Coronation Street 2nd June 2023-n

  • last year


00:03 We'd, um-- we'd locked up at the back.
00:29 Daisy didn't want to be early, so she
00:31 was looking through tunes on the phone.
00:32 We were just going to drive around for a bit, kill some time.
00:35 I went through to check out any stragglers.
00:39 I remember thinking there was nobody there, but then--
00:41 then I-- I noticed him.
00:44 He had a hat on, a beanie, and gloves.
00:49 I thought, he must be leaving because of the gloves.
00:52 He stepped forward, and I think that's when Daisy saw him.
00:57 I recognized him.
01:01 Then, it's weird.
01:03 It just all feels like it happened dead fast,
01:09 and really slow, too.
01:11 I saw the glass.
01:12 I thought it was probably water.
01:17 I don't know, but the way he picked it up,
01:20 it was like--
01:21 it's like he had to be careful.
01:24 And he said something about how no one would want her.
01:30 And I thought he was going to itter or something,
01:32 so I jumped in, and then--
01:34 sorry.
01:40 I felt it hit me, and there was just this moment of nothing,
01:51 like, what's just happened, you know?
01:55 And-- and then--
01:59 then the pain.
02:02 Just-- it's just pain.
02:10 It's like-- like I had to--
02:13 felt like I had to pull my face off, you know,
02:16 to, like, take it away.
02:21 Sorry.
02:22 Sorry, I just--
02:25 I can't-- I can't describe it.
02:27 I-- can't describe it.
02:31 It was hell.
02:32 Well?
02:40 Well, what?
02:41 It's private.
02:43 Look, tell us what it says.
02:44 Freddy will tell Roy that you opened it.
02:46 That is blackmail.
02:47 He's a rescue.
02:48 I'm a rescue.
02:49 We just do what it takes.
02:50 Oh, all right, sure.
02:56 Yeah, well, it takes longer to write short.
02:58 Everyone knows that.
03:00 Dear Evelyn, first I would like to apologize
03:02 for not surviving my procedure.
03:05 I imagine it will cause a great deal of inconvenience.
03:08 That's an understatement, isn't it?
03:09 Oh, Roy.
03:10 I would be grateful if you could keep
03:12 an unobtrusive eye on Nina.
03:15 She has suffered many losses for someone of her age.
03:18 Regarding Freddy, I trust you will ensure
03:20 he finds a suitable home.
03:22 It is possible you may feel some sadness.
03:25 I find as I write this that I feel sad to know
03:28 if you are reading it, our friendship
03:30 has come to an abrupt end.
03:32 I would like to thank you for your company.
03:35 It has become important to me over the years.
03:38 Important, underlined.
03:40 Your manner belies your kindness and compassion.
03:46 I am uncertain why you hide these traits.
03:48 Goodbye, Roy.
03:50 [SIGHS]
03:51 Oh, wow.
03:54 Why do people wait till time's out
03:56 just to say what they really feel about someone?
03:58 We should just do it more often.
03:59 For someone to use a corrosive substance as a weapon,
04:05 they must be a very angry person, a cruel person.
04:10 Yeah, he is.
04:12 Let me ask you about your relationship with Daisy Midgley.
04:16 Miss Midgley has already told the court
04:18 that she deliberately broke up your relationship
04:21 with Alia Nazir.
04:22 Is that true?
04:23 Yes.
04:27 And then you and Miss Midgley had a relationship.
04:30 Yeah, not for long, a month or so.
04:32 Why so short?
04:35 She fancied Daniel.
04:37 How did it feel to be dropped so quickly for Daniel Osborne?
04:42 Well, it wasn't great.
04:44 But I forgave her.
04:48 We became mates.
04:50 And you were the person Miss Midgley
04:51 chose to spend her last hours of being single with at the pub.
04:56 I was giving her a lift.
04:57 The wedding car got knocked.
04:59 I'm sure there were other options, a taxi.
05:02 What are you trying to say, right?
05:04 We're mates.
05:05 She's got Daniel, and I've got Crystal.
05:07 So--
05:08 Apologies, I wasn't intending to make you defensive.
05:11 What did you know of Miss Midgley's relationship
05:13 with Mr. Rutherford?
05:15 Stalking's not a relationship.
05:18 He never left her alone, I know that.
05:20 You witnessed this firsthand.
05:22 She told me.
05:23 Miss Midgley told you that Mr. Rutherford had made
05:26 her life, in her words, miserable.
05:28 Yes.
05:29 How did that make you feel?
05:32 Well, I mean, it was horrible for her.
05:33 She was in bits.
05:35 He wanted locking up.
05:37 You thought he should be locked up?
05:40 Definitely.
05:42 Mr. Connor, are you in love with Miss Midgley now?
05:45 No.
05:46 At the time of the attack?
05:47 No.
05:48 Why are you asking me this?
05:48 We should be talking about what he did, right?
05:50 Did she ever give you the impression that you
05:52 were special to her, an option?
05:54 Why don't you just say whatever it is you're
05:57 trying to get at, all right?
05:59 The witness needs a break, Your Honor.
06:05 No!
06:05 I'm fine.
06:06 I'm all right. Sorry.
06:08 Sorry, Your Honor. I'm all right.
06:09 Thank you.
06:10 Cheers.
06:11 Stop picking on him.
06:12 Right, they're coming.
06:17 They're coming. They're coming.
06:18 It took me this long to get ready,
06:19 and I've got 500 kids and Chesner.
06:21 Hey!
06:22 [CHEERING]
06:26 No way!
06:26 [CHEERING]
06:28 Brilliant.
06:29 Actually, you seem real all going on summer holiday.
06:32 Well, no, because--
06:33 Summer's not going.
06:34 Ha ha!
06:36 Aw, you off to Ibiza?
06:38 No, caravan in Wales.
06:39 Can't wait.
06:40 Hey, make sure you send us a postcard.
06:42 I'm going to be a bit less jealous if you got homework.
06:43 [LAUGHTER]
06:45 Oh, OK.
06:46 I'm all right. I'm all right.
06:47 I'm fine. I'm fine.
06:48 OK.
06:49 Yeah.
06:50 [SIGHS]
06:51 I'm going to take care of him.
06:53 I will do.
06:54 Now, I mean it.
06:55 You take care of him.
06:56 I will.
06:57 OK.
06:58 Well, have fun, you two.
06:59 Yeah, we will.
07:00 Enjoy yourselves.
07:01 Thank you.
07:02 Do you want to do anything I wouldn't do, OK?
07:05 Bye, Summer.
07:06 Oh, thanks, Sammy.
07:06 See you.
07:07 Oh, thank you.
07:08 Bye, OK.
07:09 Anyway, I'm a crocodile.
07:11 Bye, darlings.
07:14 I can't believe you didn't tell me.
07:16 Well, they didn't want anyone to know.
07:18 I'm his mother.
07:20 Love you.
07:21 Love you too, Gizmo.
07:23 Have a good time.
07:25 See you.
07:26 Bye.
07:26 Bye.
07:27 Bye.
07:28 Bye.
07:29 Be good.
07:30 Bye.
07:30 [CAR ENGINE]
07:33 Do you know what the substance was that caused your injuries?
07:36 Sulfuric acid.
07:37 Which is an active ingredient in some industrial cleaning
07:41 products, those used for drain clearing and, for example,
07:45 the pipe cleaning process of public houses.
07:49 What are you saying, just innicted from the pot?
07:51 Were you aware of this substance on the premises?
07:53 No.
07:54 You work in a bistro.
07:56 Is it used there?
07:57 I don't know.
07:58 I'm not the cleaner, am I?
08:00 Why?
08:01 I put it to you that at the time of this attack,
08:05 you were in love with Miss Midgley.
08:07 No.
08:08 No.
08:09 That you were furious at the, frankly, hysterical drawing
08:12 that Miss Midgley had made of Justin Rutherford,
08:15 painting him as an aggressive, relentless stalker,
08:18 calling upon you for protection.
08:20 She what?
08:21 Is it not true that Miss Midgley told you
08:24 Mr. Rutherford was likely to turn up and prevent
08:27 her from marrying Mr. Osborne?
08:29 No.
08:30 She ensured he would indeed turn up
08:31 by letting him believe that she had feelings for him,
08:34 because you and she planned on teaching him a lesson,
08:37 did you not?
08:39 This is lies.
08:40 It was you, was it not, who sought
08:43 out the corrosive substance.
08:44 Me?
08:45 Or Miss Midgley on your behalf, with the explicit aim
08:48 of harming the defendant.
08:50 But in the scuffle that ensued, the substance landed on you.
08:54 Saying I did this to meself, yeah.
08:56 You saying I burnt my own skin, yeah.
08:58 Please remain calm, Mr. Connor.
09:01 Sorry.
09:01 Did you and Miss Midgley plan an attack
09:04 on Mr. Rutherford together?
09:06 Or was it all your own work?
09:08 Your Honor, I must protest.
09:09 I didn't plot anything.
09:11 How can you just stand there and spit this right back?
09:14 He's a monster, yeah.
09:15 You're defending a monster.
09:17 Do you know that?
09:17 Please, Mr. Connor, or I will have
09:19 to have you removed from court.
09:22 As I said earlier, whoever committed this act
09:26 must have a lot of anger in them.
09:30 And I only see one person in this courtroom
09:32 who has shown such volatility.
09:35 And it isn't Mr. Rutherford.
09:38 No further questions.
09:39 Mr. Connor, you are excused.
09:41 Any further witnesses?
09:52 No, Your Honor.
09:55 Then let us hear from our defendant.
09:56 [DOOR OPENS]
09:59 Roy?
10:06 Roy, are you awake?
10:10 Coat?
10:11 The left lining, there's a hole big enough to get
10:17 a pound coin through it.
10:20 She used to call it her piggy bank.
10:23 Are you not feeling right?
10:25 The coat, that coat.
10:27 Hospital charity shop.
10:30 If that is Haley's coat, in the left pocket,
10:38 there's a small tear.
10:52 Oh, my mother.
10:53 Talk us through what happened that day.
11:00 I went to the pub.
11:02 She knew that I'd come.
11:04 The last time I saw her, she'd been having second thoughts
11:06 about the wedding.
11:07 So I sat by the bar, and I waited to see her, just to talk.
11:14 I didn't know he'd be there.
11:15 Ryan Connor?
11:17 Yeah.
11:19 She had him under her spell, too.
11:22 Probably wound him up the way she had Osborne,
11:24 saying that I was stalking or harassing or whatever.
11:30 He saw me, and he went into the back, came back with this glass,
11:34 and he put it on the bar.
11:36 Clear liquid.
11:39 I stood up to see what it was, and Daisy
11:41 came in through behind him.
11:45 I'm sure that she put him up to it.
11:49 He picked it up as I got nearer, and I could just tell
11:53 something wasn't right.
11:56 His face, it was just twisted.
12:00 Angry, but he was careful how he held it.
12:03 It all just happened so fast.
12:08 But he pulled back as if to throw,
12:11 and I reached up to push his wrist,
12:16 but the glass, it sort of swung back towards him,
12:19 and he put his arm up to stop it, but it hit him.
12:26 The liquid all over him.
12:33 It was just horrible.
12:34 Just horrible.
12:35 I heard him scream, and the glass, it just smashed,
12:42 and I panicked.
12:44 I thought, they may have some more, so I ran.
12:46 I can still see it.
12:52 Still hear it.
12:53 He's going to get away with this, isn't he?
13:02 Yeah.
13:03 He is.
13:07 I'm sorry, I couldn't listen.
13:29 I couldn't watch.
13:29 It's OK.
13:30 I'm sorry.
13:31 I'm so sorry for everything I am.
13:33 How could he say that?
13:34 I did it meself.
13:35 How could he do that to me?
13:37 Oi!
13:38 Oi!
13:39 Justin wouldn't cope in prison.
13:40 Did you know that they were going
13:41 to say that the acid was mine?
13:42 Well, it might have been yours.
13:43 No, it wasn't.
13:44 I don't know, do I?
13:45 I wasn't there.
13:46 You know what Justin's like, though, don't you?
13:48 Some things he said were true.
13:50 She is manipulative.
13:51 That's true, isn't it?
13:52 You can't deny that.
13:53 You listen to me!
13:54 You tell-- no!
13:55 You tell Justin, if he doesn't get sent down for this,
13:58 I'm coming for him. - Brian!
13:59 Do you understand me?
14:00 Do you understand?
14:02 I know. Don't waste your breath on her.
14:03 Come on.
14:05 Hasn't your family put them through enough?
14:07 If I see you anywhere near my pub or our street,
14:11 I swear you will regret it.
14:13 Oi, Nan!
14:19 I've got some of you.
14:21 Oh, yes.
14:22 There you go.
14:23 So you can reseal that envelope with a letter in.
14:25 Oh, no, no, no.
14:27 I've decided to tell Roy I read the letter.
14:29 What?
14:30 What, he'd be upset?
14:31 Well, depends how much drugs they've got him on.
14:34 No, it's better to be honest.
14:36 Just tell him I was curious and that, you know?
14:40 Tell him that his friendship is important to you too?
14:43 I was assuming that he's not dead on the bed.
14:47 No, he's been way overdue, honestly.
14:51 Someone was supposed to phone me and--
14:54 Probably busy.
14:55 Mm.
14:56 Uh, S6.
14:58 I'm inquiring about a Mr. Roy Cropper,
15:01 who's come into a--
15:02 a stent put in and nobody--
15:06 oh, me?
15:07 Oh, I am his oldest sister.
15:13 Oh, is he?
15:14 When?
15:16 Did it all go so smoothly?
15:18 Oh, well, that's-- thank you very much.
15:22 Yes, yes, yes, bye.
15:24 [SIGHS]
15:25 Oh.
15:26 Another group chat again?
15:31 Yeah, it's Todd.
15:33 He still can't get through to the benefit office,
15:35 so he's going to try again tomorrow.
15:38 Right, this form that Dee Dee printed out,
15:40 it's like a flaming exam.
15:43 Mom, do you not think our Paul's going to want to do
15:45 some of this stuff himself?
15:47 Stay independent?
15:48 Sweetheart, filling in endless forms
15:50 and being on phone loops to benefit offices
15:53 doesn't make anyone feel independent.
15:55 [SIGHS]
15:58 Summer's gone quiet.
16:00 She was meant to be making an appointment with the CAB.
16:03 Right, well, I'll just go and take these plasters to Ches.
16:07 Garris has fallen off the swing, but she refuses to come home
16:09 yet.
16:12 Make sure you eat something.
16:14 I mean it, ma'am.
16:15 Yeah, I will.
16:16 You need to look after yourself, yeah?
16:19 He's going to need us.
16:20 [DOOR OPENS]
16:30 [SOBS]
16:39 Come back on the wayfarer, go shopping, or the library.
16:45 And she'd say, I've got two in the lining.
16:49 Or three.
16:52 When we got home, she'd sit with a cup of tea.
16:55 More often than not, in her favorite mug
16:58 with a flamenco dancer.
17:01 And she'd maneuver the coins towards the tear
17:09 to donate to charity.
17:12 It's as if the lining had been saving them
17:14 for some other person's gain.
17:17 [CHATTER]
17:19 Talking too much is probably the anesthetic.
17:24 No.
17:26 Nonsense.
17:29 This reminds me of the library.
17:33 Our-- our-- our sit-in, you remember?
17:36 Had not long lost Haley, and I was still holding my son's
17:41 grief after he lost Jamila, his wife.
17:46 And now I hold my own grief for him.
17:53 Our conversation sustained me then.
17:58 Oh, I'd have abseiled down off that gallery
18:01 and punched him till he stopped moving.
18:03 Yeah, because we'd want to be back in court for you next.
18:09 You OK?
18:13 Yeah, it's Ryan.
18:15 He wants to meet.
18:16 What, at the flop?
18:17 No, here.
18:18 He doesn't want to come in.
18:20 It's been hell of a day.
18:22 You did amazingly.
18:23 Both of you.
18:24 Hey, there should be a loud one for his shot at his brief.
18:32 Yeah, just her bloody nose.
18:34 What happens on Wednesday, eh?
18:40 Telling Roy that you read it.
18:41 For whose benefit?
18:42 [KNOCKING]
18:43 Fine, Roy's yours.
18:45 Roy's and yours.
18:47 You two admitting that you're important to each other.
18:50 Look, he wrote these letters for after his death.
18:52 Well, he's alive, so the letter's done with.
18:54 I never read it.
18:55 He never wrote it.
18:56 Oh, hi, Pam.
19:00 Come in, love.
19:01 Hi, it's me.
19:02 It's not you've not heard from Roy, have you?
19:03 It's just that he's not replying to my texts.
19:05 I'm on the way over to see him.
19:06 And is he in Ward S6?
19:08 Is that right?
19:09 Yeah, he's alive as well.
19:10 He's tickety-boo and he's moved on.
19:13 Moved on, where?
19:14 No, wherever his gurney takes him.
19:17 Uh, OK, right.
19:19 Well, do you know if he needs anything?
19:21 I think he has all he needs.
19:23 OK.
19:24 I'll send me a little.
19:26 Thanks.
19:27 See you.
19:28 See you.
19:30 Wherever his gurney takes him, what kind of thing
19:32 is that to say?
19:33 You're right.
19:34 It's a bit American, isn't it?
19:35 I should have said his trolley.
19:36 Oh, come on, Freddie.
19:38 Let's get you some tea.
19:39 There's a lad.
19:47 [SIGHS]
20:02 I thought you wouldn't come.
20:03 Well, I thought you'd come to the door.
20:05 There's no one in the back room.
20:08 I'm sorry I got angry.
20:11 I shouldn't have, in court.
20:13 Hey, it was not your fault. She knew what she was doing.
20:16 I just-- it felt like I was drowning.
20:18 [SOBBING]
20:19 [SIGHS]
20:20 I guess I've not been in front of that many people.
20:26 She was saying--
20:26 I know.
20:27 I know.
20:28 I just get this--
20:30 I just get this rage.
20:31 And I just--
20:32 I just-- I just want it all to end.
20:36 I just--
20:37 Brian, please-- please don't say stuff like that.
20:40 I guess I said some really nasty things to you.
20:44 It's nothing I didn't deserve.
20:46 Hey, none of us deserved any of this.
20:50 Do they hurt?
20:52 Your tears?
20:54 Yeah.
20:56 Yeah, of course.
20:59 At night, I'd have to--
21:01 I'd have to lie in front so it wouldn't drip down.
21:04 [SIGHS]
21:24 Brian and Nersha?
21:26 Hm?
21:28 Brian.
21:30 Uh, no, he didn't call me.
21:31 Text did.
21:32 There's another drink waiting for you in here.
21:34 Yeah, come in.
21:35 If you've been affected by issues
21:50 raised in tonight's episode, you can go to
21:54 for support information.
21:57 Next, with the last live semifinal of the series,
22:01 it's Britain's Got Talent.
22:07 [CRYING]
22:10 [CRYING]
22:14 (upbeat music)