Gangsters and two security chaos in Ghobeiry. While Abbas Bilal was in the Ghobeiry area near the Qalqas bakery, the so-called Muhammad Al-Rayyes passed by the place and exchanged glances with Abbas Bilal. It was not from Muhammad Al-Rayyes until he retur

  • last year
Gangsters and two security chaos in Ghobeiry. While Abbas Bilal was in the Ghobeiri area near the Qalqas bakery, a so-called Muhammad Al-Rayyes passed by the place and exchanged glances with Abbas Bilal. It was not from Muhammad Al-Rayyes until he returned to the place, he got off his motorcycle and shot at Abbas’s feet before young men from the locality intervened and worked. to keep it away. The state's website learned that Muhammad al-Rayyis lives on Maroun Misk Street in Chiyah, and he is known by the security services. After the incident, he appealed to the residents of Mahalla, the army intelligence, to intervene and strike with an iron fist and arrest those who used military weapons against citizens because of a look he did not like, and he almost caused the death of a young man. Winnie State page
