Jang | Song about human rights and abuse | Raza (Official Music Video)

  • last year
The song is about human rights and abuse and how we humans have been fighting wars since the beginning of time.

Song: Written, Composed, arranged, produced and directed by Raza https://www.razamusic.com
Music & Video Production at Angel Blue Studios https://www.angelbluemedia.com
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Raza @ Angel Blue Music Studios
Video Directed & Produced by Raza
Video Editing and special effects by Raza
Photography & Cover designed by Raza @ Angel Blue Photography https://www.angelbluemedia.com

The song will be available on digital streaming services by June 30th 2023

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"I wrote this song expressing my deepest concerns for humanity. This song reflects how we as human beings fight battles at individual and collective levels. I grew part of my life in London and Karachi, Pakistan. In my younger years in Karachi I faced threatening letters in the mail, a number of times harrassment by police and was beaten by army soldiers in civilian cloths which caused a neck injury. There was nothing I had done wrong, I had a few songs released on TV back then titled 'Hey Hey!' and 'I'm always gonna love you' and an album title 'Khawb'.
One time about 8 young guys with machine guns came banging our house door (this is when there were ethnic riots in Karachi), they were going to shoot the men in the house, apparently the military had raided their cells and they thought we informed the military about their hide outs. My sister who was studying in University had heard stories where guys would raid houses and open fire and kill all men in the household, people had suggested that women open the door that way they won't shoot, so my mom open the door and were facing several guns pointing at her and they kept asking why did you tell the military about us, I couldn't stand back and went out also. They pointed the guns at me also, I told them we have nothing to do with it and we are not involved. Eventually some neighbour who was the same ethnic group of these guys, shouted from his house "They are not involved, leave them alone, they have nothing to do with this". So these guys eventually left without harming anyone.

I can only wish and pray that we all stand together for eachother against the manipulators and thugs of this world from destroying humanity and environment in greed"

"Silencing people from speaking their mind and truth creates hatred, which builds up and explodes.
June 21st, 2023

My support to Imran Khan for Pakistan's Prime Minister.

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Thank You for being a part of my music journey and having my music be a part of your journey.

Raza's Official Music Page: https://www.razamusic.com
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