Boy, Seven, Killed Falling Off Passenger Ferry and Mother Dies After Jumping To Save Her Son

  • last year
Boy, seven, is killed falling off passenger ferry and his mother dies after jumping in to try and save him as murder probe is launched

The child plunged 65ft into the Baltic sea from the Stena Spirit ferry with his mother jumping in after him in an apparent attempt to save her son, early reports suggested, as the ship was midway through its voyage from Sweden to Poland yesterday.

Horrified passengers watched as rescue helicopters, including one from a nearby NATO unit, circled over the water for around an hour desperately trying to locate the pair.

The mother was found in the freezing water 59 minutes after the alarm was sounded and her son seven minutes later, according to a Stena Line official, before they were winched by helicopter and rushed to Karlskrona Hospital

Tragically, despite the best efforts of emergency responders, the boy and his mother died in the hospital.

There were passengers who alerted the crew that two people were missing.

Then possessions were found without the people. Then the crew was alerted and surveillance images were checked', Stefan Elfström, head of information at Stena Line, told local media.
