Yunhi - Ep 20 [CC ] - 25th June 2023 - Presented By Lux, Master Paints, Secret Beauty Cream

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WRITER : Sarwat Nazir | Director :Muhammad Ehteshamuddin
Cast :MayaAli .BilalAshraf.Ehteshamuddin-BehrozSabzwari
00:43How many are there …
00:46I mean?
00:532 voluntary and 2 obligatory prayers.
00:56Yes, I remember, I forgot.
01:06Did you wake up to offer prayers?
01:12I couldn’t sleep.
01:14You wake up every morning at this time, switch on the lights so I get disturbed.
01:20So today, I thought…
01:23to offer prayers and see it for myself …
01:29If …
01:31something, I mean …
01:34If I forget something while offering prayers, is that a sin?
01:43It is between the God and His man.
01:46If the intentions are clean …
01:49He accepts everything.
01:53Thank you!
01:55Did you perform ablution?
02:00Yes, I watched a video.
02:04I have performed ablution.
02:07Where did you get this veil from?
02:09Razia gave me some clothes so …
02:12It was in those clothes.
02:28Now its fine.
02:32If I do something wrong, then note it down…
02:37I will learn quickly.
02:40With God’s will.
03:07On whose instructions were you taking such a big step?
03:11Kim asked me to do so.
03:12That … no one will listen to you in this house …
03:15You should run away from the house.
03:17Grandfather, I got mislead by Kim otherwise, I never wanted to do that.
04:09Did Kim actually asked you to do all this?
04:15But at that moment, to avoid embarrassment and to get rid of the aggressions of elders …
04:19This was the only way out, I found.
04:21You shouldn’t have done this.
04:48Is everything ok?
04:52Do you want to say something?
04:53I wanted to apologize …
04:56To you …
05:03To Sister in law.
05:08I did a very bad thing by blaming her …
05:12And by thinking of running away from the house.
05:16Please forgive me.
05:21Its ok.
05:26I appreciate that you came.
05:30Did you forgive me?
05:38Yes, I did.
05:42What about you Dawood brother?
05:55Surayya, I have gotten a big shock.
06:01I could not even imagine that my Sister ….
06:04would take such a big step.
06:10I had a lot of respect for you …
06:15I had blind trust on you.
06:22I am sorry!
06:56If she came to apologize to you …
06:59Then you also should have had apologized to her.
07:05Apologizing for not understanding her emotions …
07:09Apologizing for not considering her as a human …
07:14Apologizing for not giving her the freedom that …
07:19That she could share her feelings with you ….easily and fearlessly.
07:29If I had siblings …
07:32We would have had a very strong bonding.
07:37Your very first friends are your siblings only.
08:09Father, tea.
08:11Thank you dear.
08:16How is Surayya?
08:19She is fine Father.
08:20She is in her room.
08:24Take care of her dear.
08:28Don’t you worry …
08:30She will not do anything to spoil your reputation.
08:35She is embarrassed for whatever happened last night.
08:39It’s good
08:41that she realized that much …
08:44But ….
08:45whatever she was about to do …
08:51If she would have had done that then after that…
08:53The entire family would have been drowned in the sea of embarrassment.
09:09Its Mudassir’s call.
09:22Is Hamid back?
09:26Yes, go ahead.
09:29You will have to fix my marriage with Husna after Surayya and Hamid’s wedding.
09:38You are worried about yourself.
09:40Pray, that the wedding goes smooth.
09:44I get shivers with the thought …
09:46If last night’s incident would have had happened, then we …
09:50I did not understand one thing …
09:52Your Father and Brother are so peaceful, as if nothing happened.
09:56Brother is concerned about going to America and getting a Green Card …
10:00He will not say anything to Madam.
10:06Mother, we are going out for a while.
10:11At this time?
10:13Dear, there is a function in the evening …
10:14There are so many things to do …
10:17Is she also going along?
10:20In this attire?
10:23Yes, she is also going along.
10:27Did you ask ….
10:29or explained something to your wife or not?
10:34Kaneez Fatima has done nothing …
10:36And …..
10:37Surayya has personally apologized to her.
10:41why are you bothering Brother?
10:44He will not say anything …
10:45Try to understand.
10:47Stop your nonsense.
10:49What is the nonsense here?
10:51This is why you got married …
10:53You had to go to America.
10:56Why would you spoil …
10:58your relationship … with your wife?
11:01Lets go Kaneez Fatima.
11:07He has become a puppet
11:10Neither does he care about the dressing nor the modesty.
11:13What has happened to Dawood?
11:16Green card.
11:35Will you really agree?
11:40If the boy is good …
11:42If his family is sincere to Surayya …
11:47Then I will agree.
11:51Who will convince Grandfather, uncle Basharat and Razia?
11:56Now that the mind set has changed then I will try to extend its impact to others as well.
12:01By the way, I have seen …
12:03There is no limit to a good mind set.
12:07Its reaches even the troubled individuals.
12:12Hazrat Ali quoted…
12:18Don’t look at who is saying it…
12:23Look at ….
12:26what is being said …
12:31Are you praising me indirectly?
12:33No, it is nothing like that.
12:36Where are we supposed to go from there?
12:38My phone.
12:40Aa …
12:43We will go right …
12:44And then I think, it’s the third street.
12:49Where is Dawood?
12:52Father, he and his wife have gone somewhere out.
12:58There is a feast for the entire family tonight and …
13:03They have gone out of the house.
13:06Grandfather all this has been happening …
13:09since the time you have chosen this daughter in law for us.
13:13Dawood is not the same Dawood anymore.
13:19Is there …
13:21something special Father?
13:25Hamid is back.
13:27Mudassir called me.
13:31He made me talk to Hamid as well.
13:35I am thanking my God …
13:39That last night …
13:42whatever was about to happen
13:48If God forbid, it would have had happen …
13:53I would have died.
14:03I was shocked.
14:08I got nervous, for whatever was happening.
14:15Then I thought ….
14:17that it might be my mistake …
14:21For which I was being punished …..
14:24in the form of Surayya’s disobedience.
14:28Then after talking to Hamid, I felt …
14:32a little at peace …
14:36That my God has made a good match.
14:42Surayya should also think sensibly that whatever her elders have decided for her …
14:48Is not wrong.
14:51Mudassir wanted ….
14:53to come to our house before the wedding and sit among the men to decide the dower amount …
15:03So …..
15:04that there is no disagreement at the eleventh hour.
15:09What do you say Basharat?
15:12As you wish Father.
15:15It would have bene better if Dawood was also present at this time.
15:19Call him …
15:20When will he come back?
15:34Your desired number is not responding at the moment.
15:37He is not answering the phone Father, I think he is busy somewhere.
15:42I think….
15:44the dower amount should be according to the Islamic law.
15:47Why Father?
15:49Hamid earns pretty well …
15:52Then why dower amount according to the Islamic law?
15:54Give it a thought Razia …
15:56If Suraya’s dower amount is going to be very high….
16:01Then the same should be considered in Husna’s case too..
16:10So I think that …
16:14With your consent, the dower amount should be in accordance with the Islamic law.
16:26Call Dawood again, why is he not answering the phone?
16:31Sure Father, I will call again.
16:38Father, its ringing and he is not answering.
16:42May God protect us.
16:44I talked to Owais …
16:48He should have been home.
16:51Yes, he has gone to the bakery to get some refreshments.
16:56Are you Surayya’s Brother?
17:01And who is she?
17:02She is my wife.
17:08Owais was telling me …..
17:09that Surayya’s family is very religious and respectable.
17:13Owais was absolutely right.
17:16David’s family is very religious …
17:18And he himself is like that too.
17:23Aa …
17:24I mean Dawood.
17:26I call him David.
17:38The girl Owais likes …
17:41They are Surayya’s Brother and Sister in law.
17:47This is ….
17:47Uzma, my daughter …
17:49Owais’s elder sister.
17:52You guys came yourself.
17:55Actually, we should have come to you guys with the proposal.
18:02Seems like….
18:03you guys are in a rush.
18:13Owais came to our house last night ….
18:16And he….
18:18convinced Surayya that they should get married secretly.
18:25Surayya changed her mind and she told us.
18:29May God forgive me!
18:31Your Sister was running away from the house?
18:38Yes …
18:39Because of your Brother.
18:41But she did not run away.
18:43She told us and that’s why we have come to meet Owais.
18:48what is all this?
18:50What kind of people are they?
18:53The Sister in making plans to run away from the house …
18:55And the Brother and Sister in law …..
18:58have come to our house to meet Owais.
19:00They look quite broad minded to me.
19:07What kind of a girl Owais has chosen?
19:11Look Madam!
19:18We have come here to solve this problem together.
19:23And I want to meet Owais …
19:26I want to see if he is sincere to my Sister or not?
19:29Brother, please forgive us.
19:32We don’t want to tie any knots with your Sister.
19:34You brought your Sister’s proposal yourself.
19:38We can’t get along with such people.
19:40And what about what your brother was about to do?
19:43Is that honorable?
19:45I feel sorry for you.
19:47Owais told me that you have come here because of a fight with your Husband.
19:52And you want Owais to get married to your Husband’s sister …
19:56This is why you don’t want Owais to get married to Surayya?
20:00This is the reason, right?
20:03Mother, are you listening to this rubbish?
20:09Kaneez Fatima we should leave from here.
20:12Yes, you people may go from here.
20:16We don’t accept this proposal.
20:41Where are you going all dressed up?
20:43I am going to the shop.
20:46Dawood has gone somewhere with his Wife …
20:48You are going to the shop …
20:49Who is going to help me with all the work?
20:51I don’t trust Daniyal.
20:53What work?
20:54have to make arrangements for the dinner tonight, sweets and all.
20:58And I was thinking …
21:00I should buy some clothes and gifts for Firdaus and her family.
21:03It is our Daughter’s matter …
21:05We can’t send them back empty handed.
21:07Amjad called from the shop.
21:10There was a fire in the warehouse.
21:11Oh God have mercy!
21:13I hope, there was not much damage?
21:15Thank God, that the fire was put off on time.
21:17I don’t know how much damage has been done …
21:21I will get to know once I reach there.
21:24you can go but give me some money.
21:27I will go with Iqbal …
21:28Don’t talk about money.
21:30Whatever gifts are to be given to Firdaus and family, we can give it later.
21:33It doesn’t make sense.
21:35What will they think about us?
21:37The other day, you took out five lakh rupees for your Daughter in law.
21:41Let me think over it.
21:42They are my Sister and Brother in law …
21:44It doesn’t matter, they should think and realize.
21:47And remember …
21:48Do not mention those five lakhs again …Nobody should get to know.
21:53And take this …
21:55This is ten thousand rupees, buy whatever you want, sweets and all.
21:59Only ten thousand rupees!
22:04Ok listen, when will you return?
22:06I will return only when you will let me go.
22:08And yes …
22:10Do not mention the fire to anybody.
22:11Everybody will get worried.
22:17Ten thousand rupees!
22:20Oh God, how will I manage in this?
22:22I would never have come here …
22:24But what you did last night …
22:26And you involved Surayya in it, so I thought I should come myself to talk to you.
22:31It was not my Brother,
22:32your Sister….
22:33Sister please!
22:35Go make some tea, I am talking.
22:45What were you thinking when you asked Surayya to run away from the house?
22:48What do you have?
22:50I love her.
22:53You were getting her married somewhere else…That is why Surayya and I thought …
22:56Surayya did not …
22:57only you did.
23:00You love Surayya?
23:03Where would you have taken her after getting married?
23:05Where your Sister and your Mother would not have accepted her?
23:08They would have tortured her by taunting her for the rest of her life.
23:14This is the respect that you would have given to your Wife?
23:17Nobody respects a girl who runs away from her house.
23:19Have you ever thought about it?
23:21Dawood Brother, I would have convinced Mother and …
23:23I can see that …
23:24How much you would have convinced your Mother and your Sister.
23:30Loving someone is very easy, Owais …
23:33But respecting that love ….
23:35is not easy.
23:38If a woman does not get respect along with love …
23:42Her love starts fading away.
23:46You will not contact Surayya from today onwards.
23:49Did you understand?
23:51My Sister’s prestige is very dear to me.
23:54Surayya loves me Dawood brother.
23:58Sister in law, you tell him.
24:00I am sorry Owais.
24:02I agree with David on this.
24:05When I met you for the first time …
24:07I thought you will take care of Surayya.
24:11But I do realize now
24:14that under these circumstances …
24:15You cannot keep Surayya happy.
24:18I should get another chance.
24:20I will convince Mother … and Sister as well.
24:22I came here to give you that chance.
24:25But I don’t think it will be beneficial for my Sister.
24:30Whatever we have heard and tolerated here …
24:33After that I think Surayya will also take the same decision that Kaneez Fatima and I have.
24:38You will not contact Surayya from today onwards and that’s it!
24:42This is not fair with me.
24:44Do not tell me what to do and what not to do.
24:49Kaneez Fatima, let’s go.
25:04Where are we going?
25:11To have breakfast.
25:15I know you are hungry.
25:50What happened Sister in law?
25:53There was a fire in the warehouse this morning.
25:55Oh God!
25:58I am telling you this but do not mention it to anyone.
26:04Then what …
26:05Your Brother put a fire in my heart this morning and left for the shop.
26:11What happened?
26:12This happened.
26:14Now after handing me such a small amount,
26:15He expects me to make the wedding arrangements in this amount.
26:18Now tell me,
26:19what can be done in ten thousand in the present times?
26:24It is a complicated situation.
26:26I am wondering,
26:28how upset Basharat brother must be.
26:31And if we did not make the wedding arrangements
26:34as per your sister Firdaus and Muddasir brother’s status …
26:37We will be taunted for the rest of our lives.
26:41I don’t know, what to do.
26:45Why are you getting upset Sister in law?
26:47Father will take care of everything.
26:51Did you tell him that there was a fire in the warehouse?
26:56should I make him upset by telling him?
26:58There are other problems as well, I don’t want to add one more to it.
27:01Thank God that, God kept our honor safe …
27:05This news did not leak out of this house …
27:08That Surayya did not like this proposal and she was involved …
27:14Anyways, I will send Daniyal to the market to arrange for food.
27:28Why am I getting worried?
27:30After all, Surayya is Firdaus sister’s niece as well …
27:34And now she will become her Daughter in law as well.
27:37Why will they mention it to anyone?
27:44I am feeling very bad for Surayya.
27:49She will get badly hurt when she will get to know.
27:54Now do you understand that our attitude towards the women in our family is not wrong.
28:01We only …..
28:03try to protect them ...
28:07So that they do not take any wrong decision.
28:11But we can’t conclude this from Surayya’s case …
28:15That women should not be given the right to take their own decisions.
28:19When we will give women the trust and the right to take their own decision …
28:23Only then they will be able to think better about themselves.
28:26And they will take a good decision.
28:30And even if they do take a wrong decision …
28:34Do not embarrass them.
28:41Whatever decision Surayya took …
28:43It’s more of the men’s fault than her fault…
28:50When one has limited options and authority …
28:53Then the first opportunity is availed, considering it to be the last one.
29:05David, I like it that …
29:08You are concerned about Surayya.
29:15Thank God, you liked something.
29:22What will happen now?
29:24What do you mean?
29:25Will they actually get Surayya married to Hamid?
29:29I will try to talk to Grandfather.
29:35She should be given a chance to move forward.
29:37She should also experience this …
29:41There is a possibility that she gets a better person than Owais and Hamid.
29:47Like how you got a better person like Dawood than George?
29:57Hmmm, you can say that.
30:01You are very honest David …
30:04And I like honesty in people.
30:08I am only honest?
30:16That’s the only thing I have felt up till now.
30:20I will let you know, if I feel anything else.
30:51Where have you two been?
30:54Aa …
30:57Nothing Mother, we just went for an important work
31:01there is a list of important things at home too, especially in the kitchen …
31:04Think about that as well.
31:07Everything will be done….You don’t worry.
31:09Ok, tell me where is Surayya?
31:14You can meet Surayya later …
31:15First go and meet your Grandfather …
31:17Check upon your Father.
31:18I will meet Grandfather too …
31:21But first let me meet Surayya.
31:27Where are you going?
31:29Aaa …
31:29Will you not help Iqbal?
31:31She has been working all alone since morning.
31:34And there is so much to do at home today that …
31:36Razia, there is not much to do as much as you create the panic about it.
31:42Only four people are coming over, food for seven people is cooked in this house everyday …
31:45And that too gets wasted.
31:47Can’t they share this food with us?
31:49Kaneez Fatima!
31:53Listen to what your wife is saying?
31:55Surayya is getting married to Hamid today.
31:58We will not cook ordinary food.
32:00We have invited people for dinner.
32:01Go and help Iqbal.
32:04Hey…If you will not take part in house chores, then how will you learn all these things?
32:07You have to do all this in the future.
32:09Honestly, I cannot make all these heavy duty dishes.
32:12But I can do the cutting and chopping.
32:18And if Surayya doesn’t get married than the food will be wasted.
32:22What nonsense are you talking?
32:25Why will she not get married?
32:26She will definitely get married.
32:28Surayya does not have an objection, she has agreed.
32:30And don’t you dare misguide her.
32:34Dawood, tell your Wife.
32:39Ok, ok, Mother, I will tell her ...
32:42You don’t get angry
32:45but …
32:46Kaneez Fatima …..
32:48does not misguide Surayya.
32:51Please don’t say such things.
32:56You will obviously support your Wife.
32:59After all, you want to go to America.
33:49Me and Kaneez Fatima went to meet Owais.
33:54Why Owais?
34:00So that …
34:02I can meet the person whom …
34:05My Sister has chosen for herself.
34:10To see …
34:13If he is capable enough for my Sister.
34:16You shouldn’t have met him.
34:19I am doing what Grandfather, Father, Mother and all of you want, I am doing that.
34:24I have agreed because I know you people will not agree.
34:31we went there so that we can convince everyone in your favor.
34:38Will you really convince everyone?
34:41Will Grandfather be convinced for Owais?
34:47I would have tried my best if …
34:49If …
34:52If Owais ….
34:55If Owais and his family were capable for you.
34:59David is absolutely right.
35:02We met his family.
35:06They all have negative thoughts about you.
35:14Surayya, Owais cannot convince them.
35:21His house and everything was …
35:24just ok.
35:32All these things can be ignored.
35:38Money can also be earned …
35:41But not respect.
35:44It takes a lot of time to earn respect.
35:48And Owais cannot make them respect you.
35:56And the situation of his house
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