.
15:05 Hi.
15:06 Is, uh-- is David going to be here, or--
15:12 No, no, he's at-- he's at that color convention thingy
15:14 in Birmingham.
15:15 But I can call him if you like, if you want to speak to him.
15:16 No, no, it's OK.
15:18 Nothing to worry about today, Max.
15:21 I'm just going to talk to you about what
15:22 happened with Griff and get you a victim personal statement.
15:26 Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure how I can help, but--
15:29 It'd be really good to hear your story, what impact Griff's
15:33 had on you and your family's lives.
15:36 Am I going to have to go to his hearing, or--
15:39 No, an advocate can read your statement out for you.
15:42 You don't have to go anywhere near the court,
15:44 unless you want to.
15:46 No.
15:48 Max--
15:49 No.
15:50 I won't go to court, but I will give a statement.
15:57 I look forward to sampling the fruits of your labor.
16:00 Mm, it'll be a few years before I see any beans.
16:04 All hoped for things will come to you who have the strength
16:08 to watch and wait.
16:10 A beautiful sentiment, but not always true.
16:16 I doubt if Evelyn will ever deign to give me anything
16:19 other than the sharp side of her tongue, no matter how
16:22 long I-- I watch and wait.
16:25 I'm not sure there's anything but a sharp side
16:27 to Evelyn's tongue.
16:29 That display earlier was spiky, even by her standards.
16:35 Are you not up for it at all?
16:37 No.
16:38 Well, then he's got his answer then, has he?
16:40 Yeah.
16:42 Are you christened?
16:44 Yeah.
16:45 Yeah, Mum got all three of us done
16:46 so we could get into the best school in the area.
16:48 Your family's not religious, though.
16:50 I'm the only one who goes to church.
16:52 But I didn't find my faith until I was an adult.
16:55 In the US, actually.
16:57 How did that happen?
16:58 Oh, well, when I-- when I first moved there, you know,
17:01 I was-- I was dead homesick.
17:04 And I was overworked, and just lonely, really.
17:09 One of the juniors noticed, so they invited me to their church
17:12 service on a Sunday.
17:14 So, you know, I kept going, mostly
17:17 for the community at first.
17:18 But as I kept going, I realized that I did have a belief.
17:23 You know, I had a connection to God
17:25 that could give me strength.
17:26 Sorry.
17:30 Not trying to convert you.
17:31 Ah, I know.
17:33 I'm a bit jealous, actually.
17:35 Of me?
17:36 You, Billy, anyone with faith.
17:39 Seems like a comfort.
17:41 Yeah, it can be.
17:43 It can be hard, too.
17:46 I don't not believe in anything.
17:49 I just don't know what I do believe in.
17:51 Does that make sense?
17:52 Yeah, I think so.
17:56 I just don't want it to cause a rift between me and Billy.
17:59 Hey, it won't.
18:01 And you know, baptisms aren't just about religion.
18:05 They're more personal.
18:07 You can have them tailor-made to you if you want.
18:10 How do you mean?
18:12 Look at this.
18:13 I knew this one girl, and she was so obsessed with Disney
18:16 that she had a little mermaid-themed baptism.
18:19 The minister was dressed as Sebastian the Clown.
18:22 No way.
18:22 Yeah, true story.
18:25 And she hired this local choir to dress as mermaids
18:28 and sing a medley of songs from the film.
18:31 You know, I fancy something a bit stronger than a coffee.
18:34 Fancy heading to the pub?
18:35 Yeah, all right.
18:38 So you can get baptized anywhere.
18:41 Don't have to be a church.
18:42 Well, obviously, it depends on your church.
18:45 But theoretically, yeah.
18:46 Can I get you a coffee?
18:51 No, thanks.
18:52 I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, to be honest.
18:54 Well, I appreciate you hearing me out.
19:01 First of all, I can run rings around anyone
19:03 else in that sales office.
19:06 And in terms of experience, hello,
19:09 I've got years on you all.
19:12 That's not always an advantage, though, is it?
19:14 I know that.
19:15 But I've stayed on top of trends and all the new technologies.
19:17 I'm no old fogie.
19:19 I'm not past it.
19:22 You see, the thing is, Stephen, I'm just really
19:26 not buying this respectable businessman shtick anymore.
19:31 I don't trust you.
19:33 And I don't trust what you've been up to at that factory,
19:35 either.
19:36 I wanted to buy that place as a nest egg for me,
19:39 for my future, but it is sounding more and more dodgy.
19:44 I don't know what you mean.
19:46 Oh, well, Seagull Limited, for a start.
19:49 What about it?
19:50 I don't think it exists.
19:52 I think you created it to siphon off
19:54 factory money for yourself.
19:55 And I'm sure you've got some very clever little answer.
19:59 But to me, that is sounding more and more fishy.
20:03 Oh, man, I should have stepped away when you were stirring
20:07 things with me and Jenny.
20:09 That was all just a misunderstanding.
20:12 There is only one reason why someone
20:14 would want to push two people apart like that,
20:16 and that's because you want her all for yourself.
20:19 No, you're wrong.
20:21 What do we do now?
20:22 I don't know.
20:24 Stephen wasn't supposed to be here.
20:25 I was going to text him when we were ready.
20:27 Maybe we should just go in.
20:28 No, no, we can't just bear some mid-argument.
20:30 We've missed our chance now.
20:32 I was just trying to cheer him up.
20:33 He seemed so homesick this morning.
20:35 I see you in that pub.
20:37 You are flirting with Jenny.
20:39 All that Jenny stuff was just a huge misunderstanding.
20:42 We are friends.
20:43 That's all.
20:44 You know, I just got the wrong end of the stick,
20:47 but there was no malice.
20:48 It was just me trying to look out for a mate.
20:51 [BANG]
20:52 [GASPING]
20:53 What was that?
20:54 [GASPING]
20:55 [LAUGHTER]
20:57 Surprise.
20:58 Oh, yeah.
20:59 Surprise.
21:00 [CHEERING]
21:01 Surprise.
21:03 Happy Canada Day, sweetie.
21:04 Oh.
21:05 Oh.
21:06 Oh.
21:07 Oh.
21:08 Cheers.
21:09 Oh.
21:10 [LAUGHTER]
21:11 Oh, God.
21:12 [SIGHS]
21:13 [DOOR OPENS]
21:15 Oh.
21:16 I'd love to put a camera in that, really.
21:18 Is that you, Tyrone?
21:20 I thought you were working through your lunch hour today.
21:23 Well, I was.
21:24 But then this cat turned up looking for you.
21:26 Cat?
21:33 Hiya.
21:34 Uh, hi, Cat.
21:37 What are you doing here?
21:39 Came to see you, of course.
21:41 Well, I've just made Cath a brew, so do you want one?
21:44 Um, no, Ty.
21:47 There you go.
21:48 Thanks, love.
21:51 So, are they your kids?
21:55 Yeah.
21:56 They're gorgeous.
21:58 What's the names?
22:00 It's Hope and Ruby.
22:02 How do you two know each other, anyway?
22:08 Cath, yeah, we've known each other years.
22:22 How?
22:23 Well, because she's a friend of James, my ex-neighbor.
22:27 Ah, right.
22:28 Nice blow.
22:29 Um, you got to get back to the garage?
22:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah, actually.
22:33 Nice to meet you.
22:34 What were you thinking of?
22:42 Well, you can't expect me to find out you're living with my son
22:45 and not come and see.
22:46 And what if he'd recognized you?
22:48 How would he?
22:49 Well, he had seen photos, you know.
22:51 Would it be such a bad thing for him to know who I am?
22:53 Yes, Cassandra, it would, because he's going to be furious that I've lied to him.
22:58 Oh, thinking about yourself, as usual.
23:00 And you're thinking about having a big reunion,
23:02 with you looking like you've just crawled out of the nearest sewer.
23:06 I'm in withdrawal.
23:07 Exactly my point.
23:09 I mean, you know, I was going to tell him,
23:15 after what happened at Christmas, but--
23:17 I've missed so much, Mum.
23:19 I was going to tell him who I was, but--
23:27 but seeing him all bright and innocent, I just lost my nerve.
23:32 Maybe you're right.
23:37 Maybe he is better off not knowing who I am.
23:40 No, I don't believe that.
23:42 I think if he can get clean--
23:47 I want to so much.
23:48 And stay clean.
23:50 Yeah.
23:51 Well, then, you know, I'm willing to help you.
23:56 [sniffs]
23:58 [sighs]
24:00 Sorry, what is happening now?
24:03 It's Canada Day!
24:05 These are beaver tails.
24:06 Sound horrible, but they're just flat doughnuts with sweet toppings.
24:09 Try one.
24:10 No, thanks.
24:12 No, no, no, you should try one. They're really good.
24:15 No.
24:16 See, Stephen, it's this kind of thing.
24:18 It's just-- it's weird.
24:20 No, no, no, I'm done.
24:23 What do you mean?
24:24 I'm out. I'm not buying the factory.
24:27 What?
24:28 Yeah, see, I was already in two minds, mostly because of you,
24:31 but Carla told me to come along today, hear you out,
24:34 see if we could work together, but no.
24:37 There is-- there's something about you, Stephen.
24:40 I don't know what it is, but it makes my blood pressure rise.
24:43 Now I can't be done with you or your dodgy business practices.
24:47 Well, wait, what about-- what about Nippersnapper?
24:50 I am a professional. I won't rock that boat, all right?
24:55 But good luck, Stephen, and goodbye.
24:59 It felt like an interrogation.
25:06 Oh, ignore her. She's a snotty cow at the best of times.
25:09 Are you feeling better now?
25:10 Yeah, I just needed a kick with a cold pack on the back of my neck.
25:13 Does that work?
25:14 Yeah, I swear by it.
25:16 Ew! Ew!
25:18 Smell that.
25:19 No, I don't want the migraine to come back.
25:21 Plus, she just went, "Ew!"
25:22 No, it's too sweet for me, then.
25:24 See, now, I don't mind sweet for a daytime scent in the summer.
25:29 No! You'll get chased by bees every time you go outside.
25:32 Well, don't be daft.
25:33 I'm not being daft. It happened to me when I was a teenager.
25:37 I was a bit too heavy-handed with the perfume samples,
25:39 and a bee chased me all the way home from Kendall's.
25:42 Give over.
25:43 It even found me on the bus.
25:48 Right, so, this woman got baptised at a circus,
25:52 had the ceremony on the high wire,
25:54 and then jumped into a big pool of water.
25:56 Oh, no, thanks.
25:58 Don't like heights?
25:59 Don't like circuses. Clowns.
26:01 If I were to get baptised, I could have it in a rave.
26:07 Big fish, little fish, shine the cross, yeah?
26:09 Yeah. Be mental.
26:11 Smoke machine, lights, the old shebang.
26:14 No, it sounds ace.
26:16 You know, it'd have to be more than just a big party.
26:19 Yeah, I don't know.
26:21 Since my diagnosis, I've just been trying to take it one day at a time.
26:25 Saving my soul from eternal damnation
26:27 wasn't on my list of things to do today.
26:30 So, stop thinking about it.
26:32 All right, tell Billy you don't want it, Paul.
26:34 He'll understand if you explain your reasoning.
26:37 Yeah.
26:39 I'm not ready to think about that yet.
26:42 But if you do change your mind and decide to get baptised,
26:45 just know that I'll be there.
26:47 With my glow sticks and my whistle and all.
26:49 Nothing he said sounded bad.
26:53 Racist, I mean.
26:55 It just made sense.
26:57 Especially at the beginning.
26:59 He would say, "We needed to do better."
27:03 "We" meaning...
27:04 ..white, English.
27:09 And he made me feel like I was part of some sort of revolution.
27:13 Like we were going to do these...
27:15 ..brilliant things.
27:18 And then he found out that I could make films
27:22 and he was so encouraging.
27:24 So...
27:27 ..excited.
27:28 And it was exciting, I guess.
27:30 To be part of this little gang
27:33 who was trying to make people see what we could see.
27:38 And at the same time, I didn't realise how angry
27:41 I was beginning to feel about everything.
27:43 See, that's how he does it.
27:47 Great.
27:48 He gradually turns you against everything you used to love
27:53 until...
27:54 accept the vile ideas that he spouts.
27:59 Accepting them as the same common sense as his other ideas.
28:05 So...
28:06 ..that's why he needs to go away.
28:09 So that he can't do this again.
28:11 Thank you, Max.
28:15 Are you OK?
28:22 We'll let you know what happens.
28:28 Thanks.
28:29 Bye.
28:34 I am so proud of you.
28:46 All finished?
28:49 Yeah, cheers.
28:50 Cheers.
28:51 I'm so proud of you.
28:54 All finished?
28:55 Yeah, cheers.
28:56 Hiya.
28:58 Are you drinking?
29:00 A pint of zero for me, please, Jenny.
29:02 Coming up.
29:03 No, it's just a post-lunch pint.
29:05 What's it to you, anyway?
29:07 Nothing.
29:08 Oh, please, sit down.
29:13 I'm not stopping long, all right?
29:15 Just wanted a word.
29:16 Well, more of a confession, really.
29:18 I was talking to Billy earlier.
29:21 About?
29:22 Christenings.
29:24 Is he complaining to you about it?
29:27 No, not complaining, all right?
29:29 He knows it's up to you.
29:31 But I think I might have upset him.
29:34 How?
29:35 By making a stupid, flippant joke.
29:39 I should have kept my mouth shut.
29:41 He's really bothered about all this, isn't he?
29:44 Yeah.
29:45 Do you think I should do it?
29:50 Me?
29:52 Yeah.
29:53 What do you do?
29:55 Honestly, don't know.
29:57 But if there's one thing that I have learned from working at Shortworth's,
30:03 it's that funerals are not really for the dead.
30:07 They're for them that's left behind.
30:10 Loved ones that need to focus on the...
30:16 planning the small details of food, coffins, songs, all that.
30:21 To avoid being completely taken over by the grief.
30:25 Right.
30:27 Maybe that's what Billy's doing with his Christening idea.
30:31 Focusing on that to avoid thinking about what comes later.
30:39 I want an advance on my wages.
30:51 Oh, are you kidding?
30:53 You went out for a break this morning, you never returned.
30:56 £5,000 should cover it.
30:58 What? You have your mind? I can know.
31:00 Can you not read? We're closed.
31:02 I followed you in, I was concerned about you.
31:05 No, no, listen, Roy, don't you worry, mate, we are not closed.
31:08 Yes, we are. Go on, get out.
31:10 So where are the five grand? That is none of your business.
31:16 Well, it is if I'm lending it to you. Are you lending it to me? No!
31:19 Come on, Evie, I can't just give you that kind of money.
31:22 You can have 50 quid at a push, maybe, but... No!
31:25 Fine. Fine? Where are you going?
31:28 You've only done half a shift.
31:30 You can take your shift and you can shove it up your proverbials.
31:34 I want to say, it was so awkward.
31:37 I mean, poor Elaine, she didn't know what to do with herself.
31:40 Look, you do know that there's nothing going on with me and Owen, don't you?
31:46 Yeah, I know. It's just I saw you in the pub and how you were with me and Michael.
31:50 And, look, I wouldn't blame you if you're feeling that way,
31:53 because I know what that's like when I've been in your shoes.
31:57 I'm not worried about Owen, I just think I'm stressed
31:59 about waiting for these DNA results.
32:02 Yeah, me too.
32:04 Yeah.
32:05 Where are you going? I'll be back in a bit.
32:10 Right, I have been summoned.
32:16 Yeah, well, I want to apologise for intruding earlier.
32:21 I didn't realise that your conversation with Dev was a private one.
32:25 Oh, OK.
32:27 Right, well, I appreciate your apology.
32:32 May I dare to presume that your money troubles
32:35 are the reasons for your lack of tact with Yasmeen earlier?
32:39 Oh, right. It's, er...
32:42 It's complicated.
32:44 Say no more.
32:46 I don't wish to pry into the reasons if you don't want to divulge them,
32:51 but I do have money if you're still in need.
32:58 Um... No, I can't ask that of you.
33:01 You didn't ask. I'm offering.
33:04 You have proved to be a good friend and I'd like to help.
33:11 Oh, thank you.
33:13 And, er, you're a good friend, Roy Cropper, you are.
33:19 For what it's worth, um...
33:22 know, your company means a lot to me too.
33:28 (SIGHS)
33:30 Pardon? Hmm?
33:34 I said your company means a lot to me too.
33:37 You opened the letter.
33:39 I expressly asked you not to.
33:45 (SIGHS)
33:47 I don't know what you're getting your knickers in a twist about all this for.
34:04 You know, I've saved you the job of saying it, haven't I?
34:08 We both know how hard it is to express your feelings.
34:11 Well, now, I've told you that it's reciprocated.
34:15 (SCOFFS)
34:16 You broke my trust.
34:18 Oh, well, certainly didn't expect that to be your response.
34:23 I'm... I'm disappointed.
34:27 Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you.
34:31 Anyway, you're in luck because I'm going away for a while
34:35 and I won't be disappointing you any more in the foreseeable.
34:40 Where are you going?
34:42 That is none of your business, is it?
34:44 The offer of the loan still stands.
34:46 I'll manage.
34:47 You won't be hearing from me while I'm away either.
34:50 What about Freddie?
34:52 Well, I'll just have to trust you, won't I, to look after him properly.
34:56 True.
34:58 Goodbye.
35:04 Thank you for doing this.
35:07 Ah! It was a bit of a disaster.
35:10 Well, it was a really nice gesture and I appreciate you trying to cheer me up,
35:14 but, uh, I wasn't homesick, I was just stressed about the job
35:19 and that's gone away for now.
35:21 Good!
35:22 Yeah, hopefully the next buyer will recognise my genius
35:26 and not want to give me the boot.
35:28 Fingers crossed.
35:30 Stephen.
35:35 Stephen.
35:36 What Owen said about Jenny...
35:39 Oh, I'm sorry you had to listen to that nonsense.
35:42 Like I told Owen, it was all a big misunderstanding,
35:45 one he liked to use to stir up trouble.
35:48 He was just trying to wind me up.
35:50 You know, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew you were in there
35:53 and was deliberately trying to hurt you.
35:55 Well, that's not nice.
35:56 Yeah, well, there's something not right about that guy.
36:02 So you're not still holding a torch for her?
36:05 No.
36:09 I never was, really.
36:12 I only have eyes for you.
36:16 So why don't we go to the pub so I can prove it?
36:21 You know, as good as Canadian beer is,
36:24 there's nothing like a pint of Newton and Ridley.
36:30 Mmm.
36:34 What are you up to?
36:36 Hey, well, I decided I'd do us some dinner.
36:39 Summer's out, so it is just the two of us.
36:43 Oh, thank you.
36:44 Mmm. Cheers.
36:46 What's all this in here, dog?
36:49 Well, I just thought we could do with a night without any distractions.
36:53 You know, forget about everything that's going on.
36:55 Well, you cooking is not normal.
36:57 Ha-ha-ha! Well, it might be from now on.
36:59 Ooh. Oh, yeah, that's just what I needed.
37:04 Oh, tough day.
37:05 Eh, no more than normal.
37:06 You? How was lunch with Dee Dee?
37:08 Yeah, really good.
37:11 We, erm...
37:13 We talked about baptism.
37:15 Right.
37:16 Did you know you could get baptised at a circus if you wanted to?
37:20 No, I did not know that.
37:22 I said a rave baptism would be good.
37:24 For who?
37:25 Me. If I were to have one.
37:28 Well, I meant what I said this morning.
37:30 I'm not gonna force you into it.
37:32 I know.
37:34 But I've been thinking.
37:37 Yeah?
37:39 And I'm not completely against the idea.
37:42 Not if it'll make you happy.
37:44 Well, don't... don't do it for me.
37:46 Well, it wouldn't be for you.
37:48 It'd be for me.
37:49 OK.
37:51 Well...
37:53 Mm.
37:54 But I'm not there yet, yeah?
37:56 I'm still just considering.
37:58 Like I said, there is no pressure from me.
38:01 I'm just, er...
38:02 Thank you.
38:07 Has, er... Has anyone seen me?
38:17 I don't think so.
38:19 Right, well, I got you these cut,
38:21 so you can let yourself in and out now.
38:23 Thanks. You're a lifesaver.
38:26 What?
38:29 I had to make a statement about Grave to the police.
38:32 No-one else will understand what we went through.
38:36 Whoa.
38:40 What are you doing?
38:42 I'm... I'm sorry.
38:43 Yeah, I'm with Sabrina.
38:45 Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
38:47 I'll go.
38:48 No, it's OK. You can still stay at the salon.
38:50 I'm just saying.
38:51 We're just mates, yeah? That's all. Nothing else.
38:55 Sure.
38:57 Thanks.
38:58 Hey.
39:02 Where have you been?
39:03 Into the shops.
39:05 For?
39:06 For Harry's project.
39:08 Stuff to make a volcano erupt.
39:13 I said I'd build him a volcano.
39:17 And...
39:18 a little treat for us.
39:20 Ooh.
39:21 For after dinner.
39:22 And...
39:24 a fancy tea.
39:26 Lovely.
39:27 Yeah, we should celebrate your success properly.
39:30 Thank you.
39:31 You're right.
39:33 This is the kind of thing we should focus on.
39:35 Tell you what, you go and sit down and I'll put all this away.
39:39 OK.
39:40 I don't get how he got all those wives.
40:02 It was pure ruffle.
40:03 Dad, will you come and look at this and tell me if it makes sense?
40:06 Look, I can't right now. I'm sorry.
40:08 She said she'd help, didn't she?
40:09 Oh, Hope, I know I said that, but I'm sorry, love. I can't. I can't. Stop.
40:14 Stop? What are you on about?
40:15 I've got to go away.
40:16 James, Cathlet is struggling, so...
40:20 Come on, you're not really going, are you?
40:22 I'm afraid I am.
40:23 I am sorry.
40:25 And I will miss you, but...
40:28 you behave for your dad, all right?
40:30 No.
40:34 No!
40:36 Nan, I need you here.
40:38 Especially with Fiz gone.
40:39 You promised you'd help me.
40:41 In fact, you said you'd pick up the girls from school tomorrow.
40:43 What am I going to do now?
40:44 Well, I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.
40:46 Oh, great.
40:47 So you're going to put your old neighbour first on the advice of some absolute smackhead?
40:50 What are you talking about?
40:51 Oh, and you could see the state of that Cath.
40:53 She was more strung out than a washing line.
40:55 Yeah, she's had her troubles, all right?
40:56 We all have.
40:57 I mean, talk about putting your family first.
41:04 Come.
41:05 So what did you and little Alfie get up to this afternoon?
41:18 I took him on that vintage funfair near the Red Wreck.
41:21 He's obsessed with a lion.
41:23 He didn't want to get off.
41:24 Oh, don't overthink it.
41:26 Look, she's not interested in me, I'm not interested in her,
41:29 but let's focus on something else, eh?
41:31 Like what?
41:33 Oh, sorry, just hold that thought.
41:35 Oh, Carla.
41:37 It's too bad about the sale, huh?
41:39 Well, for me, yes.
41:40 For you, not so much.
41:42 Well, I hope you don't think I had a hand in it.
41:44 Oh, I know you did, Stephen.
41:45 I just can't work out how aware you were of it.
41:49 Has Owen been saying things about me?
41:51 Hmm.
41:52 What is Segal Limited?
41:56 It's a consultancy firm.
41:58 I already told you that.
41:59 I'd like to meet them.
42:01 What? Why?
42:03 Because I want to see if they're up to scratch or even exist, actually.
42:07 Of course they exist.
42:09 Then that's great, no problem. I'm setting up a meeting.
42:12 Okay, I'll set one up.
42:14 Tomorrow?
42:15 Uh, well, tomorrow, I'm not sure that's possible.
42:18 Make it happen, Stephen.
42:21 Is that all your stuff?
42:30 Yeah, my stuff that was in the hostel.
42:33 Anyway, where's Tyrone?
42:34 He's not here.
42:36 You lied.
42:37 I did.
42:38 Well, I had to make sure you came, didn't I?
42:40 So, he still doesn't know I'm alive?
42:43 Not yet.
42:44 You're unbelievable.
42:47 No, I'm not. I'm realistic.
42:49 Do you honestly think, Cassie, that Tyrone's going to let you anywhere near him or the kids?
42:54 While you're still using that junk? Well, I can tell you the answer.
42:57 He wouldn't.
42:58 So?
42:59 What am I doing here, then?
43:01 Well, my ex-neighbour, James, he's let us his flat for a few weeks while he's away for the summer.
43:07 I wanted to get you into rear, but I couldn't afford it, so this will have to do.
43:11 You want me to go cold turkey?
43:13 Yep. I will help you.
43:16 Neither of us is leaving the flat until you are clean and ready to meet your son.
43:22 And properly, this time.
43:26 Are you up for it?
43:29 Because if you're not, if you're not ready, this is not going to work.
43:33 I'm ready.
43:34 I won't let you down again.
43:37 Sincerely hope not.
43:44 (car door closes)
43:46 (car engine starts)
43:49 Comedy's back in the building over on ITVX,
44:07 and you can stream Alan Carr's new sitcom, Changing Ends, now.
44:12 And we've international football for you tomorrow afternoon.
44:15 England go up against Portugal live here on ITV1 from 2.30.
44:20 And all new riches is on the way next.
44:24 (theme music)
44:28 (chime)
44:30 (upbeat music)